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When fundies self diagnose / Narcissism thy name is Lori

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I wonder if the name "Duggar" will quietly be scrubbed from Lori's blog. Not right away. But a few weeks from now her post count will suddenly drop.

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I wonder if the name "Duggar" will quietly be scrubbed from Lori's blog. Not right away. But a few weeks from now her post count will suddenly drop.

Mmmm on the group she's talking about it and telling everyone that everything they post must be uplifting for the Duggars, and that as good Christians we must pray for them.

The general consensus seemed to be that it's in the past and sin that should be forgiven. Disgusting.

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I will be damned...she doesn't give a shit if he molested 5 girls.

What I wouldn't give to have five minutes in person with her to get her to think about if this were HER DAUGHTERS.

Also, other than beating children with plumbing, the Pearls (who Lori leghumps on a daily basis) main shtick is not letting your kids become prey for molesters. Can't leave your kid with a babysitter for an hour because THEY WILL be molested. Furthermore, they say that if the *are* molested, they're damaged goods, ruined for life. But YET, Lori thinks this is in the past, no big deal?!

Gah, I am filled with rage.

I was doing so good not paying any attention to the Monster, but this is just bringing back all my rage.

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Oh my fucking God



Joshua Duggar ~ Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb

Revelations of Joshua Duggar fondling younger sisters are just coming out. It is a tragedy for such a wonderful family and for Josh. Something that happened some 12 years ago while Josh was a child should not be public record, and the only reason to drag it out now is to finally give the detractors a little piece of poop so they can taint the whole family and conservative Christianity with one broad brush of “I told you so! Those Duggars are not perfect. Finally, we can bury them."

It's a sad situation, and certainly more facts will come out, but it sounds like the family did what was necessary to remedy the situation, including helping the family girls he touched inappropriately. They also sent Joshua away for awhile to do hard labor on a farm, then had him speak to a policeman who used his discretion not to file a report. Some three years later, a supposed family friend turned the secret into CPS who investigated, filed a 33 page report and dropped the matter. The report was obtained by a Freedom of Information Act request of the police department by the sleazy In Touch celebrity gossip magazine.

I'm sure this situation was very painful for the whole family and they will be viciously attacked for it by those who have wanted them out of the limelight for many years. They show good grace, love, submission, and family values; the world hates everything about them. They poke at the Duggars, make fun of them, and are sure their values will kill society as they want it to be. Now they have some great ammunition. Is this really news if Josh Duggar is a changed man and has proven not to have any issues with his boyhood weaknesses? It shouldn't be as no 14 year old should have his bad behavior paraded in public 12 years later if he stopped it long ago. Is this not a reason why child privacy laws are written?

So who here may cast the first stone? If you did not do some sins you sincerely regret when you were a teenager, then perhaps you can go ahead and throw. A 14 year old boy's curiosity, or desire to explore sex, got the best of him. This is not an adult man we are talking about here, but a boy whose brain is not fully developed with the adult faculties. There is a reason why a 14 year old will go to juvenile hall and not prison, nor are they tried as adults. We know our teens do not have the capacity to understand that some sins are more grievous than others, especially those sins perpetuated on other smaller innocent souls.

The biggest stones will be thrown at Jim Bob for not reporting this immediately to the authorities. But I would not have if it was my 14 year old without first seeking other remedies. And the advice given to parents in such situations is to seek help, but not from the police, as this is not such an uncommon sin for a 14 year old as one might think. Here is what a Safesociety.org says:

"Many other parents who have been through similar experiences found that by taking action the child and family got the help they needed and were able to avoid future abuse. The first step is to recognize the value of talking it over with someone else" {page 7}.

After these terrible sins, Joshua made a commitment to the Lord, or renewed it, and it appears his repentance {turning from his sin} is genuine and complete. He confessed all of this to his wife, Anna, two years before they were married. He had no obligation to report what he did as a 14 year old to anyone, just as you do not need to hear my laundry list of sins as a teen. And his parent's obligation was to protect their children, all of their children, including Joshua. They are fabulous and loving parents. You have watched them and entered into their lives. Please don't let the world drag you along into sleaze that should have never been dug up by the sleaze makers.

The world will want to tear the Duggars apart and condemn them. I can't even mention God's name in a lecture anymore without some detractors trying to make me look bad. We, as Christians, must instead hold up the family and Joshua in prayer, knowing that God will take this and turn it into His good for the advancement of His kingdom. This sexual sin pales in comparison to what was happening in the Corinthian church where Paul says these words about a man that had sex with his father's wife: "Sufficient for such a one is this punishment which was inflicted by the majority, so that on the contrary you should rather forgive and comfort him, otherwise such a one might be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow."

"I would do anything to go back to those teen years and take different actions," says Josh. "I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life. In my life today, I am so very thankful for God's grace, mercy and redemption." How many of us could say these exact words? Perhaps not sins as bad as these, but still significant sins that we greatly regret, of temptation and stupidity. Thank God we can be redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.

We are called to receive and forgive our brothers and sisters in Christ who repent and turn from their sin. Let's support this family as they walk this difficult road and pray for them regularly. And let's thank the Lord that we as parents did not have to make the terrible choices Jim Bob and Michelle had to face through this terrible ordeal. The apostle Paul had his murderous past and was still used mightily by God. This is what we pray for Joshua and the entire Duggar family as they show the grace and strength of the Christ who lives in them through the trials.

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What I wouldn't give to have five minutes in person with her to get her to think about if this were HER DAUGHTERS.

Also, other than beating children with plumbing, the Pearls (who Lori leghumps on a daily basis) main shtick is not letting your kids become prey for molesters. Can't leave your kid with a babysitter for an hour because THEY WILL be molested. Furthermore, they say that if the *are* molested, they're damaged goods, ruined for life. But YET, Lori thinks this is in the past, no big deal?!

Gah, I am filled with rage.

I was doing so good not paying any attention to the Monster, but this is just bringing back all my rage.

The Pearls and Lori believe that molesting kids is something that you need to fear, constantly, from OTHER PEOPLE OUTSIDE THE HOME. You know - like the people in public schools, or friends' homes during sleepovers. Any contact with the outside world carries risk. If the problem comes from those closest to the child, though, you don't want to cause problems for the family and Jesus magically makes it better. Just ignore the fact that the majority of perpetrators are known to their victims, that limiting access to media and sex education means that kids are more likely to be naive, that limiting contact with the outside world means that there is nobody that a child can disclose the abuse to, that children raised with first-time obedience can find it hard to say no, that children taught to suppress emotion can learn to bottle everything up, that teaching girls that they are passive objects like chewing gum will make them ashamed of being a victim, and make sure that everyone around you is paranoid about mandated reporters and CPS.

ETA: Just read today's post.


Plenty of Lori and Ken's shit has made me angry before, but this seriously takes the cake.

Ken, when you read this, know the following:

Tragedy is not someone needing to face the natural consequences of his actions, or a family that presented a false picture being exposed.

Tragedy is what these girls experienced, as they were repeatedly molested. As they were made more vulnerable by the isolation from the rest of the world. As their parents took no steps to ensure that their abuser would have no further contact with them. As it took 3 years for CPS to be informed of what was happening. As people like you minimize the actions of their abuser. Josh was a juvenile, but he was not a child, and a developmentally normal 14 yr old knows better than to sexually touch younger girls. My kids are 10, 12 and 15. They know that this is wrong. Really wrong.

You have confirmed in public that you would have been complicit in covering up sexual abuse in your home. You wrote:

The biggest stones will be thrown at Jim Bob for not reporting this immediately to the authorities. But I would not have if it was my 14 year old without first seeking other remedies. And the advice given to parents in such situations is to seek help, but not from the police, as this is not such an uncommon sin for a 14 year old as one might think.

Would you have reported it if your daughter had been molested by a teen from outside the family? That's the problem with incest - the entire family often has a dysfunctional reaction, which can cause even more harm that the original abuse, as the focus is on how the protect the abuser instead of the victim.

What's with your "supposed family friend" line??? Are you telling the world that if you had knowledge that a teen brother had sexually molested his much younger sisters, and that the teen was still living in the home with his sisters and that there had never been a CPS investigation, that you would hush it up? You would be prepared to stand by if there was a risk that the abuser was still occurring and allow little girls to be victimized since you wouldn't violate a "friendship"? Really? Whoever made the report is the truest friend, one who was prepared to do the right thing despite the risk of offending someone. Lori writes about staying true to God and values despite what the world says and the opposition that will be faced. Well, to my mind, this should mean protecting little girls from sexual abuse. Over 20 years ago, a little girl close to me was repeatedly molested by a relative. She was not that relative's first victim. The abuse finally stopped because she confided in a friend - another little girl who had a reputation of being "bad" because of the language she used. When the friend heard, she told her mother and everything was disclosed. That friend wasn't "bad" at all - she was very good and helped end the abuse. The doctor made a report to authorities as a mandated reporter, so the abuser and his wife were unable to bully the victim and her family into silence as they had done with his previous victims. Child protection officials made it clear that further contact with the abuser could not be permitted - despite constant efforts from the abuser and his wife. The victim got the help she needed, and today she is a social worker herself.

Family values?? I'm proud to say that WE have strong family values. We stood up to a child molester and his defender. We have ensured that our children understand that abuse of any kind cannot be tolerated. Our children know that they are in charge of their own bodies. We respect them and their right to say no. They know how to treat others with kindness and respect. They know that we will stand up for what is right, even if we get criticism. They know that I would not hesitate to take out a restraining order on anyone - even a relative - that threatened them. They know that we fight every day to protect kids and have no problem calling out parents who fail their children. They know that we are disgusted by cultures of institutional silence.

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I'm sick of reading people characterize this ass "boyish bad behavior" or "a mistake." What he did was predation, plainly and simply.

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Poor Josh. Look what the evil world did to him and his wholesome, values having family. :roll: Not word from Lori Ken on how the girls might have suffered. Not one word how this might negatively affect the victims. Not. One. Word. :pull-hair:

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Lori and Ken (since he wrote this): Imagine for a minute that YOUR oldest son touched YOUR younger daughters on the breasts and vagina.

You would not be spewing this filth.

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Dissecting the bullshit Ken wrote this morning:


the only reason to drag it out now is to finally give the detractors a little piece of poop so they can taint the whole family


Molestation should be kept a secret! Now the families' reality show is ruined and Josh won't be able to tell everyone what a danger gays are to society. It's all the detractors fault!


It's a sad situation, and certainly more facts will come out, but it sounds like the family did what was necessary to remedy the situation, including helping the family girls he touched inappropriately.


I have no proof that the victims got help, but the person who molested them says they did and that's enough for me.


They also sent Joshua away for awhile to do hard labor on a farm, then had him speak to a policeman who used his discretion not to file a report.


Hard labor is the cure for sexual predators.

A man who is now serving prison time for child pornography said what Joshua Duggar did was a-okay.


They show good grace, love, submission, and family values; the world hates everything about them.


They talk about submission, so pretty much anything they do is fine by me.

Also, molesting 5 people = family values


Is this really news if Josh Duggar is a changed man and has proven not to have any issues with his boyhood weaknesses?


None of the detractors have been able to uncover any further molestation. Please ignore the fact that the Duggars are apparently REALLY good at hiding this kind of thing.

Molestation = boyhood weakness


It shouldn't be as no 14 year old should have his bad behavior paraded in public 12 years later if he stopped it long ago.


Molestation is just "bad behavior".


A 14 year old boy's curiosity, or desire to explore sex, got the best of him.


Molesting 5 people is the end result of curiosity


The biggest stones will be thrown at Jim Bob for not reporting this immediately to the authorities. But I would not have if it was my 14 year old without first seeking other remedies. And the advice given to parents in such situations is to seek help, but not from the police, as this is not such an uncommon sin for a 14 year old as one might think.


I wouldn't have told if someone molested my daughters! Lots of 14 year olds are serial molesters.


He confessed all of this to his wife, Anna, two years before they were married. He had no obligation to report what he did as a 14 year old to anyone, just as you do not need to hear my laundry list of sins as a teen.


He even told his would be wife that he was a sexual predator- information that she totally didn't need. What a guy!


They are fabulous and loving parents. You have watched them and entered into their lives. Please don't let the world drag you along into sleaze that should have never been dug up by the sleaze makers.


The Duggars are fabulous parents despite the fact that their son molested 5 people! I know because I've watched them on reality tv. This should have been family secret. Please be a dear and pretend you don't know.


I can't even mention God's name in a lecture anymore without some detractors trying to make me look bad.


Enough about the victims! I can't even talk about God at work without the detractors stepping in.


This sexual sin pales in comparison to what was happening in the Corinthian church where Paul says these words about a man that had sex with his father's wife: "Sufficient for such a one is this punishment which was inflicted by the majority, so that on the contrary you should rather forgive and comfort him, otherwise such a one might be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow."


What happened to these young girls just really isn't a big deal.
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Lori and Ken (since he wrote this): Imagine for a minute that YOUR oldest son touched YOUR younger daughters on the breasts and vagina.

You would not be spewing this filth.

Ken has stated very clearly that he wouldn't have told if his son molested his daughters. He would have "sought other remedies":

The biggest stones will be thrown at Jim Bob for not reporting this immediately to the authorities. But I would not have if it was my 14 year old without first seeking other remedies.

Well Ken, the "remedy" the Duggars sought was sending Josh to hang out with a guy who remodels homes. Does that sounds about right to you????

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I am near tears.

I can't do this anymore. Lori has affected me too much.

I might be insane for being this emotionally affected by her, but it's true.

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Blog comments:

Prayers for Josh and all involved!


Prayers for Josh and all of the people he molested! But Josh first!

From FB comments:

Thank you! There are TOO many links to his past and I'd be tempted to pursue finding out who "leaked" a childhood past to the media. They have caused a man's character to be defamed and his entire family will pay for it.


Never mind that Josh Duggar is a serial molester. The REAL question is who told the family secret!

What.the.fuck. is wrong with these people????

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Lori and Ken (since he wrote this): Imagine for a minute that YOUR oldest son touched YOUR younger daughters on the breasts and vagina.

You would not be spewing this filth.

I don't know, I think they honestly might...given that they're so perfect and of course must be forgiven for everything they do.

Actually, by their theories, all Christians should naturally be forgiven for everything because they're a highly superior breed. If God is going to forgive them, why can't we mere mortals?


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I am near tears.

I can't do this anymore. Lori has affected me too much.

I might be insane for being this emotionally affected by her, but it's true.

I'm with you, jerkit.

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Lori and Ken (since he wrote this): Imagine for a minute that YOUR oldest son touched YOUR younger daughters on the breasts and vagina.

You would not be spewing this filth.

Sad thing is....they probably would. Ken said that he would not have gone to authorities if it was his son. He would have sought "other remedies".

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I just read that post by Ken. Fuck them. Now I honestly hope Zsu or some other fundie female blog writes about Josh, just so fucking Zsu can see that at least some female fundie bloggers don't run to their husbands to write on certain subjects.

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Blog comments:


From FB comments:


What.the.fuck. is wrong with these people????

Fuck that comment and the other ones. The Duggars are responisble for their own defaming. Dumb ass Jim Bob was the one who agreed and signed with TLC or Discovery years ago to film those fucking documentaries and the eventual regular show, while knowing the incidents involving Josh and the fact that they were police reports.

Of course, the entire family is going to pay. The fact that Boob waited a year to go to the police along with him discussing the incidents with church elders doesn't paint the Duggars in the best light.

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They truly couldn't care less about the victims. This is all about the horrible injustice that is being done now that the world knows Josh, Michelle, and Jim Bobs' secret.

Josh Duggar is a serial molestor pure and simple

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I don't know, I think they honestly might...given that they're so perfect and of course must be forgiven for everything they do.

Actually, by their theories, all Christians should naturally be forgiven for everything because they're a highly superior breed. If God is going to forgive them, why can't we mere mortals?


They treat God like a "get out of jail free" card.

And fuck the victims. If they don't forgive and forget, they're just "bitter."

Well, I'm bitter.

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If somebody from the fundie community doesn't stand up and say this is wrong, I think FJ's point has been proven.

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