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When fundies self diagnose / Narcissism thy name is Lori

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Lori has blinders on when it comes to her children. And besides, that is a COSTUME, not a daily dress. And besides, doesn't she want people to look at her kid?

God, she sucks so much. Why does she have to be so faux modest and hypocritical and mean and dumb?

Honestly, not many of her daughters' outfits strike me as anything a fundie would consider modest. But Lori seems hell bent on painting them in a light that is really not reflective of them at all. And she does it to suit her own purposes. This is akin to when she reads an article, totally changes what the author is saying, and then presents it as support for her own warped belief system.

I can't remember if it was her or Ken, but one of them was bragging the other day about having to talk to their daughters about "being more joyful" around men, because they just ignored them all together. Then there was the time Lori claimed that her grown daughter "couldn't stand the idea of kissing a guy"- the year before she got married. It's just ridiculous the lengths she goes to.

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Lori's daughter:


And then Ken would be like, "Hey, that's not immodest! That's Christian Risque!"

***Meanwhile Lori tries frantically to utilize her delete button on Alyssa's instagram***

That. Is. Awesome. Can anyone say hypocrite? (Her daughter looks amazing though!)

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Her daughter seems to be quite successful with her ballet, and genuinely appears to love it. Of course even that Lori has framed as "dancing for Jesus". :lol:

My daughter, Alyssa, was a professional dancer with Ballet Magnificat for nine years. They went around the world dancing for Jesus.

Because everything is a ministry if hitch your Jesus wagon to it :dance:

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It is difficult to find family friendly shows anymore. I use to love watching American Idol. The majority of the contestants are simply regular people. However, some of the female judges dress and dance so immodestly. I could never sit comfortably with my husband watching them with their breasts hanging out and moving sensuously all over the stage. What are these women thinking? Don't they know this is suppose to be a family friendly show?

Many women have no scruples. They are immodest and indecent and they cause many men to stumble...woe to the person on whose account or by whom the temptation comes! Woe unto them! I would never want the Lord to say "Woe" to me. You never want to incur God's wrath.

Bringing this closer to home, I thought of the many Christian women who wear bikinis and dress immodestly. They are causing other men to stumble whether they know it or not.

*clutches pearls* She can't even watch Americal Idol ya'll. She's just too holy!


Lori, I have some family members who wear very low cut dresses/tops and it always makes me sad to see it! I must say I feel quite embarrassed by it too. I am so grateful my daughter is a very modest little lamb of God. It would break my heart if she wasn't!


Lori's reply:

It sure isn't feminine to be immodest. Most young girls aren't taught to be modest. They are taught the opposite, unfortunately.


I taught my daughters that bikinis and tight skirts and shorts are immodest
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*clutches pearls* She can't even watch Americal Idol ya'll. She's just too holy!

I didn't know anyone would consider American Idle family friendly. I mean, they have weeks dedicated to making fun of people for not being good at singjng. The judges say mean things. It's entirely about who has the right "look" and commercially acceptable sound.

Compared to, say, Breaking Bad it's family friendly, but it's still not really a "nice" show, IMO.

But beyond my digression, it sounds like Lori is jealous of the teenage cleavage on American Idol. I'm assuming the male participates in this show are attractive. ..why isn't she looking at them?

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*clutches pearls* She can't even watch Americal Idol ya'll. She's just too holy!



Lori's reply:



Emily looked SMOKIN hot in her BIKINI on her honeymoon.

I would bet a millionty internet dollars that Alyssa wears one too.

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And picking on spelling and grammar is a straw, but Lori, it's used to, not use to. Not sure what type of teacher she was when she taught, but I'm definitely betting it was not English. If so, no wonder the teenagers today can't write worth anything. :lol:

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And picking on spelling and grammar is a straw, but Lori, it's used to, not use to. Not sure what type of teacher she was when she taught, but I'm definitely betting it was not English. If so, no wonder the teenagers today can't write worth anything. :lol:

It drives me nuts when she does that. And suppose instead of supposed :pull-hair:

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So, is her Harlot post aimed at a particular woman who may be causing a man in Lori's life to stumble, or was it just harlot day on the christian blogger editorial calendar>?

Since today she is talking about forgiving husbands, I had to wonder.

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So, is her Harlot post aimed at a particular woman who may be causing a man in Lori's life to stumble, or was it just harlot day on the christian blogger editorial calendar>?

Since today she is talking about forgiving husbands, I had to wonder.

Idk, but I've always had the feeling that Ken had a wondering eye. Lori has made several posts about how men naturally like to look at other women and it's A-Okay (the real problem is all the harlots dressing immodestly and causing them to "stumble").

Hell, Ken has even used Lori's blog to hit on other women (see pretty much anything ever said to "Courtney").

It is most men's nature to want to have sex with a lot of different women.

I have many friends who are upset because their man will glance at a beautiful woman walk by, not lust but glance. That is in their nature to do that. Dennis was saying that just because a man may get somewhat excited by a beautiful woman for ten seconds, he forgets about her ten seconds later. He married his wife, because he loves her and wants to be with her.

So just because your husband likes a lot of sex with you and enjoys glancing at beautiful women, doesn't make him a sex pervert. God created him to be attracted to women. That doesn't mean he doesn't have to battle his sexual nature, learn to control it and not allow it to control him, but if we are married, we need to understand this battle and be sympathetic with them and not condemning.

Ken has tried to explain this to me before. I am beginning to understand. God gave men wives to satisfy their sexual needs for it is better to marry than to burn. Yes, they WILL see beautiful, sexy women in this world but our husbands chose us to live with all the days of our lives and most Christian husbands live faithful to us, thankfully!

Yes, most men will be attracted to a beautiful, sexy woman walking by but that doesn't mean he wants to have sex with her. It may get him more excited to have sex with you, but we need to stop taking this offensively and understand that this is the way God built them

Those excerpts are just from 2 posts, but there are many more. :roll:

I have to throw these in, because they just kind of show how Lori's mind works:

This is all most husbands want...a naked wife who smiles a lot.

They want a woman who will love them as they are, not argue with them, allow them to be the leader, fix them good food, be happy, and give them lots of sex.

That's all! A cooking, sex machine that doesn't have the brains to challenge them! Simple. (I'm sure the brainless part is easy for Lori).

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That girl is Lori's daughter?

I don't really care how people dress. If Lori's daughter likes the outfit, or wears it in a stage performance or wherever, I don't see the problem.

But LORI sees the problem everywhere except at home. The outfit in that photo was not even remotely modest.

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I keep trying to form words about Lori's "naked smiler" comment and I just don't have anything. My husband wants a partner, a friend, someone to talk to who has coherent thoughts, someone who will participate in hobbies with him, etc etc. Being naked and smiling is just not enough.

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That girl is Lori's daughter?

I don't really care how people dress. If Lori's daughter likes the outfit, or wears it in a stage performance or wherever, I don't see the problem.

But LORI sees the problem everywhere except at home. The outfit in that photo was not even remotely modest.

That'd be her oldest. And I agree with you- she's a grown woman and I couldn't care any less about what she wears. It just cracks me up that Lori is all, "Harlots! Immodest harlots everywhere! Thank goodness my daughters were never like that!" :roll:

Meanwhile on stage.... :lol:

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Did Lori delete this comment from the Harlot post?


It is difficult to find family friendly shows anymore. I use to love watching American Idol. The majority of the contestants are simply regular people. However, some of the female judges dress and dance so immodestly. I could never sit comfortably with my husband watching them with their breasts hanging out and moving sensuously all over the stage. What are these women thinking? Don't they know this is suppose to be a family friendly show?

Many women have no scruples. They are immodest and indecent and they cause many men to stumble...woe to the person on whose account or by whom the temptation comes! Woe unto them! I would never want the Lord to say "Woe" to me. You never want to incur God's wrath.

Bringing this closer to home, I thought of the many Christian women who wear bikinis and dress immodestly. They are causing other men to stumble whether they know it or not.

Because I don't see how she can write something like the bolded, when her daughter has instagram photos like the one being linked to here. Does Lori think there are NO men in the audience watching and lusting after HER daughter while she dances around on stage clad in a skimpy outfit? Is HER daughter not "causing men to stumble"?

Like others have said, I don't care what her adult children do, but her hypocrisy just stinks. I've said before that we can't control our adult children and their standards can't be ours; but Lori takes willful blindness to a whole new level. I'm sure if she saw other young women dressed like her daughter is dressed in these photos, she'd rant and rave about how their parents must not have raised them to walk in truth..... blah, blah, blah.

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Did Lori delete this comment from the Harlot post?

Because I don't see how she can write something like the bolded, when her daughter has instagram photos like the one being linked to here. Does Lori think there are NO men in the audience watching and lusting after HER daughter while she dances around on stage clad in a skimpy outfit? Is HER daughter not "causing men to stumble"?

Like others have said, I don't care what her adult children do, but her hypocrisy just stinks. I've said before that we can't control our adult children and their standards can't be ours; but Lori takes willful blindness to a whole new level. I'm sure if she saw other young women dressed like her daughter is dressed in these photos, she'd rant and rave about how their parents must not have raised them to walk in truth..... blah, blah, blah.

That was from another post. And Alyssa is dancing for Jesus, so it's totally different.

Edit to add the link: lorialexander.blogspot.com/2014/05/woe-to-immodest-women.html

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More from Lori on modesty:

My husband has been very honest with me about men's visual attraction. He has told me at times things I couldn't wear and I obeyed him

I taught my daughters that bikinis and tight skirts and shorts are immodest.

True godly men want a modest wife.

Now here's the funny part. The pic at the top of the post was of Lori's daughter and her friends. A reader immediately replied:

If you believe what you have written though I wonder why you posted the above picture. Would those ladies be your idea of what a chaste, modest woman is to wear?

Lori replies:

Yes, you were right. I found a good one of my daughter with her friends. Thank you for pointing that out to me. I definitely wanted to show what modesty looks like in today's society.

Pointing out what? That her daughter and her friends (who she's holding up as an example of modesty) are dressed immodestly??

So people start asking what's wrong with the pic- they see nothing wrong with it.

Reader replies:

The first picture though of sleeveless dresses, seeing the obvious cleaveage just did not seem like the correct photo for a blog on modesty. Which is why the picture was changed.

:embarrassed: :embarrassed: Opps! Don't you hate that awkward moment when you are holding your kid up as a pillar of modesty and you accidentally post a pic of her in a skimpy dress :doh:

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That was from another post. And Alyssa is dancing for Jesus, so it's totally different.

Edit to add the link: lorialexander.blogspot.com/2014/05/woe-to-immodest-women.html

Thanks. All of her posts run together in my mind since she basically writes on a loop of the same few topics.

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Today Lori is a heretic by saying that one can "wash themselves off" rather than believing that Jesus Christ washes Christians of sin.

Normally I'd look over a detail like that, but it's Mentor Lori. I hold her to a higher standard.

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That girl is Lori's daughter?

I don't really care how people dress. If Lori's daughter likes the outfit, or wears it in a stage performance or wherever, I don't see the problem.

But LORI sees the problem everywhere except at home. The outfit in that photo was not even remotely modest.

What strikes me about that post is how skeletal she looks :( Granted, she's posing, so she may be sucking it in, but her belly is basically concave and you can count her ribs. Her arms are so skinny that her elbows look knobby. Lori has so much to answer for in the way she raised her children, especially her girls. SO much.

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What strikes me about that post is how skeletal she looks :( Granted, she's posing, so she may be sucking it in, but her belly is basically concave and you can count her ribs. Her arms are so skinny that her elbows look knobby. Lori has so much to answer for in the way she raised her children, especially her girls. SO much.

I noticed the same things. I wouldn't be surprised if there was weight pressure in that family. Both Ken and Lori have said some shitty things about overweight women. I remember when Ken was posting here, he said something about men not finding women who are 10 pounds attractive. Also, there is weight issues and pressure in the dance world. I might be reading into it too much, but Lori's daughter doesn't look good in that picture.

One last thing to add, the way Lori describes Alyssa's husband is very similar to Ken. Alyssa's husband made Alyssa get rid of some of her clothing that he didn't like.

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I think Alyssa looks amazing. She's obviously thinner than most women but she works out for a living. I don't think she looks too thin at all.

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I noticed the same things. I wouldn't be surprised if there was weight pressure in that family. Both Ken and Lori have said some shitty things about overweight women. I remember when Ken was posting here, he said something about men not finding women who are 10 pounds attractive. Also, there is weight issues and pressure in the dance world. I might be reading into it too much, but Lori's daughter doesn't look good in that picture.

One last thing to add, the way Lori describes Alyssa's husband is very similar to Ken. Alyssa's husband made Alyssa get rid of some of her clothing that he didn't like.

Ken and Lori have both been very open about how they pressured their daughters regarding their weight. They monitored their girls and let them know if they were five pounds too heavy.

So, when Lori recently wrote this:

We NEVER labeled them! I am sure one of my children would have been labeled with some learning disability if we had them tested. I am so happy we never did and they are doing GREAT today. We always wanted them to know who they were IN Christ, not from who others said they were or labeled them. Their identity comes from God and how much He loves them. They were created for Him and His purposes. {I realize some children have serious learning disabilities and need help. This was NOT my child.}


I had to wonder. Did they REALLY want them to get their identity from Christ? Considering how concerned they were with their daughters' weight and how they met society's idea of beauty, I don't think they had a problem at all in LABELING their children.

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I think Alyssa looks amazing. She's obviously thinner than most women but she works out for a living. I don't think she looks too thin at all.

Count me in on the "she looks good" train. I know that Ken and Lori fucked with their daughters' self-esteem and body image-- that much is clear from Ken's posts here and the girls' own descriptions of eating/body image issues when they were young adults. But in this photo I see a healthy, fit young women. Admittedly, she's very thin, but looking at Ken and Lori both, she has the genetics to have a small build, and I think she looks well-muscled and not overly thin here.

I'm tall with a small build, though, so Alyssa looks pretty much normal to me. Except her build gives her a great waist! I'm jealous.

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Today's mindless drivel:

I walk by a preschool every day. Yesterday, I heard a newborn crying and it broke my heart. The baby's own mother isn't with him/her to care, nurture and cuddle her own baby. How can this possibly be a good thing?

Wha??? Does she mean daycare? What on earth would a newborn be doing at a preschool? Also, let's take a look at that second sentence again:

I heard a newborn crying and it broke my heart.

A newborn crying broke her heart she says???

Lori Alexander:

Mothers hate letting their babies cry. I get that, but crying never hurt anybody.

If you keep consoling them, they will keep crying for more consoling.

You know what would make it even worse? If the toddlers in that preschool had to "rest" several hours a day to save the workers sanity:

once they were toddlers and older, they had to rest several hours a day...for my sanity!

In other news:

In my neighborhood, there is someone home in almost every single home. The majority of mothers are home raising their children or the husbands work from the home. It makes this neighborhood feel secure.

You're fairly wealthy by most standards, so no surprise there.

It's almost as if we're in la la land

I have been saying this for years! That's just what it's like :roll:

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