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Duggars By the Dozen - General Discussion - Part 6

happy atheist

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I don't think that guy looks anything like Ben. If it is him, then I am afraid that I am coming down with prosopagnosia (inability to recognize faces).

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I have no clue at this point. When I saw it I didn't think it looked exactly like Ben. This guy seemed taller, almost as tall as Derrick but if you look Ben is shorter. They so look similar so idk I googled the hell out of that Asa blah blah person to find pics of his kids with no luck.

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I watched that video like five times. I'm going to go with not Ben, but there definitely a big resemblance. He looks a lot taller, for one thing, and a bit older. His smile looks different to me, too.

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I watched that video like five times. I'm going to go with not Ben, but there definitely a big resemblance. He looks a lot taller, for one thing, and a bit older. His smile looks different to me, too.

He also looks more slender. Ben Bob looks more muscuar and bulky.

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I wonder how willing Derick will be to be dragged along with the dog and pony show. I hope that he can use the excuse that he can't get off work.

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I wonder how willing Derick will be to be dragged along with the dog and pony show. I hope that he can use the excuse that he can't get off work.

He may go along with it for quite awhile. -as long as the TLC checks keep rolling in.

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I've watched that clip about 15 or 20 times. The more I watch it the more I'm convinced it's Ben -- or as someone said he has a secret identical twin brother. The guy in the clip even smiles the same way Ben does. The thing that throws it off is the glasses. Someone said they looked for contact rings without luck. But: 1. I really doubt your be able to see that on a fb/Instagram picture; 2. he might need glasses for reading, which would explain why we haven't seen them in many pictures before (someone claims to have seen him in glasses before which is why I chose "many" instead of "any). At an event like this, Ben could have easily had something he needed to read.

As for his height, I think it's a trick of the camera. Even Jinger seemed taller than usual.

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I don't think that guy looks anything like Ben. If it is him, then I am afraid that I am coming down with prosopagnosia (inability to recognize faces).

I'll raise you one in terms of not recognizing faces. You know how Jessa is in the pic next to him? Well, this is who I thought it was when I first saw her. :wtf:

Of all things things I've lost, I miss my mind the most...


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Jana is wearing a heart necklace in the latest picture of the girls on Instagram... Those seem to show up after a courtship starts, at least for Jessa and Jill...

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Jana is wearing a heart necklace in the latest picture of the girls on Instagram... Those seem to show up after a courtship starts, at least for Jessa and Jill...

I noticed that too and thought the same thing. Did you see the pic of all the girls with a TON of makeup on?

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At first I wasn't sure it looked like Ben, but I think it's probably him. The facial hair matches, he has that shirt and he's also been seen in those kinds of glasses.

fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t31.0-8/c0.0.1545.1029/s960x960/10003764_438993339537248_627319815979137043_o.jpg is Ben in a very, very similar shirt, and he's been seen wearing that purple shirt a lot, even his Facebook picture has it. Obviously a purple shirt alone means nothing, but yeah.

duggars.tumblr.com/post/84018935539/fan-mtg-source-ig-tag-duggarfamily shows him towering over two of the girls, and as far as I know, Jana is not particularly tall compared to them, so the height matches.

duggars.tumblr.com/post/81233704300/jesss-and-ben-looks-like-ben-wears-glasses-he has Ben in similar glasses. I was sure I'd seen a better photo, but couldn't seem to find it.

And yes, I'm home sick from work with very little to do.

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I definitely think it's Ben in the video. I've seen a pic of him with glasses. I can't find it now for the life of me but I'm pretty sure he was sitting next to Jessa on the couch and he was on his mobile phone and she was taking a selfie of them.

Also I think Jana is courting. It's odd she's wearing the heart and not Jinger. I just watched one of the first videos they put on the Duggarfam IG where they are doing the book signing and Jill, Jessa and Jana all are wearing the hearts and Jinger isn't.

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I definitely think it's Ben in the video. I've seen a pic of him with glasses. I can't find it now for the life of me but I'm pretty sure he was sitting next to Jessa on the couch and he was on his mobile phone and she was taking a selfie of them.

Also I think Jana is courting. It's odd she's wearing the heart and not Jinger. I just watched one of the first videos they put on the Duggarfam IG where they are doing the book signing and Jill, Jessa and Jana all are wearing the hearts and Jinger isn't.

It maybe a coming of age thing. In which case Jinger's not yet 21.

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Before we jump to conclusions about the necklace, what kind of necklace did Jill wear before the courtship? I know that she took off her old one when he presented the necklace to her, but I have no idea what charm was on it.

Also, I really doubt that Jana would be wearing anything related to a courtship until the announcement was made. Jill didn't wear an engagement ring for at least a month after the engagement happened, during which time they were saying she was only courting. And there was no leak of her courtship until that interview. The only reason Jessa's was discovered was because of Ben's Facebook picture that was leaked. I just find it highly improbably that the Duggars would do something to bring attention to a courtship they're not ready to announce.

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Fuck if I know if it's Ben, he somehow looks older than him, at least 21. And the smile and the nose.. I'll go with not Ben and slightly creepy doppelganger.

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Before we jump to conclusions about the necklace, what kind of necklace did Jill wear before the courtship? I know that she took off her old one when he presented the necklace to her, but I have no idea what charm was on it.

Jill wore a Star of David (i.e., Jewish Star).

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It's possible that the heart necklace could be a maid of honor present. I could see Jill choosing Jana as the maid of honor and Jessa choosing Jinger.

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There was a photo of Jessa and Jill on St. Patricks Day showing off their heart necklaces, which was before Jill's announcement about the courtship came out.

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Before we jump to conclusions about the necklace, what kind of necklace did Jill wear before the courtship? I know that she took off her old one when he presented the necklace to her, but I have no idea what charm was on it.

Also, I really doubt that Jana would be wearing anything related to a courtship until the announcement was made. Jill didn't wear an engagement ring for at least a month after the engagement happened, during which time they were saying she was only courting. And there was no leak of her courtship until that interview. The only reason Jessa's was discovered was because of Ben's Facebook picture that was leaked. I just find it highly improbably that the Duggars would do something to bring attention to a courtship they're not ready to announce.

Wasn't she wearing the Star of David she got in Israel? I'm sure there's a photo somewhere out there to confirm it.

And the makeup picture! I was trying to figure out if maybe it was a group makeup trial, maybe at Sephora or beauty counter at a Mall or something? I know usually just the bride gets one for her wedding, maybe they decided to all do it together? I certainly hope they go for a different artist who doesn't cake on the foundation and eyeliner like that...

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Ok long time lurker & attempting to not make a complete ass of myself, BUT did anyone notice on the Duggar fam IG that Jana was next to this random dude and then when the video would have had them together in direct sight it pans toward the ground (the end of video)? Am I just reading to much into this? Anyways Hi.


At first I thought it looked like Ben too, especially because he loves those overly bright-colored shirts, but I agree with someone else that the nose is pointier, and the fact that he's standing with Jana instead of Jessa says a lot to me. Maybe they have similar taste?

Also, in most of his pictures he doesnt slick his bangs up, although he does sometimes. Most of the time his hair most recently looks like this: http://instagram.com/p/n8n6y2GlYS/#

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Okay, I was browsing that tumblr site and found this:

http://duggars.tumblr.com/post/85746746 ... e-they-are

I have no idea if this is true or just some random rumour but if it is true, I wonder why the Smuggars need to go... The owner isn't putting the house for sale but for rent again. Maybe the Smuggs have found somewhere else to live, maybe even a house to buy (is that possible with his salary in the DC area? I have no idea), or maybe the owner has finally said enough with cars parked on the grass and howlers running around the property.


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