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When fundies self diagnose / Narcissism thy name is Lori

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Well, she is back to blogging. One question I will have from here on out is: Will Lori blog about the Duggars again?

If TLC makes a statement this week about completely canning 19kac, I wonder if Lori would blog and say again about how the "ebil media destroyed the Duggars". Or, if TLC doesn't cancele the show, but continues without Josh. Lori might say "Josh's reputation is ruined and he can't be on TV because of others".

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Lori would declare Josh a victim of the evil liberal, feminist media and tell us he was slandered and that she misses his appearance on the show.


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The phrase "dancing for Jesus" makes me want to stab something

I think Kenori officially have the most post count titles made after things they have said now.

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Did we ever find out if we could paraphrase what was said in Lori's sooper sekrit group, especially from Lori?

You can paraphrase, but not directly quote from private groups/profiles/etc.

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I'm done.

I've given that blog far too many clicks already, but I won't be going back.

Once upon a time, I had some compassion for them. I thought that they had gotten into a bad relationship, and needed help to see what a truly functional relationship looked like. I was able to analyze and even laugh at some posts.

With these last posts, that's over.

Ken - since you read these posts - know this:

My husband does not watch the Duggars because (1) it's not hockey and (2) he's too busy helping people to watch anything but the news or hockey. He has no idea that Free Jinger exists. He is a religious man. He has no "liberal agenda", whatever that means.

This past weekend, I saw him cry. You see, his little sister was molested by a relative, and we dealt with the news 20 years ago. This brought it all back. The molester tried to defend his actions, his wife tried to manipulate us into continuing contact, and they made our lives a living hell. Yes, I will cast this stone. We are not perfect people by any means, but we were through this ordeal and I know exactly where we stood. In the face of enormous pressure, we stood up for REAL values: placing the well-being of the victim above the abuser, looking out for the one without power instead of giving in to the bully, and standing for truth instead of the status quo. It meant making choices and taking a hard line - the molester was excluded from our wedding despite awkward questions, his wife was only permitted the most infrequent contact with my children and we ever had to place limits on who in the family was permitted to receive pictures of our children because I could not risk the molester or his wife having access to photos. YOU have minimized the harm of incest and sexual abuse. No victim should be under any obligation to regularly declare how they are functioning. It's possible for life to go on, while still bearing scars. YOU are placing children at risk by suggesting that it is appropriate for a sexual abuser to remain in the home. YOU are placing children at risk by suggesting that it is wrong from someone who has knowledge of a situation of child molestation within a family to report it. YOU are placing children at risk by making the bizarre suggestion that authorities should simply trust parents to deal with sexual abuse within the family on their own.

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I got kicked out of Lori's Stoopid Sekrit FB group for saying that I was praying for Joy and her siblings.

Lori is a bitch.

She really is a horrid person.

I feel like I want to say worse things about her, but words can't convey just how shitty a human being she is... so it's a pointless endeavor.

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I got kicked out of Lori's Stoopid Sekrit FB group for saying that I was praying for Joy and her siblings.

Lori is a bitch.

She really is a horrid person.

I feel like I want to say worse things about her, but words can't convey just how shitty a human being she is... so it's a pointless endeavor.

I reached my limit with her when I saw their posts about Josh. I knew it was coming, but seeing it in black and white made me sick.

Lori and Ken Alexander are molestation apologists. Had you said you were praying for Josh she would have liked it, but to pray for the girls implies that it wasn't A-Okay for Josh to molest them in the first place. Because he's a man, therefore the things he does are okay by default (First Book of Lori chapter one verse 3) :roll:

Edited to add, I wonder how many "fans" Lori lost over this? I don't believe for a second that no one disagreed with either of those posts, but she scrubbed the comments thoroughly of anything that didn't qualify as Josh/Duggar worship.

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I got kicked out of Lori's Stoopid Sekrit FB group for saying that I was praying for Joy and her siblings.

Lori is a bitch.

She really is a horrid person.

I feel like I want to say worse things about her, but words can't convey just how shitty a human being she is... so it's a pointless endeavor.

WAT?! Please tell me how this went down. Did she PM you and tell you why?

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These were Lori's thoughts on child molestation before the Duggars made it more acceptable to her.

Now it's like: "Forget the victims! Let's get to the bottom of who told on him!" #PrayingForJoshDuggar #TeamJosh #KenWouldn'tHaveToldEither #JoshIsTheRealVictim

They absolutely make me want to gag.

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I got kicked out of Lori's Stoopid Sekrit FB group for saying that I was praying for Joy and her siblings.

Lori is a bitch.

I don't keep up with this board well enough to know how you made it in there in the first place, but ...damn. She really is a bitch. Her stance on this whole thing has disturbed me more than anything else she has written.

And I have to admit this is one of those times that I wish Cabinetman was still blogging. I'm genuinely curious what his take on this would be because I think he comes down harder on fundie men than Lori does.

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WAT?! Please tell me how this went down. Did she PM you and tell you why?

No, I assumed it was for the comment as I was kicked out about 2 minutes after making it.

I had clarified what happened the day before for posters. And then on the new thread she made (after deleting the old one), someone asked what was going on. So I said that Josh had admitting to molesting four of his sisters, one of whom was four years old at the time. That was deleted, and I asked why because I was just answering a question. Lori stated that any comment not supporting the Duggars or offering them prayers would be deleted. So I said I was certainly praying for Joy and her siblings.

When I refreshed the group, I no longer had access.

Oh well... that place got my blood pressure too high anyway.

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No, I assumed it was for the comment as I was kicked out about 2 minutes after making it.

I had clarified what happened the day before for posters. And then on the new thread she made (after deleting the old one), someone asked what was going on. So I said that Josh had admitting to molesting four of his sisters, one of whom was four years old at the time. That was deleted, and I asked why because I was just answering a question. Lori stated that any comment not supporting the Duggars or offering them prayers would be deleted. So I said I was certainly praying for Joy and her siblings.

When I refreshed the group, I no longer had access.

Oh well... that place got my blood pressure too high anyway.


I'm dying laughing at this.

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Ken ... remind me again what the Bible says about putting your faith in man? What does it say about idolatry? And what about setting men up as idols?

You and your wife have made idols of the Duggars, and even now that they have been revealed to be of apostate and reprobate minds (May I remind you of Romans 1:28?), you are desperately trying to shore up your idols so as not to lose face. Whatever would your clients say to that?

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Ken ... remind me again what the Bible says about putting your faith in man? What does it say about idolatry? And what about setting men up as idols?

You and your wife have made idols of the Duggars, and even now that they have been revealed to be of apostate and reprobate minds (May I remind you of Romans 1:28?), you are desperately trying to shore up your idols so as not to lose face. Whatever would your clients say to that?

I am torn between two trains of thought:

1) Lori and Ken truly think this is not a big deal, and Ken would have really been inclined to cover for his sons if they had abused their sisters

2) Lori and Ken can not entertain the idea that they have ever been wrong about anything. They have held the Duggars up as the model family, therefore the Duggars must be the model family, no matter what they do behind closed doors.

Either way, it's very troubling, and then implications are frightening.

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I do think that they struggle with making idols out of people. First the Pearls, now the Duggars. Once they decide that someone is "Godly", any criticism at all, no matter how valid, will not be tolerated.

Lori thinks that child molestation is bad - when it happens to Other People and she can imagine that the abuser is a creepy, godless dude. The very thing that makes these cases so bad, though, is that the child is victimized by someone close to them, and that the children feel guilty and conflicted and fear that everyone will side with the abuser.

I don't understand Ken's push to excuse everything. Unlike Lori, he doesn't spend his days watching the Duggars and doesn't have her fundie fantasies. He just seems angry - angry that the abuse was exposed, angry at the person who sent the email to Oprah, angry that people are questioning the Duggars as a result, angry that officials might ever investigate a family. It was chilling to read.

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No, I assumed it was for the comment as I was kicked out about 2 minutes after making it.

I had clarified what happened the day before for posters. And then on the new thread she made (after deleting the old one), someone asked what was going on. So I said that Josh had admitting to molesting four of his sisters, one of whom was four years old at the time. That was deleted, and I asked why because I was just answering a question. Lori stated that any comment not supporting the Duggars or offering them prayers would be deleted. So I said I was certainly praying for Joy and her siblings.

When I refreshed the group, I no longer had access.

Oh well... that place got my blood pressure too high anyway.


I liked your comment, was told it wouldn't go through, and then saw she deleted it. I got the hell out of dodge when she started on her "nothing but uplifting prayer and support" kick!

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I liked your comment, was told it wouldn't go through, and then saw she deleted it. I got the hell out of dodge when she started on her "nothing but uplifting prayer and support" kick!

Ha ha, yeah. I figured I'd get kicked out for some offense or another eventually.

It's also possible that Lori the Monster started to suspect (or even knew) I was from FJ.

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Ha ha, yeah. I figured I'd get kicked out for some offense or another eventually.

It's also possible that Lori the Monster started to suspect (or even knew) I was from FJ.

At least I got the "Have you ever heard of a group called FG [sic]" PM before I was booted lol.

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At least I got the "Have you ever heard of a group called FG [sic]" PM before I was booted lol.

FG... lol.

They spend an awful lot of time and effort hating a site whose name they can't even spell. At least we can spell THEIR names.

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FG... lol.

They spend an awful lot of time and effort hating a site whose name they can't even spell. At least we can spell THEIR names.

I don't think Lori has ever actually read here. IIRC, Ken forbade her.

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I don't think Lori has ever actually read here. IIRC, Ken forbade her.

I don't know why, but this amuses me.

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I don't believe for a single second that Lori's ass isn't glued to FJ.

I think she thinks we're beneath her and she would never deign to come here.

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FG... lol.

They spend an awful lot of time and effort hating a site whose name they can't even spell. At least we can spell THEIR names.

Even Ken forgets how to spell his name, evidently. Remember when he went on his Goggle Search tirade and he listed links to "Lori Anderson" or something like that? Was she a porn star?? Oh my, that was funny. Ah....it feels good to laugh again.

As for whether Lori reads here - I always just assumed she does. I think she and Ken read "FG" together.

Oh! Oh! Remember how Ken said there was too much foul language here for Lori so he forbade her reading here; but then he let her fawn all over Cabinet Man with his curse words and raunchy seventh grade sex talk?!?

Cabinet Man writes "....so I'm not a dick head?"

Lori comments "....such a lovely exchange between a man and his wife."

Maybe as a little pick me up, I'll go back and read the Ken threads..... :think:

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