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Does anyone care what Josh and Anna name their daughter?


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Off topic but that reminds me of one of the San Diego Chargers (at least I think he still plays for the Chargers, I don't pay that much attention). Malcom Floyd was named by his big brother Malcolm. Apparently they told Malcolm that he could name his little brother and he did. Their dad changed the spelling slightly but I really don't know what he thought one less letter was going to do to prevent confusion.

I knew a guy who was named Mario because his older brother was obsessed with the video game and, when asked by his parents what he'd like to name his soon-to-be-born little brother, he shouted "MARIO!"

At least it's a legit name, though. And it's a cute story.

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I knew a guy who was named Mario because his older brother was obsessed with the video game and, when asked by his parents what he'd like to name his soon-to-be-born little brother, he shouted "MARIO!"

At least it's a legit name, though. And it's a cute story.

Are they at least Italian? And that's so unfair. They should have said no, that they were changing HIS name is Mario and naming his brother Luigi. :lol:

Seriously though, it wouldn't be so bad if they already had that name on their short list. My daughter loves princesses and really likes Aurora. That name has been on my short list since high school. I almost named her Aurora. (And ironically, it's on my list for the same reason she was named that in the film, after the goddess of the dawn)

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Are they at least Italian? And that's so unfair. They should have said no, that they were changing HIS name is Mario and naming his brother Luigi. :lol:

Seriously though, it wouldn't be so bad if they already had that name on their short list. My daughter loves princesses and really likes Aurora. That name has been on my short list since high school. I almost named her Aurora. (And ironically, it's on my list for the same reason she was named that in the film, after the goddess of the dawn)

Nope, they were Asian (from Taiwan, IIRC). Though in East Asia, it's pretty common to pick English names that seem a bit far-out to us in the West. During my time in China, I had friends named Miracle, Electron, and Cinderella. Now that there's more contact with the West, "crazy" names like those are becoming less common, and the preference is more for old-school names. Lots of Irises, Georges, and Helens. Though with the popularity of the NBA in China, I wouldn't be surprised to see a LeBron Wang or a Carmelo Jiang running around.

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So, apparently, one of the most common girls names in DC in 2013 was Genesis. Obviously, it wouldn't be a first name, but I could totally see them going with Genesis as a middle name.


Going based off popular DC names, I'm going to say:

Maya Genesis

Mia Sofia (I could actually see them doing this, and possibly even calling her by her full name)

Madison Serenity

Madeleine Elise

Bleh. I went to high school with a girl called Genesis. She pronounced it Hen-ay-sis and would get really upset if anyone mispronounced it. I only remember hef because halfway through a semester of chemistry with theteacher mispronouncing it she flipped the table she was sitting at and threw her text book at him. Didn't see much of her after that...

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Mucho Dinero Duggar. That way Jboob can do his whole slaughtering of the Spanish language. It also leads to a great nick name of Mooch which fits this family to a T.

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Nope, they were Asian (from Taiwan, IIRC). Though in East Asia, it's pretty common to pick English names that seem a bit far-out to us in the West. During my time in China, I had friends named Miracle, Electron, and Cinderella. Now that there's more contact with the West, "crazy" names like those are becoming less common, and the preference is more for old-school names. Lots of Irises, Georges, and Helens. Though with the popularity of the NBA in China, I wouldn't be surprised to see a LeBron Wang or a Carmelo Jiang running around.

"C'mon Electron! Let's go!"

"No! I won't have any fun there. I don't have any friends there!"

"Stop being so negative!"

"My name is electron!!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm laughing way more than I should be at that debacle of a name. Electron? Seriously?? It reminds me of those photoshopped pictures of asian woman with tattoos that say "soup" and the word bubble says "it means love in english".

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"C'mon Electron! Let's go!"

"No! I won't have any fun there. I don't have any friends there!"

"Stop being so negative!"

"My name is electron!!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm laughing way more than I should be at that debacle of a name. Electron? Seriously?? It reminds me of those photoshopped pictures of asian woman with tattoos that say "soup" and the word bubble says "it means love in english".

To be fair, he picked that name himself. His first name was Yi (which just sounds like the letter E), so when he had to pick out an English name, he opened the dictionary and turned to the E section. He chose Electron because he studied science and engineering in school, so it showed his interest in science, and because the first letter sounded like his Chinese name. I personally liked his name, even if it was pretty weird.

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Bleh. I went to high school with a girl called Genesis. She pronounced it Hen-ay-sis and would get really upset if anyone mispronounced it. I only remember hef because halfway through a semester of chemistry with theteacher mispronouncing it she flipped the table she was sitting at and threw her text book at him. Didn't see much of her after that...

That's the Spanish pronunciation of Genesis, and it's a pretty common name in Hispanic communities. Just because a name isn't common in predominantly white communities doesn't mean it's a stupid name.

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That's the Spanish pronunciation of Genesis, and it's a pretty common name in Hispanic communities. Just because a name isn't common in predominantly white communities doesn't mean it's a stupid name.

And since it was halfway through the semester that meant the teacher knew damn well how to pronounce it, but he wanted to be a dick. A textbook thrown at him is the least he deserved.

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And since it was halfway through the semester that meant the teacher knew damn well how to pronounce it, but he wanted to be a dick. A textbook thrown at him is the least he deserved.

Teachers have enough trouble...I have gotten things thrown at me because I asked a student to put a phone away....And remembering 150 names in a day with pronunciation. I don't fault him either because if you work in an urban setting, you are dealing with 30 different cultures. I don't always remember x in three different languages, its tough.

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The Duggars missed their chance for:

Jimmy Neutron!

I have no doubt that they would have no problem having both a James and a Jimmy.

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The Duggars missed their chance for:

Jimmy Neutron!

I have no doubt that they would have no problem having both a James and a Jimmy.

They probably would too-Jeremiah/Jedidiah, Joseph/Josiah/Josie, Jana/Joy-Anna/Johannah...why not James and Jimmy. Especially with Jimbob's ego. If he had his way, all of the boys would be JimBob Jr, and all the girls would be Jamesina Roberta.

Although I am not surprised, when thinking of names, Jimbob and Michelle say "Oh, what about Justin, that's a nice name for our new baby" and then one of the kids has to remind him that they already have a Justin. Poor Justin, at least the viewers notice that Jordyn and Jenny exist, but everyone forgets they have a kid called Justin. He is the one I know nothing about and can say nothing in terms of his personality or what he likes.

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The trend of giving kids names that start with the same letter was invented by the Kardashians so they are to blame. Plus Josh wants to be the copy of his dad and have a family where everyone is the same. I hope Jill and Derrick as well as Benessa wont continue that trend.

I'm pretty sure that the Duggars beat the Kardashians to fame, so I'm not sure how you could blame the same letter thing on them.

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To be fair, he picked that name himself. His first name was Yi (which just sounds like the letter E), so when he had to pick out an English name, he opened the dictionary and turned to the E section. He chose Electron because he studied science and engineering in school, so it showed his interest in science, and because the first letter sounded like his Chinese name. I personally liked his name, even if it was pretty weird.

Well that ruined all my fun. I thought it was just another misunderstanding of a foreign language.

If he picked the name himself, then so be it. As long as he likes it. I would still have way too much fun with him, though, telling him to not be so negative all the time. All in good fun though, all in good fun.

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If I were halfway through the semester & a teacher wasn't even trying to pronounce my name correctly, I'd flip a table too.

I think Electron is a pretty damn awesome name for a person interested in science. I know an Asian guy who's self selected English name is Marconi. Equally awesome.

A few articles about English nicknames in East Asia: http://www.ibtimes.com/whats-name-how-c ... es-1306515 and http://www.thebeijinger.com/blog/2012/0 ... es-chinese

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If I were halfway through the semester & a teacher wasn't even trying to pronounce my name correctly, I'd flip a table too.

I think Electron is a pretty damn awesome name for a person interested in science. I know an Asian guy who's self selected English name is Marconi. Equally awesome.

A few articles about English nicknames in East Asia: http://www.ibtimes.com/whats-name-how-c ... es-1306515 and http://www.thebeijinger.com/blog/2012/0 ... es-chinese

This really interesting I've never heard anything like it before. ..thanks for sharing

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All I can say that as long as the name isn't Malaria (pronounced like the disease), it won't be the worst M name I've ever heard; so I'll accept it. Lol

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That's the Spanish pronunciation of Genesis, and it's a pretty common name in Hispanic communities. Just because a name isn't common in predominantly white communities doesn't mean it's a stupid name.

Never said it was a stupid name, just that I only remember her because of her name/the table flipping thing. not sure if she was Hispanic or not considering she had very oriental features (maybe half hispanic? I don't know. ) but it doesn't particularly matter. It was a predominantly Asian school in any case, most of that particular area of that particular city is.

My own name gets butchered on a daily basis. The 3 owners of the company I work for, for example, each pronounce it differently. Drives me nuts but I guess I'm used to it by now. Never drove me nuts enough þo flip out though, just the occasional irritated "it's Auh-lee-sea-ya NOT Ee-lees/A-lisa/A-lee-sha etc." I went through school telling people to call me Ala because it was easier to pronounce and is the nickname for my name anyway. Now that I work in a male field (im a trucker) my co drivers tend to call me Al because none of them seem to be anle to pronounce Alisiya.

edted to say that that particular teacher was a cocksucker, loved telling studrnts they were stupid, but never was fired because he'd been there 30 years. He definitely did deserve getting a book thrown at him. She however had a suspension for that, if I remember correctly. (We were never friends/didn't even run in the same circle so I didn't keep tabs on the situation other than regular hs gossip.)

Sorry if it came across as making fun of the name or something eatlier, never was the intention but I realize how it could come across that way. Need to try to get on FJ when its not past my bed time and I'm trying to read here to help me get to sleep so I can drive semis in the am. Now to bed so I can dream about baby dilly again lol.

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The Duggars missed their chance for:

Jimmy Neutron!

I have no doubt that they would have no problem having both a James and a Jimmy.

Totally agree! JB bitches about always wanted a son named after him, but M won't let him...uh...he has a son named JAMES ROBERT.

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Totally agree! JB bitches about always wanted a son named after him, but M won't let him...uh...he has a son named JAMES ROBERT.

I thought JB was just salty not all of his sons were named after him a la George foreman

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I thought JB was just salty not all of his sons were named after him a la George foreman


What I thought was interesting is that JB is the third generation (at least) James/Jimmy _____ Duggar -- somebody here linked to JL's find-a-grave entry and I clicked through to his father, James Alfred, iirc. To me it says a lot that they didn't use James _____ until their ~seventh~ boy.

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Totally agree! JB bitches about always wanted a son named after him, but M won't let him...uh...he has a son named JAMES ROBERT.

It's actually James Andrew.

Jedediah and Jeremiah, however, both share Robert as a middle name.

Edited to write more.

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It's actually James Andrew.

Jedediah and Jeremiah, however, both share Robert as a middle name.

Edited to write more.

Oh yes, you're absolutely right. I stand corrected. As soon as I read that, I could clearly hear Michelle's voice saying "James Andrew" when he tried to slide down the banister at a friend's house.

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I'm going to channel Downton Abby and suggest Marrigold for the latest M. I haven't read entire thread, so hope I'm not repeating this awesome name.

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