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Anna Duggar - Merge


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Honestly Im not sure if she knew. She is probably saying she did, To save face? I dunno to me saying u know ur marrying a child molester is worse..

but fundies believe that u can pray away that stuff so I dunno

Did she continue to get to know Josh cuz she really loves him? I mean hey there plenty of crazy chicks lined up to marry dudes in jail so. I dunno

Did she see $$$ by marrying him?

Cuz it takes a lot of $$$ to have a buttload of kids.. was she encouraged by her family?

I think she really has no option but to stay in the marriage, does she have any skills? If she gets a divorce she will probably be shunned by her community and she will need some kind support emotional & maybe fanancial.

I also really doubt they explained to her the levels and severity of Josh problems. . To them a frontal hug is improper touching, So I really doubt they did.they probably minimized it, like they do everything

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Anna is not the sharpest crayon, and her vacant eyes and stupid baby voice drive me crazy. She was already over her head -- remember when she tried to put that playhouse together?

But now I feel for Anna. I doubt she expected this. Now she is yoked to this uneducated deadweight. They have no education, no job, and four kids. Probably media hounding them, phone ringing, texts keep coming in. I wouldn't be able to handle it. They got papped at the airport for lawd's sake, which I doubt happened before. And she's pregnant.

She's annoying, but she didn't deserve this.

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I think she really has no option but to stay in the marriage, does she have any skills? If she gets a divorce she will probably be shunned by her community and she will need some kind support emotional & maybe fanancial.

I also really doubt they explained to her the levels and severity of Josh problems. . To them a frontal hug is improper touching, So I really doubt they did.they probably minimized it, like they do everything

Agree 100% :( It's disgusting how someone would be judged for keeping their children safe from someone who not only is a molester but someone who commits incest as well. Some molesters only target people who are not blood relatives, but even that boundary is not there with Josh.

If she does not leave, the state needs to step in and make sure the M. kids are safe.

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1. Anna seems to have a close relationship with the older girls - I wonder whether they have ever discussed all of this or if they will - or if they are all just in the forgiveness / support Josh mode.

2. I think they will return to Arkansas because of Josh's job loss. I predict their standard of living is going to go way down.

3. I maybe predict a Josh meltdown and an unsuccessful attempt at a I've learned from my mistakes speaking tour.

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Also - I think it is atrocious that the older girls - especially Jana - had to go help out with Josh's kids. And is Anna worried that Josh eyes his sisters while they are there playing nanny.

It is so warped.

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Also - I think it is atrocious that the older girls - especially Jana - had to go help out with Josh's kids. And is Anna worried that Josh eyes his sisters while they are there playing nanny.

It is so warped.

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Is Anna close to the older girls? A while back there were rumors that Anna was disliked by them. In light of the latest revelations, I can see where there would be tension.

Related to that, I used to wonder why no one in the family seemed to be especially fond of Josh. All of it is starting to make sense now.

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I have a question and I don't know where to ask it. I'm not sure if anyone KNOWS the answer to something about someone else's level of understanding, but here goes:

We've seen Priscilla being led around, hugely pregnant and talked to like she is the family pet, or worse. She just laughs and smiles, kind of like Ma Keller does whenever she's on TV.

With the Keller family dynamics in mind ( that wasn't wine at the wedding, it was juice stomped from fresh grapes) is there any chance that even IF Anna heard 6-7 years ago that Josh had " touched" some of his sisters " many years ago when he was a child" ( probably how it was spun) that she would UNDERSTAND what inappropriate sexual behavior from a male sibling is like, and how harmful the incidents were to the Duggar girls?

IOW, was she able to give informed consent to court and marry Josh Duggar if his past history was glossed over and minimized? Did she have the sexual understanding of an adult or of a child before marriage?

Do we think anyone sat her down and said " Josh put his hands on his sisters' genitals and he hurt them, and he did this repeatedly and also while they were awake? Penned one of them down in the laundry room and groped her ahd hurt her.

Or was she probably told " Josh had a little impulse control problem when he was a very young teen and we sent him to a friend for some construction work and he came back with knowledge of right from wrong and has always done right since then?

I stayed awake wondering what Anna's level of understanding as a young sheltered virgin would be in the first place, and how she was told about the criminal sexual molestation in the second place.

I think her parents and Priscilla are idiots, sorry, so I can't see her family as being a support system in the shitstorm then or now!!

I think Anna was just excited to have a guy pick her for courtship and that it was Josh Duggar. She does seem to love him, but I've never seen the same kind of affection from him to her. I said this in another thread, but I think Anna and Pris work hard to be so stupid. They go into overdrive to ignore nagging doubts and questions. If they can't ignore it, up to God it goes...and then probably back into their heads when they try to go to sleep at night.

I think Anna's whole family supports her marriage, with the possible exception of Suze and Rebekah. I don't know where she'd turn if she did decide she needed to leave.

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Anna has enjoyed being a Duggar and relished the role of becoming a mini-Michelle, having baby after baby, homeschooling and taking care of her man. I think she has really enjoyed being in the spotlight with all the special gender-reveals during her pregnancies and the kudos she gets for having all these babies one after another, especially because she is fully aware of how much that is part of the Duggar "brand". I think she genuinely was proud and excited by Josh's job with the FRC and the possibility of him getting into politics and meeting important people at various events.

Anna may have been told some kind of abbreviated version of what Josh did "when he was young" but I'm not sure she really thought about what that truly meant, or if she did...she likely just concentrated on her belief that he was now a changed man.

I think the huge backlash this revelation is having and the enormous anger of the public will come as a huge shock to her. I don't think she really internalized Josh's "mistake" as incest and that it was a repeated behaviour over years that seriously hurt his sisters. I think she probably heard him confess something and that it was in the past and so it's resolved and he's now found God and his past doesn't matter. She's probably confused and shocked that people are reacting to something that in her mind was probably not a big deal, just a mistake Josh made when he was young and that was all in the past and no longer relevent.

While she is publicly supporting her husband, I wonder if the hate and anger coming at her husband from the public alongwith the possible cancellation of the show and Josh "resigning" from the FRC may start to have an impact on her emotionally. Here she is, due to have their 4th child, a girl and people are angry at her for not allowing for the possibility that he might be a pedophile and that her own kids might be in danger (or at least the girls).

While it might have been fun to have been in the spotlight when it was about meeting politicians and getting to be on a tv show and the perks involved in that, but it might not be much fun dealing with a scandal like this and all the fallout involved as the public learns more details and starts looking back at episodes like the whole family coming over to Josh's house for Thanksgiving...now people wondering how his sisters feel having to sit at the same table with their molester and act like it's just one big happy family!

Will Anna start having doubts? Will she start watching her husband more carefully to see if he does anything inappropriate? How is her family reacting? I know she said Josh told her and her family before she married him, but it's one thing to be told something and another when suddenly it becomes a huge public scandal!

Will she be able to deal with personal attacks of her staying with him or for even marrying him after she learned what he did! With people wondering if he might molest their children?

And then there's the fact that she and Josh will probably not be welcomed anywhere for a long time, if ever again. TLC, even if it keeps some kind of Duggar show, will likely not want Josh on it, or any reminder of Josh, so none of Josh's kids. How will she deal with suddenly not getting to be on tv anymore? No one to care what they name their new baby, or even that they are having another baby...or only negative comments and reactions. No more fun gender reveals with everyone excited they are expecting again. No more episodes about the family coming to visit. No more TLC money to supplement their income.

A few here have speculated in the past that Anna's intense desire to live up to Michelle's image and expectations of what a Duggar wife should be might be pushing Anna into having more kids than she might be able to truly handle emotionally right now. Add to that having to weather this kind of scandal and being pregnant... I just wonder if Anna will be able to handle it all? Could something like this push her over the edge?

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Knowing how good they are at scheming, ma and pa Duggar are probably circling the wagons right now, tightening their grip on all family members so that they can ride out this catastrophe without some other bad stuff coming out. They may even be trying to keep an especially close eye on Anna. If only she had a close girlfriend that could convince her to go rogue. If she could get a quick tell-all book onto the market and then make the rounds of the chat shows she could make enough money for herself and her kids to live on and shake off the Duggars for forever.

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Gotta say, each pregnancy announcement is now going to be met with "Oh god gross!" "How can she bring another child into that?" and a ton of negativity. Not quiet the "Ooooh babiesss" that she seems to be after. And soon after, no one will care at all if she's reproducing nonstop. Sad.

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I hope she is able to keep it together for the sake of her children, but the more important question IMO is whether this will drive the survivors over the edge and whether they are able to get the support they need. TLC needs to step it up and provide counselling for all of the Duggars, and housing and schooling for all of the adult "kids"

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I think they are hiding somewhere without access to ANY type of media. The LA LA LA LA if I cover my ears I can't hear you approach. I want to believe Anna will surprise us but I don't think she will. Though CPS may surprise us all and not give them a choice.

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The best case scenario is that Anna has to stop being dumb and grow up. That sounds horrible I realise, but she has infantilised herself and allowed the Duggars and Josh to use and infantalise her. She's not bright, but she needs to wise up and protect her kids.

Not from Josh in a predator sense (I don't think) but from the toxic environment around Josh and the Duggars that will only get worse. She does not need more children. Anna and Josh didn't need four kids anyway, but they certainly should NOT be having more.

In my ideal world: Anna goes to live with her parents and divorces Josh. Works in the ministry and then realises she needs to get a job, starts working somewhere, sends the kids to school, meets and marries a nice normal guy and lives a happy, mainstream and normal life.

What I hope doesn't happen: Anna 'stands by her man' they go back to running the car lot, for the public put forth a good front and have more kids they can't handle or afford, behind the scenes both suffer from horrible depression and raise the children in a toxic environment.

I don't know, I want to think Anna will grow up, harden up and pull her life together ON HER OWN for her kids, but I don't know whether she was raised to have the resources for this. I will be thinking of her, she is a victim here too.

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Yes! This is too much for her--or anyone--to endure.

Plus, there are more than likely 5 victims of Josh's sexual abuse. Josh himself is more than likely a victim of sexual abuse. I hope he and other victims will reach out and tell their stories.

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Anna drank a lifetime supply of the koolaid a long time ago. She has a role to play and loves playing it.

But honestly, I could see Josh leaving her one day. Now that his image is tarnished it wouldn't matter. I find him to be very distant and unbonded to events and people. Like Dexter the serial killer.

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Unlike Priscilla, who seems to be developmentally delayed, Anna is stupid by choice. She doesn't want to think about what Josh did or might do, because that would require her to rethink all the choices she has made in her adult life. Not only that, she would have to reconsider Gothardism and whether the "truths" she was taught as a child are really correct. All the Duggars are probably hiding out in media free-zones, thinking happy thoughts of Jesus and hoping that this will all blow over. I think Anna will stand by her man, even to her detriment.

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My question is will this drive Josh over the edge? Can he really handle this kind of pressure? A new baby coming, no job, public shaming, destroying his family's livelihood, what he actually did, the shame of his children knowing his sins...

Can Josh survive this? He has no real support system. This may end badly.

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I worry that it could. I think both Anna and Josh have been suffering from depression. I think the added burden of four young kids, an unemployed husband, and a scandalous husband at that.... would not be good for anybody.

I really hope TLC ensures that all involved get real counseling, with real trained therapists.

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I think that motherhood pulls something out of women that forces them to deal with situations they would otherwise hide from or avoid on behalf of their children. If it was just Anna, I'd expect her to go along with the Duggar lies.

From everything we can see, Anna is a good mom who really cares for and is involved with her kids. I want to believe that extends to doing what she needs to do to keep them safe.

I don't know enough about this situation or other similar situations - is there a way Josh can get some treatment and help and not be a threat to his family? And if so, would Anna be able to trust him enough with their kids?

This is such a shitty situation if you DO have the support from family and resources to take care of things... I can't even imagine being in a situation where mental health help isn't encouraged.

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Right now I could care less about the mental state of Josh, just looking at his smug face makes me want to vomit. I just hope and pray he doesn't take it out on Anna and the kids.

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Anna was a child herself when she married Josh. Of course she didn't understand the seriousness of what happened, plus the family whitewashes EVERYTHING and redirects to something that will remind people of how pious they are (ie: the whole situation brought us closer to God etc...) So I'm sure it was not described as anything to be concerned about.

Plus the fact that the Duggars were already TV stars. I'm sure Anna (and her creepy parents) considered that fact about him way more than the fact that he had more sexual contact with his sisters than with her until their wedding night.

If you guys have read any of the articles about the Gothard method for dealing with sex, it makes sense that a boy would sexualize a little girl. Their learning material states that boys should not change baby girls diapers because that may lead to stirring up desires. So, messages like "stay away from your baby sister, Josh, she's 3 months old and sexy as hell" Was what Josh grew up hearing. That's some sick shit. But Anna grew up hearing stuff like that too so it's also possible that she blamed the victims more than josh

Anyway, Yes. I don't think Anna is prepared for the reality she's about to have handed to her, and neither are any of the rest of them.

Hopefully they all get so pissed off they move out and go to college

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Regarding Anna, I keep thinking about the Holmes & Rahe Stress Scale. I learned about it at work when management made everyone attend a work/life balance seminar. The scale lists 43 different life events. Each event is assigned a number. You check off all the events that apply to you and add up your score. The higher the total, the more stress you are under. It's a real eye-opener to take it.

Anna's magic number is 196. I gave her:

Pregnancy (40)

Change in financial state (38) This is happening due to husband's job loss.

Trouble with in-laws (29) The relationship with them will be tense.

Spouse begins/stops work (26) This just happened.

Change in living conditions (25) An assumption that life Chez Josh will be tense.

Change in residence (20) I assume a move to Arkansas shortly.

Change in social activities (18) No more meet-and-greets with famous people.

Anna's score indicates she has a moderate to high risk of becoming ill in the near future. There may be other events that are applicable, such as Change in church activities (19) or Change in sleeping habits (16).

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I wonder if josh and anna will do a joint interview ? Or Do they think this statement is enough and they can go about their life as nothing happens?

I doubt she was properly explained what happened, fundies have a tendency to minimize shit like that..

but if she really knew the extent of the problems how can they condem the LGBT community as being perverts and etc..

did she really think josh prayed away the problem? Well im pretty sure she did since they think God fixes everything. .

I'm hoping she divorces him, but I doubt she she will I been reading a lot of support comments for josh. ..

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Right now I could care less about the mental state of Josh, just looking at his smug face makes me want to vomit. I just hope and pray he doesn't take it out on Anna and the kids.

I agree. His fauxpology was forced and insincere and focused on his life being affected.

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