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Anna Duggar - Merge


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I truly dont believe josh is remorseful over this event at all and Anna will do whatever necessary to keep Joshie happy. They may even move back to Arkansas into the mcmansion currently occupied by Jill and Derrick. Didnt J and D have news to share on the last show...maybe a convenient Walmart transfer to another city to free up the house for its new occupants. JimBob and Michelle are not going to let this incident affect Josh and Anna if they can at all help it ...after all they are the ones who have been keeping this dark secret fo 10 years at the expense of their daughters..Anna will continue on in her naive mindset living off the Duggar empire for as long as she can.

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Yes. Because I believe Anna subscribes to the belief that sexual misbehavior is the failure of a wife to keep her husband satisfied. I'm sure she thinks Josh "acted out" as a teen because he was sexualyl frustrated and couldn't righteously fulfill his desires, now he can, so there shouldn't be a problem. I don't think she considers her husband a pedophile and a predator to her children.

Sadly, this is not how sexual predators really act, and she definitely should be concerned.

And when Josh will molest somebody again, she will not only blame herself, but people around her will blame her as well. She will probably try to close her eyes for everything as long as possible...

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Josh and Anna's site used to have links to ATI and IBLP. They took down their site right after the Josh stuff came out and has been down for a couple days. They put it back up tonight, BUT THEY TOOK DOWN ALL LINKS TO ATI AND IBLP.

I wonder why???????

My guess would be to not harm ATI and IBLP. Because Josh Duggar recommending or supporting something just became a badt thing...

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Josh and Anna's site used to have links to ATI and IBLP. They took down their site right after the Josh stuff came out and has been down for a couple days. They put it back up tonight, BUT THEY TOOK DOWN ALL LINKS TO ATI AND IBLP.

I wonder why???????

Sounds like closing the barn door after the horse has escaped, but whatever.

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Look at all the people who have left FDLS including some in the immediate family of the most notable offenders. Isn't one of the Sister Wives a defector from FDLS?

This is OT, so I'll be quick but...

Have you looked at the geneology and/or connections between the sister wives? They are still very much in a cult mindset. Janelle was married to Mari's brother. And David Jessop, Robin's ex, is Christine's cousin. Jenelle's mother married Cody's father. And this is just what I can think of off the top of my head. Sooooooo cult crazy.

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To pick a week to be away/without internet access.

I'm worried about Anna Duggar. Even though she says she knew, exactly what was she told. "Josh committed a sin in the past" can mean something like stealing a candy bar from the grocery store. Touching could have meant that he front hugged someone or held their hand with their purity standards. I know that if I was interested in a guy who had previously molested someone, and I found out, that would be a MAJOR red flag (if not a dealbreaker).

I worry a lot for Anna, Mack (especially if Joy was one of the victims because she was around Mack's age then), and M4. I don't want Josh Duggar around any daughter of mine.

What I HOPE for Anna (and the kids)

She temporarily separates from Josh and takes the kids to her parents or a Keller sibling (not Prissy/TFDW) and files for sole custody and child support (at least until M4 is born). After M4 (who's last name is Keller) she files for divorce and separates herself from all things Duggar. Mack is enrolled in public school in the fall and the two boys go to a preschool program while Anna takes online college classes. Josh's visits with the kids will be treated as a fundie courtship/engagement dating and require a chaperon.

Meanwhile Anna works on the tell-all Duggar book about what it's REALLY like to be married to Josh Duggar.

I don't see this happening but I want it to. I don't want her to stand by her man.

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I think Josh is going to become very depressed over this coming out (he kind of strikes me as someone who suffers from anxiety and/or depression anyway; always seems either anxious and/or has an almost flat affect.) I hope he doesn't do anything to cause Anna and the children further suffering (eg. harm himself). I think, if Anna responds with even a hint of stress and disapproval over how this has played out from origin to now, that Josh won't be able to handle the hurt in her eyes, and will shut down to the point of allowing the marriage to fail.

Seriously...unchecked he could easily turn Anna into his punching bag...literally and figuratively...

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It's anybody's guess what Anna will do, but my guess is she'll stay. She has nowhere else to go, emotionally. Same for the rest of the Duggar girls. It's not easy to up and leave your family and your life forever if you know that door will be closed to you.

She'll stay. I watched snippets of that awful Duggar interview from May 19 where Michelle yammered on about it being a woman's fault if a guy is turned on. I saw Myckenzie, or whatever the hell they named her and spell it, all over Josh's lap, etc. I saw nothing in her body language, etc, to believe we have any history repeating itself. I did only watch a snippet, but it does not appear that there is anything concerning there. Frankly, I was appalled watching Jordyn and Josie climb on their sister moms when they got bored. It never occurred to them to go to Mother or Father of the Year. With Josh and Anna's kids they were all over their parents when the got bored, as it should be.

I hope that Josh and Anna and their little family can heal. But I wonder where his next job will be. He's like kryptonite now, I'm not even sure he can get a job at WalMart.

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It's anybody's guess what Anna will do, but my guess is she'll stay. She has nowhere else to go, emotionally. Same for the rest of the Duggar girls. It's not easy to up and leave your family and your life forever if you know that door will be closed to you.

She'll stay. I watched snippets of that awful Duggar interview from May 19 where Michelle yammered on about it being a woman's fault if a guy is turned on. I saw Myckenzie, or whatever the hell they named her and spell it, all over Josh's lap, etc. I saw nothing in her body language, etc, to believe we have any history repeating itself. I did only watch a snippet, but it does not appear that there is anything concerning there. Frankly, I was appalled watching Jordyn and Josie climb on their sister moms when they got bored. It never occurred to them to go to Mother or Father of the Year. With Josh and Anna's kids they were all over their parents when the got bored, as it should be.

I hope that Josh and Anna and their little family can heal. But I wonder where his next job will be. He's like kryptonite now, I'm not even sure he can get a job at WalMart.

After they all used their fame and money to work so hard at preventing LGBT people from getting jobs, I could not care less if Josh, or any of the other adult Duggars can ever find work again. Let them live off the fortune they've already made spreading hate and stupidity on TLC.

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After they all used their fame and money to work so hard at preventing LGBT people from getting jobs, I could not care less if Josh, or any of the other adult Duggars can ever find work again. Let them live off the fortune they've already made spreading hate and stupidity on TLC.

Good point. My concern is really for the innocents.

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Look at the lifestyle they've led living in DC the last 2 years. Fancy DC parties and the travel involved with the lecture circuit. Josh being interviewed by right wing outlets as if he were a real pundit with important things to say. Meeting every Republican presidential candidate from the last two election cycles. Anna looking fashionable for the first time. NBA games with cool city friends. Independence from the Duggars.

And all came crashing down in a blink of an eye. Josh will work again, and probably soon. The Duggars still have many friends in the ATI circle. But never again will anyone want Josh's political support or care about his political opinions. And all of his political aspirations are permanently dashed.

It will be a difficult transition for them both (fortunately the kids are very young and probably happier hanging with their aunts), but I almost feel as though Josh will get through it much more easily than will Anna. He was always a fraud, and deep down I think he knew that. Anna, on the other hand, may have drunk deeply of the Josh-Is-Going-Places koolaid and will probably have a tough time back in Arkansas with four kids, a loser husband, no TV show attention, and far less money.

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Anna isn't leaving. I mean she went from being a Kim Kardashian of the fundie world to having nothing now. Josh will get a job ATI related. I think being with Josh is much better than being with her father. I hope for the sake of the m kids she protects them from harm. I agree that Anna may being Josh's punching bag. I hope not. But the girl is so brainwashed that she would just pray and forgive Josh instead of leaving.

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I don't think there's any reason to believe Josh might physically harm Anna. I can see him becoming very depressed and maybe even harming himself (pure speculation on my part), but don't see him turning on Anna. At all.

He can't sell cars, now. Who would buy from him? He can't work in the political arena. Who would want his name attached to theirs?

He's going to need to take some of that TLC cash and use it for a little TLC, -maybe purchase some rental properties and use those to generate an income to support his family.

But Anna's not leaving him. I doubt she will have more than one more baby after this one arrives. Josh seemed detached from her desire to have another baby, and underwhelmed when she told him she was pregnant this time around. He's not "all in", and that was before this news broke. I think Josh is done making babies. Anna might manage to catch one more baby after this (when he gets sloppy and careless in a moment of weakness?), but my bet is on their "as many as God will give us" family size being closed out at 4 or 5.

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I think Anna is going to be the one that becomes seriously depressed... She was getting all settled in near DC and now they are going to have to go back to Arkansas... When they moved, her entire appearance and style changed. She left her family and friends to move near DC for Josh's job, got into a daily routine with the kids there, made all new friends, became adjusted to a higher quality of living, and now this has all happened. I truly think she loves Josh and it is the worst thing in the world to see someone you love being hurt. (Although the outrage it is a reasonable consequence to his and Jim Bob and Michelle's actions)

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...Anna looking fashionable for the first time. .....

Did I miss a photo?

She certainly has been looking better, but I wouldn't say fashionable.... :o

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Look at the lifestyle they've led living in DC the last 2 years. Fancy DC parties and the travel involved with the lecture circuit. Josh being interviewed by right wing outlets as if he were a real pundit with important things to say. Meeting every Republican presidential candidate from the last two election cycles. Anna looking fashionable for the first time. NBA games with cool city friends. Independence from the Duggars.

And all came crashing down in a blink of an eye. Josh will work again, and probably soon. The Duggars still have many friends in the ATI circle. But never again will anyone want Josh's political support or care about his political opinions. And all of his political aspirations are permanently dashed.

It will be a difficult transition for them both (fortunately the kids are very young and probably happier hanging with their aunts), but I almost feel as though Josh will get through it much more easily than will Anna. He was always a fraud, and deep down I think he knew that. Anna, on the other hand, may have drunk deeply of the Josh-Is-Going-Places koolaid and will probably have a tough time back in Arkansas with four kids, a loser husband, no TV show attention, and far less money.

Honestly it's hard to say if Anna will care one way or another IMO. She seems fundamentally 'simple' to me and will more or less be doing the same thing with the same views no matter their finances and Josh's job (though there is no debating more money is nice, it is unlikely these two will ever not have enough to live what most people would consider adequately if not comfortably). I think she legitimately believes all her worth is in simply being a wife and mother, and that Josh is the one god intended for her and so all of this is in some way intended. I don't see her having any kind of meltdown over the change in job/financial circumstances. She's just going to keep on keeping on with her kids. Frankly it might be a relief to her not to have to do these 'other' things like dress fashionably and go out to social events. Whether she'll have a meltdown if she ever wises up about exactly what Josh really DID and what it MIGHT mean is another question.

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Did I miss a photo?

She certainly has been looking better, but I wouldn't say fashionable.... :o

The photo Daily Mail was running with the purple dress, pregnant no less!, was stunning. It was from April, I believe.

ETA: link not broken because Daily News. It was from February. There are other shots too. She looks lovely in this dress

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/ar ... andal.html

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I think this is going to be a game changer, maybe not so much for the older kids but the younger kids it most certainly might be. I mean these kids grew up in the good life, they traveled extensively, shopped, went out to eat. Now that the gravy train has derailed and they are stuck cooped up in the "Dugger Dome", they will long for what they once had. I think probably several of the kids do not see the outside world as much of a hostile place like their parents wanted them to believe. Maybe "Breaking Duggar" is not that far fetched of a fantasy anymore.

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The photo Daily Mail was running with the purple dress, pregnant no less!, was stunning. It was from April, I believe.

ETA: link not broken because Daily News. It was from February. There are other shots too. She looks lovely in this dress

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/ar ... andal.html

Anna does look very nice in that photo, I like her hair. WTF is wrong with Mackinsee? She looks paler than the pillsbury dough-boy!

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Anna confuses the hell out of me right now. She knew, before she was engaged to Josh what he had done. Yet she married him anyway. Has three children, and a 4th on the way. Was she so desperate to be married and be a mom? Is this a different level of fundie kool aid than I ever thought possible? Was it the potential money from TLC that made her parents okay with her marrying Josh? We all know that without their consent, she couldn't have married him. So in what world is Josh an acceptable spouse by fundie standards?

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Anna confuses the hell out of me right now. She knew, before she was engaged to Josh what he had done. Yet she married him anyway. Has three children, and a 4th on the way. Was she so desperate to be married and be a mom? Is this a different level of fundie kool aid than I ever thought possible? Was it the potential money from TLC that made her parents okay with her marrying Josh? We all know that without their consent, she couldn't have married him. So in what world is Josh an acceptable spouse by fundie standards?

Anyone willing to marry Josh had to find some appeal with being on the show. I'm not suggesting this is the sole reason she married him and she was certainly more uncomfortable on camera in the early days, but her parents, who appeared to be living in a somewhat impoverished state, may have encouraged her to overlook and forgive Josh's "mistakes".

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Anyone willing to marry Josh had to find some appeal with being on the show. I'm not suggesting this is the sole reason she married him and she was certainly more uncomfortable on camera in the early days, but her parents, who appeared to be living in a somewhat impoverished state, may have encouraged her to overlook and forgive Josh's "mistakes".

That and the fact that she was what, 18 when she found out and they got married? Super young and easy to look past things for a boy.

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That and the fact that she was what, 18 when she found out and they got married? Super young and easy to look past things for a boy.

Given her age and sheltered fundie upbringing, I doubt she had any real idea of what Josh's actions meant, what it said about him, his family and what ramifications it could have for her and their future family.

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Given her age and sheltered fundie upbringing, I doubt she had any real idea of what Josh's actions meant, what it said about him, his family and what ramifications it could have for her and their future family.

Yep. I mean, I know college-educated people who aren't fundie who have shockingly ignorant beliefs about sexual abuse and the dynamics behind it. I'm positive she didn't consider the ramifications of Josh's actions, both to herself and to his victims. Also, I will eat my hat if the Duggars represented these actions in their totality to Anna when she first started speaking with Josh. I'm sure the admission was along the lines of "I made a few transgressions when I was younger." Or "I wasn't always the type of leader to my sisters that I should have been." (And not to speculate too much, but I wouldn't be surprised if a single Anna were so naive about sexuality that she didn't understand much about the mechanics of everything.)

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