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Duggars By the Dozen - General Discussion - Part 6

happy atheist

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It always makes me sad to think of all the wonderful books they have never read. And then I think of all the wonderful music they aren't allowed to listen to, and I get really depressed. I mean, when I was a teenage girl, listening to my favorite bands was a nearly rapturous experience. I cannot imagine a life without music and stories.

It's almost as if they do not have a creative outlet. They can not explore the world to seewaht they like. They can only listen to this kind of music and read this kind of book.

There are four kids in our family and my mom encourged us to read. We all like different types of books. I cannot imagine never going to the library and figuring out where to start or never experiencing the smell of a used book store.

The Duggars will never be able to experience a ride on the Hogwarts Express or hear Stanly yell "Stella!" They will never know why Rhett doesn't give a damn. They never had Abline tell them they are smart and they are important. It a whole life experience they are missing.

There are really good Christian writers too they would be able to read.

Ma and Pa don't want the kids to think for themselves.

Maybe we need to smuggle books to them.

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almost as if they do not have a creative outlet. They can not explore the world to seewaht they like. They can only listen to this kind of music and read this kind of book.

There are four kids in our family and my mom encourged us to read. We all like different types of books. I cannot imagine never going to the library and figuring out where to start or never experiencing the smell of a used book store.

The Duggars will never be able to experience a ride on the Hogwarts Express or hear Stanly yell "Stella!" They will never know why Rhett doesn't give a damn. They never had Abline tell them they are smart and they are important. It a whole life experience they are missing.

There are really good Christian writers too they would be able to read.

Ma and Pa don't want the kids to think for themselves.

Maybe we need to smuggle books to them.

You're right. They don't seem to explore any forms of creative expression. Reading, writing, music, art - all things that were essential to me growing up. I was an only child, but even so, I cannot imagine a childhood or a life without having freedom to explore.

I wonder, if and when they do get to experience something like a wonderful book or a beautiful movie, will they ask why those things were kept from them. Being agnostic, the moments I most wonder about the presence of God, are the moments that in am marvelling in awe over the beauty that humans have created. Does that make sense? A song, a movie, a book that can make me cry - this big amazing world, this life, all of it... I wonder if they will question why their parents kept them from so much beauty..?

"Incipit vita nova"

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I'd bet if the kids were allowed to read, they'd love Harry Potter. I could imagine Jill as a big HP fan!

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And it's deleted, like they were giving credit to Heidi Query the whole time.


I'm sure the latest comments will be deleted presently. FWIW, valdezmom had asked what books their kids liked to read. She included Peter in her question because she has sons and was looking for ideas. I don't think she's a snarker; she seems sincere.


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So the Duggars deleted the comments. That's okay though, someone on the 19 kids Facebook page posted a screen capture for all to see.

on a completely unrelated note my daughter is watching a Dora the explorer movie and Dora's voice is weird.

Hahaha yeah I noticed Dora's voice was different. Glad I'm not the only one who noticed. It was driving me loca.

On another unrelated note... The other night, Dora gave me a lightbulb moment. Now I can understand the concept of the preterite tense :lol:

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Which one of us is lyingisasin? :clap:

Good grief, how do these people continue to call themselves good Christians when they lie so freakin' much?!

I guess lying's okay as long as it doesn't hurt the brand and makes them look good. :roll:

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It's almost as if they do not have a creative outlet. They can not explore the world to seewaht they like. They can only listen to this kind of music and read this kind of book.

There are four kids in our family and my mom encourged us to read. We all like different types of books. I cannot imagine never going to the library and figuring out where to start or never experiencing the smell of a used book store.

The Duggars will never be able to experience a ride on the Hogwarts Express or hear Stanly yell "Stella!" They will never know why Rhett doesn't give a damn. They never had Abline tell them they are smart and they are important. It a whole life experience they are missing.

There are really good Christian writers too they would be able to read.

Ma and Pa don't want the kids to think for themselves.

Maybe we need to smuggle books to them.

I love reading. Always have, always will. As a kid, I extolled the merits of Harry Potter with family members and others that called it witchcraft and evil. HP became a comforting escape world for me after my dad died. I can't imagine what I would have done if I didn't have my books.

As a young lady, Gone with the Wind swept me away (pun intended) and I haven't found a book yet that I love more. I never would have read it, TBH, if I hadn't been rummaging through the cupboard of Mom's old books when I realized I needed to poo. Well, anyway, obviously I chose the right reading material because as soon I read the first paragraph I knew I was just like Scarlett. Just. Like. Scarlett. I've used it as a guide for avoiding Scarlett's mistakes. Because I want my Rhett to give a damn.

As a Margaret who goes by Meg, I've always been rather fond of Little Women. And it's funny how like Beth Jana is. Meek, humble, loving, forgotten. Jessa seems like the type to be vain. Also she exudes confidence, practicality and is the prettiest, like Amy. Jill is like Meg because she is the one who is most motherly, housewifely, sweet. I always thought Jill had the personality of an eldest child. Who wants out? Who has dreams that don't include home? Who is it that wants to live in a big city? Damn skippy, you're right, it's Jinger. At least that's what we gather lol. Jo-inger?

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I love reading. Always have, always will. As a kid, I extolled the merits of Harry Potter with family members and others that called it witchcraft and evil. HP became a comforting escape world for me after my dad died. I can't imagine what I would have done if I didn't have my books.

As a young lady, Gone with the Wind swept me away (pun intended) and I haven't found a book yet that I love more. I never would have read it, TBH, if I hadn't been rummaging through the cupboard of Mom's old books when I realized I needed to poo. Well, anyway, obviously I chose the right reading material because as soon I read the first paragraph I knew I was just like Scarlett. Just. Like. Scarlett. I've used it as a guide for avoiding Scarlett's mistakes. Because I want my Rhett to give a damn.

As a Margaret who goes by Meg, I've always been rather fond of Little Women. And it's funny how like Beth Jana is. Meek, humble, loving, forgotten. Jessa seems like the type to be vain. Also she exudes confidence, practicality and is the prettiest, like Amy. Jill is like Meg because she is the one who is most motherly, housewifely, sweet. I always thought Jill had the personality of an eldest child. Who wants out? Who has dreams that don't include home? Who is it that wants to live in a big city? Damn skippy, you're right, it's Jinger. At least that's what we gather lol. Jo-inger?

I agree with all of that and would like to add that I think Jana, like Beth, is also entirely content spending her time at home and away from any sort of spotlight, which is why she's more than happy to let others speak for her and stay towards the background on the show. I really don't see her as pining way the hours till she finds a boy because her home brings her comfort.

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I'm researching family and i came to the conclusion the Duggar kids probably wouldn't be allowed to do this. I'm searching so many families that are intertwined... but the one thing that I'm noticing is even in the late 1800's and early 1900's is there was a lot of divorce and remarriage. The Duggars and other fundies go on about how much better things were in that time period. Well I found a photo of my great grandmothers sister wearing a top that is rather suggestive from the late 1920's! I mean, people were soooo modest, and now we are such harlots... its basically a loose rag top bra (if that makes sense) and a skirt. I can just imagine the things the kids might find out about their own family that would be so against what the parents promote, what the culture promotes about the good old days, etc.

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I have always been dismayed by the lack of books and reading in that home. With that many children, there have got to be some that would be ravenous readers! They are missing so much.

Every Christmas I buy each of my children (and now daughter in laws and grandchildren) a book. It is my absolute favorite part of the holiday. I start usually in September and spend way too much time picking the exact right book for each one. Sometimes its a classic I want my kids to have and sometimes its a book that fits that child. But books don't seem to be important to the Duggars and Michelle does't know her kids well enough to have a clue what they would like to read anyway. :cry:

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I have always been dismayed by the lack of books and reading in that home. With that many children, there have got to be some that would be ravenous readers! They are missing so much.

Every Christmas I buy each of my children (and now daughter in laws and grandchildren) a book. It is my absolute favorite part of the holiday. I start usually in September and spend way too much time picking the exact right book for each one. Sometimes its a classic I want my kids to have and sometimes its a book that fits that child. But books don't seem to be important to the Duggars and Michelle does't know her kids well enough to have a clue what they would like to read anyway. :cry:

I remember reading in one of "Michelle"'s blog posts how important she thought reading was and how she's taught her kids to love reading and getting lost in a good book. Which I imagine would be difficult since they seem to not have bookshelves. I mean, my spouse and I have more books than all 21 of the Duggars combined. Just about nothing can convince me that they actually read.

ETA: When looking for that blog post, I found this: tlc.com/tv-shows/19-kids-and-counting/michelle-duggars-blog/michelle-duggar-homeschooling-tips.htm

Yeah, act like you've been totally honest about who has been teaching your kids the entire time. *rolls eyes*

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I remember reading in one of "Michelle"'s blog posts how important she thought reading was and how she's taught her kids to love reading and getting lost in a good book. Which I imagine would be difficult since they seem to not have bookshelves. I mean, my spouse and I have more books than all 21 of the Duggars combined. Just about nothing can convince me that they actually read.

ETA: When looking for that blog post, I found this: tlc.com/tv-shows/19-kids-and-counting/michelle-duggars-blog/michelle-duggar-homeschooling-tips.htm

Yeah, act like you've been totally honest about who has been teaching your kids the entire time. *rolls eyes*

I think someone mentioned seeing a bookshelf sometime this season with books on it. But I think those books are probably the kinds you find in Christian bookstores. And probably not even the somewhat interesting ones (like the Left Behind series or Guideposts).

As someone said before, it's very telling when Jinger (?) said her favorite book was the one about waiting for Prince Charming. You can't possibly read a lot of quality books and call that your favorite.

Also, how do you possibly get any reading done (such that you "get lost in a book" when you have 20 other people running around the house at any given time. Even "school time" isn't quiet. And you can't wander too far or leave without an accountability partner, so good luck leaving the house for some quiet time. There's no way that environment is conducive to reading, let alone learning.

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I think someone mentioned seeing a bookshelf sometime this season with books on it. But I think those books are probably the kinds you find in Christian bookstores. And probably not even the somewhat interesting ones (like the Left Behind series or Guideposts).

As someone said before, it's very telling when Jinger (?) said her favorite book was the one about waiting for Prince Charming. You can't possibly read a lot of quality books and call that your favorite.

Also, how do you possibly get any reading done (such that you "get lost in a book" when you have 20 other people running around the house at any given time. Even "school time" isn't quiet. And you can't wander too far or leave without an accountability partner, so good luck leaving the house for some quiet time. There's no way that environment is conducive to reading, let alone learning.

Hey where's the "like" button?? Well I agree with this comment. I've seen plenty of interesting looking Christian books in Christian bookstores, fiction and non fiction. I remember seeing Jill reading outside alone a few years back. TLC has not shown them reading much unless it was school related. In fact...WHEN do these kids get to do school stuff with all that traveling??

Off the subject but what REALLY bugs the hell out of me the MOST is having an "accountability partner"!! Jessa says their parents trust them. JB & Michelle say they trust the kids. Well...so far I have not seen proof of this trust. If the young adults trust themselves then they wouldn't agree to have a chaperone. They talk about God a lot, so let him be the accountability partner. Are they that afraid their parents won't believe them?

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Hey where's the "like" button?? Well I agree with this comment. I've seen plenty of interesting looking Christian books in Christian bookstores, fiction and non fiction. I remember seeing Jill reading outside alone a few years back. TLC has not shown them reading much unless it was school related. In fact...WHEN do these kids get to do school stuff with all that traveling??

Off the subject but what REALLY bugs the hell out of me the MOST is having an "accountability partner"!! Jessa says their parents trust them. JB & Michelle say they trust the kids. Well...so far I have not seen proof of this trust. If the young adults trust themselves then they wouldn't agree to have a chaperone. They talk about God a lot, so let him be the accountability partner. Are they that afraid their parents won't believe them?

Unfortunately the accountability thing is a Gothardism. Some families I've read blogs about even have accountability partners for mom to make sure that she doesn't find herself outside of dads "authority umbrella" where the devil will either tempt her or attack her.

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I hope Jim Bob and Michelle are at least paying Heidi Query a good, solid wage for teaching those little hellions home school. Why didn't they just admit they brought in a family friend to teach?

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I hope Jim Bob and Michelle are at least paying Heidi Query a good, solid wage for teaching those little hellions home school. Why didn't they just admit they brought in a family friend to teach?

Not likely. This is JB and Michelle you're talking about.

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I remember reading in one of "Michelle"'s blog posts how important she thought reading was and how she's taught her kids to love reading and getting lost in a good book. Which I imagine would be difficult since they seem to not have bookshelves. I mean, my spouse and I have more books than all 21 of the Duggars combined. Just about nothing can convince me that they actually read.

ETA: When looking for that blog post, I found this: tlc.com/tv-shows/19-kids-and-counting/michelle-duggars-blog/michelle-duggar-homeschooling-tips.htm

Yeah, act like you've been totally honest about who has been teaching your kids the entire time. *rolls eyes*

I can actually give her the benefit of the doubt on this one, assuming there are a few boxes/baskets of toddler and preschool age appropriate books around somewhere. From about age 6 my kids have all pretty much exclusively read ebooks on their iPods/pads and kindles. They're cheaper, they're instant, and they don't get lost. I used to look forward to going to second hand book shops every weekend and bought at least a couple of books every week since I was a teenager. I now haven't bought a paper book in over five years (except for cookbooks, which I still like to have in traditional format). Instead I have upwards of 600 books on my iPad. So a physical lack of books doesn't mean that the Duggar kids, who all seem to have handheld devices, aren't reading.

I haven't got rid of my bookshelves and actual books yet, but I keep thinking I should - they take up a lot of space and rarely get touched anymore.

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Not likely. This is JB and Michelle you're talking about.

And likely the reason the girls took down that Instagram post. I admit to stirring the pot, telling some poor girl that kids don't smoke in the classroom, and teachers don't cuss (in public). I might have also noted that state law prohibits anyone other than a parent or legal guardian to homeschool children in Arkansas....UNLESS Heidi is a certified teacher and the Duggars are paying her - agreed that will happen when Hell freezes over.

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I have always been dismayed by the lack of books and reading in that home. With that many children, there have got to be some that would be ravenous readers! They are missing so much.

Every Christmas I buy each of my children (and now daughter in laws and grandchildren) a book. It is my absolute favorite part of the holiday. I start usually in September and spend way too much time picking the exact right book for each one. Sometimes its a classic I want my kids to have and sometimes its a book that fits that child. But books don't seem to be important to the Duggars and Michelle does't know her kids well enough to have a clue what they would like to read anyway. :cry:

During our younger years, there wasn't much money for extras, but we went to the library at least once a week just to get books, (and more if we had school projects). The habit and desire to read lasted well into high school and college, when I had to read a book a week or more for school. I'd probably been through 95% of the classics through 1995, and had read white a few more than once. We always looked forward to library day. We also had a tiny school library in elementary school, for a book or two during "quiet reading time" in class. The library was awesome, and it was FREE!!! And once you got to 8th grade, you could take out more than the 4-book limit.

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And likely the reason the girls took down that Instagram post. I admit to stirring the pot, telling some poor girl that kids don't smoke in the classroom, and teachers don't cuss (in public). I might have also noted that state law prohibits anyone other than a parent or legal guardian to homeschool children in Arkansas....UNLESS Heidi is a certified teacher and the Duggars are paying her - agreed that will happen when Hell freezes over.

Off to the prayer closet for you :penguin-no:

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So now that Jill is engaged, she can join social media? Doesn't Dim Bulb have her under his control until the wedding day? And why is she joining the accounts with her soon to be last name? Weird.

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Jinger and Joy (with a few posts from Jessa) run the @duggarfam Twitter/Instagram accounts. Interesting that none of the brothers down to Josiah are involved with selling the Family Brand (aside from Smuggar, but we're talking the unmarrieds here).

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Reminds me a bit of John David


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