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Anna Duggar - Merge


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baby talk can't be all that big of a deal... I've only really even come across a few adults that talk that way.

most people that use baby talk with their kids are not intentionally trying to stunt their development

I'm from the camp of letting kids be kids and let them develop at a natural rate. I personally don't want a 10 year old doctor or lawyer as remarkable as that is

Back to Anna... I have never noticed Mickinzee having a speech issue and I've only even seen Michael cry - can he talk yet? (yes I mean Michael, not Marcus)

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MDs aren't trained in linguistics, though, and sometimes are quick to scold about such issues. Most in the field of linguistics have no issues with baby talk -- it seems to be some odd human instinct. I have heard of kids having interesting speech patterns in multilingual homes, but it all seems to usually smooth out by age 5..and kids from multilingual homes have strong advantages.

All that to say -- kids have variations in linguistic acquisition and can very easily catch up if caught early. We have limited footage of the M'kids. Hopefully they'll see more of the outside world, but we certainly can't diagnose problems with them with our very limited and highly edited exposure.

I was just going to post this. I come from a bilingual family and lots of the kids are a bit delayed in speech early on--knowing a lot of words but can't put them together to form sentences until later than average is the most common issue (and for some reason it's mostly the boys who have this issue, rarely the girls). Pediatricians and teachers will say to stop speaking Spanish at home, and then the speech pathologists all say to keep up with both languages, because by 5 they will be all caught up with the added bonus of knowing another language.

And while advanced children certainly exist, they're obviously outliers and parents really shouldn't give themselves THAT much credit for their child reading at age 2. They most certainly wouldn't have the same results with every other child using the same methods.

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baby talk can't be all that big of a deal... I've only really even come across a few adults that talk that way.

most people that use baby talk with their kids are not intentionally trying to stunt their development

I'm from the camp of letting kids be kids and let them develop at a natural rate. I personally don't want a 10 year old doctor or lawyer as remarkable as that is

Back to Anna... I have never noticed Mickinzee having a speech issue and I've only even seen Michael cry - can he talk yet? (yes I mean Michael, not Marcus)

Michelle's baby talk is really, really annoying, and all of her adults have speech like grown adults. Unfortunately.

I am glad none of the Duggar girls picked up the stupid baby talk, just Anna and her vacant Care Bear stare and baby talk. It's hard for me to tell if she is really that bad, or if it's just that annoying baby talk voice. I would imagine Michelle got a lot of worldly heat about that for a long time, so that might be intentional by the Duggar girls, who have grown up in the public eye.

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Maybe he has an Okie lady friend whose family he's visiting while the shit storm rages at home. I know I wouldn't want to be involved in that Jim Bob-led weepy prayer-fest in the TTH.

Whether Josh and family are hiding out in Tulsa or somewhere in Arkansas, the paparazzi will find them eventually. Unfortunately for Anna and the kids.

Agree that being found is only a matter of time. This has to be so disruptive to those poor kids.

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I was just going to post this. I come from a bilingual family and lots of the kids are a bit delayed in speech early on--knowing a lot of words but can't put them together to form sentences until later than average is the most common issue (and for some reason it's mostly the boys who have this issue, rarely the girls). Pediatricians and teachers will say to stop speaking Spanish at home, and then the speech pathologists all say to keep up with both languages, because by 5 they will be all caught up with the added bonus of knowing another language.

Doctors and teachers should know better, and yet...

Slightly OT, I had a friend who visited friends who had a 3 year old daughter. The parents were both at Harvard, one finishing a PhD, one teaching, so very well-educated. Each of the parents spoke 3 or 4 languages regularly. There was overlap, obviously, but still about 5 or 6 languages regularly spoken in the home. The girl would make some of the most interesting statements, because she'd be using several languages simultaneously -- so like a Russian word, a French verb, and an English word. My friend is multilingual but still couldn't keep up (she didn't speak Russian) and apparently the kid would look at her like she was just, well, kind of slow.

And all this talk about kids makes me very sorry for Anna's children and fetus. What a hideous mess they have to endure, and none of it their fault.

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Doctors and teachers should know better, and yet...

Slightly OT, I had a friend who visited friends who had a 3 year old daughter. The parents were both at Harvard, one finishing a PhD, one teaching, so very well-educated. Each of the parents spoke 3 or 4 languages regularly. There was overlap, obviously, but still about 5 or 6 languages regularly spoken in the home. The girl would make some of the most interesting statements, because she'd be using several languages simultaneously -- so like a Russian word, a French verb, and an English word. My friend is multilingual but still couldn't keep up (she didn't speak Russian) and apparently the kid would look at her like she was just, well, kind of slow.

And all this talk about kids makes me very sorry for Anna's children and fetus. What a hideous mess they have to endure, and none of it their fault.

I have read that the using of several languages simultaneously to express a thought is common.

My adult daughter sometimes does that when she's speaking to me.

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Doctors and teachers should know better, and yet...

Slightly OT, I had a friend who visited friends who had a 3 year old daughter. The parents were both at Harvard, one finishing a PhD, one teaching, so very well-educated. Each of the parents spoke 3 or 4 languages regularly. There was overlap, obviously, but still about 5 or 6 languages regularly spoken in the home. The girl would make some of the most interesting statements, because she'd be using several languages simultaneously -- so like a Russian word, a French verb, and an English word. My friend is multilingual but still couldn't keep up (she didn't speak Russian) and apparently the kid would look at her like she was just, well, kind of slow.

And all this talk about kids makes me very sorry for Anna's children and fetus. What a hideous mess they have to endure, and none of it their fault.

I really think it's about their personal prejudices more than anything else. Bilingual teachers are quick to reassure parents and to encourage them to continue with both languages.

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John David's plane landed in Tulsa (from Springdale) two days ago and is still there. Things that make me go hmmmmmm. flightaware.com/live/flight/N68SY/history

And there's also a thread here on JD's flights for those who want more information.

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About the new house:

A source familiar with the property notes that, 'It has a long, winding driveway and sits on almost two acres. They had planned to have the house as a place to stay when they were in town visiting his folks, but it looks like now this will be a full time residence.' The 3,000 square foot, five-bedroom, two-bath bank owned home was purchased on January 20, 2015 for $55,000.

Says the insider, 'Ironically, their lease on that place is up in July anyway, they just won't renew it.'

They currently rent a 3,300 square foot five-bedroom, four-bath home in the Oxon Hill section of Maryland for about $3,500 a month.


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Michelle's baby talk is really, really annoying, and all of her adults have speech like grown adults. Unfortunately.

I am glad none of the Duggar girls picked up the stupid baby talk, just Anna and her vacant Care Bear stare and baby talk. It's hard for me to tell if she is really that bad, or if it's just that annoying baby talk voice. I would imagine Michelle got a lot of worldly heat about that for a long time, so that might be intentional by the Duggar girls, who have grown up in the public eye.

I love it, Anna and her vacant Care Bear stare, lol. I do wonder if she really is as dumb as she always appears or if she's hiding a little bit of intelligence somewhere. I would swear she was on xanax if she wasn't a fundie. I also wonder what was in the water on Ma and Pa Weller's compound, seeing how odd her sister Priss turned out too, along with having parents who knew about Josh's molester past but still encourage Anna to marry him.

I have also noticed how poor Mac's speech is, along with the little brother. Everyone talks about Josie being delayed, but I worry more about the M kids.

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Aren't the Paine's (Chad's parents and siblings) in or near Tulsa?

I can assure you there is no security surrounding their house in Maryland aside from a couple private property signs. There hasnt been any press camped out in the neighborhood or anything either. They just aren't that big of a deal here. I can't vouch for them still being here, but all of there stuff still is.

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I think for the average Joe, to hear another religious loud mouth has skeletons in the closet is just a given. No one is really shocked by this as it's everywhere.


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I can assure you there is no security surrounding their house in Maryland aside from a couple private property signs. There hasnt been any press camped out in the neighborhood or anything either. They just aren't that big of a deal here. I can't vouch for them still being here, but all of there stuff still is.

With Anna so close to delivery I would guess it's too tough to go. I'd imagine when the baby is a few weeks old they will move out.

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I can assure you there is no security surrounding their house in Maryland aside from a couple private property signs. There hasnt been any press camped out in the neighborhood or anything either. They just aren't that big of a deal here. I can't vouch for them still being here, but all of there stuff still is.

One day some bates and duggar men will swoop in and clean house. My guess is she'll give birth in Arkansas, possibly with dr sarver due to some bp issues from all of this.

Boob may even pony up and pay someone to fix the new house up, but they'll live with Jill till then.

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One day some bates and duggar men will swoop in and clean house. My guess is she'll give birth in Arkansas, possibly with dr sarver due to some bp issues from all of this.

Boob may even pony up and pay someone to fix the new house up, but they'll live with Jill till then.

Could you imagine the tension amongst the adults in that situation?

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I saw some tabloid TV show ( was barely watching, don't know which one- so sorry to not have a source to quote) but it showed video of the Josh Duggar family moving.As in moving OUT of DC. It was also said that they have left their residence permanently. I certainly hope this is true. Get him back in the Arkansas woods and shut him up for all time.

The beater of a foreclosure that they bought was also featured, with the show saying this was their immediate plan- to move to Arkansas and renovate the house while they are living in it.

That 4th M'baby will have white hair from all the sheet rock dust floating around, because there are holes in almost every wall I see there. Floors appear to be in as bad or worse condition than walls. I imagine the kitchen has been stripped bare, and if that's ugly gray granite I see on the countertop, it's hideous, and probably also damaged.

Keep on falling, Josh, keep on falling. If I could give you a push after all you've done that we know about, I certainly would, and it wouldn't be in the form of a letter in a book, like some Agatha Christie plot.

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I could never understand why TLC would interview MacKenzie for the show. The kid has a serious speech problem. Anna has a slight speech impairment as well. I suspect they are in hiding in Arkansas. Better stay there. Perhaps Jill and Derick and Israel have fled to Oklahoma for an escape.

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I love it, Anna and her vacant Care Bear stare, lol. I do wonder if she really is as dumb as she always appears or if she's hiding a little bit of intelligence somewhere. I would swear she was on xanax if she wasn't a fundie. I also wonder what was in the water on Ma and Pa Weller's compound, seeing how odd her sister Priss turned out too, along with having parents who knew about Josh's molester past but still encourage Anna to marry him.

I have also noticed how poor Mac's speech is, along with the little brother. Everyone talks about Josie being delayed, but I worry more about the M kids.

I agree that the M kids have some speech issues, but I honestly see a spark of intelligence in Mac. She strikes me as a bright little girl. I think Josh probably is reasonably intelligent, had he been given the chance to develop that. And Anna is more well spoken than most of the other Duggar girls, and again, seems like, if she had been given proper education that she would be moderately intelligent.

What we see with this family isn't lack of intelligence as much as just plain ignorance. Some of the ignorance is intentional, especially on the parent's part. And most is a result of the substandard education they have received. Go to this old article and scroll to the bottom to see excerpts from textbooks used by the Duggars. It is shocking to see what they were/are being taught. If this is the only education these kids are allowed to have, and they are not allowed to read books other than the bible and some that are approved by mom and dad, then it really is understandable why these kids are the way they are.

This indoctrination goes so deep that I just don't know if they can break free.

Knowing that Gil and Kelly, who had secular and advanced education, would choose to teach their kids these things that they clearly know are wrong is so upsetting to me. JimBob and Michelle had less education, so perhaps it is understandable that they would chose to do this, but Kelly and Gil? NO excuse.

How many kids are being raised with these textbooks?

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I saw some tabloid TV show ( was barely watching, don't know which one- so sorry to not have a source to quote) but it showed video of the Josh Duggar family moving.As in moving OUT of DC. It was also said that they have left their residence permanently. I certainly hope this is true. Get him back in the Arkansas woods and shut him up for all time.

The beater of a foreclosure that they bought was also featured, with the show saying this was their immediate plan- to move to Arkansas and renovate the house while they are living in it.

That 4th M'baby will have white hair from all the sheet rock dust floating around, because there are holes in almost every wall I see there. Floors appear to be in as bad or worse condition than walls. I imagine the kitchen has been stripped bare, and if that's ugly gray granite I see on the countertop, it's hideous, and probably also damaged.

Keep on falling, Josh, keep on falling. If I could give you a push after all you've done that we know about, I certainly would, and it wouldn't be in the form of a letter in a book, like some Agatha Christie plot.

I wouldn't put it past them to pack suit cases and the kids and drive to Ark in the middle of the night and like Buzzard suggested send in the Duggar/Bates clean up/moving co to move the furniture. But if they left, they left quick fast and in a hurry. Literally leaving the 'washing on the line' or however that song goes.

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I agree that the M kids have some speech issues, but I honestly see a spark of intelligence in Mac. She strikes me as a bright little girl. I think Josh probably is reasonably intelligent, had he been given the chance to develop that. And Anna is more well spoken than most of the other Duggar girls, and again, seems like, if she had been given proper education that she would be moderately intelligent.

What we see with this family isn't lack of intelligence as much as just plain ignorance. Some of the ignorance is intentional, especially on the parent's part. And most is a result of the substandard education they have received. Go to this old article and scroll to the bottom to see excerpts from textbooks used by the Duggars. It is shocking to see what they were/are being taught. If this is the only education these kids are allowed to have, and they are not allowed to read books other than the bible and some that are approved by mom and dad, then it really is understandable why these kids are the way they are.

This indoctrination goes so deep that I just don't know if they can break free.

Knowing that Gil and Kelly, who had secular and advanced education, would choose to teach their kids these things that they clearly know are wrong is so upsetting to me. JimBob and Michelle had less education, so perhaps it is understandable that they would chose to do this, but Kelly and Gil? NO excuse.

How many kids are being raised with these textbooks?

Very long time lurker, but first time posting. Regarding Kelly and Gil's education- Anderson University (it was called Anderson College when Kelly and Gil were students) isn't much better than what they teach their children to be honest. My husband went there (we dated the whole 4 years he was there and I sat in on some lectures when I was deciding on colleges). I've also lived within 30 miles or less of the college my whole life. It is very cult-like. The teachings are religiously based and don't allow for any questions. Trust me, there are worse colleges in SC (Bob Jones for example) but Anderson is very similar. They are very strict there and force students to go to chapel or they will hold your degree. Many students rebel (my husband did) and end up leaving or getting kicked out (my husband took a job his senior year and got the hell out, finished his degree at a different school years later). Girls aren't allowed in boy dorms and vice versa. If you are caught with alcohol or even a box from a liquor store (ex. moving in/out of dorm and using said box to move) you will get kicked out of the school. We were Christians before he went to school there but it really made us question our faith and we quit going to church for several years after he left. I would not be surprised if Anderson College was what lead the Bates to becoming ATI/IBLP. It is a terrible school and doesn't say much about Kelly and Gil's education. The instructors weren't bad but the culture if eerily similar to what we have seen with with the Bates, Duggars, Kellers, etc. Rant over.

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Very long time lurker, but first time posting. Regarding Kelly and Gil's education- Anderson University (it was called Anderson College when Kelly and Gil were students) isn't much better than what they teach their children to be honest. My husband went there (we dated the whole 4 years he was there and I sat in on some lectures when I was deciding on colleges). I've also lived within 30 miles or less of the college my whole life. It is very cult-like. The teachings are religiously based and don't allow for any questions. Trust me, there are worse colleges in SC (Bob Jones for example) but Anderson is very similar. They are very strict there and force students to go to chapel or they will hold your degree. Many students rebel (my husband did) and end up leaving or getting kicked out (my husband took a job his senior year and got the hell out, finished his degree at a different school years later). Girls aren't allowed in boy dorms and vice versa. If you are caught with alcohol or even a box from a liquor store (ex. moving in/out of dorm and using said box to move) you will get kicked out of the school. We were Christians before he went to school there but it really made us question our faith and we quit going to church for several years after he left. I would not be surprised if Anderson College was what lead the Bates to becoming ATI/IBLP. It is a terrible school and doesn't say much about Kelly and Gil's education. The instructors weren't bad but the culture if eerily similar to what we have seen with with the Bates, Duggars, Kellers, etc. Rant over.

Great Post. I did not know much about that school. I honestly thought they went to secular school.

Very interesting and yes, that is probably where they were introduced, at least to the basics.

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Anna is very pregnant and I hope she is not allowed to do any heaving moving. Geezz.

Two years of community college can get you a decent job with an income for a decent living most places. Jana.....what can she do? Unlike Anna she has no "headsghip". She must be bored....oh, I forgot, she is running the entire household!!!

I hope Josie doesn't fall headfirst down that laundry shoot. As the now grown eldest of 8, that was what I thought of when I saw her shoving laundry down that chute.

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Calimojo- Like the Duggars, from the outside Anderson seems like an ok school. But, the inside is a whole different story. I'm curious which high school Gil and Kelly went to. Maybe I can do some digging. That could have been a secular school. Back to the college-it is definitely not secular. They are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Students have to take a minimum amount of religion courses even if their major isn't related to it (ex. Criminal Justice, Education, Nursing, etc). My husband saw some of the worst of it because he was a double major in English and Religion (needless to say, he dropped the religion major when he did get his degree later in life). I guess in a sense it is better than the Duggar education because Kelly actually went to college and it isn't a joke college like Crown where Erin went. Funny thing is the school is about 15 miles away from Clemson University (Go Tigers!) so many of the students would go there on the weekends and get hammered before returning to classes on Monday. Anyway, please don't think I was intentionally trying to "correct" your comment. I think Kelly and Gil use the college card to appear more "normal" but don't be fooled. Most students who leave that school regret going and turn away from what they were taught there or they drink the kook-aid and then some like the Bates.

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They did meet at Anderson, but they also went to Carson-Newman, which certainly isn't a joke school either. Like other people have said, though, attending a regular college doesn't necessarily put you closer to normal.

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