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When fundies self diagnose / Narcissism thy name is Lori

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I don't follow it religiously, though. What in particular are you talking about?

Well all of them, but we can start with the woman who thinks that all women should stay home so that her husband won't have to struggle with his battle with lust in the workplace...

ORRR the discussion regarding birth control, which inaccurately uses the word "abortions" so many times I think my eyes might roll out of my head.

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Well all of them, but we can start with the woman who thinks that all women should stay home so that her husband won't have to struggle with his battle with lust in the workplace...

ORRR the discussion regarding birth control, which inaccurately uses the word "abortions" so many times I think my eyes might roll out of my head.

Oh, yeah, the birth control/abortion discussion. YIKES. I stopped reading that one on purpose.

I must have missed the other discussion you mentioned. That sounds snark-tastic.

OH and the "sugar is poison" post a few days ago. Convicted to stop eating sugar. :lol:

And since I'm unsure, what can we and can't we discuss about a private group? I was thinking we just can't quote, but I wanted to make sure.

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"Nature gives you the face you have at twenty. Life shapes the face you have at thirty. But at fifty you get the face you deserve." (Coco Chanel)

While I agree that you can't judge someone's character based solely on outward appearance, I do believe that outward appearance can ultimately betray a lot of secrets.

Still, Ken isn't creepy so much because he looks like a 70s porn star (although he does) but because of the filthy things he has said about women, including his own daughters. THAT is so repulsive to me that even if he looked like the hottest man alive, he'd still be vile and creepy imo.

Sorry, but I'm calling bullshit on that.

A person's face at 50 can tell you:

1. If they spent a lot of time in the sun (causes wrinkles)

2. If they had access to good dental care

3. If they had a really serious drug or alcohol problem

4. If they experienced a lot of violence (scars, etc.)

5. If they hit the genetic lottery or not

It can't tell you if the person is a sex offender. It can't tell you if the person would be the sort to help someone in trouble. It can't tell you if someone is loyal. It can't tell you if someone is a pathological liar. Thinking that you can know any of these things just from someone's appearance is downright dangerous.

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Oh, yeah, the birth control/abortion discussion. YIKES. I stopped reading that one on purpose.

I must have missed the other discussion you mentioned. That sounds snark-tastic.

OH and the "sugar is poison" post a few days ago. Convicted to stop eating sugar. :lol:

And since I'm unsure, what can we and can't we discuss about a private group? I was thinking we just can't quote, but I wanted to make sure.

If only God would convict me to stop eating sugar!

I'm going to hard stop on this for a second because I started wondering that too. I certainly wouldn't ever quote anything either (and would really be careful anyway since these women clearly operate under the assumption that the group is a "private" place). The rules say we can paraphrase, and that we can't post private information (which this isn't(I think, but then I also think that means address & phone number)) but I'd love some clarification too, before I accidentally get myself put in the Prayer Closet.

I'm also definitely not advocating that people rush the group just to see what's going on. I joined a while ago because we are very conservative Christian by some standards (orthodox calvinists), and I thought some of her advice could be applied in my faith community (it can't).

ET clarify.

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It can't tell you if someone is a pathological liar. Thinking that you can know any of these things just from someone's appearance is downright dangerous.

I certainly wish I'd been more blunt with my brother. Maybe it would have made a difference in what he eventually became.

My perpetual silence, held for so long, may have done in the balance as much damage as my actions did. It took me this long to see it.

I only wish I'd told my brother that when he was young enough to listen; young enough not to use Australian slurs such as "bogan" - he's naturalizing in Australia (so, twice an immigrant and anti-immigration) or Serbian ones such as "balija."

So about a month ago I sent a $100 package full of my documents (such as my photo album) away - I'm sure you can guess to whom. It might be too late for my brother, but hopefully not for his descendants.

The reason this is on my mind so obviously is because of the package she sent back - the first time she's ever sent me a letter that wasn't filled with barbs: A copy of the Qur'an, part of the Hadith, and a well-respected book on the origins and branchings of Islam.

I'll never understand her - and I'll never lose my sense of overmastering admiration for her either.

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Sorry, but I'm calling bullshit on that.

A person's face at 50 can tell you:

1. If they spent a lot of time in the sun (causes wrinkles)

2. If they had access to good dental care

3. If they had a really serious drug or alcohol problem

4. If they experienced a lot of violence (scars, etc.)

5. If they hit the genetic lottery or not

It can't tell you if the person is a sex offender. It can't tell you if the person would be the sort to help someone in trouble. It can't tell you if someone is loyal. It can't tell you if someone is a pathological liar. Thinking that you can know any of these things just from someone's appearance is downright dangerous.

Sorry, but what the fuck are you calling bullshit on? I NEVER said that you can tell who is and isn't a perv by their facial features, nor would I. That's ignorance, pure and simple. I SAID -- well, hell, anyone who wants to can see exactly what I said. When I wrote it, I was thinking about the lines on my own face and how people can see the expressions I've made most in life. I wasn't thinking that anyone could tell anything about my (or anyone's) sins or crimes. Good lord.

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Is Amanda in the sooper sekrit groop? She ok? I was going to suggest the FJ tour us stop by Washington state to make sure she is not locked in a basement somewhere.

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Is Amanda in the sooper sekrit groop? She ok? I was going to suggest the FJ tour us stop by Washington state to make sure she is not locked in a basement somewhere.

She is, but I'm not sure she's ever commented.

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She is, but I'm not sure she's ever commented.

She did the day before she sold me down the river which is why I'm certain it was her

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Lori just used the phrase "purr like a kitten" and I'm choking back vomit

Dare I ask the context? I'm scared to look! :shock:

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If Lori ran a daycare, this is what it would look like:

Crying babies:


Kids: They'll totally drive you insane!



(Ken Alexander)

(Ken Alexander)

Parental bonding:

I think it's safe to say that a kid would be much safer in a daycare than home with Godly Princess Lori.

Koala, I channeled you the other day. Someone was self-contradicting on the Internet during a discussion (and saying some things that really minimized abuse), so I just started quoting his contradictory posts back at him and asking him to explain why he was saying two different things and not admitting it.

He left in a huff and I was then blocked. :)

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Irony of ironies... today, Lori is discussing the sin of idleness:

The Proverbs 31 woman did not eat the bread of idleness. Do you eat the bread of idleness? What does this mean? Paul answers this in I Timothy 6:13,"At the same time they also learn to be idle, as they go around from house to house; and not merely idle, but also gossips and busybodies, talking about things not proper to mention."

What are those"things not proper to mention?" I'm sure today it would be talking about things they'd seen on the soap opera that day, or about an ungodly and immoral movie was about, or criticizing and complaining about their husbands. It would probably include speaking negatively about others and tearing them down. The talk would be unwholesome and not uplifting in any way.


Busybody and gossip? Criticizing their husbands? Talk that is not uplifting?

Who does that sound like?


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I'm now wondering the identity of this blogger. My first thought was Pioneer Woman.

I'm thinking it may have been Sheila?

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Lori's latest rants against working women


She is referencing Nancy Campbell in the beginning.

For nearly a year our daughter lived in a one-room cabin with no running water, no bathroom, and no inside kitchen. She had five children and was pregnant with her sixth. They now have a bathroom, a kitchen, running water, another room added on ~ and their seventh baby! But they still don't have bedrooms or even beds for the children. There's no room for beds. Each night the children take their blankets from the big pile in the corner and make their cozy spot on the floor in the all-purpose room. Is Evangeline a grumbling mess? No! Are the children deprived? No! They all have a wonderful life. She is the most joyful mother in this nation. The children are happy and live adventure-filled lives. Some time ago, some young people gathered together and began to discuss who were the richest people they knew. They all came to the conclusion that Evangeline and Howard were the richest! It had nothing to do with their material possessions. It had all to do with their joy of the Lord and their attitude to life. {Nancy Campbell}

Most people think that the richest couples are those who have careers, fame, fortune, big homes, travel the world, etc. NONE of these things have any eternal value. Children have eternal value. Way too many young couples are putting off children so they can have experiences or things. Experiences and things have NO eternal value. Producing godly offspring has eternal value that can affect our society for good and for God's purposes.

So many women leave their homes and work to give their children stuff and a better life than they had. Children don't need stuff! Their needs are VERY simple. They need a mother and a father who love each other and are committed for life. They need food, shelter and clothing. They need a mother home full-time with them to teach and train them to grow up to be hard-working, disciplined and God-fearing adults. This is what children need.

We have listened to the lies of society. We think our purpose in life is to be comfortable and have an easy life. We think we need to have all the latest iPhones and electronics. We need to have several cars and wide screen televisions. We need the latest and best medical care in the world. We need...we need...we need...It is a never ending cesspool of needs that have NO eternal value.

Our purpose on earth is to glorify God. When we have children and raise them in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord, we are spreading the Gospel and spending our time on eternal things. Stop listening to the lies of the enemy and what you think you need to be happy and begin investing your lives in things that have eternal value, like loving and serving your husband and raising godly offspring.

Has not the one God made you?

You belong to him in body and spirit.

And what does the one God seek? Godly offspring.

Malachi 2:15

***Erin at Keeper of the Homestead has a sale going on for Mother's Day! Her book is 50% off. Women in the chat room and in comments under my posts rave about her book!

Dumbass Lori, medical care is a major need and people work to cover in order to get that need. I have a friend who met I years ago when we worked together. She is older than me and has three kids. At the time we worked, together she only had two kids and she and her husband both worked in order to get a house in a nice neighborhood. Living a better neighborhood is often times more about safety. My friend's third child has cerebral palsy and has various medical needs and my friend and her husband both work for insurance and for extra money to cover needs that insurance doesn't cover completely or things that insurance does''t cover at all. They also have to meet the needs of their two other children. Lori, quit being a fucking dumbass.

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Yeah, speaking of the 'latest and best medical care in the world,' didn't Lori avail herself of that recently, what with that brain tumor of hers (or whatever it was, can't recall the exact term for it)?

Where would YOU be right now, Lori, without the latest and best medical care? :evil-eye:

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I have that old Sesame Street "one of these things is not like the other" tune going through my head.

IPhones. Big screen TV. Fancy cars and houses. Medical care.

Yeah, medical care may be expensive, but it's not exactly an optional luxury.

[Of course, I'm a big fan of our single-payer, government funded health care system which actually does allow a family living in a shack with umpteen kids to have access to the same quality healthcare as the couple with the Lexus, but Lori's crowd views this as evil socialism.]

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Does it seem like there is some race to the bottom going on with some of these people? Look at me! 6 kids and no plumbing and we all sleep on the floor! Look at me! 11 Kids in an RV and they all sleep on the floor or in a tent! Look at us, building a hut in the middle of nowhere and marrying off our teen daughter to a man old enough to be her father. How holy we all must be. How happy! How rich! Fie on you people who have nicer things, we are happier, holier and have richer lives.... HA!

Ever since I read the Papa Pilgrim book a couple of days ago, I am now giving the side eye to every primitive patriarch we read about. :?

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Does it seem like there is some race to the bottom going on with some of these people? Look at me! 6 kids and no plumbing and we all sleep on the floor! Look at me! 11 Kids in an RV and they all sleep on the floor or in a tent! Look at us, building a hut in the middle of nowhere and marrying off our teen daughter to a man old enough to be her father. How holy we all must be. How happy! How rich! Fie on you people who have nicer things, we are happier, holier and have richer lives.... HA!

Ever since I read the Papa Pilgrim book a couple of days ago, I am now giving the side eye to every primitive patriarch we read about. :?

Yeah, it has become a race to the bottom with fundies. When I found FJ yuku, four years ago and got introduced to various fundie blogs, I noticed that right away I think it was Kim Coughlan who wrote some letter to working moms and her commenters kept one upping each other about they live with very little and have large families.

There is a Mormon blogger that I follow that has crapped on two income families quite a bit. That blogger has made posts talking about how growing up her family didn't have a lot of luxury items because 9 people living in one income. She then mentions how friends she had in high school came from smaller families, in which both parents worked. She pretty much complained about how those same friends had certain extra things and were given cars. I don't think children need to be spoiled, but depending on situations, it's not necessarily bad for people to want to give their kids certain things like cars or extra things. That Mormon blogger said that parents in two income families were giving extra things to their kids out of guilt.

Another thing makes me mad about that Mormon blogger, Lori, and other fundie type bloggers is that they think two income family=materialism. Some people might work to have extra things or nicer things, but again it's not always bad. When couples are both working, they will save and wait to buy some of their "wants" after taking care of the needs. Not all two income families are rolling in money all the time. Depending on situations, many two income families don't have a lot left over after the bills are paid.

Lori doesn't realize for being a SAHM, she has had access to many things that some SAHMs don't have. Ken's business did well enough that they had a nanny/housekeeper, their kids attended a private Christian high school, and they seem to travel around. It seems they have gone to Hawaii several times, NY, other cities to visit their kids and other trips. Oh and let's not forget Lori's organic vegetables.

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Does anybody else find it hilarious that at the end of a post in which she condemns "things" and spending money, she puts in a plug for her friend's book.

So "stuff" and "excessive spending" are sinful, but wait!! Buy my friend's book. In fact, buy several 'cause....Mother's Day!

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Does anybody else find it hilarious that at the end of a post in which she condemns "things" and spending money, she puts in a plug for her friend's book.

So "stuff" and "excessive spending" are sinful, but wait!! Buy my friend's book. In fact, buy several 'cause....Mother's Day!

I noticed that too and found hilarious. I also think she is doing that to keep sweet with other bloggers. Lori is also probably envious of Erin and other fundie bloggers that have published books. Lori said on the blogtalk radio interview, that she considered a writing a book at one point. But Kenny boy told her to start a blog instead.

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According to instagram, Emily is reading Harry Potter.

And Lori posted this before


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