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When fundies self diagnose / Narcissism thy name is Lori

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Lori is dumb as a fence post and they both have zero critical thinking skills. That would be fine, except they profess to be fount of knowledge and source of light in the world.

The disgusting thing is that they still think the Duggar family is holier than any where both parents work outside the home or there is a single parent.

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Ironically, some who cry foul when it comes to Jim Bob's handling of the situation, are the same parents, often single parents, who are just fine with sons and daughters having sex at 14 and aborting babies at 15. Those gloriously private sex organs they want protected are allowed to be used and abused by many multiples of lovers, and just acquaintances, so long as it is consensual. They have no intention of protecting the sanctity of sex within marriage, but instead teach their kids to give it away as often as they "feel" it is right. Tell me which parents need help here!

To use your terminology, Lori, this is a LIE FROM THE PIT OF HELL.

I find it extremely offensive and *slanderous* that you would say this. I think the Duggar parents did not handle this situation correctly, but I would never in a million years encourage my daughter to have sex and abort a baby. I cannot believe you would insinuate that those two things are mutually exclusive.

For someone who loves the Truth, you sure are telling a lot of lies the past two days.

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Loriken added a post script to their latest post:

***All this talk about the "victims" of Josh Duggar isn't sitting right with me AT ALL! I finally figured out why. We know nothing about these victims but it sounds like most were his sisters. We know he touched their private parts. He didn't have sex with them; he touched them. They are being raised in a godly home with amazing parents and they know, without a doubt, the power of forgiveness and God's amazing ability to heal ANYTHING!!!

Joyce Meyers was raped by her father over 200 times, yet she lives a joy-filled and amazing life. She understands what forgiveness truly is and the healing power of God! She has an amazing husband, four children who walk with Jesus and a powerful ministry. {I know some of you don't like her, but that is besides the point!} Yes, what Josh did was bad but he was 14 and was punished and has had nothing said against him for the past 12 years. He lives a godly life now. However, his life is ruined. He will forever be branded as a "child molester" and suffer. Yes, the Lord will give him strength but I am sure his "victims" are devastated by what has happened to their brother. The girls can grow up to have happy and productive lives walking with Jesus and the freedom and healing he provides for everything that happened to them in their past. Joshua doesn't have that privilege now because of some underhanded, against the law person whose sole purpose was to destroy the Duggars. Keep perspective women, please!

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Loriken added a post script to their latest post:

***All this talk about the "victims" of Josh Duggar isn't sitting right with me AT ALL! I finally figured out why. We know nothing about these victims but it sounds like most were his sisters. We know he touched their private parts. He didn't have sex with them; he touched them. They are being raised in a godly home with amazing parents and they know, without a doubt, the power of forgiveness and God's amazing ability to heal ANYTHING!!!

Joyce Meyers was raped by her father over 200 times, yet she lives a joy-filled and amazing life. She understands what forgiveness truly is and the healing power of God! She has an amazing husband, four children who walk with Jesus and a powerful ministry. {I know some of you don't like her, but that is besides the point!} Yes, what Josh did was bad but he was 14 and was punished and has had nothing said against him for the past 12 years. He lives a godly life now. However, his life is ruined. He will forever be branded as a "child molester" and suffer. Yes, the Lord will give him strength but I am sure his "victims" are devastated by what has happened to their brother. The girls can grow up to have happy and productive lives walking with Jesus and the freedom and healing he provides for everything that happened to them in their past. Joshua doesn't have that privilege now because of some underhanded, against the law person whose sole purpose was to destroy the Duggars. Keep perspective women, please!

It's looks like they deleted this part, I'm not seeing it on there. But fuck them. Lori and Ken are idiots and scum.

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To use your terminology, Lori, this is a LIE FROM THE PIT OF HELL.

I find it extremely offensive and *slanderous* that you would say this. I think the Duggar parents did not handle this situation correctly, but I would never in a million years encourage my daughter to have sex and abort a baby. I cannot believe you would insinuate that those two things are mutually exclusive.

For someone who loves the Truth, you sure are telling a lot of lies the past two days.

Only speaking for myself here, but I certainly wouldn't encourage my minor children to have sex. BUT there is a HUGE FREAKING DIFFERENCE between a 14 yo having CONSENSUAL sex with another 14 yo and a 14 yo molesting or raping a 4 yo. And the fact that Ken Alexander and his harpy Lori Alexander don't know the difference between consensual sex and fucking RAPE tells me all I need to know about those two.

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He was punished? Seems like the only punishment is happening now. Working a farm is not a punishment. And now he has lost a job that he would have never had without the show in the first place. So as far as punishments go...Let's just say there are people in prison for much less.

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Loriken added a post script to their latest post:

He will forever be branded as a "child molester" and suffer. Yes, the Lord will give him strength but I am sure his "victims" are devastated by what has happened to their brother.

You and your scare quotes can go to hell, Lori.

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Loriken added a post script to their latest post:

***All this talk about the "victims" of Josh Duggar isn't sitting right with me AT ALL! I finally figured out why. We know nothing about these victims but it sounds like most were his sisters. We know he touched their private parts. He didn't have sex with them; he touched them. They are being raised in a godly home with amazing parents and they know, without a doubt, the power of forgiveness and God's amazing ability to heal ANYTHING!!!

Joyce Meyers was raped by her father over 200 times, yet she lives a joy-filled and amazing life. She understands what forgiveness truly is and the healing power of God! She has an amazing husband, four children who walk with Jesus and a powerful ministry. {I know some of you don't like her, but that is besides the point!} Yes, what Josh did was bad but he was 14 and was punished and has had nothing said against him for the past 12 years. He lives a godly life now. However, his life is ruined. He will forever be branded as a "child molester" and suffer. Yes, the Lord will give him strength but I am sure his "victims" are devastated by what has happened to their brother. The girls can grow up to have happy and productive lives walking with Jesus and the freedom and healing he provides for everything that happened to them in their past. Joshua doesn't have that privilege now because of some underhanded, against the law person whose sole purpose was to destroy the Duggars. Keep perspective women, please!


It's a law that very specifically allows for this information to be made available. The person who acquired this document is the exact opposite of "against the law"

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Saving this whole fucking mess, lest Lori and Ken decide to delete it:

There can be little doubt that the saddest part of the Josh Duggar saga is the sisters who were touched. We cannot go back and change what has happened and molestation of any kind is far from a victimless crime. It is awful what mankind has done to each other throughout history and continues to do in modern day, despite all efforts at tighter and tighter legislation to try and prevent and punish sexual crimes. People and children are victimized, but they do not have to become "victims." Instead, when life happens, ugly as it may be at times, the grace of the cross is there to cover it all. For there is NO sin that can be committed, or any harm done, that cannot be healed and forgiven by the great atonement of Christ on the cross.

We as Christians have a very wonderful and complete faith, where both victim and abuser partake of the same source from the fountain of living waters as Jesus promised, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’†{John 7:38}.

If there is a family that understands this it is the Duggars. They know in whom they believe, and they are indeed "persuaded that He is able to keep that which they have committed unto Him until that day" {2 Timothy 1:12}. The Duggars would never play victims as the world plays it. Instead they dealt with the problems and issues created by their 14 year old just as most other godly families would; with a goal to save and to heal the whole family, not one person left behind and no one remaining a victim.

The world will never understand that Jim Bob and Michelle were going to do exactly what the Good Shepherd Jesus does with us, seeking the one lost sheep and bringing him back into the fold, “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country, and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it? And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.' Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance" {Luke 15:4-7}.

Here is our biggest issue with all of the vitriol that is spread on the Internet masked by appeal for the "victims." We don't know if any victims remain, all we know is that some children were victimized by a brother they love dearly. To begin to throw stones at the Duggars on behalf of the "victims" not only means you know a lot more about the current state of affairs in the family than us and the camera crew can see in the reality show. No one is acting like a victim, but now the whole family has been victimized by In Touch, the sleazy gossip magazine that may have violated the law as they violated the Duggars right to privacy.

Ironically, some who cry foul when it comes to Jim Bob's handling of the situation, are the same parents, often single parents, who are just fine with sons and daughters having sex at 14 and aborting babies at 15. Those gloriously private sex organs they want protected are allowed to be used and abused by many multiples of lovers, and just acquaintances, so long as it is consensual. They have no intention of protecting the sanctity of sex within marriage, but instead teach their kids to give it away as often as they "feel" it is right. Tell me which parents need help here!

So what about the Duggar's little victims? Well the jury is still out, but if this was my family, I am quite confident that not one my children would be feeling like a victim after a time of talking about the situation. Why? Because we, as parents would, have taught them the truth, that sex is a good thing created by God, and some will abuse it, but when someone touches your privates you tell them to stop it, then go to Dad and Mom and tell them about it. This is what appears to have happened in the Duggar family and the family handled it.

Until I hear one of the victims coming forward and explaining the great harm that has come to their lives because of Josh, the Duggar parents deserve full reign to be parents to their 19 children without the pundits having a say, especially by those who claim to be believers. This story plays itself out in family after family, day in and day out, one issue or another, and parents need their God-given rights to raise their children as they deem is necessary with the least amount of interference by outside authorities. Until a parent proves to be incompetent or abusive, the community must allow the parents to raise their children as best they know how.

The Duggars are an exceptional family and the proof of this is what we have witnessed as the cameras rolled into their lives and showed a well-adjusted, fabulous set of lovable kids for the past ten years. We have seen the victims at least looking as if they healed, and if they still need help, that is the parent's responsibility to find it for them, not society's role to force it upon them. I vote for keeping the Duggars on the air so that we can see how a fine Christian family handles great adversity twice. Once victimized by one of their own children and now victimized by money grubbing worldly people who had to get the garbage.

We have a great guide in the Bible as to how to raise our children in the Lord, and it has proven itself in all areas of life and godliness for our children and many other Christian families. The context of redemption for the Christian is a powerful place that much of the world can never grasp. The blood of Jesus covers every sin; past, present and future and was hung on a cross in 30 A.D. Now all we have to do as a believer, victim or abuser, is to reach out and accept the gifts of grace and healing that only God can give. No amount of psychological counseling is a match for one little drop of the blood of Christ in the life of a believer, nor the Word of God. To know who we are in Christ, to whom we belong, and where we are going, makes this journey on earth pure joy, no matter what circumstances, or sins, this world may throw at us. Nothing will keep us from the love of Christ. You go on Duggars and show us and the world how to live with and for Jesus.

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38-39



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She also didn't post the link to today's post on her fb (and she always does). I wonder if it has something to do with her not being able to approve comments before they post.

She's like a annoying child in that she feels that if she deletes your response before anyone sees it, it didn't exist. I truly don't think I've ever met a dumber, more disgusting person. And it takes work to get me to say something like that about another human being. They are just vile.

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I really love it when people say "yes, blah blah blah, but..." There isn't a but. Sometimes areas are gray, but there are plenty of times it is black and white. Molestation of children or any sexual activity between any teen or adult with a child is always wrong. There is no but. Rape never includes a but. Murder never includes a but. That's like saying, "yes, he killed a man and not in self-defense, at the age of 14, but he's not a murderer!" Um, yes, he is. That it happened years ago doesn't change the fact. Doesn't matter if the person regrets what they did. They still did it and dangerous crimes should be punished even if they happened long ago. They open up cold cases all the time and charge people with murder or rape years after the fact.

I haven't been involved in these threads because I don't see this as news, but am glad it is finally out in the open and people are learning the truth. It "allegedly" had been known for some time. I thought it was actually common knowledge and made me really despise Josh. I don't care if he was 14. 14-year-olds do stupid things, yes, but most of them aren't raping or doing sexually inappropriate things with their siblings or any other children. He's a fucking creep and should be labeled as such. There's no buts in this. He did what he did and deserves whatever he's getting. I don't give a damn if "god" forgives him, the law still says he can be punished for the crime, and he committed a crime. A murderer can be sorry for what he did, but he still did it, and by the law he can still be punished and rightfully so. You can't do horrible things and just say you asked for forgiveness with your god and all be well. Did he ask his sisters to honestly forgive him? Not forced to ask, but asked of his own accord? And by no means, even if he did ask, do they have to forgive him. That's entirely up to them.

Lori bringing up Joyce Meyer is pointless. She may have forgiven her father for the horrible crimes he committed against her, but that is her right. It is up to her to forgive her father and if she did not want to, she would not have to do so. What he did doesn't deserve forgiveness and very few would begrudge her for not being willing to forgive his actions. That she does forgive him is likely for her own sanity because sometimes staying so angry with someone for what they did only ruins you and said person doesn't deserve to take up any of your time or emotions. But what Meyer did isn't what all victims are okay doing and that is okay too. What a victim does to cope with what was done to them is entirely up to them (so long as others are not harmed in the process of course).

I feel nothing by contempt for people like Josh. Anyone who harms a child, especially sexual in any way, deserves nothing short of the Biblical hell. And no, I don't care how harsh that sounds. Fuck anybody who seriously harms a child or harms any child on purpose. I hate you, loathe you. I hate Lori for how she hurt her children and hate how she hurts her grandchildren now and I loathe her even more for her even daring to think what Josh did was in any way, shape, or form okay. There's no justification for what was done. None. No buts. End of discussion.

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I didn't even make it to reading today's post because just the copy made me want to vomit.

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The amount of time they have to be spending deleting comments greatly amuses me. Got to keep the spin going :lol:

The problem should they choose to see it or not (probably not because let's be honest Ken and Lori have no other interest than proving their own message is right, context or facts be damned)

is that they are pitching their response at one audience.

They are pitching it at the extreme view of those shouting Paedophile, MOLESTER. Oh and also at FJ ...because you know it bugs them so much :lol: This makes it easy for them to discredit. They pitch it at those on the internet who like to shout loud. In their view there are only two views. Forgive and forget because ..Jesus and the polar opposite of burn him at the stake the evil religious bastard.

How many comments are they deleting where the legitimate questions of the majority are voicing concern for the victims, concern for the perpetrator, concern about the environment that allowed this, the belief system that may have contributed to it, all of these type of questions.


That's why I don't really care about their view or even get mildly annoyed by their thinking. They have no interest except their own. They have to spin this positively because Lori has fan-girled the Duggars as a moral path on her blog for so long. They throw the 'haters' out there as the only detractors to their view because it's convenient.

Delete, delete. Wonder how they can spin that as GODLY and honest :lol:

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The second area of blasting criticism comes from the "victims," any of whom peruse the Internet day and night looking to project their own victim mentality upon anyone they can. Trace their anger back and one almost always finds a mentality of being a "victim" of what they believe was sexual abuse, a man's/husband's abuse, spanking abuse, or simply conservative parents abuse. They carry their victim badge with them into every discussion, and see it behind every shadow and bush. I find these people seem to scream the loudest, and are the most malicious. It is sad they were abused, but many of them hated the Duggars before they knew anything about these incidents and will hate them even more now. They just have some fuel for Satan's fire to try and bury a wonderful family that is not perfect, but are pretty close to the ideal family. My guess is this second group is where the diatribe from a Montel Williiams fits in; still mad at the church for something that happened long ago, but still sticks in his mind with anger, now projected upon a 14 year old.

To illustrate my point. Something as simple as humans empathising with other humans through their own hurt seems to elude Ken. OF COURSE people who were molested or abused are going to be reminded of it and this will inform their views. It's not rocket science. It's normal.

Trace their anger back and one almost always finds a mentality of being a "victim" of what they believe was sexual abuse, a man's/husband's abuse, spanking abuse, or simply conservative parents abuse.

Hehehe, feeling a bit of heat there Ken are you? Somewhere..deep inside?

Here's the thing. There are only two types of readers of that blog. Those who buy the submission stuff for a while but seem to be a fluid group who come and go. The other group is probably FJ and like which makes up most of the readership :lol: Why else does he address all his thoughts to that group?

:greetings-wavingyellow: Hey Ken 8-)

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Hey, Ken....I don't just believe what happened to me was sexual abuse, I know it was. Legally, that's how it's been defined, and countless therapists, friends, and others have identified it as so.

If you ever heard my story and tried to say it wasn't, you have a bigger problem than any of us have ever imagined.

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Ken Alexander is a rape/molestation apologist pure and simple, and if they sleazy scum bag wants, I'll be happy to quote him.

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They posted my comment, but deleted the bit that was actually important. I was careful to make it sound like I was one of them and how godly the Duggars are but then I said I disagree with the comments about consent and everything AND THEY FREAKING DELETED IT AND NOW I LOOK LIKE A DUGGAR LEGHUMPPER AND I'M NOT HAPPY.

I didn't realise they could even do that.

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They posted my comment, but deleted the bit that was actually important. I was careful to make it sound like I was one of them and how godly the Duggars are but then I said I disagree with the comments about consent and everything AND THEY FREAKING DELETED IT AND NOW I LOOK LIKE A DUGGAR LEGHUMPPER AND I'M NOT HAPPY.

I didn't realise they could even do that.

She frequently edits comments to remove anything she doesn't like or completely rewrites comments to make them Lori approved. You can try and send another comment to ask why it was edited to change the meaning, but it will never be posted.

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She frequently edits comments to remove anything she doesn't like or completely rewrites comments to make them Lori approved. You can try and send another comment to ask why it was edited to change the meaning, but it will never be posted.

Yeah I did that.

I knew she filtered heavily, but gosh, I figured she'd just not post it if she was upset by my saying that CONSENT IS IMPORTANT WOW.

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Yeah I did that.

I knew she filtered heavily, but gosh, I figured she'd just not post it if she was upset by my saying that CONSENT IS IMPORTANT WOW.

You could also post on her Facebook page, asking her why she deleted half your comment. Time it to around 10 or 11 am Pacific coast time, when she'd most likely be at church and can't instantly delete you--that way it will be on her wall for at least an hour or two and will be seen by some of her leghumpers before she gets home and zaps it. 8-) (that also works in the middle of the night--post something at 2 am Pacific time, and it's likely to stay on her wall at least til around 6 or 7. She can't put FB comments on moderation like she can blog comments. ;) )

I find it interesting that it's over an hour past the time she usually has a new post up, and there's nothing. She almost NEVER misses posting, so I wonder what's going on. :think:

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I also noticed that she hasn't posted today. I'm guessing that she got tons of angry comments yesterday on her post about Josh's victims. Of course, she didn't the comments go through and maybe the comments really pissed her and Ken off. It is also possible that she got hate emails or hate messages on FB.

I think she will be back to blogging tomorrow, but for awhile she will blog about subjects that aren't too controversial, in hopes that readers will forget about the Duggar posts.

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