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Duggars By the Dozen - General Discussion - Part 6

happy atheist

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I have always been dismayed by the lack of books and reading in that home. With that many children, there have got to be some that would be ravenous readers! They are missing so much.

Every Christmas I buy each of my children (and now daughter in laws and grandchildren) a book. It is my absolute favorite part of the holiday. I start usually in September and spend way too much time picking the exact right book for each one. Sometimes its a classic I want my kids to have and sometimes its a book that fits that child. But books don't seem to be important to the Duggars and Michelle does't know her kids well enough to have a clue what they would like to read anyway. :cry:

Even if any of the kids like to read, it would be hard to do so with all the censorship regarding what is or isn't appropriate and libraries are places of evil indoctrination.

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I can actually give her the benefit of the doubt on this one, assuming there are a few boxes/baskets of toddler and preschool age appropriate books around somewhere. From about age 6 my kids have all pretty much exclusively read ebooks on their iPods/pads and kindles. They're cheaper, they're instant, and they don't get lost. I used to look forward to going to second hand book shops every weekend and bought at least a couple of books every week since I was a teenager. I now haven't bought a paper book in over five years (except for cookbooks, which I still like to have in traditional format). Instead I have upwards of 600 books on my iPad. So a physical lack of books doesn't mean that the Duggar kids, who all seem to have handheld devices, aren't reading.

I haven't got rid of my bookshelves and actual books yet, but I keep thinking I should - they take up a lot of space and rarely get touched anymore.

That's all well and good but I've never seen an ereader or iPad in that house either. Plus, ereaders open up the children to a whole world of books that aren't going to be approved by mom and dad. At least iPhones can get that net nanny type software installed to make sure they aren't used to access "bad sites." So far as I know, such things don't exist for ereader potential libraries. And, there's no way Michelle and JB have enough time to search said libraries to approve each potential book while still having time for the show, all their rallies, and getting it on (in front of their children or behind closed doors).

This family believes in censorship of ideas. You can't have that and allow those censored ideas to potentially infiltrate the children's minds through books. Books have the ability to change you. Therefore, the only books this family will have are those that provide a strong Christian foundation and are in print.

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So now that Jill is engaged, she can join social media? Doesn't Dim Bulb have her under his control until the wedding day? And why is she joining the accounts with her soon to be last name? Weird.

From what I've read on blogs of current and former ATI members, once a girl is engaged, authority is shared between her intended and her father. Most of the authority belongs to her intended, but her father has the authority over her sexual interactions and she still lives in his house.

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And likely the reason the girls took down that Instagram post. I admit to stirring the pot, telling some poor girl that kids don't smoke in the classroom, and teachers don't cuss (in public). I might have also noted that state law prohibits anyone other than a parent or legal guardian to homeschool children in Arkansas....UNLESS Heidi is a certified teacher and the Duggars are paying her - agreed that will happen when Hell freezes over.

The latest screenshot someone posted shows the duggar family Instagram as thanking Heidi.

And Arkansas state law was changed. Right how the wording allows parents to provide a home education but doesn't explicitly prohibit someone else from doing the teaching.

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Whats so wrong with admitting that Heidi does the work?

Why did Peter even bring it up? Do you think maybe he is a little unhappy with the arrangement? Everyone thinks Michelle Duggar is sooo amazing and she does sooo much for all of her kids, homeschooling and everything. Peter's comment is a rare look into how things are really run. Maybe he is annoyed that his sister doesn't get the credit she is due?

And why did they need to delete it? I'm sure their fans would understand that they hired someone to come in and help homeschool the kids. There is nothing wrong with that.

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Whats so wrong with admitting that Heidi does the work?

Why did Peter even bring it up? Do you think maybe he is a little unhappy with the arrangement? Everyone thinks Michelle Duggar is sooo amazing and she does sooo much for all of her kids, homeschooling and everything. Peter's comment is a rare look into how things are really run. Maybe he is annoyed that his sister doesn't get the credit she is due?

And why did they need to delete it? I'm sure their fans would understand that they hired someone to come in and help homeschool the kids. There is nothing wrong with that.

But, Michelle has always tried to convey this image as MOTY. Look how wonderful this family is and what great parents they are! This entire season has been full of spots trying to convey how involved as a mother she is, to answer the critics who see that she doesn't really know her kids. And they also want to convince others (or"encourage" as they would say) that they too should have a billion kids and follow in their foot steps. If they admit that they can't really handle it all themselves, then others wouldn't want to emulate them.

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During our younger years, there wasn't much money for extras, but we went to the library at least once a week just to get books, (and more if we had school projects). The habit and desire to read lasted well into high school and college, when I had to read a book a week or more for school. I'd probably been through 95% of the classics through 1995, and had read white a few more than once. We always looked forward to library day. We also had a tiny school library in elementary school, for a book or two during "quiet reading time" in class. The library was awesome, and it was FREE!!! And once you got to 8th grade, you could take out more than the 4-book limit.

I could be misremembering this as it's been years since I read the books, but I seem to remember that the girls in The All-of-a-Kind Family books went to the library every week. I need to re-read these books and introduce my granddaughters to them.

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But, Michelle has always tried to convey this image as MOTY. Look how wonderful this family is and what great parents they are! This entire season has been full of spots trying to convey how involved as a mother she is, to answer the critics who see that she doesn't really know her kids. And they also want to convince others (or"encourage" as they would say) that they too should have a billion kids and follow in their foot steps. If they admit that they can't really handle it all themselves, then others wouldn't want to emulate them.

Exactly. I don't think Peter cares that she helps out so much as he doesn't like how the act and pretend that she doesn't exist so Michelle can have all the credit for everything she doesn't do. Also, I don't think any of these fundie families can afford to bring someone in to help homeschool. They can barely feed and clothe their kids, and that's more important than education. Of course everything is more important than education in their world. {I'm not sure about other states, but in PA - the strictest state as far as homeschool laws go - you can have someone "help" with homeschooling as long as you pay them. If you have someone do all the work, that person much be a certified teacher and they much be paid. Of course, then you aren't homeschooling anymore. You're operating under private tutor and that's a whole new set of rules. (This has caused some trouble with parents who homeschool their children under the private tutor law bc they are certified teachers, but it's been resolved.)}

Does anyone know about Heidi and her qualifications? If she's educated at all, then at least the kids are getting as close to a real education as they can get living in that house. Heidi seems more involved with the kids and more attached to them than Michelle is. She seems to genuinely care more about them. And that is precisely why they don't like to let people know she's around.

The other thing that really pisses me off about this whole lying about the homeschooling thing is that people really do believe she does it all. So they think they can do it all. They think they can have a bazillion children and homeschool them all just by buying some program. They don't actually invest the time and effort into learning about the different programs and different ways to teach their children. I love homeschool. I think it's a fabulous way to learn and teach. But I came to the conclusion that I would homeschool my children while I was still in highschool (and I wasn't a teen mom) and have been researching it ever since. I know my states laws in and out. I have purchased - and use(d) - several different programs with my children, using the bits that work really well from each one. My children also have completely different learning styles, which actually makes it easier sometimes but also makes it very difficult at others. I work very hard to make sure my children are educated because education is extremely important to me. But then you have people like the Duggars who make it look like anyone can just buy one program and sit their kid in front of a computer and BOOM homeschool. Other people see that and think "well I can do that too" but they don't do any research beyond the duggars and then get overwhelmed and either end up slacking or putting their children back in school, only to have them behind. It's infuriating because people just assume that all homeschooled children are like that. They're all either weird or stupid. The duggars give homeschool an extremely bad name - and they don't even actually do it!! :pull-hair:

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I know the Duggars follow the Gothard authority beliefs but I still can't wrap my mind around it. They have completely warped theology and tried to infantilize their children. My mother keeps shoving me and my siblings out on our own. She tells us it's our lives grab it with both hands.

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Exactly. I don't think Peter cares that she helps out so much as he doesn't like how the act and pretend that she doesn't exist so Michelle can have all the credit for everything she doesn't do. Also, I don't think any of these fundie families can afford to bring someone in to help homeschool. They can barely feed and clothe their kids, and that's more important than education. Of course everything is more important than education in their world. {I'm not sure about other states, but in PA - the strictest state as far as homeschool laws go - you can have someone "help" with homeschooling as long as you pay them. If you have someone do all the work, that person much be a certified teacher and they much be paid. Of course, then you aren't homeschooling anymore. You're operating under private tutor and that's a whole new set of rules. (This has caused some trouble with parents who homeschool their children under the private tutor law bc they are certified teachers, but it's been resolved.)}

Does anyone know about Heidi and her qualifications? If she's educated at all, then at least the kids are getting as close to a real education as they can get living in that house. Heidi seems more involved with the kids and more attached to them than Michelle is. She seems to genuinely care more about them. And that is precisely why they don't like to let people know she's around.

The other thing that really pisses me off about this whole lying about the homeschooling thing is that people really do believe she does it all. So they think they can do it all. T

I love homeschool. I think it's a fabulous way to learn and teach. But I came to the conclusion that I would homeschool my children while I was still in highschool (and I wasn't a teen mom) and have been researching it ever since. I know my states laws in and out. I have purchased - and use(d) - several different programs with my children, using the bits that work really well from each one. My children also have completely different learning styles, which actually makes it easier sometimes but also makes it very difficult at others. I work very hard to make sure my children are educated because education is extremely important to me. But then you have people like the Duggars who make it look like anyone can just buy one program and sit their kid in front of a computer and BOOM homeschool. Other people see that and think "well I can do that too" but they don't do any research beyond the duggars and then get overwhelmed and either end up slacking or putting their children back in school, only to have them behind. It's infuriating because people just assume that all homeschooled children are like that. They're all either weird or stupid. The duggars give homeschool an extremely bad name - and they don't even actually do it!! :pull-hair:

You are so right about their homeschooling. I homeschooled also, and I approached it in a similar way to what you describe. Thank you for describing so well the problem with the way the Duggars portray it.

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Peter grew up with the Duggar kids. They get to go almost everywhere with them. Since his dad died, JB has been a father figure to him and his siblings. I'm sure he loves them all...but sometimes people we love can be annoying or there might be things he's observed over the years that he just DIDN'T like. This is clearly something he can't take back no matter how he meant it. Sure it's been erased but half the world has seen it already. Poor Peter must be very slow to how social media really works.

I have a client who is ALWAYS willing to help out others, whether it's cleaning yards, packing boxes, and helping people move. All this is with no pay. When his mom asks him to do simple things around the house he's slow about it or will go outside to avoid being asked. People are always bragging about what a GREAT help he is and that he's a hard worker. When his mom hears all these things, she isn't always proud...most of the time she is PISSED! I have seen this for years. So, I'm kinda guessing how Peter might feel hearing people brag about the Duggars. He loves them but they should "admit" to having help outside the family. This is just what I think.

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Whats so wrong with admitting that Heidi does the work?

Why did Peter even bring it up? Do you think maybe he is a little unhappy with the arrangement? Everyone thinks Michelle Duggar is sooo amazing and she does sooo much for all of her kids, homeschooling and everything. Peter's comment is a rare look into how things are really run. Maybe he is annoyed that his sister doesn't get the credit she is due?

And why did they need to delete it? I'm sure their fans would understand that they hired someone to come in and help homeschool the kids. There is nothing wrong with that.

In the Duggars' first book, they mention bringing in a family friend to teach some subjects. They weren't referring to Heidi, though. This lady was one of Jim Bob's teachers at Christian school. She's been seen on the show a few times, but she's usually hanging out with Grandma Duggar at family gatherings. I don't know if she still works with the kids.

OK, so why would the Duggars admit to bringing in one teacher, but not another? Maybe it's because in the earlier instance, Michelle was still having a baby every year. It's one thing to need outside help when you're in the late stages of pregnancy or nursing a newborn or even when you have a couple of toddlers running underfoot. But right now, only Josie hasn't reached school age, and she's four. People who might have given Michelle a free pass before might wonder why she isn't teaching her own kids now. Or if she can't teach them herself, why not send at least some of them to Christian school?

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I'm researching family and i came to the conclusion the Duggar kids probably wouldn't be allowed to do this. I'm searching so many families that are intertwined... but the one thing that I'm noticing is even in the late 1800's and early 1900's is there was a lot of divorce and remarriage. The Duggars and other fundies go on about how much better things were in that time period. Well I found a photo of my great grandmothers sister wearing a top that is rather suggestive from the late 1920's! I mean, people were soooo modest, and now we are such harlots... its basically a loose rag top bra (if that makes sense) and a skirt. I can just imagine the things the kids might find out about their own family that would be so against what the parents promote, what the culture promotes about the good old days, etc.

Most fundies have such an unrealistic perception of the past. Granted, a lot of people have a misconception of the past but with fundies, it's like history is a big Austen novel! (And then again, I shouldn't even use dear Miss Jane as an example because her books had more social criticism, wit and intelligence than any fundie.)

The Duggar kids would be so surprised if they learned half the things I did when I did my history major.

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It's very possible that Heidi not only does the bulk of the homeschooling, but does other tasks around the house as well. If she is doing all of these things for no pay (which we don't know for sure, but I think it's extremely likely), then I can definitely see those in her circle becoming angry about the amount of work she is doing for free and getting no credit for. In fact, in that situation, not only would she not be getting any compensation for her work, but Michelle would be taking credit for everything she does. If Heidi is an excessively nice and giving person (to a fault), others would have a problem with it before her. Hence Peter's comment.

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It's very possible that Heidi not only does the bulk of the homeschooling, but does other tasks around the house as well. If she is doing all of these things for no pay (which we don't know for sure, but I think it's extremely likely), then I can definitely see those in her circle becoming angry about the amount of work she is doing for free and getting no credit for. In fact, in that situation, not only would she not be getting any compensation for her work, but Michelle would be taking credit for everything she does. If Heidi is an excessively nice and giving person (to a fault), others would have a problem with it before her. Hence Peter's comment.

I've had many similar experiences, but never with anyone as well-off as the Duggars. There's absolutely no reason why Heidi should be working for free. And make no mistake, what Heidi does is WORK, whether she's being paid or not.

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I don't know why they care if it is "out" that Heidi is doing the homeschooling. They already spent an earlier episode telling us how Jessa had now taken over the schooling of the kids. So, they could just say that since Jessa is now courting and her mind is "else where" they brought in Heidi to help. It goes with the whole theme of this season. :shifty:

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Obviously I can't say if he did or not, but I kind of felt he was annoyed when he wrote that comment. Definitely like he was annoyed Heidi wasn't getting the credit she deserved.

Maybe not though.

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And it's deleted, like they were giving credit to Heidi Query the whole time.


I'm sure the latest comments will be deleted presently. FWIW, valdezmom had asked what books their kids liked to read. She included Peter in her question because she has sons and was looking for ideas. I don't think she's a snarker; she seems sincere.


Here it shows they did credit her. They just got rid of the comment posted calling them out on not crediting her.

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All of this retroactive BS and FU internez stuff is really getting on my last nerve. It's clear now that the Duggars lie by omission and backtrack to cover their tracks whenever they think the public will catch on. By now I think it's pretty easy to say that the Duggars are not who they portray themselves to be; that ship has long sailed, if it was ever even in the harbor to begin with.

They aren't "Godly." They aren't modest. The only thing they do is proclaim on national television how much better they are than everyone else and try to insert themselves into American politics to take away the rights of those that don't belong to their fringe group. Effing tired of it, I am.

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I don't think we've seen these pictures of Michelle before.


Nike :roll: Joking, joking.


She was very pretty. But also dumb, so it evens out.

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Here it shows they did credit her. They just got rid of the comment posted calling them out on not crediting her.

No. They deleted the whole thread and then put that at the top so it looked like they were crediting her the whole time. There was nothing crediting Heidi until Peter called them out.

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I just did a google search on "duggar instagram" to find something quickly and when it came up, the banner ad at the top of the page was for "manly romp" keychains from Zazzle. :cracking-up:

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