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When fundies self diagnose / Narcissism thy name is Lori

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I had a Lori dream last night lol. My husband and I stole another couple's invitation to this big overnight party Lori was having. We sat and talked with Steven and Emily and Emily was perfect and amazing. Right before we were about to leave, I said something super snarky to Lori. I don't remember what it was but I remember feeling like I wanted to finger snap her when I said it. Then I went up to the fourth floor of the house and smoked marijuana (which I don't do, BTW, but I thought it would be the ultimate in disrespect to Lori LOfreakingL).

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I think many of us were genuinely creeped out hardcore by CM. I wouldn't call it fun. It was more entertaining, but needing to take a shower afterwards lol.

I actually found Cabinetman quite scary and spent a lot of time worrying about his wife. HIs disdain for women was palpable. Some of his latest advice before making his blog private really got him in hot water all over the internet, not just here. After advising men to deliberately withhold orgasm from their wives, he was completely unable to explain how that advice did NOT go against scripture. To use a phrase he likes to throw at others..."that advice was straight from the pits of hell;" and he knew it.

I've often wondered if his recent long term silence on other blogs was because something really bad happened at his house and he was busy putting things back together.

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I actually found Cabinetman quite scary and spent a lot of time worrying about his wife. HIs disdain for women was palpable. Some of his latest advice before making his blog private really got him in hot water all over the internet, not just here. After advising men to deliberately withhold orgasm from their wives, he was completely unable to explain how that advice did NOT go against scripture. To use a phrase he likes to throw at others..."that advice was straight from the pits of hell;" and he knew it.

I've often wondered if his recent long term silence on other blogs was because something really bad happened at his house and he was busy putting things back together.

I worried about Amanda until she started commenting on other blogs and she was a complete nutter - very angry. I figured she could hold her own against him.

But yeah, with as paranoid as CM was with us "finding him" I started to worry he would "find me." I actually changed my email address because of it. I also blocked Lori and Amanda on FB.

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I worried about Amanda until she started commenting on other blogs and she was a complete nutter - very angry. I figured she could hold her own against him.

But yeah, with as paranoid as CM was with us "finding him" I started to worry he would "find me." I actually changed my email address because of it. I also blocked Lori and Amanda on FB.

She's definitely as angry and judgmental as her husband. When all those posts from that scrapbook forum came to light, though, I really worried that he went into a tirade at home. It's like he read her diary and saw how she really felt about him; and she confirmed what we all suspected - that he's an abusive controlling animal - AND she let others know it too by posting on that forum. I just can't imagine that he would let all that go without consequences to her.

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I had a Lori dream last night lol. My husband and I stole another couple's invitation to this big overnight party Lori was having. We sat and talked with Steven and Emily and Emily was perfect and amazing. Right before we were about to leave, I said something super snarky to Lori. I don't remember what it was but I remember feeling like I wanted to finger snap her when I said it. Then I went up to the fourth floor of the house and smoked marijuana (which I don't do, BTW, but I thought it would be the ultimate in disrespect to Lori LOfreakingL).

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I hope you know that you have a problem. 8-)

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I hope you know that you have a problem. 8-)


Of course I do.

I will say though, that I am far less obsessed than I was a few months ago. That woman got UNDER MY SKIN a few months ago.

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She's definitely as angry and judgmental as her husband. When all those posts from that scrapbook forum came to light, though, I really worried that he went into a tirade at home. It's like he read her diary and saw how she really felt about him; and she confirmed what we all suspected - that he's an abusive controlling animal - AND she let others know it too by posting on that forum. I just can't imagine that he would let all that go without consequences to her.

I worry about her too. I actually feel bad for posting her scrapbooking posts here. I put them in hidden tags and called it good because I didn't figure he'd ever log in again. But I didn't fully think it through and it was a decision made without considering the real person at the other end. I hope that she's okay because those were her "rebellious" years. Actually, her angry tirades supporting CM reminded me of a similarly angry tirade in support of a husband that I read by a woman who, as it turns out, was being abused by her husband.

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Of course I do.

I will say though, that I am far less obsessed than I was a few months ago. That woman got UNDER MY SKIN a few months ago.

It's alright. Recently, I've been following Rachel Held Evans more closely than I ever had before just so I can rage at every hypocritical tweet, post, and comment she makes. It's taking the place of my CM obsession.

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It's alright. Recently, I've been following Rachel Held Evans more closely than I ever had before just so I can rage at every hypocritical tweet, post, and comment she makes. It's taking the place of my CM obsession.

Iiiiinteresting. I used to really like her, but I only followed her blog, not anything else she posted.

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Iiiiinteresting. I used to really like her, but I only followed her blog, not anything else she posted.

It's just a shit-show. Like, she recently was on a panel at a conference about women and domestic violence talking about how to create church environments that don't foster abuse.

Good topic, right?

Except a few months ago, when an abuse victim asked RHE to take a stand against abuse victim's abusive ex-husband who is a big figure in the progressive movement, RHE told her that social media wasn't the place to discuss it and that she should call an abuse hotline. And she has since deleted any comment referring to the ongoing situation and blocked anyone who deigns to mention it several times.

Essentially, it's okay to call out conservative Mark Driscoll's abuses online, but not progressive Tony Jones. And so, I rage. 8-)

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It's just a shit-show. Like, she recently was on a panel at a conference about women and domestic violence talking about how to create church environments that don't foster abuse.

Good topic, right?

Except a few months ago, when an abuse victim asked RHE to take a stand against abuse victim's abusive ex-husband who is a big figure in the progressive movement, RHE told her that social media wasn't the place to discuss it and that she should call an abuse hotline. And she has since deleted any comment referring to the ongoing situation and blocked anyone who deigns to mention it several times.

Essentially, it's okay to call out conservative Mark Driscoll's abuses online, but not progressive Tony Jones. And so, I rage. 8-)

I feel like she's started discussing things that she just doesn't know anything about, ya know? She's extremely good (IMO) at talking about feeling uncomfortable and lonely in the church, but then she sort of goes off on these passionate tangents that she doesn't have real experience with or knowledge about.

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I feel like she's started discussing things that she just doesn't know anything about, ya know? She's extremely good (IMO) at talking about feeling uncomfortable and lonely in the church, but then she sort of goes off on these passionate tangents that she doesn't have real experience with or knowledge about.

YES. Like she thinks she's a great abuse advocate when she is really untrained in what intimate partner violence really looks like. It's not bad to be untrained, but don't go speaking at conferences about domestic violence with people who have actual credentials. It leads to her doing really shitty things like not seeing her own biases and completely dismissing an abuse victim (and therefore making many abuse victims feel dismissed).

Her new book sounds really interesting to me because it is, essentially, about feeling uncomfortable and lonely in the church, but since she writes a lot about the sacraments, I suspect it might be a bit eye-rolly for life-long Episcopalians (where she currently attends) to see a newbie waxing poetic on the meaning and intent behind the sacraments.

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But RHE is still better than Nadia Bolz-Weber. Are you familiar with her? She has what might be the most snarktastic video I've ever seen.

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YES. Like she thinks she's a great abuse advocate when she is really untrained in what intimate partner violence really looks like. It's not bad to be untrained, but don't go speaking at conferences about domestic violence with people who have actual credentials. It leads to her doing really shitty things like not seeing her own biases and completely dismissing an abuse victim (and therefore making many abuse victims feel dismissed).

Her new book sounds really interesting to me because it is, essentially, about feeling uncomfortable and lonely in the church, but since she writes a lot about the sacraments, I suspect it might be a bit eye-rolly for life-long Episcopalians (where she currently attends) to see a newbie waxing poetic on the meaning and intent behind the sacraments.

Yes, I think the book will be pretty waxy ;) I was one of those about a year and a half ago so I can kind of relate, but I don't have any real intention of reading the new book.

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But RHE is still better than Nadia Bolz-Weber. Are you familiar with her? She has what might be the most snarktastic video I've ever seen.

Never heard of her. Who is she and where did she come from?

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Never heard of her. Who is she and where did she come from?

She a SUPER HIP Lutheran minster, and you know she's hip 'cause she's covered in shitty tattoos. She believes sexism still exists, but she's never experienced it because SHE'S SO TALL (she reportedly said that...). She's SUPER CULTURAL and has a good measure of economic privilege, and so that means she better than everyone else. She's also SUPER EDGY. SO EDGY, in fact, that her book contains *gasp* foul language! :roll:

[bBvideo 560,340:1c2xeik8]

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Yes, you do.

There's a great term that someone coined for the kind of theological circle jerk that often occurs in progressive/emergent circles-- theolojizzing.

It perfectly describes what's going on in this video and in much of the movement.

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Yes, you do.

There's a great term that someone coined for the kind of theological circle jerk that often occurs in progressive/emergent circles-- theolojizzing.

It perfectly describes what's going on in this video and in much of the movement.


I think I'm going to start a movement for people who felt uncomfortable in the evangelical church, so they joined the progressive movement, but got tired of the circle jerk, so they left that too.

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She a SUPER HIP Lutheran minster, and you know she's hip 'cause she's covered in shitty tattoos. She believes sexism still exists, but she's never experienced it because SHE'S SO TALL (she reportedly said that...). She's SUPER CULTURAL and has a good measure of economic privilege, and so that means she better than everyone else. She's also SUPER EDGY. SO EDGY, in fact, that her book contains *gasp* foul language! :roll:

[bBvideo 560,340:f6uckmcl]


I only made it 26 seconds in and I can't stand this woman. Edgy for Jesus people annoy me. If I ever decided to become religious again there is no way I could go to one of those "Look how cool and hip we are!" churches that seem to be popular.

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I think I'm going to start a movement for people who felt uncomfortable in the evangelical church, so they joined the progressive movement, but got tired of the circle jerk, so they left that too.


We can have a book club-- "Real Marriage" one month, this shit-show the next.

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We can have a book club-- "Real Marriage" one month, this shit-show the next.

Yes. Because I need to talk more about how sad Grace Driscoll sounded in her sections. Poor woman :(

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Yes. Because I need to talk more about how sad Grace Driscoll sounded in her sections. Poor woman :(

I read bits of it, but I couldn't read much. It was too sad and kind of scary to snark on for me. Ugh. :(

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Think I'm one of the only ones here who actually doesn't like Emily. Sure, she's not as bad as Lori, but she's still not a good person. Yeah, she seems to be a feminist in some ways, but she appears perfectly fine with taking away a woman's right to choose. :pull-hair:

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Think I'm one of the only ones here who actually doesn't like Emily. Sure, she's not as bad as Lori, but she's still not a good person. Yeah, she seems to be a feminist in some ways, but she appears perfectly fine with taking away a woman's right to choose. :pull-hair:

I just think she's stunningly beautiful. I have a girl crush.

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