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Dr. Phil today features 'Controlling Pastor Husband'


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Thought I'd throw this out there if anybody else wants to watch - today's Dr. Phil has a pastor husband whose in-law's think he abuses their daughter - but really, she's just being a submissive wife.


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oh lordy. i don't really like dr. phil (like, at all) but it might be interesting to hear what he had to say about the situation. will you be doing a recap, mela? i'd be interested in reading.

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oh lordy. i don't really like dr. phil (like, at all) but it might be interesting to hear what he had to say about the situation. will you be doing a recap, mela? i'd be interested in reading.

I'll be watching so, sure. I can recap. From the previews he seems like a douche and a half.

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thanks, mela! i'll be waiting to hear (read) about it. :D dr. phil is such an obnoxious douche canoe, i'm wondering how he might handle someone of potentially the same level.

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I can't wait to see what Phil has to say. I don't care for Phil either but sometimes he has a good show on like the Misty Kennedy/ Dr Phil Show.

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There is a whoooole lotta crazy going on in this family. This has been going on for ten years.

Only daughter. And the parents didn't want her to marry him. He asks permission to propose, and they say no, please wait. Mom was so upset she wore a black dress to the wedding.

Apparently the "big disrespect" was when the dad nearly died... and the fiance had the audacity to show up... and they told him not to...she had to go to the hospital and "You don't leave YOUNG PEOPLE unattended in a home!" And HE PROPOSED A MONTH AFTER THEY TOLD HIM TO WAIT!!!

The mom seems reeeeeally off-balance. Basically calls her daughter guillable and says flat out they have no faith in her ability to make her own choices.

Husband admits he expects wife to be submissive in the marriage - she is the weaker vessel and must lean on a strong husband. "Submitting means husband is always right." He was raised very 1950s. Phone calls need to be on speaker (He has a tracker, and must know "who, when, where, and why AT ALL TIMES", must ask permission to leave, she is only allowed to be a homemaker. She's allowed to be her own person but "with a submissive characteristic!"

Dr Phil yanked him over the coals for it. Love it. Called him a perversion of the scripture.

Daughter calls mom and complains all the time. OH MY GOD MOM IS COMPLAINING ABOUT THEIR SEX LIFE.

"Our sex life is fine." Mom huffs, "Well I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THAT... My daughter *tells* me things... You should be at your sexual peak right now."

List of things your mother-in-law should never say to you: 1. sexual peak.

Mom laments and weeps that she "had to wear black to the wedding so she could show her feelings without SAYING anything." If we ONLY KNEW the pain she was going through! Woman is legit crazy.

Daughter admits she loved another man before hubby and always wonders what could have been.

Interesting points about how pastor doesn't want his community to know about any of things.

Daughter is the one who called and pleaded for help, and still wants to be in her marriage. But she sure is making excuses "I started the fight" but then calls mommy and daddy to come and help her. At 6.6 he holds keys over her head and blocks the door. Says she's not afraid but "didn't wanna get in trouble" so she whispers. It does seem like she spent her life as the "princess" and the center of attention and likes it that way.

Dr. Phil skating around how things need to be negotiated between a husband and wife and it doesn't have to mean she's in a lesser station.

Aaaaand on tomorrow's show HIS parents will be there to face HER parents! Mom gets a huffy saying that allowing them to support their son is like giving support to a child molester. Woman is legit crazy.

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Here is the full episode, for anyone who is interested:


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Here is the full episode, for anyone who is interested:


You are my hero.

I can't wait to watch this shit show. It'll be like watching a family reunion for me.

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Here is the full episode, for anyone who is interested:


Thanks for this, I'm not normally a fan of Dr Phil, but I'm watching this now, and will watch the second part today. :popcorn: :trainwreck:

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wow, that is just...wow. all around horrible situation. thanks for taking one for the team, mela. i'm tempted to watch the episode myself, but i'm not sure fiance will allow himself to be subjected to the ridiculousness. i pretty much broke him with the duggars and westboro doc. :P

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I enjoyed the part about how Dr. Phil (who has said many, many times that he is a bible-believing christian) feels this pastor's interpretation of submission is a perversion of scripture. He offered to debate scripture with him and that would have been epic because while I know many people don't like Dr. Phil, he does seem to treat his wife with respect and he honors her as a partner.

One of my guilty pleasures is the Dr. Phil show....

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WTF did I just watch? It was like part Dr. Phil and part Jerry Springer! I guess that should convince people that you don't have to be skirts only to be addicted to the kool-aid and brainwashed.

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Episode 2 was even worse. I thought the pastor husband would be the villain here but Mommy is still a boatload of crazy.


"We didn't GIVE HER TO YOU, you TOOK her from us."

Woman will not shut her trap about everything they ever did 10 years ago. Complaining that husband's parents paid for the wedding and helped... "I'll never be a mother of the bride again! They stole that!"

Yes, husband needs to stop spanking kids and needs some serious counseling, but mommy is nuttier than squirrel poo.

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When did Dr. Phil turn into Jerry Springer?

If you wanna see Dr. Springer, wait for the episode on Friday!

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Episode 2 was even worse. I thought the pastor husband would be the villain here but Mommy is still a boatload of crazy.


"We didn't GIVE HER TO YOU, you TOOK her from us."

Woman will not shut her trap about everything they ever did 10 years ago. Complaining that husband's parents paid for the wedding and helped... "I'll never be a mother of the bride again! They stole that!"

Yes, husband needs to stop spanking kids and needs some serious counseling, but mommy is nuttier than squirrel poo.

I agree, the wife's parents were worse than the husband. This and other shows are evident that Dr Phil is becoming more like Jerry Springer to the point where you have to check which show you're actually watching.

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This and other shows are evident that Dr Phil is becoming more like Jerry Springer to the point where you have to check which show you're actually watching.

At least the chairs are so tall and big, they would be heavy and awkward to pick up and throw.

I admit, Steve Wilkos is a dirty pleasure :embarrassed:

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I never watch a talk shows. I especially hate doctor talk shows. where the host is a doctor. It's irresponsible to give medical advice via the media. Sure there are disclaimers, but they are in teeny tiny print and often ignored.

What bothers me most about Dr. Phil are the so-called ranches and treatment centers he likes to ship kids off to. That's a big red flag, even if the centers appear to be very caring therapeutic places. The shows also sound very rehearsed.

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