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Does anyone care what Josh and Anna name their daughter?


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I honestly think they don't even realize that each of their kids' names have a 'k' sound at the beginning of the second syllable. It's probably just a coincidence. I'm still thinking it'll be either Madeline or Madison (or some variation thereof, with a y or two strewn in for kicks).

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Mykayla and Madysen are my top picks for M4

It would be hard to continue that trend if they have many more girls but I just don't see them having many more children at all. For some reason I think Josh has put his foot down and M4 was an oops.

I guess if they kept going there's always Morgyn, Madylyn, Melodye ...

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This is great because that's how they created her, too!

On that tangent, they probably aren't allowed to use any other position, and I find that sad.

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Miriam would be awesome. That's what Mary the mother of Jesus is called in the Quran. :)

It's also what Mary would actually have been called. Mary is the Anglicized form of Maria, which is the Latinized form of Mariam, which is the Hellenized form of Miriam.

I've never heard of a Christian being named Miriam before (though I'm sure it's happened). But then again, until recently I'd never heard of a Christian being named Israel either.

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It's also what Mary would actually have been called. Mary is the Anglicized form of Maria, which is the Latinized form of Mariam, which is the Hellenized form of Miriam.

I've never heard of a Christian being named Miriam before (though I'm sure it's happened). But then again, until recently I'd never heard of a Christian being named Israel either.

Miriam is a pretty common name in Germany (and probably other German-speaking countries too). Peaked around #20 of the most popular girl's names twice in the 1970s and again in 2001/2. So yeah, definitely lots of (at least nominal) Christians here with the name Miriam.

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I feel the name Mercedes (nst proposed this one) could be it because it kind of reflects the k-sound in the middle even though it's not pronounced k but s , but still in the writing it is there. Other than that only Mika, Mickey or Michaela would have the k-sound.

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I get a gut feeling she'll be named MacKenna.

Can't have those daughters thinking they're individuals by giving them different names, now, can we?

Fun fact: McKenzie/MacKenzie and McKenna/MacKenna are indeed variants on the same name. The Z in McKenzie is actually yogh (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yogh), as found in other Scottish names like Menzies (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menzies_Campbell) and Culzean (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culzean_Castle). So McKenzie would "properly" be pronounced something like Mi-ken-yuh, and that's where the "Kenna" spelling comes from.

Then again, Mackynzie has aunts called Jana, Joy Anna and Johannah, so it's not outside the realm of possibility for her parents to give her sister a variant on her name.

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Miriam is a pretty common name in Germany (and probably other German-speaking countries too). Peaked around #20 of the most popular girl's names twice in the 1970s and again in 2001/2. So yeah, definitely lots of (at least nominal) Christians here with the name Miriam.

I did not know that about the name Miriam. I learn so much from freejinger. Miriam is also the name of the sister of Moses.

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Agreed! There is nothing wrong with asking your old children to participate in the conversation, and give suggestions. But there needs to be the understanding that the final decision rests with the parents.

Miriam is a great M suggestion. They'd probably spell it Myriyam, though...

If they go with Marigold, I will cry. I adore that name and it would ruin it. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to be their style.

I think they'll do with something tryndee and will be surprised if they don't. Though I agree with a pp that their name style might have matured now that they are older.

As a name nerd, I really can't wait to find out. I'm always bugging the pregnant women I know for names... haha.

My daughter has a leopard gecko named Marigold. Sorry. :lol:

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Whatthehell girl names could they use that are left with that combo?







Macaw :lol:

Oh wait, there's Mikayla & Mckenna...Malika...Mikki...and Macawee, which is Sioux, Mariko (Japanese), Mariquita (Spanish), Marquesa, Monique

OK, on the poll put me down for McKynna.

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My daughter has a leopard gecko named Marigold. Sorry. :lol:

Winston Churchill had a daughter named Marigold who died when she was three of complications from what at first appeared to be a simple cold. I always associate the name with that sad little story.

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I associate Marigold with Lady Edith Crawley's little girl.

I doubt it will be Marigold -that's too "high brow" for them. I still think Miriam, or has been suggested, Mynystrye :D

Mercedes and Madonna - too Catholic, but they would likely associate Mercedes with a car.

How about Mychelle?

Other biblical names starting with M:

Mara/Mirah -means bitter,but pretty nevertheless

Meconah/Mekonah - according to Wikipedia (yes, I know), this is a biblical city - I think I might put my money on this one.

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I thought Anna said she spelled it differently because someone else in their family also had a child named McKenzie(?) so they changed the spelling to differentiate them. I really, really doubt there is anyone in Anna's family with the last name Mackynzie. That is not a traditional spelling of any name (first or last) from ANY background as far as I know. Unless someone in their family immigrated to the states and the person doing their paperwork forgot their glasses that day. MacKenzie and McKenzie are "real" last names, though.

Oh, I misunderstood! Thanks for clarifying. So it's even worse, then; it's both misspelled AND recycled. YIKES.

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I knew a Puerto Rican Catholic guy named Israel (of course, he was Catholic, so maybe he doesn't "count" in Duggar-land). Though I also don't know that many (any) Jews named Israel; most of the Jewish guys I know have pretty classic/boring Biblical names: Adam, Daniel, Joshua, Isaac, Jonah, Jacob, maybe a straight-up Hebrew name like Ziv or Lev if their parents were more devout/hippie.

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