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When fundies self diagnose / Narcissism thy name is Lori

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I knew the devil would do all in his power to exploit them in some way because of their testimony.

Josh Duggar isn't fucking being exploited and his "testimony" is that he is a serial molester.

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I think all of this shows how little compassion Lori truly has. What also boggles my mind is how many women are commenting and supporting her position. There's a whole cadre of people who think this is fine, and just a mistake! How!? HOW!?

I also strongly believe there's a special place in hell for women who throw other women under the bus. Lori, you'll be driving that bus (that's full of all of your followers)...straight to hell.

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Lori, why won't you think of those little girls? WHY?!

Because you are a monster.

For all her paranoia about potential molesters lurking around every corner, in every friends' home, in public schools ... she's totally okay with the molester in the next bedroom as long as he claims to be a Christian.

Ken and Lori Alexander? You're both monsters.

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Lori has made it explicitly clear that the only sin is unbelief.

People like me and my family are destined for hell - no matter how many lives my husband saves, no matter what we might do to try to make the world a better place.

Child molesters are just fine, as long as they come to Jesus. If they say they are fine, we need to believe them. How dare we "judge" them or think we are better, or expect them to stay away from their victims?

Thank you, Lori, for telling us exactly what you believe without dressing it up or making it sound remotely attractive. You have neatly summarized exactly why your beliefs are insanely fucked up.

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I think all of this shows how little compassion Lori truly has. What also boggles my mind is how many women are commenting and supporting her position. There's a whole cadre of people who think this is fine, and just a mistake! How!? HOW!?

I also strongly believe there's a special place in hell for women who throw other women under the bus. Lori, you'll be driving that bus (that's full of all of your followers)...straight to hell.

That also boggles my mind. But, at the very least, one Lori follower will ditch Lori and her blog. In the past, she has lost followers due to some of the shitty things she has said. I've mentioned this before about Lori, she lost followers after she blogged about Trayvon Martin and how divorce was to blame for his death. She also defended asshole George Zimmerman to the max. She got called out by a few people and I remember two of them said they were black women and one straight up told Lori that she was done reading the blog.

If Lori has any followers who have been victims of sexual crimes, I hope they stop reading her blog. I'm not surprised that Ken wrote that kind of response. He was the one who said something about being against domestic violence shelters on Lori's comment section.

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I've always had a very bad feeling about Ken and his daughters.

His post today makes me even more uncomfortable about this. Remember how he and Lori have said that a wife should not leave her husband if he molests their child? That, on top of Ken's very creepy and unusual involvement with his daughters - now this minimization of Josh's actual confession of incest....I can't help but wonder if Ken is coaching his readers to react the way he hopes people will react if a similar secret comes out about his family.

It is absolutely disgusting how he and Lori are minimizing this - the blatant disdain they are showing for the victims. I have no doubt if their daughters were victimized, they'd totally throw them under the bus and slut shame them. No way would they protect them and help them heal.

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That also boggles my mind. But, at the very least, one Lori follower will ditch Lori and her blog. In the past, she has lost followers due to some of the shitty things she has said. I've mentioned this before about Lori, she lost followers after she blogged about Trayvon Martin and how divorce was to blame for his death. She also defended asshole George Zimmerman to the max. She got called out by a few people and I remember two of them said they were black women and one straight up told Lori that she was done reading the blog.

If Lori has any followers who have been victims of sexual crimes, I hope they stop reading her blog. I'm not surprised that Ken wrote that kind of response. He was the one who said something about being against domestic violence shelters on Lori's comment section.

I remember her saying that she didn't think it was true that Martin was an honors student at school before being suspended. She came across as if it was hard to believe a black teenager could make good grades and I remember some of her former readers, especially her non-white readers, were quite ticked by that statement.

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That also boggles my mind. But, at the very least, one Lori follower will ditch Lori and her blog. In the past, she has lost followers due to some of the shitty things she has said. I've mentioned this before about Lori, she lost followers after she blogged about Trayvon Martin and how divorce was to blame for his death. She also defended asshole George Zimmerman to the max. She got called out by a few people and I remember two of them said they were black women and one straight up told Lori that she was done reading the blog.

If Lori has any followers who have been victims of sexual crimes, I hope they stop reading her blog. I'm not surprised that Ken wrote that kind of response. He was the one who said something about being against domestic violence shelters on Lori's comment section.

I'm glad I'm not alone, wondering about this. As usual, she's deleting comments. Re: bolded...she's incredibly insensitive in that way. And that hits the nail on the head of what I find so so wrong about the reaction of the 19KAC followers, as well as Lori & Crew. They're saying it's fine, it's forgiven. They're not victim-blaming, per se, but they sure are downplaying what it feels like to be one.

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Once again, we have people in these circles defending the perpetrator instead of the victims. If anyone is tarnishing the Duggars' "good" name it's Josh, Jim Bob and Michelle by their deplorable actions or lack of action as it might be. Thanks again, Lori and Ken, for your infinite wisdom.

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First time poster. I wonder if Ken and Lori would be so dismissive of the molestation if Josh Duggar had molested his brothers. Women/girls have no real value in their eyes except to serve and submit to men. Now if he molested the boys, then they might think there was a slight problem.

I just can't with these people. Defending a serial child molester is the lowest of low.

(Can't believe I posted, I'm very shy!)

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First time poster. I wonder if Ken and Lori would be so dismissive of the molestation if Josh Duggar had molested his brothers. Women/girls have no real value in their eyes except to serve and submit to men. Now if he molested the boys, then they might think there was a slight problem.

I just can't with these people. Defending a serial child molester is the lowest of low.

(Can't believe I posted, I'm very shy!)

Now THERE is some food for thought.

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First time poster. I wonder if Ken and Lori would be so dismissive of the molestation if Josh Duggar had molested his brothers. Women/girls have no real value in their eyes except to serve and submit to men. Now if he molested the boys, then they might think there was a slight problem.

I just can't with these people. Defending a serial child molester is the lowest of low.

(Can't believe I posted, I'm very shy!)

Not only that, but it might reveal Josh had some (horror of horrors!) homosexual feelings! Hmmmm, no fundie defense then I'll bet.

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Unbe-frickin-lievable! I've been out of the loop with news etc. for the last couple of weeks ( my mom passed) and I turn on the TV this morning to the Today show and what do I see???? And Lorken are defending him??? I hope Lori's potential mentees are thoroughly repulsed by this.

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I'm sorry for your loss, cindyluvs24.

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We need a fresh Lori thread:

Ken Alexander Defends Serial Child Molester

That sound about right to everyone? :angry-cussingblack:

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Unbe-frickin-lievable! I've been out of the loop with news etc. for the last couple of weeks ( my mom passed) and I turn on the TV this morning to the Today show and what do I see???? And Lorken are defending him??? I hope Lori's potential mentees are thoroughly repulsed by this.

I'm sorry about your mom.

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Thanks. OT but please, all of you who smoke - please quit ASAP. And by ASAP, I mean today. End-stage COPD is a horrible way to go. Preaching over.

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Lori's one-size-fits-all explanation of why bad things happen (not being raised in a Godly home with a submissive mom) just got shit=canned. How can she explain away this little glitch in her world-view?

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Thanks. OT but please, all of you who smoke - please quit ASAP. And by ASAP, I mean today. End-stage COPD is a horrible way to go. Preaching over.

My dad just died with lung cancer. Smoking sucks.

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I've always had a very bad feeling about Ken and his daughters.

His post today makes me even more uncomfortable about this. Remember how he and Lori have said that a wife should not leave her husband if he molests their child? That, on top of Ken's very creepy and unusual involvement with his daughters - now this minimization of Josh's actual confession of incest....I can't help but wonder if Ken is coaching his readers to react the way he hopes people will react if a similar secret comes out about his family.

It is absolutely disgusting how he and Lori are minimizing this - the blatant disdain they are showing for the victims. I have no doubt if their daughters were victimized, they'd totally throw them under the bus and slut shame them. No way would they protect them and help them heal.

His comments referring to many 14 yo boys having similar skeletons in their closets sent icy blood down my spine. Since WHEN do many 14 yo boys molest their 4 yo sisters? Or any other 4 yos for that matter? 14 yo boys might go through lotion and tissues by the gallon, they might sneak around looking at questionable websites. They might even ask their GFs for inappropriate pictures. But when you go that extra step to touching someone against their will ... to molesting, sexually assaulting, raping ... that's a line you do NOT cross, and it cannot be written up to a normal boyish error.

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I just saw that Lori posted about the victims. I wonder if Ken actually wrote today's post, but allowed Lori to take credit for it. Either way Ken and Lori are fucking scum to defend Josh.

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I just saw that Lori posted about the victims. I wonder if Ken actually wrote today's post, but allowed Lori to take credit for it. Either way Ken and Lori are fucking scum to defend Josh.

Yesterday was written by Ken and today says it was written by both of them. Ken's finger prints are all over this and I like the new thread title someone else posted earlier calling him out on it.

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I am so disturbed by Lori (Ken's?) post about today. The victims are fine until they say they aren't ? Bullshit.

So surprised to see "right to privacy" in the post. Surely that isn't actually something they believe in.

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