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Anna Duggar - Merge


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Anna is very pregnant and I hope she is not allowed to do any heaving moving. Geezz.

Two years of community college can get you a decent job with an income for a decent living most places. Jana.....what can she do? Unlike Anna she has no "headsghip". She must be bored....oh, I forgot, she is running the entire household!!!

I hope Josie doesn't fall headfirst down that laundry shoot. As the now grown eldest of 8, that was what I thought of when I saw her shoving laundry down that chute.

Nanny, cook, housekeeper, bus driver, tile layer, seamstress. Jana is one of the most marketable Duggar.

I think she will move out and quietly live her life. I doubt a large family is in her future.

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I feel very badly for Anna. I don't think she knew the real story and I don't know if she knows now. Maybe Josh has come clean. I know what it's like to be deceived by your husband and feel trapped (even though you really aren't, but it's scary.) I'm still finding out things about my ex's secret life and it's been 20 years since we split up. It's not a good feeling.

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I feel very badly for Anna. I don't think she knew the real story and I don't know if she knows now. Maybe Josh has come clean. I know what it's like to be deceived by your husband and feel trapped (even though you really aren't, but it's scary.) I'm still finding out things about my ex's secret life and it's been 20 years since we split up. It's not a good feeling.

I am sorry about your personal trials :(.

I agree about Anna- I doubt the Duggars revealed who was involved and what was done.

JB is a known liar. He lives according to half truths and lies of omission.

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If you think sending a kid with a speech impediment to school is cruel, then you must think my parents are cruel (they're not). And if she does have a speech impediment (which we can't tell based off the little we've seen and speech impediment is note abnormal at that age) she needs a speech tutor. And public schools do have speech tutors on site (at least mine did).

Mine did, too. My dad called my sessions my "Special R classes". If Mackynzie *does* have a speech impediment, then public school would be the best thing for her in that regard; her teachers would identify the issue and she'd get help that she wouldn't get from Anna. FWIW, no one bullied me for having a speech impediment. However, I had strong spelling skills (I've always been a big reader) and my classmates in kindergarten and grade 1 (pre-speech therapy) used to ask me to help them spell words, then interpreted my Rs as Is. At least one kid wrote down that her favourite fruit was "giapes".

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re: the speech issues with the M kids and Josie.

Remember that the oldest of these kids is not quite 6, and there are speech sounds that it normal for kids to not master until they are 7-9.

Based off of what I've seen on video, the articulation errors that Mack and Michael are making are age appropriate. Wow, they've got a twangy accent though. Mack would probably benefit from speech therapy, but probably wouldn't qualify through a public school.

Josie is pretty garbled. She sounds like a 3 year old when she talks...

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I just wanted to mention that I've noticed Joy Anna has a bit of a speech impediment as well. Other than her and Josie, I haven't detected any others. I haven't really heard much from the the younger sad little J girls to really tel.

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I just wanted to mention that I've noticed Joy Anna has a bit of a speech impediment as well. Other than her and Josie, I haven't detected any others. I haven't really heard much from the the younger sad little J girls to really tel.

I cannot listen to her talk.

I've been told the dropping of the "G" in words ending in ing is a regional thing, but it drives me crazy.

Drivin, cookin, fellowshippin, prayin, writin- eegads.

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I cannot listen to her talk.

I've been told the dropping of the "G" in words ending in ing is a regional thing, but it drives me crazy.

Drivin, cookin, fellowshippin, prayin, writin- eegads.

You forgot "purposin"


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I had a lisp as a child and was teased mercilessly at school about it. I still cringe when I think about it. Kids can be so mean. I never understood why my parents didn't insist I receive speech therapy.

I feel bad for Anna and the kids if they do move back to Arkansas (I am sure they will) because I think they were thriving in Maryland. Anna appeared to be turning into more of her own person, instead of another Michelle clone and seemed way more confident. I may be crazy, but for some reason I was thinking Josh and Anna were thinking about sending their kids to a private school too, I swear Josh said something that alluded to that (I must have imagined it though, but one can always hope). Once the M kids and Anna are back in Arkansas, under the sway of Michelle and Jim Bob they are going to be isolated in their house than ever before and home schooled in a way that wouldn't have been possible in Maryland.

It will be such a huge change for Josh and Anna's relationship because this will be the first time cameras won't be involved in their lives and public attention is going to be negative. They will still have leg-humpers, but the majority of people aren't condoning Josh's past actions and some people will be very vocal about it to their faces. How is Anna going to feel when no one cares when M4 is born? How's she going to feel when people openly show disgust when she announces pregnancy #5? Especially if her sister in laws get a spin off show or the show continues minus Josh and Anna. How is she going to feel when the public is positive about Jessa's new baby, while her baby is publicly ignored? Even the sweetest person in the world is going to be resentful of their husband in this situation, and I always got the feeling Anna loved all the attention. Personally I am very happy we won't have another Anna birth to snark on, not sure she's going to feel the same.

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I wouldn't put it past them to pack suit cases and the kids and drive to Ark in the middle of the night and like Buzzard suggested send in the Duggar/Bates clean up/moving co to move the furniture. But if they left, they left quick fast and in a hurry. Literally leaving the 'washing on the line' or however that song goes.

The TV show had video footage of moving trucks in front of what was said to be the Josh and Anna Duggar residence and boxes and furniture were being moved out. Maybe Ryder trucks? I don't know the DIY companies.

Anyway, if the show was accurate, they have already left their former home for the rat trap house in the Arkansas woods.

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Very long time lurker, but first time posting. Regarding Kelly and Gil's education- Anderson University (it was called Anderson College when Kelly and Gil were students) isn't much better than what they teach their children to be honest. My husband went there (we dated the whole 4 years he was there and I sat in on some lectures when I was deciding on colleges). I've also lived within 30 miles or less of the college my whole life. It is very cult-like. The teachings are religiously based and don't allow for any questions. Trust me, there are worse colleges in SC (Bob Jones for example) but Anderson is very similar. They are very strict there and force students to go to chapel or they will hold your degree. Many students rebel (my husband did) and end up leaving or getting kicked out (my husband took a job his senior year and got the hell out, finished his degree at a different school years later). Girls aren't allowed in boy dorms and vice versa. If you are caught with alcohol or even a box from a liquor store (ex. moving in/out of dorm and using said box to move) you will get kicked out of the school. We were Christians before he went to school there but it really made us question our faith and we quit going to church for several years after he left. I would not be surprised if Anderson College was what lead the Bates to becoming ATI/IBLP. It is a terrible school and doesn't say much about Kelly and Gil's education. The instructors weren't bad but the culture if eerily similar to what we have seen with with the Bates, Duggars, Kellers, etc. Rant over.

I am also somewhat local to Anderson, and have known several students who have attended in the past 10 or so years. I have also visited the campus and sat in on classes. While I certainly wouldn't consider it a bastion of intellectualism, and it certainly isn't on par with nearby small liberal arts schools like Furman (good) or Davidson (great), I absolutely would consider it more on par with Presbyterian, Erskine, maybe Winthrop and Wofford in some ways, depending. In no way would I ever equate it with a place like Bob Jones, which is as alarmingly fundie as you can get in South Carolina (Columbia International probably comes in second). Yes, Anderson is primarily a conservative, Christian environment, but in a much more mainstream evangelical way -- they're affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention.

Just my two cents, but wanted to clarify my understanding of the dynamics at play.

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I feel bad for Anna and the kids if they do move back to Arkansas (I am sure they will) because I think they were thriving in Maryland. Anna appeared to be turning into more of her own person, instead of another Michelle clone and seemed way more confident. I may be crazy, but for some reason I was thinking Josh and Anna were thinking about sending their kids to a private school too, I swear Josh said something that alluded to that (I must have imagined it though, but one can always hope). Once the M kids and Anna are back in Arkansas, under the sway of Michelle and Jim Bob they are going to be isolated in their house than ever before and home schooled in a way that wouldn't have been possible in Maryland.

It will be such a huge change for Josh and Anna's relationship because this will be the first time cameras won't be involved in their lives and public attention is going to be negative. They will still have leg-humpers, but the majority of people aren't condoning Josh's past actions and some people will be very vocal about it to their faces. How is Anna going to feel when no one cares when M4 is born? How's she going to feel when people openly show disgust when she announces pregnancy #5? Especially if her sister in laws get a spin off show or the show continues minus Josh and Anna. How is she going to feel when the public is positive about Jessa's new baby, while her baby is publicly ignored? Even the sweetest person in the world is going to be resentful of their husband in this situation, and I always got the feeling Anna loved all the attention. Personally I am very happy we won't have another Anna birth to snark on, not sure she's going to feel the same.

I agree, it did seem like being in DC without her immediate family or in-laws to fall back on for support gave Anna a confidence boost. That being said, I've always gotten the impression she wants to be Michelle Part Deux. I honestly do not know how she can handle the pressure she's under right now - even earlier posts in this thread (before the "scandal" broke) discussed Anna potentially being overwhelmed.

I think the reality of what's happening is just sinking in for Anna, and she's probably having to baby not only her children, but Josh too. Part of me highly doubts she knew the full details of Josh's "past teenage mistakes." I'm sure she's resenting the hell out of Josh. Her whole life, and her children's lives have been completely turned upside down now because of Josh (and JB and M). If anything, maybe Anna (in spite of her Michelle aspirations) will see that being so far fundie is not the best thing for her family (I admit, I dream big).

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I had a lisp as a child and was teased mercilessly at school about it. I still cringe when I think about it. Kids can be so mean. I never understood why my parents didn't insist I receive speech therapy.

I feel bad for Anna and the kids if they do move back to Arkansas (I am sure they will) because I think they were thriving in Maryland. Anna appeared to be turning into more of her own person, instead of another Michelle clone and seemed way more confident. I may be crazy, but for some reason I was thinking Josh and Anna were thinking about sending their kids to a private school too, I swear Josh said something that alluded to that (I must have imagined it though, but one can always hope). Once the M kids and Anna are back in Arkansas, under the sway of Michelle and Jim Bob they are going to be isolated in their house than ever before and home schooled in a way that wouldn't have been possible in Maryland.

It will be such a huge change for Josh and Anna's relationship because this will be the first time cameras won't be involved in their lives and public attention is going to be negative. They will still have leg-humpers, but the majority of people aren't condoning Josh's past actions and some people will be very vocal about it to their faces. How is Anna going to feel when no one cares when M4 is born? How's she going to feel when people openly show disgust when she announces pregnancy #5? Especially if her sister in laws get a spin off show or the show continues minus Josh and Anna. How is she going to feel when the public is positive about Jessa's new baby, while her baby is publicly ignored? Even the sweetest person in the world is going to be resentful of their husband in this situation, and I always got the feeling Anna loved all the attention. Personally I am very happy we won't have another Anna birth to snark on, not sure she's going to feel the same.

Back in DC, before Joshgate broke, they might have been considering private Christian schools. Now, they are going back to Arkansas, private Christian education is still an option for them, but with what has happened, homeschooling is very likely.

I agree, they will be very isolated in Arkansas. Now, the Duggars probably have people in their area willing to defend them and back them up. But there are always going to be people that will be leery of the family and that is going to lead to the isolation. Not all homeschooling families are isolated or keep their kids away from other activities. Zsu Anderson has her kids involving homeschoolin co-op group. I had fundie lite neighbors growing up that homeschooled and their three boys were involved in youth sports, community drama, and other stuff outside the home. I knew a secular homeschooling family that had their kids involved in the same activities as the fundie lite family.

When Josh was growing up from what I've read and heard, the Duggar kids were friends with kids from other fundie lite families and since the Duggars attended First Baptist of Springdale now known as Cross Church, they could have been involved in activites at the church. The Duggar kids were involved in bromball with other homeschooling families. So there was some socialization for the Duggar kids. We don't know much how Anna grew up and if her parents had their kids involved in at least one acitivity outside the home.

Now with the M kids, it is hard to tell and we will probably never know about whether they will be involved with homeschooling co-op groups, Bible study groups, or other things. People will always be leery of Josh and groups may not allow them to join(depending on how they are run). My guess is that there might be a couple of fundie homescooling families willing to support Josh, Anna, and the M kids and they might host the M kids for playdates etc. Before they moved to DC, Josh and Anna posted pics of Mack and Michael playing with kids of friends and RD, the guy who worked at the car lot. There is chance those friends might have never heard about Josh molesting girls until last week and those friends might feel betrayed and might cut ties.

I also think Anna enjoyed the attention, money, and perks, from the show. It was obvious on her instagram. She posted pics of her expensive things she and Josh bought, she loved when they were on the campaign trail in 2012 and were staying at fancy hotels. She also damn well knew that the show was the main reason she and Josh had money to travel to Florida to visit her side of the family and to other places where her siblings live. She also obviously enjoyed the additional, she got for the show; the appearances on Today, GMA, and other daytime type shows. Then were was attention from Josh's FRC job and the mingling she did with others in DC. Those days are done.

If the show continues without Josh and his family, or Jill and Jessa are given a spinoff, I think there will be resentment and envy from Anna. She will be pissed knowing that all of Josh's other siblings and Boob/Mullet are getting paid for the show. A Jill/Derrick and Jessa/Ben spinoff would also make Anna envious and resentful. I'm not trying to be mean, but Jill/Derrick and Jessa/Ben are more attractive couples than Josh/Anna. That was showing when it came to viewer interest. When the courtships and later weddings happend, there was a lot of buzz and I think there was more interest for those couples than there had been for Josh/Anna. Jill's pregnancy was heavily covered by certain media outlets and Jill has more followers on Instagram and Twitter than Anna. Before Joshgate, M4 baby wasn't discussed too much in the media because of Dilly baby 1. So, I suspect Anna was probably envious back then and then got envious again when Jessa announced her pregnancy.

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I think this is out of line also.

I worry about my four year old' speech. I brought it up with her pediatrician at her last visit and with numerous people. My husband and I try to be really careful how we talk to her. Does that still mean it is our fault?

I worry about her starting kindergarten in the fall because of her speech. I am really hoping she can get some speech therapy through her evil public school if it does not get better.

I don't know what state you are in, but if you think that she's far enough behind in speech, even if your pediatrician disagrees, you can (in many places) ask for an evaluation either by your regional center for disabilities (in CA, they cover speech up to age 3, and then the school district takes over) or by the school district. For a 4 year old where I live, you can have a free eval done by the school district and receive speech services from the district. A lot of pediatricians are not as well-versed in services for kids who are 'not that far behind'.

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I didn't make my son read anything. I would tell him, for example, what the spaghetti sauce contained and show him the label with the words and pictures ( tomatoes, onions, mushrooms) as we went to the next aisle. He was a baby and young child who was interested in everything. He wanted to know how and why about everything under the sun. My mother says I was the same way. We weren't little sleepyheads in the shopping cart or at the malls. He was exceptionally alert and advanced from a very young age, walking around 8-9 months of age as well as talking in sentences. No one knows exactly why some children are gifted, but he had two smart parents, and my mother, who kept him while I worked, and I both taught him about things in his environment and read to him throughout the day every day.

I know it seems impossible, but he did hit milestones years ahead of any other child I've known about. Friends of ours who had found out that he could read and do math would stop us to get him to read things to them or add or subtract for them. He loved the attention at that time. His pediatrician was a friend of mine and strongly suggested that we get IQ testing done, which we did when he was very young. He was/is a genius, and he was told at a very early age that he is. ( big mistake).

No, I would never have put my child on display in any way. People found out about his reading, verbal and math skills purely by talking to him and interacting with him when he was very young. They were usually astounded by his early and complex verbal skills... I'm not sure how many people knew he could read when he was so young. We first became aware of it when he was sitting in the back seat of the car on a trip, and thought he was talking to himself. Since he never did this, I turned off the car radio and we listened to him. He was reading the various signs on the freeway. ( not stop signs and that sort, but the informational ones about construction hazards and detours and such). We knew he was reading children's books, which was all we had given him, but the words on the signs were quite different, of course. It was quite shocking to be in the car or out shopping with him for a few years, LOL. I remember taking him to my favorite candy store, where he picked out his own chocolate covered hand- dipped candy. He was maybe two years old at the most, as I had to hold him up to read the small descriptions on the top shelf, but the signs in front of the many various pieces were very easy for him to read. The owner of the shop was a friend of mine who had 4 children, and she was so shocked she kept asking him to read things. It was like that for a few years. But, he was a child, not a parlour trick.

I'd like to point out that I think I could have taken almost any child and done the exact same thing with their early learning experiences IF they were engaged with me, as he was. A long-time family friend who has known me since I was a pre-teen pointed out at my father's funeral a few years ago that when I babysat their children as a teenager, they loved me and learned quite a lot with me because I never treated them as " kids" but interacted with them on an equal basis. It's my style.

This is where I think Anna falls short. I don't think she knows how to not overly " baby" a growing child instead of helping them find new and exciting learning experiences. Interactive teaching/ learning was instinctive for me, and would become so for her over time, I believe.

I'm tired of my son being made fun of, as I am telling the truth and those who have known him for many years know the truth and he knows.

I won't be responding to any further troll-ish comments about my son.

If you are in the US, you should check out/join Davidson Young Scholars program, if you aren't in it already. It's wonderful. You'll find a peer cohort for your son.

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Back in DC, before Joshgate broke, they might have been considering private Christian schools. Now, they are going back to Arkansas, private Christian education is still an option for them, but with what has happened, homeschooling is very likely.

I agree, they will be very isolated in Arkansas. Now, the Duggars probably have people in their area willing to defend them and back them up. But there are always going to be people that will be leery of the family and that is going to lead to the isolation. Not all homeschooling families are isolated or keep their kids away from other activities. Zsu Anderson has her kids involving homeschoolin co-op group. I had fundie lite neighbors growing up that homeschooled and their three boys were involved in youth sports, community drama, and other stuff outside the home. I knew a secular homeschooling family that had their kids involved in the same activities as the fundie lite family.

When Josh was growing up from what I've read and heard, the Duggar kids were friends with kids from other fundie lite families and since the Duggars attended First Baptist of Springdale now known as Cross Church, they could have been involved in activites at the church. The Duggar kids were involved in bromball with other homeschooling families. So there was some socialization for the Duggar kids. We don't know much how Anna grew up and if her parents had their kids involved in at least one acitivity outside the home.

Now with the M kids, it is hard to tell and we will probably never know about whether they will be involved with homeschooling co-op groups, Bible study groups, or other things. People will always be leery of Josh and groups may not allow them to join(depending on how they are run). My guess is that there might be a couple of fundie homescooling families willing to support Josh, Anna, and the M kids and they might host the M kids for playdates etc. Before they moved to DC, Josh and Anna posted pics of Mack and Michael playing with kids of friends and RD, the guy who worked at the car lot. There is chance those friends might have never heard about Josh molesting girls until last week and those friends might feel betrayed and might cut ties.

I also think Anna enjoyed the attention, money, and perks, from the show. It was obvious on her instagram. She posted pics of her expensive things she and Josh bought, she loved when they were on the campaign trail in 2012 and were staying at fancy hotels. She also damn well knew that the show was the main reason she and Josh had money to travel to Florida to visit her side of the family and to other places where her siblings live. She also obviously enjoyed the additional, she got for the show; the appearances on Today, GMA, and other daytime type shows. Then were was attention from Josh's FRC job and the mingling she did with others in DC. Those days are done.

If the show continues without Josh and his family, or Jill and Jessa are given a spinoff, I think there will be resentment and envy from Anna. She will be pissed knowing that all of Josh's other siblings and Boob/Mullet are getting paid for the show. A Jill/Derrick and Jessa/Ben spinoff would also make Anna envious and resentful. I'm not trying to be mean, but Jill/Derrick and Jessa/Ben are more attractive couples than Josh/Anna. That was showing when it came to viewer interest. When the courtships and later weddings happend, there was a lot of buzz and I think there was more interest for those couples than there had been for Josh/Anna. Jill's pregnancy was heavily covered by certain media outlets and Jill has more followers on Instagram and Twitter than Anna. Before Joshgate, M4 baby wasn't discussed too much in the media because of Dilly baby 1. So, I suspect Anna was probably envious back then and then got envious again when Jessa announced her pregnancy.

I saw somewhere online yesterday that Josh's net worth is $500,000.

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How will Josh and Anna's marriage be affected without the cameras? They have been on TV since Day 1 of their marriage. I am interested in seeing how their relationship will change.

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The TV show had video footage of moving trucks in front of what was said to be the Josh and Anna Duggar residence and boxes and furniture were being moved out. Maybe Ryder trucks? I don't know the DIY companies.

Anyway, if the show was accurate, they have already left their former home for the rat trap house in the Arkansas woods.

i'd be interested to see the show. I would assume that they weren't staying here since josh had to resign from his job. But there's certainily still things at the house complete with a flag by the mail box and a truck.

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I saw somewhere online yesterday that Josh's net worth is $500,000.

I don't really think that site is very accurate. I'd estimate that his net worth is lower. I don't think he made much at the car lot but then again, I am not sure how much he was paid by FRC (Although he was only there for like 2 years?). He was paying $3,500 rent on the Maryland house.

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i'd be interested to see the show. I would assume that they weren't staying here since josh had to resign from his job. But there's certainily still things at the house complete with a flag by the mail box and a truck.

Come on, folks...Remember Duggar Time. They won't their crap out of there until they get served an eviction notice or 2.

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Come on, folks...Remember Duggar Time. They won't their crap out of there until they get served an eviction notice or 2.

Right haha I can't imagine them having things moved out in a WEEK with 3 kids and a heavily pregnant wife. Unless the house was some sort of deal with the FRC but then I don't know why they wouldn't have taken EVERYTHING with them if they were 'helped' to move out.

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I don't really think that site is very accurate. I'd estimate that his net worth is lower. I don't think he made much at the car lot but then again, I am not sure how much he was paid by FRC (Although he was only there for like 2 years?). He was paying $3,500 rent on the Maryland house.

Were they really paying $3500 a month for that house? That's outrageous for this area and especially that neighborhood. :pink-shock: I would've guessed $2,500 at most.

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Were they really paying $3500 a month for that house? That's outrageous for this area and especially that neighborhood. :pink-shock: I would've guessed $2,500 at most.

Yes, he was paying $3500 a month. DailyMail also talks about it here http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... areer.html

It's not unreasonable to be paying that amount where I am at all. I guess it just depends on the location. I still doubt his net worth is $500,00 though. Does anyone know how much he was paid by FRC? He was only there for almost 2 years.

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Yes, he was paying $3500 a month. DailyMail also talks about it here http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... areer.html

It's not unreasonable to be paying that amount where I am at all. I guess it just depends on the location. I still doubt his net worth is $500,00 though. Does anyone know how much he was paid by FRC? He was only there for almost 2 years.

:lol: according to the house ad that the daily mail linked for those pictures the rent 'zestimate' from zillow is only $2,346 a month. That sounds about right for a house like that in oxon hill.

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:lol: according to the house ad that the daily mail linked for those pictures the rent 'zestimate' from zillow is only $2,346 a month. That sounds about right for a house like that in oxon hill.

No, he was paying $3,500 a month for that house.

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