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When fundies self diagnose / Narcissism thy name is Lori

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I noticed the same things. I wouldn't be surprised if there was weight pressure in that family. Both Ken and Lori have said some shitty things about overweight women. I remember when Ken was posting here, he said something about men not finding women who are 10 pounds attractive. Also, there is weight issues and pressure in the dance world. I might be reading into it too much, but Lori's daughter doesn't look good in that picture.

One last thing to add, the way Lori describes Alyssa's husband is very similar to Ken. Alyssa's husband made Alyssa get rid of some of her clothing that he didn't like.

I noticed this as well, but some people really are just slight of build; they're healthy, but thinner than average.

That said, however, the way Ken - okay, I think it was Ken; someone please correct me if I'm wrong - spoke of how he noticed his daughter's weight and how she was about five lbs heavier than she should be - yeah, that triggered my "creep meter."

Who the hell notices if his daughter is five lbs over what he believes should be her ideal weight? That is not normal.

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I noticed this as well, but some people really are just slight of build; they're healthy, but thinner than average.

That said, however, the way Ken - okay, I think it was Ken; someone please correct me if I'm wrong - spoke of how he noticed his daughter's weight and how she was about five lbs heavier than she should be - yeah, that triggered my "creep meter."

Who the hell notices if his daughter is five lbs over what he believes should be her ideal weight? That is not normal.

Ken Alexander:

Alyssa looked good, but a couple of times probably added an extra 5 lbs on top of the 5 she normally carried more than most ballerinas.
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Today's mindless drivel:

So she walked by a preschool (edited because reading comprehension fail) with an unattended newborn and didn't call social services?

Or is she being stupid-dramatic again by implying that the child's babysitter didn't make an attempt to comfort him/her?

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Lori is recyling old stuff from previous postings. She has trashed her childhood friends' mothers quite a bit in the past. If any of Lori's childhood friends have found her blog and at least one of them is pissed about the shit Lori has said about their mothers. Yes, Lori doesn't use names. I'm sure some of the those friends' mothers had good reasons to work. I also call bullshit about how her friends loved to go over to her house. They might have liked it, but it doesn't mean they loved it just because Lori's mom was around.

Lori's bragging about her current neighborhood is ridiculous mostly because she doesn't know what goes on behind closed doors.

A couple of things from her posting, caught me eye.

In my neighborhood, there is someone home in almost every single home. The majority of mothers are home raising their children or the husbands work from the home. It makes this neighborhood feel secure.

I wonder if she is implying that the work from home husbands have wives who work outside the home.

Women left their homes to go find "fulfillment" and left a trail of devastation in their path. All of the promises of feminism have been empty promises. I was thinking about not using the word 'feminism' anymore since it offends so many women but I decided that it is more important for me to teach Truth than to water it down to be popular. Years ago, a woman who has a very large blog told me privately that she could never write what I write because it would offend way too many of her readers! I never want that to me a motivation for me.

I'm now wondering the identity of this blogger. My first thought was Pioneer Woman.

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Lori is recyling old stuff from previous postings. She has trashed her childhood friends' mothers quite a bit in the past. If any of Lori's childhood friends have found her blog and at least one of them is pissed about the shit Lori has said about their mothers. Yes, Lori doesn't use names. I'm sure some of the those friends' mothers had good reasons to work. I also call bullshit about how her friends loved to go over to her house. They might have liked it, but it doesn't mean they loved it just because Lori's mom was around.

Lori's bragging about her current neighborhood is ridiculous mostly because she doesn't know what goes on behind closed doors.

A couple of things from her posting, caught me eye.

I wonder if she is implying that the work from home husbands have wives who work outside the home.

I'm now wondering the identity of this blogger. My first thought was Pioneer Woman.

I'm thinking it may have been Sheila?

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I noticed this as well, but some people really are just slight of build; they're healthy, but thinner than average.

That said, however, the way Ken - okay, I think it was Ken; someone please correct me if I'm wrong - spoke of how he noticed his daughter's weight and how she was about five lbs heavier than she should be - yeah, that triggered my "creep meter."

Who the hell notices if his daughter is five lbs over what he believes should be her ideal weight? That is not normal.

Oh, Ken was definitely keeping way too close an eye on his daughters! My creep-o-meter reader goes off the charts when he writes about them.

I agree that Alyssa looks beautiful but, from personal experience, will say that even people with very slim and lovely figures can still feel very insecure about their weight. I used to wear a size 4 or 6 and, looking at photos from that time, realized I looked wonderful. Sorry for the bragging, but, believe me, those days are over :? But I know I still felt insecure because of my mother's attitude toward weight and the pressure she always put on me to stay thin.

So I'm just wondering, not saying definitely, if Alyssa is still insecure because Ken's and Lori's voices are always in her head. I'm sure Ken still notices if she gains a few pounds (ICK!!) and she can't stand the thought of his remarks. II also wouldn't be surprised if Alyssa's husband keeps a close eye on her weight.

I'm just going to have to come back to comment on today's post. My eye is still twitching....

Edited because "too" and "to" mean two differnt things.

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I'm thinking it may have been Sheila?

I forgot about Sheila and the drama that happened between her and Lori. The main reason, I thought of PW was because Lori has fangirled over in the past.

Lori has offended her readers in the past and lost them. After the shitty Trayvon Martin post, a few black women called her out on some things. One of them described herself as a homeschooling mom and she said that wasn't going to read Lori's blog.

There are other times, Lori doesn't completely hate write about certain things because she knows she needs to keep readers. In some postings, she doesn't completely hate on the idea of women going to college. She knows some of her readers have degrees or have daughters in college. I'm also willing to bet she lost readers after she and Ken wrote something in the comments section about being against domestic violence shelters.

While Lori does have her fans, she still isn't a popular blogger with a lot of Christian crowds.

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Oh, Ken was definitely keeping way to close an eye on his daughters! My creep-o-meter reader goes off the charts when he writes about them.

I agree that Alyssa looks beautiful but, from personal experience, will say that even people with very slim and lovely figures can still feel very insecure about their weight. I used to wear a size 4 or 6 and, looking at photos from that time, realized I looked wonderful. Sorry for the bragging, but, believe me, those days are over :? But I know I still felt insecure because of my mother's attitude toward weight and the pressure she always put on me to stay thin.

So I'm just wondering, not saying definitely, if Alyssa is still insecure because Ken's and Lori's voices are always in her head. I'm sure Ken still notices if she gains a few pounds (ICK!!) and she can't stand the thought of his remarks. II also wouldn't be surprised if Alyssa's husband keeps a close eye on her weight.

I'm just going to have to come back to comment on today's post. My eye is still twitching....

I find Ken to be creepy in general. I know this might sound too much, but his physical appearance gives off a creep vibe.

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I'm thinking it may have been Sheila?

Sheila is quite mindful of the fact that she has non-Christian readers and she doesn't want Christians saying stupid crap that would make anyone who wasn't Christian run screaming.

She isn't just a nicer version of Lori, though. Her approach and views are quite different. For example, she's talking about this bundle of homemaking resources right now, but she's not posting anything saying that all Christian women need to be at home. She'll take strong positions on issues that she really feels strongly about (having a good marriage, porn, opposing any sort of child or spousal abuse) and doesn't care who she offends. With other issues, though, she's fine with NOT bossing other women around. tolovehonorandvacuum.com/2015/04/permission-to-not-be-a-perfect-mother/

Re Ken: While I'm not into his looks, I've learned not to judge others by appearances. I know from personal experience that I have no ability to identify that someone is a child molester.

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I'm surprised PW and Lori get along. PW is generally positive, helpful, and encouraging to her readers. All things Lori is NOT.

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Today's mindless drivel:

Wha??? Does she mean daycare? What on earth would a newborn be doing at a preschool? Also, let's take a look at that second sentence again:

A newborn crying broke her heart she says???

Lori Alexander:

You know what would make it even worse? If the toddlers in that preschool had to "rest" several hours a day to save the workers sanity:

In other news:

You're fairly wealthy by most standards, so no surprise there.

I have been saying this for years! That's just what it's like :roll:

Didn't she recently say most of the homes in her neighborhood have grown children and are large homes with few to no children? Maybe I misunderstood?

I bet a daycare and preschool would have taken better care of her children than Lori did. A decent daycare would not let babies cry it out because they have this weird idea that crying babies should be comforted and that just because you console them doesn't mean they will keep crying to be consoled even after their needs are met and they are okay. They also don't throw toddlers and preschoolers into a room alone for hours because they need their alone time away. They actually play and teach and engage them. Can you believe they don't even leave a toddler or preschooler alone in a room during naptime? I know, it's so crazy. What are we doing allowing these people to care for children? They don't even spank the children or hit them with anything to get them to listen and behave. Must be total chaos! (Except it's not. Must be some weird evil they practice like time-outs. Time-outs are soooo ungodly afterall.)

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I bet a daycare and preschool would have taken better care of her children than Lori did. A decent daycare would not let babies cry it out because they have this weird idea that crying babies should be comforted and that just because you console them doesn't mean they will keep crying to be consoled even after their needs are met and they are okay. They also don't throw toddlers and preschoolers into a room alone for hours because they need their alone time away. They actually play and teach and engage them. Can you believe they don't even leave a toddler or preschooler alone in a room during naptime? I know, it's so crazy. What are we doing allowing these people to care for children? They don't even spank the children or hit them with anything to get them to listen and behave. Must be total chaos! (Except it's not. Must be some weird evil they practice like time-outs. Time-outs are soooo ungodly afterall.)

Time-outs are way underrated. When used appropriately, they teach kids self-control, something that spanking does not (spanking is an external control). My kids are nearing their teens, and they now put themselves in a time-out when they need some quiet time/down time/alone time because a situation is getting too overwhelming or they're feeling out-of-control. They'll go to their rooms, grab a book and just mellow out.

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I find Ken to be creepy in general. I know this might sound too much, but his physical appearance gives off a creep vibe.

Sorry, but I totally hate that argument:

My brother is ten years my junior. He made me a bet when he was 12 and I was 22 - and I knew damned well I'd win this one - that he could tell good people from bad by how they looked.

I snipped a few pictures, including one from my photo album - a younger version of my all-time favourite object of white-hot seething hatred - this guy - and I even put Stalin in there to give my brother something of an advantage in the bet.

Oh, did he ever lose. I didn't exact the agreed upon penalty; I figured losing that badly was penalty enough. He didn't recognize the picture of Stalin, and judged him kindly - and, the one that made me laugh was when he got to the picture from my album and said something to the effect that the man he saw looked like a stand up citizen; oh yeah, he could trust him.

I don't recall exactly what I said, but it was something to the effect that, Oh no little brother - Stalin killed millions, and this one here - this one is from my own photo album - he is [...hmmm, my brother is 12; should I tell him? The answer was "yes," but I didn't, and now...argh!] - uh, he's...not a nice person. At all.

My brother wouldn't argue Stalin, since he recognized the name, but he did argue my picture and I thought, 'I could totally ruin his childhood within the space of five minutes...so, I'm not telling him.'

'Just take my word for it, little brother; he's basically what Stalin would have been if he'd never risen to real power.'

'I still think you are wrong,' I distinctly remember him saying.

'I am not wrong, R-c. I swear it by my life.'

My brother is now 32 years old. We don't speak. I cannot stand to read his feeds because he became a racist.

And he still thinks he can judge people by how they look.

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I think what might give people the creep factor from Ken's looks is that they know what he thinks about women plus, some of his style choices scream old school porn actor.

Yes, he has a full head of hair, but the full and fluffy look is a bit outdated from what I can tell from my travels. article-0-18D0B5F4000005DC-521_634x746.jpg This Is Deep Throat Star Harry Reems back a few years ago (when he was alive) and this is Ken's Head Shot. 16f8fd3.jpg They both sport "the dry look" But even if he killed the boufant, his outdated views and nasty feelings about women would probably taint our view of him.

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Sorry, but I totally hate that argument:

My brother is ten years my junior. He made me a bet when he was 12 and I was 22 - and I knew damned well I'd win this one - that he could tell good people from bad by how they looked.

I snipped a few pictures, including one from my photo album - a younger version of my all-time favourite object of white-hot seething hatred - this guy - and I even put Stalin in there to give my brother something of an advantage in the bet.

Oh, did he ever lose. I didn't exact the agreed upon penalty; I figured losing that badly was penalty enough. He didn't recognize the picture of Stalin, and judged him kindly - and, the one that made me laugh was when he got to the picture from my album and said something to the effect that the man he saw looked like a stand up citizen; oh yeah, he could trust him.

I don't recall exactly what I said, but it was something to the effect that, Oh no little brother - Stalin killed millions, and this one here - this one is from my own photo album - he is [...hmmm, my brother is 12; should I tell him? The answer was "yes," but I didn't, and now...argh!] - uh, he's...not a nice person. At all.

My brother wouldn't argue Stalin, since he recognized the name, but he did argue my picture and I thought, 'I could totally ruin his childhood within the space of five minutes...so, I'm not telling him.'

'Just take my word for it, little brother; he's basically what Stalin would have been if he'd never risen to real power.'

'I still think you are wrong,' I distinctly remember him saying.

'I am not wrong, R-c. I swear it by my life.'

My brother is now 32 years old. We don't speak. I cannot stand to read his feeds because he became a racist.

And he still thinks he can judge people by how they look.

I agree about the physical appearance, but do think you can tell a lot if you look at someone's eyes. Into them actually. Dangerous or creepy type of people do tend to have this look of "dead" eyes. It's like they don't have any sort of emotion to them at all. Like there's nothing there. Sometimes you don't know why, but you just get this bad vibe and feel the need to avoid someone. Something about them just gives you the creeps. I've had that and ended up not wrong to stay away from certain people. None of this to say we need to be automatically judging from a picture if a person is creepy or not. That's actually hard to do. I don't think a picture does a person much justice. A video at minimum, but actually seeing someone in person is a much better indicator of if a person is not safe to be around. Even those can be deceiving though because psychopaths can be very charismatic. The guy in those baggy jeans and tattoos is the guy many avoid but may also be the first one to help the elderly lady who slipped on the sidewalk. That guy in the business suit carrying a briefcase may just be a rapist even though he "looks" like an upstanding citizen outwardly. In the same way the guy in the business suit may be considered stuck-up and too good to help anyone, but would be the first to drop everything and help the elderly lady while the tattooed, baggy pants guy may be a racist asshole who wouldn't be arsed to go near them. You just can't know by the outward appearance alone if a person is decent or horrible. You have to look much deeper to find the truth about someone.

However, Ken has proven himself to be creepy beyond his appearance. His words and actions say it all. He's a creepy person.

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"Nature gives you the face you have at twenty. Life shapes the face you have at thirty. But at fifty you get the face you deserve." (Coco Chanel)

While I agree that you can't judge someone's character based solely on outward appearance, I do believe that outward appearance can ultimately betray a lot of secrets.

Still, Ken isn't creepy so much because he looks like a 70s porn star (although he does) but because of the filthy things he has said about women, including his own daughters. THAT is so repulsive to me that even if he looked like the hottest man alive, he'd still be vile and creepy imo.

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Emily's IG has gone private

If my mother-in-law was insinuating I was a harlot because of my choice in swimwear, I'd probably go private too.

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If my mother-in-law was insinuating I was a harlot because of my choice in swimwear, I'd probably go private too.


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If Lori ran a daycare, this is what it would look like:

Crying babies:

Mothers hate letting their babies cry. I get that, but crying never hurt anybody.

If you keep consoling them, they will keep crying for more consoling.


My mom never played with us. I never played with my children but we all turned out good.

Our children had very few toys

Kids: They'll totally drive you insane!

once they were toddlers and older, they had to rest several hours a day...for my sanity!


Academics is WAY too much of an idol in our society, in my opinion.


we are big proponents of spanking toddlers
(Ken Alexander)

I can only remember creating a bruise on one child
(Ken Alexander)

We used a small leather strap and it hurt!

A few swats on a bare bottom to have obedient children is not harsh but very biblical.

spanked my children when I was angry

I spanked in anger

Parental bonding:

My children definitely feared us growing up.

I think they were actually afraid of me, which I don't necessarily think is bad.

I think it's safe to say that a kid would be much safer in a daycare than home with Godly Princess Lori.

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Ok. I have a Sooper Sekrit Group question, but wasn't sure if I should necro the old thread or not...I'd love to know who else is a member and what their thoughts are. Things have been getting a bit nutty over there lately.

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I don't follow it religiously, though. What in particular are you talking about?

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