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Does anyone care what Josh and Anna name their daughter?


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I am really hoping for Maeve or Maylinn and not some stupid miss spelled name :pray:

I´m afraid, that´s way too "pagan" for the gawdly Duggars... :lol:

My tip´s on Madyson or Mikayla or something from that range.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There was a naming meeting for Jubilee; they showed it before the scene where Jim Bob and Michelle went to the doctor to determine baby's sex. There wasn't one for Josie that I saw.

Honestly, when it comes down to it; I think that Jim Bob and Michelle thought that Jordyn would be the last which was why they named her Jordyn-Grace Makiya Duggar. She's the only one with a hyphenated name and a middle name. They seemed almost content with the idea of her being the last, but after Josie was born, they really seemed to get baby hungry.

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There was a naming meeting for Jubilee; they showed it before the scene where Jim Bob and Michelle went to the doctor to determine baby's sex. There wasn't one for Josie that I saw.

Honestly, when it comes down to it; I think that Jim Bob and Michelle thought that Jordyn would be the last which was why they named her Jordyn-Grace Makiya Duggar. She's the only one with a hyphenated name and a middle name. They seemed almost content with the idea of her being the last, but after Josie was born, they really seemed to get baby hungry.

You hear that Princess Josie? You weren't supposed to be the baby, Jordyn was supposed to be the baby. Everyone's just nice to you because they feel bad for you.

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Not an 'M' name, but anyone remember when Luke's sister named her daughter Doula on Gilmore Girls? Maybe Anna will name hers Midwife.

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We definitely in agreement that its stupid to let young children name new babies.

Agreed! There is nothing wrong with asking your old children to participate in the conversation, and give suggestions. But there needs to be the understanding that the final decision rests with the parents.

Miriam is a great M suggestion. They'd probably spell it Myriyam, though...

If they go with Marigold, I will cry. I adore that name and it would ruin it. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to be their style.

I think they'll do with something tryndee and will be surprised if they don't. Though I agree with a pp that their name style might have matured now that they are older.

As a name nerd, I really can't wait to find out. I'm always bugging the pregnant women I know for names... haha.

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I can't stand Josh and Anna so I'm not motivated to even skim this thread. I'll say Malachi since it's super biblical.

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I think it's kind of silly to stick with a letter theme. Why are doing that? Just because Michelle and Jim Bob did that? :?

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I think it's kind of silly to stick with a letter theme. Why are doing that? Just because Michelle and Jim Bob did that? :?

Because cutesy. And apparently JB and Michelle started it because they named the first one Josh, and then Jana and John-David were named after friends (IIRC), and then they said "well, we don't want the other kids to be left out" and here we are.

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Since they're almost certainly going to have a lot more kids, 3 kids is definitely not too late to stop the M-theme if they want to.

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I just hope it's not another recycled name. They already knew a couple well who had a baby Marcus, but that didn't stop them from using the same name. You can see baby Marcus in this clip back when Kynzie was still a baby and Josh still "worked" at the car lots. Original Marcus's father also worked at the car lot and was a mutual friend of the Kellers and Duggars. But my guess is Martha! Clip: dailymotion.com/video/x2l5ra4_19-kids-and-counting-digesting-duggars-3-of-3_tv

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I hope it isn't Marjorie.

I wonder why they chose the letter M and didn't name their first daughter Michelle, but maybe they will in the future.

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Mary after her great-grandmother. A good, caring lady. Grandma Duggard deserves that.

Not Michelle please!!!!! Specially because they also have a Michael.

And please stop having children! 4 is ok, they still can have a normal sized family and a normal life.

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Since they are big DC people now, they could name her after the one and only Murphy Brown or how about

"Mothers always bring extra love" M.A.B.E.L. like Jamie and Paul named their lil girl on mad about you.

I know that was NY and they don't watch TV, but Murphy Duggar or Mabel Dugger don't seem too left field.

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Josh and Anna may use my name I was going to use for my last child which I loved the name. It is Maya. Or they could use Mia I guess. :D

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They could always name her Matilda. Maybe then she'd grow up to be a genius and browbeat them with telekinetic powers. :cracking-up:

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I hope they name her Michelle! That would be so sweet!!!

Anything but that! I don't care what Josh and Anna call their baby, as long as it is not Michelle. The poor child doesn't deserve to share a name with someone like Michelle.

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