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When fundies self diagnose / Narcissism thy name is Lori

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She a SUPER HIP Lutheran minster, and you know she's hip 'cause she's covered in shitty tattoos. She believes sexism still exists, but she's never experienced it because SHE'S SO TALL (she reportedly said that...). She's SUPER CULTURAL and has a good measure of economic privilege, and so that means she better than everyone else. She's also SUPER EDGY. SO EDGY, in fact, that her book contains *gasp* foul language! :roll:

[bBvideo 560,340:2ajpnyzb]


Damn, and I thought I'd get some work done today. That's like hitting an untapped mine of motherlode snark material.

So does knowing the difference between American cheese and real cheese and speaking in uptalk make you the coolest thing ever? Or does that only apply if you start your sentences with shit?

Should there be a law against impersonating a teenager? I mean, my kids will call me out if I try to use their language or dress too much like them or otherwise pretending to be their peer.

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Damn, and I thought I'd get some work done today. That's like hitting an untapped mine of motherlode snark material.

So does knowing the difference between American cheese and real cheese and speaking in uptalk make you the coolest thing ever? Or does that only apply if you start your sentences with shit?

Should there be a law against impersonating a teenager? I mean, my kids will call me out if I try to use their language or dress too much like them or otherwise pretending to be their peer.

This video was being discussed elsewhere on the Internet, and someone made the incredibly apt remark, "So... she's writing this book for the mildly disenfranchised middle class?"

And you are only the coolest thing ever if you have tons of tattoos and never wear sleeves.


(Oddly enough, this picture was posted by the Stinking Lousewife [thinkinghousewife.com/wp/2013/11/she-believes-in-jesus-too/]. Looks like she and I can agree on something after all! :lol: )

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I only made it 26 seconds in and I can't stand this woman. Edgy for Jesus people annoy me. If I ever decided to become religious again there is no way I could go to one of those "Look how cool and hip we are!" churches that seem to be popular.

My cousin goes to one of those types of churches (though they're too cool to have the work "church" in the name). The way he goes on about it sounds like a freaking cult. And don't get me started on the hypocritical pastor who got fired from his previous church for having an affair with a secretary. I'm pretty sure he preaches prosperity gospel too.

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I only made it 26 seconds in and I can't stand this woman. Edgy for Jesus people annoy me. If I ever decided to become religious again there is no way I could go to one of those "Look how cool and hip we are!" churches that seem to be popular.

If you didn't see the part where she talks about finding hope in something other than "the vapid consumerism of late stage capitalism," then you didn't make it far enough! :D

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My cousin goes to one of those types of churches (though they're too cool to have the work "church" in the name). The way he goes on about it sounds like a freaking cult. And don't get me started on the hypocritical pastor who got fired from his previous church for having an affair with a secretary. I'm pretty sure he preaches prosperity gospel too.

Two of my cousins go to this church that is also too cool to say it is a church, they call it an "experience". On Sunday mornings they are always posting stuff about how they can't wait to go to the "name of the church" experience. They get really pissed if anyone calls it church because it is totally not like a church. :roll: Sure the spend half the service singing praise song, followed by taking up an offering and then a pastor(who always wears jeans and a trendy t-shirt) gets up to preach a sermon(titled something ridiculous like Scandalous for God, Rooted in a Rebellious Love), but that it TOTALLY not like church.

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If you didn't see the part where she talks about finding hope in something other than "the vapid consumerism of late stage capitalism," then you didn't make it far enough! :D

I tried to watch it again and gave up when she said that this was for people who were tired of gazing at their own navel. If you look up "navel gazing", pretty sure her picture is in the definition.

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Is this woman the female Cabinetman? He was always telling us he wrote in an edgy way - curse words and all - because Jesus was a manly man and he was tired of the church be so weak and girly.

I didn't watch the whole video so I have no idea if her ideas are the same as his.

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Is this woman the female Cabinetman? He was always telling us he wrote in an edgy way - curse words and all - because Jesus was a manly man and he was tired of the church be so weak and girly.

I didn't watch the whole video so I have no idea if her ideas are the same as his.

I looked at her website and I think she is more like Jill Rodrigues, she is all about bringing attention to herself. Jill uses make-up, 80's hair, and her singing, this woman uses her tattoos and cursing.

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I looked at her website and I think she is more like Jill Rodrigues, she is all about bringing attention to herself. Jill uses make-up, 80's hair, and her singing, this woman uses her tattoos and cursing.

usmcmom, her ideas are very different from CM's (at least, on the surface)-- she's a very liberal Christian. FG kind of hit the nail on the head that she is all about bringing attention to herself.

Instead of thinking she is better than everyone else because submission, she thinks she's better than everyone else because tattoos and NPR and eating real cheese. :roll:

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I don't follow Jill Rodrigues but I have been to her blog a couple of times when she's mentioned here. And every single time I've been to her blog I have the same thought: WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER HUSBAND? Why would she choose such an unflattering picture of him to put on her "about" page?

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Just to be clear, I have nothing against someone religious having tatoos, unconventional background, etc.

She's just snark-worthy for trying too hard. We can see the tatoos. You don't have to constantly point them out. If your ideas and teaching will really appeal to people with "more education than money" - well, tell us those ideas already instead of trying to talk about how cool and smart you are.

Personally, I sometimes like it when you can just let your message speak for itself. Once upon a time, we found a funky little synagogue we liked downtown. No hype, no buzz, no YouTube clip from hip rabbi - but we did get a warm welcome from him and noticed that he welcomed EVERYONE, no matter if you were rich and famous or a homeless schizophrenic alcoholic off your meds.

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Just to be clear, I have nothing against someone religious having tatoos, unconventional background, etc.

She's just snark-worthy for trying too hard. We can see the tatoos. You don't have to constantly point them out. If your ideas and teaching will really appeal to people with "more education than money" - well, tell us those ideas already instead of trying to talk about how cool and smart you are.

Personally, I sometimes like it when you can just let your message speak for itself. Once upon a time, we found a funky little synagogue we liked downtown. No hype, no buzz, no YouTube clip from hip rabbi - but we did get a warm welcome from him and noticed that he welcomed EVERYONE, no matter if you were rich and famous or a homeless schizophrenic alcoholic off your meds.

She seems like the type of person who if you ended up sitting next to her on a plane she would start off pointing out her tattoos and then going "Can you believe I'm a minister?! A MINISTER WITH TATTOOS! Fuck it, I also cuss! AND I'M A MINISTER! A cussing, tattooed minister! I bet you have never seen that before!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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I read a Washington Post article on her, and I'm confused. She's basically says forget the Golden Rule, you don't get extra points for being good. Am I missing something? I thought that was sort of the moral message of Christianity, esp. in the more liberal denominations.

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I read a Washington Post article on her, and I'm confused. She's basically says forget the Golden Rule, you don't get extra points for being good. Am I missing something? I thought that was sort of the moral message of Christianity, esp. in the more liberal denominations.

You just tapped into the grace/works issue, the understanding of which has caused (or at least been the scapegoat of) some of the biggest divisions with Christianity since the Council of Nicaea. I'm pre-TL;DR myself because my lunch hour is ending. :lol:

God loves us all the same regardless of what we have done. The worst sinner in the world is still offered grace by God. The best person in the world still needs the grace of God. The true experience of understanding and accepting the grace of God will so transform us that we start to exhibit a righteous life, whatever that means for your particular denomination of Christianity. So our works do nothing to change our value in God's eyes, good or bad, but once we accept God, our works will start changing to reflect that.

Thus bringing in the endless speculation by both parties-- s/he is a dick/is gay/does whatever thing one group considers sinful... doesn't that mean they haven't been transformed by the Spirit and are therefore not True ChristiansTM?

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Two of my cousins go to this church that is also too cool to say it is a church, they call it an "experience". On Sunday mornings they are always posting stuff about how they can't wait to go to the "name of the church" experience. They get really pissed if anyone calls it church because it is totally not like a church. :roll: Sure the spend half the service singing praise song, followed by taking up an offering and then a pastor(who always wears jeans and a trendy t-shirt) gets up to preach a sermon(titled something ridiculous like Scandalous for God, Rooted in a Rebellious Love), but that it TOTALLY not like church.

I wonder of people like this know that it makes them sound like douches.

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I wonder of people like this know that it makes them sound like douches.

Ugh, I don't think they do. They think it makes them sound RELEVANT.

Funny thing about this type of "experience." It crosses all theological divides. For a while, Mark Driscoll, the neo-Calvinist douchelord, and Tony Jones, buddy-buddy with Nadia and progressive hipster douchecanoe, were in the theological cohort. Eventually, one went conservative and one went liberal. But essentially, they are both image-obsessed and completely unaware of the real problems in Christianity-- that despite lip-service to love and acceptance, it's more often used as another tool for the patriarchy.

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I read a Washington Post article on her, and I'm confused. She's basically says forget the Golden Rule, you don't get extra points for being good. Am I missing something? I thought that was sort of the moral message of Christianity, esp. in the more liberal denominations.

Yeah, basically it seems like she is saying you don't have to be nice to others because God loves you even if you are an asshole.

She is obnoxious:

It was awful,†Bolz-Weber writes. It seemed as if her “precious little indie boutique of a church†might be overrun by bankers and doctors. She called her pastor friends to ask, “Have you ever had normal people take over your church?â€

This makes it clear that she didn't start a church that welcomed everyone, she started a church that was specifically for people who she liked and then she got mad when the "normal" folks dared to come. Granted she eventually came to accept the "normal" folks. Wasn't that nice of her. :roll:

anti-pastorâ€: cranky, intolerant, egotistical,

This is how she describes herself. :roll:


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Yeah, basically it seems like she is saying you don't have to be nice to others because God loves you even if you are an asshole.

She is obnoxious:

It was awful,†Bolz-Weber writes. It seemed as if her “precious little indie boutique of a church†might be overrun by bankers and doctors. She called her pastor friends to ask, “Have you ever had normal people take over your church?â€

This makes it clear that she didn't start a church that welcomed everyone, she started a church that was specifically for people who she liked and then she got mad when the "normal" folks dared to come. Granted she eventually came to accept the "normal" folks. Wasn't that nice of her. :roll:

anti-pastorâ€: cranky, intolerant, egotistical,

This is how she describes herself. :roll:


Hey, she welcomes all people. As long as they are just like her.

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If you didn't see the part where she talks about finding hope in something other than "the vapid consumerism of late stage capitalism," then you didn't make it far enough! :D

hahahaha that's where I had to close it

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She actually reminds me of somebody I know irl and I kind of feel bad for snarking. But they're so snarkable! Navel gazing, indeed.

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I see Lori's taking another swipe at the kids that aren't basing their family planning on the Holy Book of St. Lori:

Many couple are deciding not to have children these days since it will put a huge crimp in their lifestyle. Research shows that parents are less happy interacting with their children than they are exercising, eating, and watching television...Pleasures are fleeing. Meaning, on the other hand, is enduring...

Therefore, many young couples don't want to make the short-term sacrifice to have children but instead, want to have short-term pleasure for long-term pain. The long-term pain of not having children to care for them in their old age, grandchildren to hug and play with and the fulfillment that comes with raising godly children who have a positive impact on the world around them.

:roll: Get over it Lori. They clearly aren't going to let you control them remotely from your computer. Get off your passive aggressive ass and go contribute something positive to the world

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I see Lori's taking another swipe at the kids that aren't basing their family planning on the Holy Book of St. Lori:

:roll: Get over it Lori. They clearly aren't going to let you control them remotely from your computer. Get off your passive aggressive ass and go contribute something positive to the world

Bitch got a lot of nerve saying shit like that...isn't she the one who locked the kids in their bedrooms so SHE could have peace and quiet. STFU idiots!

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Lori is right, unlike her I will not be reliant on the care repaid me by children I sent to their room for hours a day, let cry it out from an early age, beat into submission or handed off to the nanny when they were young.

Good luck, Lori you old monster you.

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