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When fundies self diagnose / Narcissism thy name is Lori

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Lori is entirely capable of positive thoughts and emotions. And in her mind, people live in tiny boxes that she can control. Anything outside of those tiny boxes either doesn't exist or she just refuses to talk about.

I can't remember a single time when she expressed genuine happiness, joy, hope, kindness, peace, love, etc. She may be capable of experiencing positive emotions, but I think her anger, resentment, discontent and seething jealousy have stifled her ability to do so.

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Just popping in to thank you for posting Shelia's blog! I have been trying to figure out who this blogger Lori and Ken dislike with such passion. I'm reading some of her older posts where the Alexanders posted comments and I am surprised she put up with their nonsense that long.

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I just don't get it. In today's post she insists we accept men as they are as all these qualities she discusses are simply God-given.

As I type this, I know many women will hate these words and be offended. We are not men and we never will be. God created both of us differently for different and important roles in life. The specific qualities He gave to both male and female are very good when used within the boundaries of these roles. Chaos reigns, as we are seeing in our society, when men and women leave their God-given roles to pursue the qualities of the opposite sex. Human beings will NEVER be able to improve upon God's ways, so stop fighting them, begin walking in the Spirit and in obedience to God's amazing calling on your life! Now, go and love on that masculine man of yours.

Yet, when it comes to the emotional and sensitive qualities that many women have, they are considered ungodly and part of a selfish and weak personality. Why are women not allowed to keep and foster their "God given" traits? How many times has Lori told us that feelings have no place in a Godly marriage? She can't have it both ways. Either both husband and wife are to accept each other or both are to quash their natural tendencies. There is nowhere in the Bible that says a man's needs and feelings are to take priority over his wife's.

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I just don't get it. In today's post she insists we accept men as they are as all these qualities she discusses are simply God-given.

Yet, when it comes to the emotional and sensitive qualities that many women have, they are considered ungodly and part of a selfish and weak personality. Why are women not allowed to keep and foster their "God given" traits? How many times has Lori told us that feelings have no place in a Godly marriage? She can't have it both ways. Either both husband and wife are to accept each other or both are to quash their natural tendencies. There is nowhere in the Bible that says a man's needs and feelings are to take priority over his wife's.

It's like these women create their own misery on purpose. As if to earn heaven they have to have a hellish life on earth. Makes no sense at all. Well. It makes sense if they are passive-aggressive queen b's who want to blame their husband for a miserable existence and not take responsibility for their own happiness.

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Both he and his wife came from large families so they decided to have twelve children before they were married!

You wouldn't think this would be something Lori would celebrate.

She used to be a teacher, you know.

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Well, no surprise Lori blogged a little bit more about TLC's Submissive Wives' Guide to Marriage. As I said in another thread, she is probably envious that Tara Furman was on the show and she wasn't, you know since Lori is older than Tara.

TLC was bold to show this program. Tara Furman learned to submit to her husband, then her marriage improved dramatically. My favorite part of this program was watching the young woman who Tara was teaching to submit. At the beginning, Mark and Kristen were in a troubled marriage. Kristen stayed in bed while Mark got the children off to school and drove to work. She'd wake up resentful because the house was a mess. This was one unhappy couple on their way to divorce.

Tara mentors Kristen about being a submissive wife. Kristen decides she is going to give submission a try. She wakes up early, gets dressed, fixes her family breakfast and sends her husband off to work with a snack and a big hug. He's excited! She begins doing the laundry, catching up on her housework and fixing nice meals for her family. He brings home flowers to her. If Kristen continues on the submissive path, their marriage will not end in divorce!

There was a huge outcry against this show. Women came out in droves to protest it. Many said they would hate for their daughters to grow up to be a submissive wife and would no longer watch TLC. I guess they wouldn't want their daughters taking good care of their husbands and homes, then having their husbands fall madly in love with their daughters. Heaven forbid! This would just be terrible, in their minds.

Kristen is much happier with herself now that she is disciplined, kind and loving. A life of selfishness and living for ourselves produces pain and misery for everyone. Doing what we want, being lazy and selfish are NOT freedom as so many believe. This is being slaves to sin. Self-control is freedom, not bondage! God calls us to give ourselves away, serve others, be disciplined, have self-control and be kind; be servants of righteousness through the grace Jesus abundantly provides for us.

However, we should not be surprised at the firestorm against it. Satan is the prince of the power of the air and has blinded those who continually turn away from God and His ways "because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for Gad has showed it unto them...when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools" {Romans 1:19, 21, 22}.

As believers, we are responsible for being salt and light and spreading seeds of Truth wherever we have the opportunity to spread them. We are not responsible for what type of soil our seeds are falling upon, only that we sow the seeds. Who knows? There were probably some women who watched this program and thought they just may give submission a try since they have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Many marriages have been saved when the wife stops expecting their husbands to make them happy and instead decides to do everything they can to make their husbands happy.

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All I can say is that I'm glad that my mom isn't as helpless as Lori. I haven't posted about it yet but my dad died about 6 weeks ago. Now my mom hasn't worked since I was born, but she can take care of herself. My dad left her plenty to live on but I know that she could and would pick up and get a job if she had to.

I'm so proud of her because she went out and got a financial advisor who is helping her invest and save. If she followed The Monster's advice she'd be up a Creek without a paddle. Lori is a monster teaching young women to depend 100% on having a man in their lives. A woman at our church was widowed a few days ago and mom and I don't know what's she's going to do because her husband literally handled everything in their lives.

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I'm so sorry for your loss, EmiGirl.

I'm glad your mom is secure and proactive.

I think that's one of the biggest dangers of Lori's lessons- unless they have male children (since daughters would have the same "job description" as the mom), these women won't be able to handle this loss. What happens when your SO passes and you know nothing about anything? Not just nothing about accounts/finances/lawnmowers, but quite literally nothing about handling anything other than homemaking?

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In light of the ongoing stories on Josh Duggar, I wonder if Duggarfan Lori will blog about the stories.

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In light of the ongoing stories on Josh Duggar, I wonder if Duggarfan Lori will blog about the stories.

I just came here to say that in the sooper sekrit chat group, she says she doesn't believe the story because the charges were dropped.

Fuck her.

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I just came here to say that in the sooper sekrit chat group, she says she doesn't believe the story because the charges were dropped.

Fuck her.


The article VERY clearly states that the statute of limitations has passed. Firiel, PLEASE shove the report in her face where he little sisters describe the abuse they endured. She NEEDS to see that.

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The article VERY clearly states that the statute of limitations has passed. Firiel, PLEASE shove the report in her face where he little sisters describe the abuse they endured. She NEEDS to see that.

I pointed it out to her.


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I pointed it out to her.


Did she respond before she did it? Did she say anything about it after she deleted it?

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Did she respond before she did it? Did she say anything about it after she deleted it?

Not that I saw. Just *poof* gone.

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Well, no surprise Lori blogged a little bit more about TLC's Submissive Wives' Guide to Marriage. As I said in another thread, she is probably envious that Tara Furman was on the show and she wasn't, you know since Lori is older than Tara.

Wait, wait, wait...so, assuming this true, and that's a big assumption considering this is Lori, "Kristen" sat around and did nothing while her husband did everything for her and so she was "mentored" to get up and start helping out around the house and lo and behold, her husband started to feel more appreciated and liked the change? And that's "submission"?

Uh, no, that's called being a decent person and doing your part. Imagine one lazy person starting to help out and the one doing everything feeling happier and that helping a marriage. Seriously? Need this person to tell them that. I could have given that advice for free and I'm neither a licensed therapist nor married. I just know a little caring and respect can change a lot. Not submission. Guess I could be a so-called "mentor" as well. :roll:

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I don't know if I've ever said this before (I don't think so), but she is indeed a fucking monster. A fucking monster that denies child abuse even when the victim, the perpetrator, and the parents of both the victim and the perpetrator report it to police. She denies it because it doesn't fit the story she's told herself and others. The story she wants to believe. What a bitch. And a liar too. I saw this in the comments of today's post:

When I began this blog, I received a lot of backlash whenever I taught about submission but not so much anymore. I guess they figured out I wasn't going to change my mind!

You're a liar Lori. You still receive backlash daily. You just

A) Don't read it (see Free Jinger)

B) Delete it

C) Rewrite it

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She has addressed the deletion. She says the sources were shady and that we must believe someone is innocent until proven guilty.


She is a bitch.

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I hope Lori has found the scanned police report that is online. Let's not forget that Lori has blogged twice about being against sleepovers due to the possibility of child molestation.

I said this in the Josh thread, but I wonder if Zsu, Kelly C, and other bloggers will address this. Zsu has defended the Duggars like crazy in the past.

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She has addressed the deletion. She says the sources were shady and that we must believe someone is innocent until proven guilty.


She is a bitch.


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Firiel, the duggars responded via people. I can't copy the link from my phone. PLEASE make sure Lori sees this.

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Not that I saw. Just *poof* gone.

Of course she deleted it, Jim Bob and Josh (and his wife) have all acknowledged this happened. Even Lori has to see that gives a hint of truth to the whole thing.

Please, tell us about this holy family some more, Lori,.

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I have a sick feeling Lori will say that this is just satan attacking a precious family of god *vomit*

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I have a sick feeling Lori will say that this is just satan attacking a precious family of god *vomit*

Sadly, I agree. I wonder if other fundie bloggers will respond to the Duggar stuff. Jill Rodrigues did a video defending them sometime back about family size. Zsu has defended them numerous times in the past.

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