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Anna Duggar - Merge


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Given her age and sheltered fundie upbringing, I doubt she had any real idea of what Josh's actions meant, what it said about him, his family and what ramifications it could have for her and their future family.

I agree. And I also doubt that the Duggars gave her the detailed story of what really had happend.

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I agree. And I also doubt that the Duggars gave her the detailed story of what really had happend.

I honestly think, that deep down, JimBob considered Josh a liability, and was ready to pawn him off, on the first available girl that would have him. Things were probably glossed over, purposefully vague, or omitted altogether, in order to secure Josh getting out of the house. If Anna's dad wanted her out of the house too, there's no telling what he did or did not tell her. It really wouldn't shock me, if she was only told, the whole "he made some mistakes growing up", and it was left at that.

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Remember when Josh & Anna had the "big news" and were deciding to move to DC? The look on Michelle's face really tells a different story now. I am sure she was thinking about what would happen if this ever came to light rather than how far away they would be.

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Also--Anna's father rehabilitates prison inmates for a living. So she's used to "forgiveness for sins". Along with her age and general naivety--I'm sure they saw Anna as the perfect girl for Josh.

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I found pics of their new house in AR on Trulia. It's kind of a shithole, but it was purchased in JAN, they totally knew the molestation stuff was going to come out.

Josh and Anna and the kids were on a plane this morning. Looks like they're moving back for good.

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I found pics of their new house in AR on Trulia. It's kind of a shithole, but it was purchased in JAN, they totally knew the molestation stuff was going to come out.

Josh and Anna and the kids were on a plane this morning. Looks like they're moving back for good.

can you post the pic or link?

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I found pics of their new house in AR on Trulia. It's kind of a shithole, but it was purchased in JAN, they totally knew the molestation stuff was going to come out.

Josh and Anna and the kids were on a plane this morning. Looks like they're moving back for good.

If it was purchased in January, they might already have made some improvements. But I wonder how Anna will deal with moving from a comfortable home in D.C. to such a bad one.

And I really, really hope that they will rethink their plans of having as many children as they can have. If this new reality sets in, I think they might.

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I found pics of their new house in AR on Trulia. It's kind of a shithole, but it was purchased in JAN, they totally knew the molestation stuff was going to come out.

Josh and Anna and the kids were on a plane this morning. Looks like they're moving back for good.

How do you know they were on a plane? Did I miss something?

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can you post the pic or link?


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Thank you :)

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I do not remember the house being that bad...plus they own it outright, which is much better than renting.

The house totally had potential and was a steal.

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I know they were on a plane b/c my friend works for the airline they flew on, sorry, I forgot to mention that.

I found their house by searching the Benton county appraisal office then googling the address to find the trulia add.

I would post the link here, but that would be the same as posting their address and that sounds illegal-ish.

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I do not remember the house being that bad...plus they own it outright, which is much better than renting.

The house totally had potential and was a steal.

I totally missed that radar article

On the appraisal page it looks like they have a mortgage on it

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I find it hard to believe that Anna and her family knew the extent of what had gone on. If Josh had confessed, in detail, what were his little victims supposed to do? Get up and explain to all the adults how they've forgiven him? Stand nearby and be stared at? I just don't see it happening that way.

My main concern for Anna is the stress she's under while pregnant. I suspect she may have been shocked by some of the details and the current situation must seem like a can't-wake-up nightmare. I hope she and the kids - I'm disregarding Josh here - can find a safe, calm place and eventually move on.

My guess is that Jim Bob is pulling all of his business matters together, that there will be more discussions with TLC, and the Duggars will "decide" to put the show on hiatus.

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It makes you wonder just how much Anna knew before she got engaged to him. If he went into full details of the matter with her, and her parents, or if it was just skimmed over to make him look like he was just as big of a victim as his sisters were.

What's sad is I don't even think I'm surprised that they already had a house and is most likely moving back to Arkansas so quickly. With how big DC is, and it's population, I wouldn't be surprised if that house was swamped with news crews or even angry people wanting to give him a piece of their mind. I have no idea if that property was apart of a gated community, so it's just my guess if that would be going on.

I feel bad for her with all of this going on, and her being pregnant on top of it. That stress isn't good for her or the baby and just goes to show that something covered up a decade+ ago can still harm people today. If this doesn't cause a breakdown for her, I give her props. As for Josh, I'm sure he has already had a breakdown hence them also going back to Arkansas so mommy and daddy can take care of his problems. I really don't like Josh x|.

If TLC does keep the show, I doubt the pair of them will make any future appearances on episodes.

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Yep. I mean, I know college-educated people who aren't fundie who have shockingly ignorant beliefs about sexual abuse and the dynamics behind it. I'm positive she didn't consider the ramifications of Josh's actions, both to herself and to his victims. Also, I will eat my hat if the Duggars represented these actions in their totality to Anna when she first started speaking with Josh. I'm sure the admission was along the lines of "I made a few transgressions when I was younger." Or "I wasn't always the type of leader to my sisters that I should have been." (And not to speculate too much, but I wouldn't be surprised if a single Anna were so naive about sexuality that she didn't understand much about the mechanics of everything.)

+1. I highly doubt Anna got a detailed story about what happened, it was likely couched in general terms of "sinning", "transgressions", that sort of thing, between that vagueness and her naivete that she would have really no idea of what it was Josh actually did. I am sure both Josh and JB were very careful in this regard. Josh had some serious baggage would have not deemed him a suitable prospective husband. .

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I think the same as previous messages. No way Anna nor her parents were told Josh commited incest. Kellers may be poor and mad about Duggars but the father is working in prisons and I doubt he would have married ver daughter to a molester. I suspect the story was told as if Josh had had consensual sex with a girl out of the family.

Probably Kellers are now talking about forgiveness but do you really think they are sincere?

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Seeing as the house was purchased all the way back in January, I would wager to say it doesn't have the same issues as before. I could totally see JimBob getting crews (or more likely the kids ala Benessa's place) out there to remodel it, especially if he had any idea the scandal was about to break. I have no doubt its all pretty and just waiting for them to arrive. But I also have no doubt as multiple media outlets are covering the story that the address isn't well known and being stalked by reporters. I imagine the TTH is too. I wonder if they aren't having to get groceries delivered because any one of them could get mobbed just trying to go get milk.

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+1. I highly doubt Anna got a detailed story about what happened, it was likely couched in general terms of "sinning", "transgressions", that sort of thing, between that vagueness and her naivete that she would have really no idea of what it was Josh actually did. I am sure both Josh and JB were very careful in this regard. Josh had some serious baggage would have not deemed him a suitable prospective husband. .

I think they either flat out lied or told them the truth bc if someone was telling you something that vague, wouldn't it be up to you or your parents in Anna's case to say, OK let's unpack this sinning, mistake, infraction, etc.

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I think they either flat out lied or told them the truth bc if someone was telling you something that vague, wouldn't it be up to you or your parents in Anna's case to say, OK let's unpack this sinning, mistake, infraction, etc

To the bolded: it should. It should be Daddy's due diligence to get to the bottom of things, but this is Pa Keller who married another daughter to a total loser who can't support his kids because he had a "ministry" with the end result of his grandkids living in a camper trailer and has carted them all off to Zambia without dealing with pesky things like immunizations. Also married another daughter to someone clearly being forced into marriage and questions abound about their "fake happy" state of affairs.

Frankly I don't think he's the sharpest tool in the shed and I suspect he can be easily fooled if someone says all the right keywords to him.

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Also--Anna's father rehabilitates prison inmates for a living. So she's used to "forgiveness for sins". Along with her age and general naivety--I'm sure they saw Anna as the perfect girl for Josh.

Even with the prison ministry, it is pretty shocking that they let Anna marry a child molester if they actually understood what he did. EVEN AMONG PRISONERS, child molesters are generally considered the lowest of the low. I believe it is mostly a myth that child molesters are assaulted or threatened by other prisons just for the crime, but apparently child molesters ARE socially ostracized in prison if the other prisoners find out what they did (according to what I have heard from being involved in the prisoner pen pal community).

Speaking for myself, I used to be penpals with a convicted murderer whose crime was absolutely appalling (he killed the mother of his child in front of the child)...yet I still refused to pick up a pen pal who was in prison for child molestation, and most other people I know of who are involved in prison pen pal stuff draw the line with sex offenders too.

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I found pics of their new house in AR on Trulia. It's kind of a shithole, but it was purchased in JAN, they totally knew the molestation stuff was going to come out.

Josh and Anna and the kids were on a plane this morning. Looks like they're moving back for good.

I think he was honestly planning to return to AR to run for some political office or be an errand boy for Huckabee. I think Josh is far too arrogant to believe anything could go wrong.

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I think Pa Keller saw Duggar $$$ signs and figured his daughter would be living the life with good 'ol Josh. He ignored Joshs' molesting of his sisters. And may have thought he'd be if it from being a Duggar in-law, too!

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I think he was honestly planning to return to AR to run for some political office or be an errand boy for Huckabee. I think Josh is far too arrogant to believe anything could go wrong.

I agree. They were probably planning on staying in DC and slowly renovating the Arkansas house to have a local base for an eventual political run.

Josh had serious delusions of grandeur.

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