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When fundies self diagnose / Narcissism thy name is Lori

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Oh, in case anyone is saying "WTF is a shell and what does it look like under a dress or shirt?", here's the look: crazyjewishconvert.blogspot.ca/2011/12/frum-and-fabulous-stereotypical-shell.html

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It seems pretty likely that she got her dresses for free. She seems to be bursting with delight about letting them advertise on her blog.

But she never actually says she got them for free. Just an oversight, I guess.

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Is it sad that I only discovered this lady a few months ago? Because.... oh my. She writes pure gold.

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Can someone correct my memory here? She states today that Ken likes her in dresses, but I thought she said he didn't back when she did her little "skirts only" attempt at modesty (the one that lasted 12 hours or so, lol).

And I can't imagine why any company would want to be advertising on her blog. Not if they knew what she stood for, anyway.

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And of course, she lets us all know she's a size six. Because we all know that the lower the number the size is, the better wife and mother you are. :roll:

And more godly! Don't forget more godly!

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Is it sad that I only discovered this lady a few months ago? Because.... oh my. She writes pure gold.

My best advice is don't lol.

Lori is absolute poison in my life. And I've tried to quit her multiple times because of it. Overinvested, party of jerkit.

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Is it sad that I only discovered this lady a few months ago? Because.... oh my. She writes pure gold.

Yeah, Ken and Lori are the crack of the fundie trainwreck world.

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In one of the comments in the chat group today, a woman says she feels like she's being raped when her husband wants to have sex and she doesn't but she obliges anyway because she knows she supposed to.


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In one of the comments in the chat group today, a woman says she feels like she's being raped when her husband wants to have sex and she doesn't but she obliges anyway because she knows she supposed to.


Gosh, that's awful. I'm almost scared to ask if Lori gave her any "advice."

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Gosh, that's awful. I'm almost scared to ask if Lori gave her any "advice."

No, but another woman was all self-righteous about how SHE never resents having sex and doesn't really want to. And then the poor first woman explains that she feels that way because of her bad sexual experiences before marriage (effectively showing she believes it's her fault). :(

But the gist of the thread is whether one should submit to anal sex, so the rest of the thread is fucking hilarious. :lol:

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I was glad to read her post because I've wanted to try that company for quite a while. The dresses that pop up on my Facebook page are always cute but I was hesitant to place that first order.

I might order one this week. I've had my eye on a green one with white polka dots. It's calling my name.

You should go for it! eShakti makes lovely clothes.

And, hilariously for a company recommended by Lori, they have some of the best plus size options around. Every item can be "customized" to any customer's measurements.

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But the gist of the thread is whether one should submit to anal sex, so the rest of the thread is fucking hilarious. :lol:

And the consensus is?? :lol:

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:brain-bleach: :brain-bleach: :brain-bleach: :brain-bleach:

I'd ask, but NO, I really don't want the visual of Lori and the leghumpers dealing with anal sex.

The funny thing about "protection" is that I think that married women deserve it too. I can't understand why we would be protective of our girls before marriage and horrified by the thought of anyone doing anything to them, but then not care at all if they felt pain or a sense of violation afterward.

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And the consensus is?? :lol:

Well, Lori says it's not a sin, but it's also not a sin for a woman to refuse to submit in this area ( :shrug: ).

But there is also a train of thought that it is evil because Michael Pearl says so here:


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Well, Lori says it's not a sin, but it's also not a sin for a woman to refuse to submit in this area ( :shrug: ).

But there is also a train of thought that it is evil because Michael Pearl says so here:


But Mark Driscoll says that anal sex is fair game. I'm so confused!! :wink-penguin:

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No, but another woman was all self-righteous about how SHE never resents having sex and doesn't really want to. And then the poor first woman explains that she feels that way because of her bad sexual experiences before marriage (effectively showing she believes it's her fault). :(

But the gist of the thread is whether one should submit to anal sex, so the rest of the thread is fucking hilarious. :lol:


I totally want in on that secret group.

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So according to Michael Pearl, I shouldn't be able to find my own anus or realize that it exists because it is hidden in the butt and the only reason I figured out that I have one is because of "queers"? Wow.

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So according to Michael Pearl, I shouldn't be able to find my own anus or realize that it exists because it is hidden in the butt and the only reason I figured out that I have one is because of "queers"? Wow.

Yes. The anus is very hidden. If you didn't go looking for it, you wouldn't even know it was there! As opposed to the vagina, which apparently is easier to find...since they're about an inch away from each other, and the vagina has outer lips in front of the opening (kind of like a little butt! how perverse! how confusing!)...but what would a woman like me know about vaginas?

I know it shouldn't be funny - it's really not - but I always can't help but laugh when I hear the way these people talk about "queers." It's like reading a 10 year old's journal. "Bobby told me that some guys stick their thingy in the place where the poop comes out! Gross! Queers!"

Plus, there's all sorts of people who get off on popping balloons, or peeing on each other, or watching people eat, or paying prostitutes to let them rub their feet, or who knows what...and all they can focus on is some good old fashioned homo sex? Really? Are you SURE that's the most perverse thing you can think of in the marital bedroom, Michael Pearl? Maybe his guide to perversions needs to be a little more comprehensive so women know what to say when their wise headship asks them to breastfeed him or can't keep it up unless she smacks him around a little. We might need a volume two with some more thorough appendices.

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Please, what is this "super secret chat group?"

I wish I could wear eShakti clothes, but I think I would feel like i was wearing a costume.

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I have never had anal sex in my life, but I know all about my own anus because I've used it daily for 27 years to eliminate. Shocking, fundies, I know. Maybe you should try it some time - you'll feel much better.

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Also, if the rectum is off-limits because it is for "waste disposal"... is the penis also off-limits?

Because I'm preeeeeeeetty sure the penis also functions as a "waste disposal" device.

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Today's post from Lori is about tithing and again she references her homeboy Michael Pearl.

Michael Pearl believes it is a sin to tithe. Paul is teaching about the grace they have to give money in 2 Corinthians 7 and encourages them to “abound in this grace, I speak not by commandment, but by occasion of the forwardness of others, and to prove the sincerity of your love.” He didn’t encourage the church in Macedonia to give an offering. They were proactive and gave of themselves even though they were in poverty. All willing Christians should have a willingness to give. God doesn’t require you to give what you don’t have, just what you have and are willing to give. Paul continues to teach about giving to help others in TWO chapters. The following words are the words of Michael Pearl.

If tithing was a Christian doctrine, these two chapters would be a place for him to have mentioned it. He’s talking about giving. He goes into great detail and he never once says it’s your duty, as a Christian, to give 10% of your money. This would have been the perfect place for it. What he wanted was a good offering to feed the church in Jerusalem and he NEVER said a word about tithing. It’s a sin to tithe! {Michael chuckled and said, “I like saying things like that!”} Why is it a sin to tithe? Because you're putting yourself under the Law and taking yourself out from under the Spirit. You’re not allowing God to tell you to give 20%. You’re not allowing God to tell you to give 90%. You’re under legalism giving 10% and saying, “I’m done!” I’ll tell you another way it is sin. Some of you can’t afford to give 10%. You have a family going hungry and you shouldn’t give 10%. I don’t know how much you should give, but you can’t give 10%. When you’re only getting $110 a week and you have 18 kids, you don’t need to be giving $11 to the church. You need to be keeping every cent you got right there in your home. He said, “I want there to be equality.” That’s what he said. In other words, these giving too much and these having too much. He wants everyone to give so everyone has sufficient amount. That’s his rule of giving. Give as you’re able. Have a willing heart and give as you’re able.

Then he spoke about the Amish and how they are better at this than we are. If someone loses a home, they build them a home. If they need a horse, someone gives them a horse. If they need food, they give them food. If someone needs medical care, they all pitch in. Those working will have more than those who don’t but no one is starving. There is much more equality among the Amish. They give to those in need so there’s no suffering. It’s not about tithing; it’s about giving from the heart. "But this I say, He which sows sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which sows bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposed in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful give" {2 Corinthians 9:6, 7}.

If Christians were generous with their money and shared with other believers, we wouldn't need medical insurance, government assistance or welfare. The Amish are exempt from social security taxes because they have proven that they never rely on government assistance for social security or welfare. They pay for the elderly and dependent members. If one of them has to go to the hospital, they all pitch in to pay the bill. Older widows aren't suppose to have to go out and get work outside of their home. Family and the church are to support them. Younger widows are to remarry. God wants the church to take good care of its own. Government is extremely wasteful and inefficient at doing a good job in this area, plus the more powerful they get, the more dangerous.

Yes, this is radical teaching and you aren't going to hear it taught in many churches today but I challenge you to find one verse in the New Covenant {those books written to the Church; Romans to Revelation} that teaches tithing.

I hope one of Lori's commenters asks if Lori and Ken have built houses for people. I'm guessing that Lori believes that Christians shouldn't share money with Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, non-religious people or other non-Christian people.

I admit I don't know much a lot about the Amish, but I don't think even an Amish community all pitching in many situations, could ever pay off major hospital bills. What if Amish man was injured and paralyzed, I can't see there being enough resources within the Amish community to cover possibly decades of medical care and related expenses.

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Today's post from Lori is about tithing and again she references her homeboy Michael Pearl.

I hope one of Lori's commenters asks if Lori and Ken have built houses for people. I'm guessing that Lori believes that Christians shouldn't share money with Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, non-religious people or other non-Christian people.

I admit I don't know much a lot about the Amish, but I don't think even an Amish community all pitching in many situations, could ever pay off major hospital bills. What if Amish man was injured and paralyzed, I can't see there being enough resources within the Amish community to cover possibly decades of medical care and related expenses.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

I suspect the reason Lori is against tithing is because she and Ken don't give anything to their church.

In all the churches I've been to, the idea of tithing is not strictly limited to 10%. It's just giving regularly however you feel led. So you can tithe 5% or 1% or 25%.

Oh, and I do tithe, for the same reason that I support my local NPR station. I get a lot out of church, and so I feel that, because I can afford to give and support the people putting it all together, I should. I feel like it's my responsibility as someone who is benefiting from the existence of that community.

Personally, I think "tithing" is even a great secular practice. If I were not religious, I would continue to support a local community or charity that I felt was bettering the community.

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I found a Wall Street Journal article on Amish collectively negotiating for lower rates at a local hospital, and also using medical clinics in Mexico: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB114048909124578710

In some ways, the community acts as its own insurer.

Now, I'm still waiting for Lori to post about all the charity projects that she does, as an older woman with no kids left at home. We have endless pretty pictures of the family, some pictures of her home, some pictures of food she makes - and nothing that I can recall about packing boxes at a food bank, or doing a donation drive in her area, or taking in anyone in need of housing since they have extra bedrooms, or offering to clean homes and watch children of young moms struggling with health problems, etc. Steven, to his credit, did a dental mission, but I haven't seen Lori talk about anything other than "mentoring".

In short, there is absolutely nothing in Lori's world that remotely resembles the Amish/Mennonite way of life.

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I suspect Lorken believe that money they hand off to their children counts as a donation / gift in God's eyes. thus, they can't be bothered with donating more than their time to their church (Mentoring)

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