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Will JB & M ever have that WTF have we done moment?


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Alright, so the way it looks now you have Josh listening to contemporary Christian music, following Jimmy Fallon, wearing and allowing his kids to wear shorts. Jessa, I believe, has been listening to contemporary Christian as well, her skirts are getting shorter, she may not even be pregnant yet. Jill is branching out with better nutrition, working out in a gym that's not at home. All of the above attend a real church instead of the church of Jim Bob. Joy lifts weights, John David isn't courting, all the training seems to fail to beat the sensitive, gentle soul from Josiah. So, no matter how much they tried to ensure it never happened, their kids are becoming people who make real and thoughtful choices. I guess if you let your children raise themselves your control gradually starts to wane.


So, are they going to wake up one day and say holy f**k we really dropped the ball on that one or will they slowly revert back to the pants wearing, pre marital kissing, real humans they were 30 years ago?

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Unless something really scandalous happens, I don't think J'Chelle and Boob will question their great parenting or life choices. I mean, they are probably really proud and happy that they managed to snatch this TV show and become somewhat famous and pretty wealthy for fundie standarts. Sure, their kids (especially the J'Slaves) paid a high price for them, but they themselves have been living very comfortably for at least a decade now. I can't see them wishing that they wouldn't have done the TV show in order to keep an even more strict and secluded home environment.

And for flipping out that their kids aren't following the ATI rules so closely anymore? I don't think they mind so much. As crazy as they are, they never were as radical as PP or Stevehova for example, and the show has mellowed their fundie rules down a bit too I think.

So while I don't think we will get to see J'Chelle wear pants anytime soon, I don't think their world would be shaken too much if their daughters would start wearing pants and some of the younger kids would kiss before marriage or go to college.

Would they like it? No, not at all. But they would probably just shrug it off after a while and enjoy their fame and public appearances.

And I wonder if they would even be able to even reflect for themselves about their parenting and such. Cause that would require critical thinking and I doubt they have left much of that after all this ATI brainwashing years.

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I don't think so. They've been too entrenched for too long. I think they may have fleeting 'WTF' moments but they shut those down pretty quick and stay in denial. It's not like they went from being educated secular professionals in their 30s to this. If anything the money and fame they've gained have probably convinced them that they made the right choices.

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Am I bad to hope that it happens when St. Peter turns them away from the Pearly Gates?

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Am I bad to hope that it happens when St. Peter turns them away from the Pearly Gates?

It's times like this that make me almost wish I believed in the whole heaven/hell god thing! :laughing-rolling:

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people have told them for so long how great how godly how good you are now they believe it. why would they change? only a tragedy could change it.

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These are all interesting thoughts on it. I think it's true there may not even be the ability left to think critically and outside the programmed robots they have become. Once in awhile I almost think I see something in Michelle...almost a tiny flash of light or maybe just normal in her eyes then the crazy look comes quickly back.

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I think it'll happen, but only if 2+ children make a run for it and there's a tell-all book.

Although I think it'll be a lot more of Boob realizing it than DQ. She'll hold onto that denial to the grave because it's her security blanket.

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I want so much to see that book come out. I really have a feeling it would have some pretty shocking stuff. However, even if it didn't and only had the stuff everyone knows, it's incredible to think how many people it could help to see those kids saying how damaging and wrong it was.

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Just like always, their kids are collateral damage. Jim Bob and Michelle stand on their kids' backs to shout their message to the world. A few rule changes in the kids' convictions aren't going to matter that much.

Quantity over quality: since their whole lives are about [white Protestant] Babybeez for Jeezus, numbers count more than lifestyle details, honestly.

Jim Bob and Michelle preach about their beliefs but are not truly following through in their own lives. How often are they gone to spread the word? Does Michelle "have her children's hearts" or do the kids' sistermoms have their hearts? These are just the prices they pay for being the "leaders" of quiverfull, and they are, even if they deny it. Jim Bob is a politician. I'm sure he's convinced himself the end justifies the means.

ok i ran out of cliches, lol! But cliches do fit the Duggars.

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I think the only way they'd have a really WTF moment would be if one or a few of their kids used their experience and confidence from the show to go out and speak against patriarchy, quiverfull, suppression, harsh punishment: all the damaging things.

If Jim Bob and Michelle's choices produced kids who were brave enough to rise up and lead a movement of abused kids from the patriarchy and started to endorse true freedom, equal rights, feminism, liberalism, and teach their own kids and all the future generations that being educated and open-minded is the way to go: that would be a true WTF. :handgestures-thumbupright: :lol:

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I just can't see Josie saving her first kiss for marriage. That would require another 15 years of relentless Gothard pushing. As many ATI alumni are opting to not enrol their own offspring in the same program, I honestly think these wacky beliefs Gothard pushed are due to become extinct pretty soon. Hence, JB&M may not ever get the chance to have a WTF moment, as the children of their outdated, dried up, uninspiring organisation are dropping like flies.

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They are so far up in their own gothard world that they will never see the damage they've done to their kids. They think they're the best parents in the world for not allowing their kids make the same mistakes they did. They purposely keep their children dumb to maintain control. If JimChelle ever had a wtf moment they wouldn't have 19 kids or realize that they're the problem

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Michelle will NEVER say she was wrong. She'll just find more excuses and irritating vague terminology like "convictions" and "seasons of life" to attempt to justify her kids becoming independent adults who have no interest in IBLP, IMO. No matter how much the shit hits the fan, she'll put a big fake smile on her face and act like everything's perfect.

And Jim Bob will be fine as long as he's bringing in the money. I don't think he really even cares about the rest of it. He just wants the ble$$ings to keep rolling in.

I still really think Michelle is going to LOSE IT soon. Her kids are growing up, she's losing control, and she can't make babies anymore, which is the only way she knew how to get the attention she so desperately craves.

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I just can't see Josie saving her first kiss for marriage. That would require another 15 years of relentless Gothard pushing. As many ATI alumni are opting to not enrol their own offspring in the same program, I honestly think these wacky beliefs Gothard pushed are due to become extinct pretty soon. Hence, JB&M may not ever get the chance to have a WTF moment, as the children of their outdated, dried up, uninspiring organisation are dropping like flies.

There are plenty of IFBs who never belonged to ATI who live a similar lifestyle. Even if ATI/IBLP dies due to lack of funds (enrollments), the Duggars can continue the lifestyle. Though, IMO, they will become more lax because the grandchildren have looser rules and they won't want to hold the littles to stricter rules than their niblings. BUT, as Kelly said, despite differences, looser rules won't change their core beliefs. However, if they do start truly listening to other influences, they may begin to see the evils of legalism which I see as the worst thing that IFB/ATI/IBLP imposes on their members.

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I think it'll happen, but only if 2+ children make a run for it and there's a tell-all book.

Although I think it'll be a lot more of Boob realizing it than DQ. She'll hold onto that denial to the grave because it's her security blanket.

This reminds me of the one user we have on here (can't remember the person's name @ the moment); he/she has an icon pic that says "Baby Josiah has seen some shit". I love that caption. :D

Psst, Michelle: denial's not just a river in Egypt.

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Nope, it'll never happen.

They have the gratuitous rewards of fame and money. JB recently made a comment that God is just expanding his borders.

If something goes wrong, like a kid comes out, there will be much lamenting and wailing and grieving over the lost child - who will no longer be welcome at TTH.

Any negative feedback they get, they see it as an attack and just further assures them they are doing all the right things. After all, they have the #1 TLC show and MOTY awards and trips abroad and magazine covers, ad nauseum.

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The only WTF moment those 2 will have is IF and WHEN, Jana, Jinger and Joy hit the road, and they are stuck parenting and caring for the homestead. Throw ii GMM and watch the implosion.

And it will never be, what did we do to THEM (the kids). It will be what have we done to OURSELVES-

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people have told them for so long how great how godly how good you are now they believe it. why would they change? only a tragedy could change it.

If micro-preemie-Josie and Jubilee didn't deter them from jumping right back to MOAR KIDS, I don't think anything less than them turning away a married daughter who was being abused ("Go back to your headship, JKid# whatever!") who is then killed "in the name of Jesus" will do it. I hate to say it, but I really think that's what it would take, and even then, I'm not so sure they wouldn't get more hardcore.

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I still really think Michelle is going to LOSE IT soon. Her kids are growing up, she's losing control, and she can't make babies anymore, which is the only way she knew how to get the attention she so desperately craves.

I don't think she'll lose it, but I think she'll start resenting Anna, if she doesn't already, since Anna is the only person still giving birth to Duggars-by-name.

I wonder if Michelle and Anna even like each other. Really, not just mugging for the cameras.

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Any negative feedback they get, they see it as an attack and just further assures them they are doing all the right things. After all, they have the #1 TLC show and MOTY awards and trips abroad and magazine covers, ad nauseum.

So much YES. They're the type who see being "attacked" as proof they're doing the right thing.

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If micro-preemie-Josie and Jubilee didn't deter them from jumping right back to MOAR KIDS, I don't think anything less than them turning away a married daughter who was being abused ("Go back to your headship, JKid# whatever!") who is then killed "in the name of Jesus" will do it. I hate to say it, but I really think that's what it would take, and even then, I'm not so sure they wouldn't get more hardcore.

Yep only their kids have a chance and we can only hope they did a poor brainwashing job

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I wonder what would happen if one of their kids brought a civil suit against them for back pay or something. Failure to educate. Physical and mental abuse. Something along those lines. That would certainly make the press sit up and take notice.

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