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Does anyone care what Josh and Anna name their daughter?


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Thank is a damn good Maxwell baby name.

Macabre Maxwell.

Morose could be a potential middle name. Macabre Morose Maxwell.

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I will try to make a Isreal birthday type poll for the serious!!! 4th m-name (I hope i didn't foregt any suggestions from this thread, feel free to add your name and other m-names :-). I added Mika, Myrtle, Mirabelle, Mirela and March: My bet is on Molly (such a nice name)





Molly Isarhenne

















Mary-Anne (Marianne)


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Marissa and Melissa.

Or maybe they're saving those two names for the elusive twins that Anna desperately wants, a la Jedidiah and Jeremiah. And then in perfect Duggar fashion, their middle names would be Anna.

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See what they did there?

They want to continue that trend the only logical name would be Michaela( or what? Macarena?) if this is theme And not coincidence they won't care they have a son with basically the same name.

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I like it too, except now that it's a slang name for a rather potent derivative of ecstasy, I wonder if the popularity of the name will decrease (for example, you don't see too many girls named Mary Jane running around anymore).

Honestly, I don't even know how many people were actually named Mary Jane to begin with. Mary is common, but how common was "Mary Jane"? Plus, I think there's a big difference between a slang term for weed (which is a fairly accessible, well known drug that may or may not be legal depending on where you live) and a slang term for ecstasy (which is pretty much weed's antithesis).

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I second Melissa, but possibly spelt Malissa, which believe it or not, I've seen, and I add Matilda to the list for gits and shiggles :D

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Honestly, I don't even know how many people were actually named Mary Jane to begin with. Mary is common, but how common was "Mary Jane"? Plus, I think there's a big difference between a slang term for weed (which is a fairly accessible, well known drug that may or may not be legal depending on where you live) and a slang term for ecstasy (which is pretty much weed's antithesis).

There was a family that went to my Catholic high school (before me--probably graduated in late 60s to early 70s) with five daughters all named Mary. They all were called by their middle names--there was an Elizabeth, Theresa, and a Jane among them.

There was a family at the Catholic high school where I taught with the tradition on the kids' mom's side to name all first born daughters Mary and call them by their middle names. I taught Mary Christina called Christi. She had a relative--one young enough for the association to have already existed-- named Mary Jane and called Jane.

My dad has a childhood friend, again a huge Catholic family, who has twin nieces now in their early 20s named Mary Elizabeth and Mary Jane. They are called by both names.

And my husband, from a huge Catholic family, has an aunt named Mary Jane, called by both names.

I really don't expect Josh and Anna to ever use Mary. Much too Catholic. There was not a single Mary at the Christian school I taught at. And I never saw a year without at least one Mary on my class lists at Catholic school.

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I think it's going to be Molly. Although I could see them going for a kreatif name again.

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I think it's going to be Molly. Although I could see them going for a kreatif name again.

Maybe Mollyyyyyyy because we know how much they love Ys.

I'm still banking on McKenna/Makena (though that may be too similar to Mackynzie) or Madison/Madyson/Madysyn. Though maybe someone could persuade them to go with Myrcella (sorry, I'm a massive Game of Thrones fan).

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My mum is a Mary, my nana was Mary, my great grandma was Mary and I or my sisters are not Mary. My mum is very catholic but hates the name Mary!

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See what they did there?

They want to continue that trend the only logical name would be Michaela( or what? Macarena?) if this is theme And not coincidence they won't care they have a son with basically the same name.

I have to point out that they could also continue this theme with Michelle.

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I have to point out that they could also continue this theme with Michelle.

Tbh, I think that's what they're going to do. I mean it doesn't fit phonetically because there's no hard "k" sound, but the "c" being the second syllable is definitely there.

Although I think Michaela (said Mikayla-- I don't know how to properly spell this!) is another strong candidate.

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I am still going to go with Millicent. Nicknamed Millie.

Though I don't believe they'd pick it really. I just like it.

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Honestly, I don't even know how many people were actually named Mary Jane to begin with. Mary is common, but how common was "Mary Jane"? Plus, I think there's a big difference between a slang term for weed (which is a fairly accessible, well known drug that may or may not be legal depending on where you live) and a slang term for ecstasy (which is pretty much weed's antithesis).

my mother is a fraternal twin and they didn't think she was going to make it--they had named her mary jane though, when they found out she was going to make it they changed it to Jane Mary (she hates it)

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I think they might jump on the biblical names bandwagon, each sibling trying to outdo the other.

The only girl's name I can think of is Miriam

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(I'm kidding, of course. They would never name their daughter after either a Muslim or the daughter of the Anti-Christ.)

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I like Miriam. It's a form of Mary, so they could honor grandma without being too Catholic sounding.

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I think they should name the kid Ministry.

Although knowing Anna, she would probably spell it Mynistreigh or something equally kre8tive.

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Josh and Anna? Why do those names sound familiar? Oh yeah, a few seasons ago, right? Are they still alive?

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I think I care as much about their 4th baby's name as much as Joshie does. :lol:

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