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Will JB & M ever have that WTF have we done moment?


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Kids in reality TV need all the protections that kids working in mainstream TV and who are covered by the SAG have in place. Work hours, site safety, educational and financial protections. PARENTS have been proven to be less than adequate safeguards for other child workers, and the Duggars certainly have been shown to be no better.

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Nope, not a chance, even if all of Gothard's empire implodes.

As for a civil suit, that's not likely. JB probably has set up a corporation, and all money from the show, book sales (even "Growing Up Duggar"), speaking engagements, and real estate go to that corporate account. JB probably gives his children an allowance. Josh and Anna probably have their own contract with TLC. The other married couples may or may not.

I personally believe all child actors and reality stars should be paid without the parents as trustees of the funds.

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I'm curious what type of WTF moment you mean. In my opinion there are two types they could potentially have one being WTF were we thinking when we did the show and the other being WTF were we thinking having all those kids. The second WTF moment will never happen. If it was going to happen it would have been when Michelle had her laundry room breakdown and they would just be a family with like seven children very close in age.

I'm not sure if they may end up having a WTF moment about the show. I think if several children leave their lifestyle entirely and a tell all book is published they may question their decisions to allow their children to become so worldly. However the children leaving the lifestyle wouldn't just need to become fundie lite or even mainstream conservative Christians. I think they'd need some liberal atheists to really push them into a WTF moment.

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I meant more of what have we done allowing the kids to stray so far from our teaching/ control sort of thing. I truly think they envisioned this commune/army of god thing happening that just isn't. The only reason I can see for them having 20 acres is because they picture every kid and their spouse living there. I think the Duggars had the potential to be a very frightening group but because they they were too lazy to raise the kids themselves they lost that control.

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Reports of Gothard's assaults didn't seem to deter them at all. I feel that most reasonalbe parents would be asking questions if they felt their child was in the vicinity of a sexual assault.

I think JB+M are too far past their WTF moments. I think the kids will have them and ask those questions. (Most of the older ones seem like they've had the start of those thoughts).

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Only when the money runs out.
that will happen only happen when the Duggars can't scam anyone anymore and we all know how gullible their fans are.
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