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Does anyone care what Josh and Anna name their daughter?


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Miranda (rights... Which should have been read to him the moment law enforcement arrested him.)

But, I'm certain we will see a sweet, precious little blessing™ named Mercy. Josh, in true Duggar fashion will use this kid to pimp his "its cool y'all! Jesus' sweet mercy totes fixed my oopsie!"

Those poor mkids. This will suck for them in the future. Hoping they are safe and that this will prevent 3rd generation of cult members.

ETA: Just to clarify, I know Josh wasn't arrested, but he should have been.

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Miranda (rights... Which should have been read to him the moment law enforcement arrested him.)

But, I'm certain we will see a sweet, precious little blessing™ named Mercy. Josh, in true Duggar fashion will use this kid to pimp his "its cool y'all! Jesus' sweet mercy totes fixed my oopsie!"

Those poor mkids. This will suck for them in the future. Hoping they are safe and that this will prevent 3rd generation of cult members.

Yep I'm going with Mercy too. A terrible name IMO; but Duggars are big on damage control.

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Yep I'm going with Mercy too. A terrible name IMO; but Duggars are big on damage control.

Yeah, I'd put money on that. Mercy Duggar.. Yikes, that's a horrible name.

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I needed to add these middle names.

Mercy Faith Duggar

Mercy Grace Duggar

Mercy Redeemed Duggar , perhaps a little too Puritan in origin.

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I would say Mercy or maybe Josh can get Anna to agree to Michelle since he may feel an obligation to honor his mother. After all, he did get Anna to agree to using his dad's name.

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I have no clue what it will be, but I know of a few that are out of the running:

Ellen (that evil lesbian deviant) Oprah (that whistle blower) Alice, Toni (Perkins)

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I completely agree Mercy Grace Duggar

In fact I have Anna's statement she will make after the birth all ready as well.

"Though God's Mercy and Grace Josh and I have weathered the past several months since his forgiven by Jesus sins became public knowledge. Luckily God has used this time to bring us closer to each other and closer to God. Last night we welcomed Mercy Grace Duggar into our Hell on Earth, OOPS I mean Happy Home"

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I'm kind of surprised we don't see more fundies naming kids whole Bible verses- I seemed to remember Puritans doing that and found this old Slate article: slate.com/blogs/the_vault/2013/09/13/puritan_names_lists_of_bizarre_religious_nomenclature_used_by_puritans.html

I've never cared for my middle name but it beats "Abstinence", geeze.

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I'm kind of surprised we don't see more fundies naming kids whole Bible verses- I seemed to remember Puritans doing that and found this old Slate article: slate.com/blogs/the_vault/2013/09/13/puritan_names_lists_of_bizarre_religious_nomenclature_used_by_puritans.html

I've never cared for my middle name but it beats "Abstinence", geeze.

Hahaha I have some Puritan ancestors with awesome virtue names, like: Freelove, Deliverance, and Submit for girls; Philander (it's now my guilty pleasure), Expeirence, and Preserved (2 instances of this one, one of which had the last name Fish, which I thought was perfect) for boys.

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Hahaha I have some Puritan ancestors with awesome virtue names, like: Freelove, Deliverance, and Submit for girls; Philander (it's now my guilty pleasure), Expeirence, and Preserved (2 instances of this one, one of which had the last name Fish, which I thought was perfect) for boys.

Sounds like we probably have some of the same ancestors! Haha. Lots of Old Testament names that never get used anymore, too, like Ebenezer and Mehetebel. I've come across Preserved Fish before, though I'm not descended from him unfortunately (that I know of). I have to admit, I have a soft spot for those crazy virtue names, not that I'd actually saddle a kid with one.

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Freelove is KIND OF awesome! Submit gave me a chuckle. If I were you, I'd name my first daughter Fish Delivered.

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Sounds like we probably have some of the same ancestors! Haha. Lots of Old Testament names that never get used anymore, too, like Ebenezer and Mehetebel. I've come across Preserved Fish before, though I'm not descended from him unfortunately (that I know of). I have to admit, I have a soft spot for those crazy virtue names, not that I'd actually saddle a kid with one.

Haha yea I have a soft spot for them too. I think I could use them as character names in a story.... Philander and Freelove take on the world! ;)

I have Ebenezer and Mehitable/Mehitabel as well :)

And I also have an Ichabod.

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Freelove is KIND OF awesome! Submit gave me a chuckle. If I were you, I'd name my first daughter Fish Delivered.

Haha yea I love Freelove. I can't imagine giving a girl that name in this day and age, though. I imagine she'd forever be seen as a slut....

ETA: your comment about Fish Delivered reminded me that one of the Fishes married a Sherman. I laughed a little too hard about the idea of hyphenating the name to Fish-Sherman.

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They are going to suck up to Michelle but the name will be MyscHylle. No way will they name that baby Mercy and have people recall why at every mention.

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Preserved Fish? That's awesome, I love it!

I can't help but think some Puritans had a sense of humor about names. :laughing-rolling:

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I remember reading a book from my school library once about Puritans who came to America on the Mayflower. It wasn't based on a real person... it was part of a series called "My Story", diaries written as if from the perspective of young girls living through various points in History (like there was one about a girl during WWII, one during the voyage of the Titanic etc). On the front of each one was "The Diary of xxxx" and the dates. (At least on the editions I had, I think they've got new ones now). This Puritan girl was called Remember Patience Whipple, nicknamed Mem. I don't think I finished the book, but I remember one character saying that it was good that her first name wasn't Patience because she wasn't patient. I remember seeing the name and thinking "what the hell kinda name is that?" Of course, now I realise that Puritanism was all about the virtue names.

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I remember reading a book from my school library once about Puritans who came to America on the Mayflower. It wasn't based on a real person... it was part of a series called "My Story", diaries written as if from the perspective of young girls living through various points in History (like there was one about a girl during WWII, one during the voyage of the Titanic etc). On the front of each one was "The Diary of xxxx" and the dates. (At least on the editions I had, I think they've got new ones now). This Puritan girl was called Remember Patience Whipple, nicknamed Mem. I don't think I finished the book, but I remember one character saying that it was good that her first name wasn't Patience because she wasn't patient. I remember seeing the name and thinking "what the hell kinda name is that?" Of course, now I realise that Puritanism was all about the virtue names.

I LOVED THOSE BOOKS! I remember thinking the exact same thing when I read that one... wtf kind of name is "Remember?" My favorite one was the Jewish girl in the 1910's that had a storyline about the Triangle Shirt Factory fire. Morbid story but really well done.

I could totally see Josh and Anna going for a "virtuous" name. Mercy might be a bit much... but if they did a different M name for their first name and something like Forgyvness as a middle name....

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I'm going with Mikayla.

I think you win. Remember this post.

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In fact her fill name will be...


A name created in a Free Heaven Bliss...

A little pent-up demand as I lost my password and just got it restored!

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