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Duggars By the Dozen - General Discussion - Part 6

happy atheist

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No wonder this leads to abusers like Got hard! If you're conditioned to obey [authority] instantly from the youngest age, you are setting your children up to have their boundaries trampled by said authority.

One could almost say that these two phrases: "Instantly Obey" vs. "Question Authority" kind of sum up the difference between fundies and the rest of us.

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Yes, the ''instantly obey'' seemed creepy to me too.

In the double date episode, I noticed Jessa also saying something like ''Our parents trained us to be responsible adults'', instead of ''raised us''. Maybe it's because I'm not a native English speaker but it sounded weird to me.

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Yes, the ''instantly obey'' seemed creepy to me too.

In the double date episode, I noticed Jessa also saying something like ''Our parents trained us to be responsible adults'', instead of ''raised us''. Maybe it's because I'm not a native English speaker but it sounded weird to me.

It's not you, it's just a strange sentence. When I think of someone saying they were 'trained' I think of them learning a trade or an art. "Raised" or "Brought up" would have been logical.

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I can't remember if it was in the book or on TV, but I feel like they teach them to instantly obey by clapping after a request...

Kinda reminds me of a fundie lite friend who makes her children repeat, "Trust and Obey!" anytime they disagree with her/pout/etc.

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It's not you, it's just a strange sentence. When I think of someone saying they were 'trained' I think of them learning a trade or an art. "Raised" or "Brought up" would have been logical.

I thought so. :D

Man! Even if it's creepy, I find their choice of vocabulary is so telling though.

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For those who aren't aware, the instant obedience crap and saying "training" instead of "teaching" or "raising" is not coincidental. They are both part of a whole nasty philosophy.

Very early use of pain to control behavior, and setting kids up to fail so they can be chastised, seems to be frequent with these folks, and is a big part of what the Duggars and a lot of fundies hide about the way they treat children.

Of course, some of them proudly advertise it. If any of our newer posters don't know about To Train Up a Child and other shit from Mike and Debi Pearl, they might want to read about them:


A sound bridge like a clicker, which Ralar mentioned, is not like the hand-clap after giving an order and before compliance. It is basically a "that's it!" message, saying one has done well after a behavior, and a reward is on the way. For training animals, it is generally used for behaviors that are not yet trained, to send the message that the human likes that behavior and would like to see it repeated.

The use of a sound bridge, in and of itself, is not demeaning or treating a person like an animal. Clickers are used for educating humans - they are especially useful for any activity in which precision and/or repetition are important. Taking talk out of the process helps a lot of athletes, dancers and musicians focus on which reps were truly correct form, without the distraction of the instructor's voice (and with no need to acknowledge the "wrong" attempts).

But again, they are used as a totally positive-reinforcement-based thing, just (as the human version is called) "teaching with acoustical guidance."

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I posted this on the other Duggar thread, but will link to it here, too. As if the instantly obey thing wasn't creepy enough, it's taken from the ATI list of character quality definitions the Duggars teach their kids monthly: Self-control=instant obedience to the initial prompting of God's Spirit.


Oh, but I forgot, they aren't connected with Gothard :disgust:

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Might it be Faithbook? I just read an article about Christian social media about a week or two ago on abcnews.com. They were highlighting Godinterest or some version of Pinterest, but the article made mention of a thing called Faithbook and a few others.

Edit- if I can find the article before I leave for work I'll post the link.

Edited again because whoops, it was Patheos instead:


No. Way. Faithbook and Godinterest? :lol:

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I can't remember if it was in the book or on TV, but I feel like they teach them to instantly obey by clapping after a request...

Kinda reminds me of a fundie lite friend who makes her children repeat, "Trust and Obey!" anytime they disagree with her/pout/etc.

It is in both the first two Duggar books. Its part of the character quality 'learn by motions' thing. 'Instant (insert clap here) obedience to the initial prompting of gods spirit.' They use that character quality for potty training, hence why it is taught at a crazy young age...that god is giving a prompting they need to tinkle with that feeling.

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No. Way. Faithbook and Godinterest? :lol:

Reminds me of Yogod, the yoga-esque excercise class for Christian ladies that can't deal with the Hindu-inspired meditation terms. (Because JESUS!)

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Wonder if Michelle and Josie will be there? Its a reunion for all NICU graduates.

A part of me thinks they will go so they can parade their family around and talk about miracle Josie some more.

But they probably won't for fear of some of the other parents or doctors insisting that Josie needs developmental therapy.

And please do not go and risk your life again, FMJ! I remember the garage sale debacle and wouldn't want you or any other FJ member to be ostracized again.

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Apologies if this has been mentioned previously- I did a quick search but could not find anything.

The woman behind the Duggar Blog made a hair tutorial of Jessa curling Jill's hair. Learn how the duggar girls curl their hair!

See which brand of hairspray they use.. Aussie Instant Freeze "the miracle hair spray.. purple can at walmart, its like four bucks!".

Its funny when Jessa says that you should use the smallest amount of hairspray because "you don't want your hair to be crunchy, thats.. not .. very.. attractive". Please tell that to Michelle! :doh:

I like Jessa's scarf and nail polish color!


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No, I had no interest in going. I only go to Children's when we have to. My kid isnt an NICU graduate, so I wouldn't go. I just saw it on Facebook and was thinking more along the lines of "Are they going, and if they are, will TLC be there? Will it be on the show? Will Josie be paraded around as the miracle child and get tons of publicity?"

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The use of a sound bridge, in and of itself, is not demeaning or treating a person like an animal. Clickers are used for educating humans - they are especially useful for any activity in which precision and/or repetition are important. Taking talk out of the process helps a lot of athletes, dancers and musicians focus on which reps were truly correct form, without the distraction of the instructor's voice (and with no need to acknowledge the "wrong" attempts).

I'm reminded of a movie (I think it was Heaven Help Us) about a Catholic School, where the brothers had clickers to signal to their classes, without speaking, that it was time to rise or sit or whatever in Mass, but one troublemaking kid got his hands on another clicker and whenever a brother would use his clicker, he'd reverse it. Sit-Stand-Sit-Stand-Sit-Stand until the students practically doing 'The Wave' and chaos was ensuing. Lol!

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Just a little gift

This comment from the video sums up everything nicely: "Oh my god, She is so fucking retarded. It's false because we can all fit in Jacksonville? Bitch we're gonna run out of resources!! It's not about space, it's about food and water! On top of adding 19 children to the already filled up planet, they are the offspring of this retard. Unbelievable."

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I am on the floor laughing!

It's true though! If I heard someone say it I would think they meant Facebook and kindly ignore the lisp.

Lol clearly whoever came up with this has some AWFUL PR people.

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This comment from the video sums up everything nicely: "Oh my god, She is so fucking retarded. It's false because we can all fit in Jacksonville? Bitch we're gonna run out of resources!! It's not about space, it's about food and water! On top of adding 19 children to the already filled up planet, they are the offspring of this retard. Unbelievable."

Comments on YouTube are almost invariably more offensive and cringe worthy than whatever the original video is. The really obnoxious language in the above comment negates their point. :angry-banghead:

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