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When fundies self diagnose / Narcissism thy name is Lori

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I found a Wall Street Journal article on Amish collectively negotiating for lower rates at a local hospital, and also using medical clinics in Mexico: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB114048909124578710

In some ways, the community acts as its own insurer.

Now, I'm still waiting for Lori to post about all the charity projects that she does, as an older woman with no kids left at home. We have endless pretty pictures of the family, some pictures of her home, some pictures of food she makes - and nothing that I can recall about packing boxes at a food bank, or doing a donation drive in her area, or taking in anyone in need of housing since they have extra bedrooms, or offering to clean homes and watch children of young moms struggling with health problems, etc. Steven, to his credit, did a dental mission, but I haven't seen Lori talk about anything other than "mentoring".

In short, there is absolutely nothing in Lori's world that remotely resembles the Amish/Mennonite way of life.

Yeah to all of that. I'll add where are the pictures and posts about Lori helping widows.

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Well, Lori says it's not a sin, but it's also not a sin for a woman to refuse to submit in this area ( :shrug: ).

But there is also a train of thought that it is evil because Michael Pearl says so here:


Just piping up to say that might have been my favorite post...ever.

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Most of her blog is Lori and Ken being legalistic. She idolizes the Duggars, who use the Old Testament as a security blanket, but SHAME to those who give regularly to their church. Good grief. The irony is that the churches where Lori would be allowed to mentor women, are the ones that tend to be really strict about giving.

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Where does he think people are supposed to shit from?

Well, he spews shit from his mouth every time he opens it, so maybe he doesn't realize that's not actually normal.

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I don't get all this picking and choosing. Why don't they come out and say it, "we'll just choose what we like from the Old Testament."

An Old Testament smorgasboard, if you will.

If you don't want to tithe because you want to pay for your kids' fancy weddings, that's fine. Go ahead and say you are freed from the Law, or whatever.

But, when you are in the mood to hate, you can't go back to the Old Testament and point to some condemnation about gay people. You are freed from the Law, remember.

Lori is saying, "Well, I don't like that rule about tithing, but the one about gay people being an abomination is OK."

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I don't get all this picking and choosing. Why don't they come out and say it, "we'll just choose what we like from the Old Testament."

An Old Testament smorgasboard, if you will.

If you don't want to tithe because you want to pay for your kids' fancy weddings, that's fine. Go ahead and say you are freed from the Law, or whatever.

But, when you are in the mood to hate, you can't go back to the Old Testament and point to some condemnation about gay people. You are freed from the Law, remember.

Lori is saying, "Well, I don't like that rule about tithing, but the one about gay people being an abomination is OK."

The main thing I don't understand about Chrisitianity- how do they know which rules to follow and which not to. Of course if you ask 100 Christians you will get a 100 different answers. But our fundies are the biggest pickers and choosers out there.

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The main thing I don't understand about Chrisitianity- how do they know which rules to follow and which not to. Of course if you ask 100 Christians you will get a 100 different answers. But our fundies are the biggest pickers and choosers out there.

Well, it's pretty easy for me to answer. "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Love God. Love others. Simple as that.

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Well, it's pretty easy for me to answer. "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Love God. Love others. Simple as that.

Yep. That right there trumps everything else for me, too.

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Yep. That right there trumps everything else for me, too.

That is my keystone as well. None of the rest makes any difference if you fail this one.

And It is much harder to do than it seems....

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Dear God, save us from Lori. The tiresome woman has another post up leghumping all over the Duggars, Bates and Wilkes. WTF


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I think Lori's blog is pretty boring now that she's implemented the "Thou must not argue with the Godly Mentor" rule. Just a bunch of people kissing her ass and nodding their heads.

One woman dared to *VERY meekly* disagree with Lori yesterday, and Lori's response made me :x

I am completely fine if people disagree with me but I think they need to understand what it is they're disagreeing with me about. Since we are NEVER commanded to tithe but to give freely, I think you should reconsider your opinion on this topic!


I am totally NOT okay with you disagreeing with me and if you hadn't kissed my ass in so much of your reply I would have deleted it promptly. I also think you need to acknowledge that to disagree with me is to disagree with God himself. Did you know I am COMMANDED to boss you about? BY THE LORD!

We aren't commanded to waste our money on the church. Those people wouldn't even let me teach submission or shame working moms! Why should I give them my money???? I'd much rather give it to my kids. They got married without having all of their ducks in a row praise Jesus!

You should reconsider your opinion until it (correctly) reflects mine.

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Dear God, save us from Lori. The tiresome woman has another post up leghumping all over the Duggars, Bates and Wilkes. WTF


I just saw the post. She has leghumped the Duggars and Bateses in the past. Now that the Willis Clan has joined reality TV, Lori is leghumping them too. I'll say that she probably has more in common with the Willis family than the Bates or Duggar family.

As usual there are dumb things about Lori's post and things she glosses over and ignores.

What I have noticed while watching the Duggars and the Bates who both have 19 children and the Willis Family who have 12 children is how innocent and joyful they are and how much they enjoy life. None of them have a television set and all of them are homeschooled. The mothers are relaxed, happy and thoroughly enjoying their many children, loving their husbands, and are always smiling. What's up with these families?

For one thing, the children are not having to endure the bullying and being made fun of by classmates or being introduced to garbage. They are not being influenced by Hollywood to be worldly, want more and to place unrealistic expectations on others. There's nothing in their lives to steal, kill and destroy. They are not allowing the enemy of their souls to have any part of their lives. Yet, they all are able to be godly influences to all those they come in contact with.

God commands that we dwell on the good, the pure and the lovely. It is hard to do this while watching television. I tape everything I watch so I can speed through the commercials but I still see things that don't fit the category of good, pure and lovely. He commands that we walk with the wise and that bad company corrupts good morals. These families walk with the wise and are not entertained by bad company.

Mrs. Willis says she takes so much pleasure in raising her children. She nursed them on demand, her babies slept with her and they were all happy, content babies. {We couldn't sleep with our babies. We're both way too light of sleepers. Also, if you desire to sleep with your babies, just make sure your husband is in full agreement since many are not. You can still have happy, content babies without them sleeping with you!} The Willis family eats healthy, loves to exercise, lives out in the country {which all three families do}, ride horses, sings, plays instruments, dances together and the mother teaches each child according to what they're ready to learn. They stay very busy doing productive activities.

All three families work as a team. You don't see conflict among them. They all learn to be hard workers. There is NO way you can be selfish when you are one of so many and you always have a friend to play with.

I wish I could have seen some of these families when I was growing up. They are a great influence for other Christians since we were commanded to be fruitful and multiply. "But the descendants of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly; they multiplied and grew exceedingly strong, and the land was full of them" {Exodus 1:7}. Imagine what an influence Christians would still be having in our society if Christian couples were being fruitful and increasing abundantly!

Another thing that I have noticed about all three couples is the love the wives and husbands have for each other. All the children have admitted that their parents consistently flirt with each other and love each other deeply. THIS is a formula for happy and content children! They all love Jesus and spend time daily in His Word. If your desire is to raise up children in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord and to walk in Truth, take these families as an example to follow. Praise the Lord that they are even allowed to be on TV and share their love for each other and the Lord for all to see. {Just make sure you tape the shows and speed through the commercials!}

Now all three families don't own a TV or watch TV, but they are making salaries from the ebil TV industry and Lori is watching them. Years ago, Michelle Duggar said in an interview that the family didn't have cable because that would be like having garbage delivered to your house. Cable and satellite subscribers are part of the reason why all three families have TV shows and Lori is in that category.

As for the Hollywood mention by Lori, none of the families live in Hollywood. But all three are still influenced by the entertainment industry and their shows to certain extents are influenced by Hollywood. The Willis Clan lives in Nashville, which like Hollywood is still an entertainment city. Toby Willis has been upfront about wanting music careers for kids.

Another big problem with idiot Lori is that she thinks that because we don't see these families fighting on their shows that it doesn't happen at all. Fights go on in these families, we just aren't seeing it for the show. There has been some indication on 19kac that not everything and everyone is always happy. I remember on the Willis Clan first short lived show on GAC, Toby had conflict with the two older kids were competing in a dance competition. The Bates family probably has their share of fights too. Lori doesn't understand that reality TV is heavily edited.

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Lori is just romanticizing everything she doesn't have. She doesn't have a big family. She doesn't live in the country and have horses. I doubt she sings or plays an instrument (that would involve her learning to do something). She doesn't have a relationship with Ken that shows the love they have for each other. She has a TV, and didn't raise her kids off grid. She's just playing "What If" publicly. And since she can't call a mulligan and re-do her life, she's trying to get other people to do it the way she wishes she had. Which she didn't know was possible. And she's a dumbass because she would hate living like any of the families she idealizes.

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And she's a dumbass because she would hate living like any of the families she idealizes.

:clap: Well said. One day in the life of a real fundie would have left Lori ringing for her maid/nanny.

Lori is so childlike. Does she honestly believe reality tv is an accurate portrayal of real life? :?

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Yes, she often does this.

She's admitted that she's pretty gullible (although she managed to turn it into a post on Why Men Should Be in Charge of Everything): lorialexander.blogspot.ca/2013/08/why-do-men-tend-to-be-more-skeptical.html

She's also pretty clear that she's not particularly intelligent/intellectual, and calls on Ken for help when the conversation goes above her limited skills.

Part of me always wonders how much of this is brain tumor related. We don't know what she was like pre-tumor.

She definitely tends to take things at face value. If someone is smiling in a photo or YouTube video or reality TV series, well then, they must be happy and joyful! If a Hallmark Channel movie shows a sappy RomCom set during WWII, well then, things must have been wonderful back then! If she sees a promotional prototype of the inside of an airplane from the 1960s, she thinks that it's a photo of actual passengers mid-flight. If Emily writes her a nice letter before the wedding, it must be because she's the most wonderful mother ever and couldn't possibly be linked to any etiquette or marriage tip or the fact that Emily used to write thank you letters as part of her job at Wheaton College. If the Healthy Home Economist or Dr. Mercola says that snake oil will cure your family and that vaccines are the devil, they must be right. She gets a bit pissed when someone calls her out on any of this, because she hates it when anyone contradicts her, but she keeps on doing it.

Someone else would wonder what happens when the cameras are off, or realize that those families probably follow a lot of "legalistic" rules that you've rejected (see tithing post yesterday for Lori in her "laws are bad" phase, and her post of the sleeveless v-neck dress), and at least see that there are trade-offs in life. I remember posting to her about some things in my area, because she actually seemed to like all the modest stuff, and she and Ken were pretty much horrified that there were people who covered elbows and collarbones and didn't touch until after the marriage ceremony. Lori, though, doesn't have the capacity to think critically about this, and really seems to crave these flights of fantasy. Is she the fundie equivalent of Walter Mitty?

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She definitely tends to take things at face value. If someone is smiling in a photo or YouTube video or reality TV series, well then, they must be happy and joyful! If a Hallmark Channel movie shows a sappy RomCom set during WWII, well then, things must have been wonderful back then! If she sees a promotional prototype of the inside of an airplane from the 1960s, she thinks that it's a photo of actual passengers mid-flight. If Emily writes her a nice letter before the wedding, it must be because she's the most wonderful mother ever and couldn't possibly be linked to any etiquette or marriage tip or the fact that Emily used to write thank you letters as part of her job at Wheaton College. If the Healthy Home Economist or Dr. Mercola says that snake oil will cure your family and that vaccines are the devil, they must be right. She gets a bit pissed when someone calls her out on any of this, because she hates it when anyone contradicts her, but she keeps on doing it.

And when the Bible talks about "being in the light" it actually means that closing your blinds is evil.

That was a really funny one.

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:clap: Well said. One day in the life of a real fundie would have left Lori ringing for her maid/nanny.

Lori is so childlike. Does she honestly believe reality tv is an accurate portrayal of real life? :?

This is what I would pay to see. Maybe a scenario, in which Lori spends a day with the Duggars or Bateses. She would have meltdown after a few hours.

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NO Maria! When I was raising my children, I didn't put sunscreen on them since I know whatever we put on our skin is absorbed into our bodies. I tried keeping them out of the sun when the sun was at its peak. None of them have ever had any skin cancer.

My sister had malignant melanoma and many other spots on her skin of skin cancers. She went on this traditional foods diet several years ago and has not had one spot since! I believe a lot of it has to do with the food we are putting in our bodies. There are many people getting skin cancer who've never laid out in the sun and use sunscreen daily.

Hmm....seems like something missing here. Oh, MEDICAL TREATMENT! Her sister got medical care! :pull-hair:

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None of her 20-something yo kids have ever had skin cancer? That's good news. The incidence rises with age, though, so just because they have healthy skin now doesn't mean they always will. I hope they use sunblock now.

And I hate to tell her that that unprotected sun exposure is also associated with premature aging (UVA rays), which might be why one of her daughters has more wrinkles on her face than I do. :(

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None of her 20-something yo kids have ever had skin cancer? That's good news. The incidence rises with age, though, so just because they have healthy skin now doesn't mean they always will. I hope they use sunblock now.

And I hate to tell her that that unprotected sun exposure is also associated with premature aging (UVA rays), which might be why one of her daughters has more wrinkles on her face than I do. :(

I was thinking the same thing too. I'm a bit surprised Lori isn't pressuring women to do what they can to slow down aging/ or prevent premature aging in order to look good for their husbands.

Two of Lori's kids are already in their 30s. I believe Alyssa is 32 and Ryan is two years younger. He might have already turned 30 or is close to turning 30. If you talking Alyssa being the one with wrinkles, I noticed wrinkles on her.

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Lori is leghumping Duggars again. Today and saying that they are well mannered. She also talk about her teaching days and how the kids were well mannered. I don't think the Duggar kids are terribly ill mannered, but they aren't well mannered. There have been times on the show the howler monkeys were screaming and I remember that one episode when they were running around Wal-Mart and riding bikes. Let's not forget when John David and his sister-in-law Anna were rude about food during the England trip.

Many years ago, I taught elementary school on the east side of the San Fernando Valley. Many of the children were from broken homes and on welfare. We had an ex-military man for our Principal, thankfully. One day, a bunch of kids came into my room after school was over and were threatening me. The Principal came right away. During the class day, there were several children that I had to walk on eggshells around or they would have explosive tantrums, throwing their chairs down and stomping out of the room. Every evening, I would spend my hours trying to think of new ways to bring the classroom under control, instead of thinking of creative new lesson plans. These were very difficult years. Few parents ever showed up for Open House or the parent-teacher conferences.

When I was growing up, teachers had problems with children running in the hallway, chewing gum in class and speaking when they weren't supposed to. The Principal had a large paddle in his office and used it for those who misbehaved. The teachers had control of the classrooms. Today's teachers have to worry about guns, drugs, and children who have not learned self-control or good manners.

"In a lot of ways, the Duggars are too good to be true. People are fascinated. Nineteen children who are well-behaved, who have impeccable manners. There are families with one kid, two kids who can't quite manage that!" said the woman from Access Hollywood. The entire clip was completely positive about this huge family explaining that the Duggar children who are married desire to have all the children that God blesses them with. It is truly incredible that a Hollywood television show would give such wonderful accolades to the Duggars!

There are groups out there who are hoping one or more of the Duggar children will get out of the "bondage" they are in. Let me tell you, they are not in "bondage." Those who refuse the Truth are in bondage. The Duggars walk in freedom; freedom from STDs, abortion, divorce, broken families, sexual immorality, etc. They walk in freedom from sin and condemnation because Christ freed them when He died on the cross. The world has no understanding of this concept.

It's rare in today's society to find children who are well-behaved with impeccable manners. It's like Isaiah wrote about when Israel was turning away from the Lord and lived evil lives, "As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them" {Isaiah 3:12}. It seems that in the majority of homes today, the children are oppressing the homes {and in our nation, it looks like women are going to begin ruling over us. Yikes!}

Even in many Christian homes, the children would NOT be considered well-behaved with impeccable manners. How do we raise these kind of children? By raising them in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord. By disciplining them when they are very young to obey you cheerfully in everything and by training them in the way they should go.

Our oldest son told me recently that we were always training them. Whenever we saw bad behavior or sin in their lives, we would deal with it immediately. We were consistently talking to them about the Lord and His wonderful ways. We made sure they were dwelling on the good and lovely, being responsible in their commitments and hard workers.

Yes, it takes a lot of work to raise well-behaved children with impeccable manners but in the long run, it is WELL worth the time and energy. Please, don't neglect this very important job the Lord has given you and no, there's no such thing as perfect children but there is such a thing as well-behaved, obedient children.

Train up a child in the way he should go:

and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

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I was thinking the same thing too. I'm a bit surprised Lori isn't pressuring women to do what they can to slow down aging/ or prevent premature aging in order to look good for their husbands.

Two of Lori's kids are already in their 30s. I believe Alyssa is 32 and Ryan is two years younger. He might have already turned 30 or is close to turning 30. If you talking Alyssa being the one with wrinkles, I noticed wrinkles on her.

I do want to say that I'm not looks snarking at all. Both young women are quite pretty with or without premature aging. And it IS surprising that she doesn't go on about staying youthful -- there are plenty of ways to keep yourself younger-looking even if you're on a really tight budget (like most of her readers seem to be). Maybe aging doesn't matter so much in Lori-world.

As for undisciplined kids, Lori, please. Most of the kids I know are fairly well-mannered and pleasant to be around (including my own, tyvm).

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I don't think the Duggar kids are terrible, but I wouldn't necessarily say they had manners. The older girls are fine, but the rest are just kids who aren't a disaster, IMHO. There are plenty of incidences that I think would've had Lori's head spinning...unless Lori's manners aren't as good as she makes them out to be, either.

LOLOL at the FJ reference.

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