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Does anyone care what Josh and Anna name their daughter?


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Because I like going all conspiracy theory when it comes to unimportant people, I think the black midwife ws deliberately sought out they she could be used as "proof" that Anna isn't a raging racist. She always has a huge sneer on her face whenever she's around large groups of black people--the Ethiopian restaurant and the black church they all went to are the two examples that jump to mind. I don't doubt that TLC has informed them of the criticism and the midwife is damage control.

Well good on Anna for befriending a black person I guess? :roll: The world is changing, Duggars. YOU WILL HAVE MIXED RACE GRANDCHILDREN. I love that Marjorie's mom is what...Guatemalan? Hope Jana finds a hunky El Salvadoran soon.

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You know if they named it Margot, they're pronounce it "Mar-got" instead of "Margo" lol

i. German it is pronou. ed mar-got so nothing wrong there uf they took the german version xD. an auntie of my mom who lived to the ripe old age of 102years was called margot

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Well good on Anna for befriending a black person I guess? :roll: The world is changing, Duggars. YOU WILL HAVE MIXED RACE GRANDCHILDREN. I love that Marjorie's mom is what...Guatemalan? Hope Jana finds a hunky El Salvadoran soon.

I'm no sure that the Duggars are racists.. I think they are okay with anyone with the same belief system, or believes they are wonderful.

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I'm no sure that the Duggars are racists.. I think they are okay with anyone with the same belief system, or believes they are wonderful.

I'm pretty sure they may have some rather ignorant beliefs about non-white people from different cultures (some of the stuff they say about the people they meet on their "mission trips" makes me cringe), but I don't think they're out-and-out KKK kill-all-minorities racist. I'm sure they're cordial and friendly to non-white people they encounter or have dealings with, but...let's just say that I doubt that Josiah would be courting Marjorie if she wasn't very, very white-passing (seriously, I didn't know that her mother was Guatemalan until someone here told me so).

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I'm no sure that the Duggars are racists.. I think they are okay with anyone with the same belief system, or believes they are wonderful.

Well Anna did post that black lives matter, and black babies shouldn't be aborted or some shit like that.

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Well Anna did post that black lives matter, and black babies shouldn't be aborted or some shit like that.

Well...to her credit, at least that's consistent. I don't like the people who are pro-life but don't seem to care too much when young black men get victimized or killed by the police. Though she also could just be hijacking the Black Lives Matter hashtag for abortion activism without really thinking about what it actually means, or why poor, socioeconimically marginalized black women may get abortions.

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Well...to her credit, at least that's consistent. I don't like the people who are pro-life but don't seem to care too much when young black men get victimized or killed by the police. Though she also could just be hijacking the Black Lives Matter hashtag for abortion activism without really thinking about what it actually means, or why poor, socioeconimically marginalized black women may get abortions.

I suspect it is the bolded.

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I think the Duggars would say they aren't racist. I bet they'd be shocked to hear that people think they're prejudiced. They probably have friends of other races, and "love all god's children equally". I doubt they'd mind if one of their children courted someone from another race, as long as they were the right kind of Christian. Their privilege is so ingrained, they probably don't even realize it's there. They may not realize that the way they behave on their mission trips could be seen as offensive. They probably think they're helping, without realizing that they come off as the "great white hope coming to save the ignorant savages".

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They are bigots trying to portray that their not. Otherwise we would see more diversity on the show rather than a token few minorities. There are plenty of fundies of all races. They don't have to look very far to find them.

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I've seen no evidence of racism, but I definitely think they are bigoted - their god is better than your god and all that. They look down on all other creeds, they certainly have a fair share of misogyny and of course we all know their ignorance regarding the LBGT community. I think they would take 10 black evangelical Christians over one white Catholic any day.

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I don't know if they're racist. But there's is no way in hell any of these kids are going to date black or a person who looks Spanish. Unless they want fame. The fundie lifestyle isn't appealing to minorities. It's bad enough if a black couple or Hispanic couple had 19 kids people who be all over them like they are now. I don't even think the Duggars have that many minority fans anyway. I looked at the comments from their social media pages and most of their fans are white Christians.

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I don't know if they're racist. But there's is no way in hell any of these kids are going to date black or a person who looks Spanish. Unless they want fame. The fundie lifestyle isn't appealing to minorities. It's bad enough if a black couple or Hispanic couple had 19 kids people who be all over them like they are now. I don't even think the Duggars have that many minority fans anyway. I looked at the comments from their social media pages and most of their fans are white Christians.

Yeah, I assume they live in a predominantly white area and the few dealings they have with people of color are in the service industry or on mission trips, so they're not going to be terribly "enlightened" on race, simply because they likely do not know very many people of color on a deep level. That, and Gothard's beauty standards and doctrines are very, very white, Western, and Protestant, and would not have much room for people of color, especially those who come from different cultural backgrounds. Again, I'm sure that they're nice to non-white people, but they likely keep them at arm's length. Fine to be friends (especially if it gives you "some of my best friends are..." cred when you say something stupid), but we're not going to see a mixed marriage unless the lucky lady/gentleman looks white.

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They should name the new daughter "Mercy"

They probably will after this....seriously! !

I love the name Madison.

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Well...to her credit, at least that's consistent. I don't like the people who are pro-life but don't seem to care too much when young black men get victimized or killed by the police. Though she also could just be hijacking the Black Lives Matter hashtag for abortion activism without really thinking about what it actually means, or why poor, socioeconimically marginalized black women may get abortions.

It was a hijacked hashtag in which she put claims up about how we should be worried about the amount of black babies "lost to abortion."

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I feel for all 4 of the M kids. It's not their fault who they are born too...I always say, you can't help who your parents are.

I think they should name her Justice Peach.

since apparently they feel like it's been served. And everything is peachy.

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I feel for all 4 of the M kids. It's not their fault who they are born too...I always say, you can't help who your parents are.

I think they should name her Justice Peach.

since apparently they feel like it's been served. And everything is peachy.

Justice Peace sounds like the name of video girl/stripper (like Blac Chyna).

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Justice Peace sounds like the name of video girl/stripper (like Blac Chyna).

Josh might know her then

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Josh might know her then

A couple of weeks ago there was the rumor about both Josh and JB frequenting such businesses- IF ONLY, JOSH, if only.

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