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Anna Duggar - Merge


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Various thoughts, in random order:

I, too, am concerned for the safety of Anna, Josh and the children. Sending everyone to heaven has happened before and will happen again.

Anna won't get a job. Back up... she won't get a NORMAL job. She might get some sort of BS job from a fellow fundie or other sympathetic entity. Not wholly unlike Josh getting a job as an EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. That's the job I have. There is simply no way he had the education or skill set to do THAT actual job. Go out and "preach the word according to FRC"? Yes. But do any actual Executive Directing? No. So she may be able to get an income source that looks and sounds like a job but isn't a job like anyone else is familiar with.

Priscilla (I went back and YouTubed to refresh my memory) is either VERY uncomfortable in front of cameras (always possible.... I cringe at my first on camera interviews) OR she does have some sort of "developmental delay". Doesn't matter to me. I say this because you see her looking to someone else for assurance (and encouragement is given) that she's saying the right thing in the right way. If only I had someone there doing the same for me the first time I had a camera in my face. Oy. But all This Kind of Fundie kids are "simple" in their mental abilities because they have no other option. They aren't allowed to think critically. They can't even decide to be pissed off today. How can they properly evaluate information? Sometimes it shows more than others.

There has clearly been a crack in the unity. Who leaked the info? We may never know. But a crack has developed and it's going to be very very difficult for all involved. Whether they circle the wagons closer or the crack becomes a canyon remains to be seen. Depending on my mood, I can see it going either way. I really feel for the scores of people who are unemployed today. Not the Duggars et al. The CREW. The film crew. The staff that oversaw it all. But they were all dancing around the fire and pretending it wasn't hot.

I think we have a lot of "entertainment" left in this story. Lots more will come out. Those around the Duggars, the non-fundie types, they'll have stories. And if they really all split, we'll know even more. Money is to be made telling the tale of The Dark Side of Being Duggar. Someone will get paid.

Stress is a trigger for offenders. I will be completely non-plussed if Josh is caught doing something secret and nefarious to someone. I pray it isn't to a child or violent. Getting caught with his pants down in a park? Hopefully that's all it is.

I pray for the children. Their lives have been ripped to shreds this week.

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Totally think that family partriarch and "money man", JB, snowed Anna and her parents. I've always liked the Kellers; not everything they stand for (especially not the way they treated Susanna and Daniel), but just their general dispositions. However, (and I'm not trying to be insensitive or mean), they are not the sharpest tools in the shed. I think, when JB got to know the Kellers, he found in them (and especially in Anna) the PERFECT "make this go away" partner for Josh. The Kellers would be attracted to the royal family AND their money, and JB knew they'd be easy suckers due to their simple ways.The Kellers are/were boardline poor. Their humble home (in which they raised their large Quiverfull family) is a small mobile home in a tropical clearing. Contrary to people saying they can afford to have a "tennis court" in their backyard, it's nothing more than a dirt clearing with a net in the middle (not the same thing). The Duggars were the 1st family of Fundie Land and JB knew the Kellers would relish the thought of their Anna "landing a Duggar." So JB used his broad brush and painted the Kellers a Joshy picture they could stomach. I think JB thought he had found in them and Anna a solution to the Josh nightmare. All speculation on my part, of course, but I think this is how it went down. And now it's ALL going down.

P.S. Anyone find it telling (that the Kellers were totally snowed) in Pa Keller's, "I only have two questions" when Pecan wanted to marry Priss. "Do you promise to keep the computer in a public room in the house for accountability, and do will you accept as many children as God would give you?" Pa Keller SUPPOSEDLY, according to Anna, already knew that Josh Duggar had molested his siblings, yet he felt that public computer use would be the only thing needed to prevent similar future occurances in his childrens' married homes??? This does NOT seem to say, "One of my daughters is already married to a man who sexually molested family members, and I'm on guard because of it." Yeah, I think the Kellers were snowed for sure.

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Totally think that money man JB snowed Anna and her parents. I've always liked the Kellers; not everything they stand for (especially not the way they treated Susanna and Daniel), but just their general dispositions. However, (and I'm not trying to be insensitive or mean), they are not the sharpest tools in the shed. I think, when JB got to know the Kellers, he found in them (and especially in Anna) the PERFECT "make this go away" partner for Josh. The Kellers would be attracted to the royal family AND their money, and JB knew they'd be easy suckers due to their simple ways.The Kellers' home is a mobile home in a tropical clearing. Contrary to people saying they have a "tennis court" in their backyard, it's a dirt clearing with a net in the middle (not the same thing). The Duggars were the 1st family of Fundie Land and JB knew the Kellers would relish the thought of their Anna "landing a Duggar." So JB used his broad brush and painted the Kellers a Joshy picture they could stomach. I think JB thought he had found in them and Anna a solution to the Josh nightmare. All speculation on my part, of course, but I think this is how it went down. And now it's ALL going down.

I agree. Also unless we actually know what was said it's highly likely that the Kellers and Anna didn't hear everything. Josh admitting to inappropriate actions with his sisters could be considered telling them about it while leaving out the more ugly details like it being nonconsentual or involving a sister who was only four years old.

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Let's assume Anna only said she knew.

Assuming that was not a truthful statement, do you think being an ATI quiverfull fundie will be enough to keep her from worrying about the safety well being of her children now?

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Thanks to Obamacare, losing a job and being pregnant means that she qualifies for Medicare coverage throughout the pregnancy/delivery, and the kids would qualify anyway if they really don't have $. Given their 19KAC income, they should be able to afford private insurance, though.

the other day before the scandal broke

they showed the anna and josh story

and anna was prattling on about how she was lucky to be married to josh because otherwise she could be alone and have to work and take the trash out

stupid woman - she would rather be married to a child molestor

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Let's assume Anna only said she knew.

Assuming that was not a truthful statement, do you think being an ATI quiverfull fundie will be enough to keep her from worrying about the safety well being of her children now?

I think even if she knew some details but didn't realize the full extent until now she should be worried about her kids. Unfortunately I would assume Josh is limiting her exposure to news reports about it. I wonder if Anna's siblings have talked to her since it broke. I would think the non-fundie ones would encourage her to possibly leave Josh or at least have somebody speak to Mackenzie and Michael.

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If any parent who even barely knows them so much as saw Josh LOOK at a kid, they're probably calling CPS right now.

I don't know if there's any way CPS can investigate based on this old report alone. But Josh better be hoping he has a REALLY clean past ever since then or else I would anticipate it is not at all unlikely CPS could be knocking on their door in the near future, whether he's molested any other children or not.

I doubt his past will be very clean. He molested his sisters so often and even after he had been caught. I think there will be more girls, from ATI.

However, Joy is still a minor and her parents allow her abuser to visit her. I think that is a current situation that should be looked in by CPS.

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I think even if she knew some details but didn't realize the full extent until now she should be worried about her kids. Unfortunately I would assume Josh is limiting her exposure to news reports about it. I wonder if Anna's siblings have talked to her since it broke. I would think the non-fundie ones would encourage her to possibly leave Josh or at least have somebody speak to Mackenzie and Michael.

Yes in another thread I said I think it's fully possible she doesn't know the full details even now, and is being kept away from computers and just swallowing whatever her headship tells her. I think it's highly unlikely someone in as deep as her would think to seek out the police report, much less actually go ahead and do so, especially if Josh told her not to. She is just going to keep driving full speed off the cliff and not even realize it.

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Thanks to Obamacare, losing a job and being pregnant means that she qualifies for Medicare coverage throughout the pregnancy/delivery, and the kids would qualify anyway if they really don't have $. Given their 19KAC income, they should be able to afford private insurance, though.

She may be entitled to COBRA, the insurance extender available to those who have lost their jobs. You have to pay the full premium, the employer no longer pays their part, but you can carry your old insurance for up to 18 months. What is tricky here is that if you quit or resign you are usually not eligible for COBRA. Doesn't really matter, because if the can't get COBRA they can still get insurance thanks to big, bad, black Obama. Something they would not have been able to do while she was pregnant pre Obamacare.

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She may be entitled to COBRA, the insurance extender available to those who have lost their jobs. You have to pay the full premium, the employer no longer pays their part, but you can carry your old insurance for up to 18 months. What is tricky here is that if you quit or resign you are usually not eligible for COBRA. Doesn't really matter, because if the can't get COBRA they can still get insurance thanks to big, bad, black Obama. Something they would not have been able to do while she was pregnant pre Obamacare.

Maybe things have changed, but I was eligible for 18 months of COBRA when I quit a job 17 years ago. Didn't need it, but my employer had me read and sign paperwork acknowledging I'd been informed of it. The HR person explained that it would cover me if my new job didn't work out.

Either way, as you say, she'll be able to get coverage for her pre-existing condtion.

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Let's assume Anna only said she knew.

Assuming that was not a truthful statement, do you think being an ATI quiverfull fundie will be enough to keep her from worrying about the safety well being of her children now?

Yes. Because I believe Anna subscribes to the belief that sexual misbehavior is the failure of a wife to keep her husband satisfied. I'm sure she thinks Josh "acted out" as a teen because he was sexualyl frustrated and couldn't righteously fulfill his desires, now he can, so there shouldn't be a problem. I don't think she considers her husband a pedophile and a predator to her children.

Sadly, this is not how sexual predators really act, and she definitely should be concerned.

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Maybe things have changed, but I was eligible for 18 months of COBRA when I quit a job 17 years ago. Didn't need it, but my employer had me read and sign paperwork acknowledging I'd been informed of it. The HR person explained that it would cover me if my new job didn't work out.

Either way, as you say, she'll be able to get coverage for her pre-existing condtion.

Ah, OK, it is possible I have the COBRA criteria mixed up with eligibility for unemployment benefits if you quit a job. Thank you for clarifying that. Yes, they, the children, and the unborn will all be covered thanks to the people they always campaign against.

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I don't think Anna knew the extent of it. No way. If she did then I doubt she would have said in the last episode, "Mommy takes care of the North end and Daddy takes care of the south" (meaning Josh changes the diapers).

She couldn't be that stupid if she knew what actually happened.

Jim Bulb is very slow and calculating anytime he talks. Josh is very "used car sales man'' when he talks. Put those two together with, I was inappropriate with someone" and one could be snowballed.

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I don't know if anyone else mentioned this, but I'm wondering if Anna will be able to carry full term. Couldn't all this stress lead to early labor and pregnancy complications? I hope everything goes well and that Anna has a safe delivery and that her and her kids are being taken care of.

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Let's assume Anna only said she knew.

Assuming that was not a truthful statement, do you think being an ATI quiverfull fundie will be enough to keep her from worrying about the safety well being of her children now?

Maybe she spends all her waking hours monitoring where and what her husband it doing. Wondering if Josh could slip again has to be in her mind. Right?

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I don't think Anna knew the extent of it. No way. If she did then I doubt she would have said in the last episode, "Mommy takes care of the North end and Daddy takes care of the south" (meaning Josh changes the diapers).

She couldn't be that stupid if she knew what actually happened.

Jim Bulb is very slow and calculating anytime he talks. Josh is very "used car sales man'' when he talks. Put those two together with, I was inappropriate with someone" and one could be snowballed.

I think JB spun a story with the Kellers just like he took Josh into the good-ole-boy sheriff, now doing time. I've said it before, JB is a cunning creepier. He is dishonest at his core. His handling of this entire situation is criminal. He knowingly skirted the law. HE HAS TO HAVE NPD, IF HE KNEW THIS WAS IN THE FAMILY'S CLOSET, YET SOLD THE FAMILY TO THE MEDIA AS A WHOLESOME, PURE, BETTER-THAN-EVERYONE-ELSE, GOD FEARING FAMILY. Mentally ill or a sociopath, take your pick.

I feel so badly for Anna and her kids. I imagine within a couple of years, she'll be an ex-Duggar.

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I think JB spun a story with the Kellers just like he took Josh into the good-ole-boy sheriff, now doing time. I've said it before, JB is a cunning creepier. He is dishonest at his core. His handling of this entire situation is criminal. He knowingly skirted the law. HE HAS TO HAVE NPD, IF HE KNEW THIS WAS IN THE FAMILY'S CLOSET, YET SOLD THE FAMILY TO THE MEDIA AS A WHOLESOME, PURE, BETTER-THAN-EVERYONE-ELSE, GOD FEARING FAMILY. Mentally ill or a sociopath, take your pick.

I feel so badly for Anna and her kids. I imagine within a couple of years, she'll be an ex-Duggar.

We can hope she will!

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Ah, OK, it is possible I have the COBRA criteria mixed up with eligibility for unemployment benefits if you quit a job. Thank you for clarifying that. Yes, they, the children, and the unborn will all be covered thanks to the people they always campaign against.

They will not see the irony unfortunately. :roll:

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I don't know if anyone else mentioned this, but I'm wondering if Anna will be able to carry full term. Couldn't all this stress lead to early labor and pregnancy complications? I hope everything goes well and that Anna has a safe delivery and that her and her kids are being taken care of.

That's what worries me the most about the timing of the scandal fallout. I would hate for either Jessa or Anna to experience pregnancy complications due to the stress of everything. I'm sure this isn't particularly easy.

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I think Josh is going to become very depressed over this coming out (he kind of strikes me as someone who suffers from anxiety and/or depression anyway; always seems either anxious and/or has an almost flat affect.) I hope he doesn't do anything to cause Anna and the children further suffering (eg. harm himself). I think, if Anna responds with even a hint of stress and disapproval over how this has played out from origin to now, that Josh won't be able to handle the hurt in her eyes, and will shut down to the point of allowing the marriage to fail.

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I think Josh is going to become very depressed over this coming out (he kind of strikes me as someone who suffers from anxiety and/or depression anyway; always seems either anxious and/or has an almost flat affect.) I hope he doesn't do anything to cause Anna and the children further suffering (eg. harm himself). I think, if Anna responds with even a hint of stress and disapproval over how this has played out from origin to now, that Josh won't be able to handle the hurt in her eyes, and will shut down to the point of allowing the marriage to fail.

I do not think this is going to end well for either Josh or Anna Duggar.

I hope they get family counseling ASAP- and not JB approved or hand picked.

JB and Michelle need to keep their mouths shut-

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I do not think this is going to end well for either Josh or Anna Duggar.

I hope they get family counseling ASAP- and not JB approved or hand picked.

JB and Michelle need to keep their mouths shut-

Definitely, this. ^^^

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I have hope for Anna, some. If she is honest that her love and devotion is to God first, then she'll protect her children from a potential predator...or admitted as it is. Look at all the people who have left FDLS including some in the immediate family of the most notable offenders. Isn't one of the Sister Wives a defector from FDLS? It can happen where people leave their cult. Anna has siblings and hopefully has made friends outside of the family who know that abuse is abuse and will talk to her. Maybe help won't come right away, it might be years, but I think she'll get it and get out. I know if she were my sister, I'd be on the 1st flight out and no one could keep me from talking to her...but she's not and she's been taught a whole different type of "loyalty". I just hope that if she's truly using her "servant's heart" it is as a commitment to ensure her children's safety and not a sense of loyalty to her husband.

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Josh and Anna's site used to have links to ATI and IBLP. They took down their site right after the Josh stuff came out and has been down for a couple days. They put it back up tonight, BUT THEY TOOK DOWN ALL LINKS TO ATI AND IBLP.

I wonder why???????

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Josh and Anna's site used to have links to ATI and IBLP. They took down their site right after the Josh stuff came out and has been down for a couple days. They put it back up tonight, BUT THEY TOOK DOWN ALL LINKS TO ATI AND IBLP.

I wonder why???????

Because the people on the Internet are smart enough to connect Josh with another Child Molester.

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