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When fundies self diagnose / Narcissism thy name is Lori

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Even Ken forgets how to spell his name, evidently. Remember when he went on his Goggle Search tirade and he listed links to "Lori Anderson" or something like that? Was she a porn star?? Oh my, that was funny. Ah....it feels good to laugh again.

As for whether Lori reads here - I always just assumed she does. I think she and Ken read "FG" together.

Oh! Oh! Remember how Ken said there was too much foul language here for Lori so he forbade her reading here; but then he let her fawn all over Cabinet Man with his curse words and raunchy seventh grade sex talk?!?

Cabinet Man writes "....so I'm not a dick head?"

Lori comments "....such a lovely exchange between a man and his wife."

Maybe as a little pick me up, I'll go back and read the Ken threads..... :think:

You know it's bad out there when reading Ken's posts of FG is a "pick me up." 8-)

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You know it's bad out there when reading Ken's posts of FG is a "pick me up." 8-)

*sigh* I know. But something about his fury filled posts just always makes me laugh. I picture him hunched over the keyboard, breathing hard, muttering to himself, spittle flying against the screen as he types like a maniac then finally hits submit; leaving us with a typo-filled bundle of gobbled gook that can never really be deciphered.

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I think she thinks we're beneath her and she would never deign to come here.

My mom used to feign ignorance about things she thought were worldly so that we wouldn't get the idea that she was anything less than entirely godly. "I just don't understand what that means!" she'd say with a little crease between her brows as she put on her best perplexed face. SHE WAS GODLY DARNIT!

I get that same vibe from Lori. She's busy keeping up her Christian front and couldn't possibly actually admit to slumming it over here at FJ, but she is all the same. :?

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My mom used to feign ignorance about things she thought were worldly so that we wouldn't get the idea that she was anything less than entirely godly. "I just don't understand what that means!" she'd say with a little crease between her brows as she put on her best perplexed face. SHE WAS GODLY DARNIT!

I get that same vibe from Lori. She's busy keeping up her Christian front and couldn't possibly actually admit to slumming it over here at FJ, but she is all the same. :?

My mom once told me that, when she was a teenager, she'd hide a copy of "True Story" magazine in her mother's "Ladies Home Journal," so her mom would think she was reading the wholesome magazine and not the trashy one she got from a friend at school.

Maybe Lori hides "Cosmo" in one of her Health magazines. I doubt Ken really cares what Lori reads as long as she's not bothering him. But, really, it's probably one of the few things they have in common - their mutual disdain for all of us evil feminists - so she really needs to read here so they have something to talk about each evening.

'How's your big salad dear?"

"It's great. Did you see what the Whores of Babylon were discussing today?"

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Speaking of Lori; did anybody get an odd vibe from her post today? I read it and thought "hmm....something's not right in paradise." Here is a sample of it.

Having a faithful and trustworthy home definitely begins with the leaders in the home, the parents. If the fish's head begins to stink, the whole body will eventually stink. It must begin with us. We must be faithful to our vows. We must be faithful to our commitments to others. We must be faithful in teaching our children the ways of the Lord. Our society is on the path to destruction. Don't allow your family to go anywhere near this path. Stay as far away as possible from the filth of this world. The world redefines the words of truth and faithfulness to say, "Be true to your self and faithful to what you think is best." Put your trust in the Lord and spend your time in His Word and live your lives faithfully according to His Word with His Spirit working mightily within you as He gives you the grace to live it out.


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Speaking of Lori; did anybody get an odd vibe from her post today? I read it and thought "hmm....something's not right in paradise." Here is a sample of it.


Now now, Lori -- it's not cheating unless Ken says it's cheating!

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'How's your big salad dear?"

"It's great. Did you see what the Whores of Babylon were discussing today?"

I am crying now. :lol: :clap:

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I think Lori reads here, but Ken doesn't know it. She once mentioned two "bully sites" discussing her, here and GOMI. Last checked, she wasn't a hot topic on GOMI.

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I assume that they read here in part so they can see who posts "they changed my comment" and then ban them later.

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Maybe something is going on w/them, but I read it more as a thinly veiled critique of the Duggars and their parenting...though tough to believe given how much she loves them. But it's pretty quick on the haunches of it all and who knows, maybe she wants to throw a little shade their way?

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Maybe something is going on w/them, but I read it more as a thinly veiled critique of the Duggars and their parenting...though tough to believe given how much she loves them. But it's pretty quick on the haunches of it all and who knows, maybe she wants to throw a little shade their way?

Ooooh! Very good point. When I read it, I found myself thinking of the Duggars and how they broke their word as parents. They were supposed to protect ALL of their children and they completely failed them, especially their daughters.

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Exactly! Who knows. There are so many potential options with those two screwballs that who even knows where to start!?

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Tell you one thought I always have. I bet their kids are heartily glad they had all left home by the time the lunatic started fan-girling the Duggars!

I would love to see Lori toting about her breast friend.........actually no...I feel nauseous now :ew:

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You know, I was always curious as to why her daughters/-in-law never interacted much in the group. She would post something about them, and they're definitely in it, but usually it was radio silence.

I always wondered if they'd turned the group notifications off and largely ignored it, as I did :lol:

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Tell you one thought I always have. I bet their kids are heartily glad they had all left home by the time the lunatic started fan-girling the Duggars!

I would love to see Lori toting about her breast friend.........actually no...I feel nauseous now :ew:

Her youngest kid Cassi was still living at home when Lori started fangirling the Duggars.

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You know, I was always curious as to why her daughters/-in-law never interacted much in the group. She would post something about them, and they're definitely in it, but usually it was radio silence.

I always wondered if they'd turned the group notifications off and largely ignored it, as I did :lol:

Whenever Lori talks about get togethers with her daughters/daughters-in-law, she specifically says that they sit around and talk about marriage. I think they’re all probably over saturated at this point.

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Whenever Lori talks about get togethers with her daughters/daughters-in-law, she specifically says that they sit around and talk about marriage. I think they’re all probably over saturated at this point.

This sounds more like what a bunch of 13 yos with crushes would do -- sit around and gab about would-be boyfriends/boys. I can't imagine a group of grown women talking about marriage every time they get together.

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This sounds more like what a bunch of 13 yos with crushes would do -- sit around and gab about would-be boyfriends/boys. I can't imagine a group of grown women talking about marriage every time they get together.

It's extremely weird. But can't you just imagine the natural conversation between the young women being interrupted by Mentor Lori who wants to talk about submission 24/7?

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It's extremely weird. But can't you just imagine the natural conversation between the young women being interrupted by Mentor Lori who wants to talk about submission 24/7?

Definitely, with a barb or two thrown in there about how the daughters-in-law just aren't good enough as the Alexander girls yet...

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Ken sure is wading pretty deep into the shit in defense of Josh Duggar. He posted AGAIN today:


This is a sad chapter in the life of Josh Duggar as the vitriol against the Duggars this past week on Social Media spews at an alarming rate full of a lack of facts and logic. The attacks are against a 14 year old who twelve years later is presumed guilty of things unknown, most likely because of his stance against the gay agenda and his stand for conservative Christianity. Further is the ridiculous second guessing of a father for not going straight to the authorities, yet the results of what he did seem to show nothing but a successful outcome to a tragic and difficult time in the life of his family. What is happening to America? It is no wonder the alarm is now sounded that Christianity is in danger from those who hate our worldview as it is diametrically opposed to their unrelenting desire for anything goes sex and the feminist agenda.

We were told that this was probably just the tip of the iceberg, but there is a strong possibility that the most one can fault the Duggars on is not wanting to reveal the awful sins of a 14 year old to those who have no business knowing of them. Hmm, just what the law required of the Springdale Police Chief who violated 5-6 teenager's rights to privacy. Many parents may now avoid going to their elders and friends when faced with a child's worst sins, let alone the authorities, having seen how disastrous this has turned out for this repentant kid. Maybe that's why we have privacy laws for under aged kids, Chief O'Kelley? The judge who ordered the records destroyed certainly thinks so.

Josh and the Duggar family are charged as hypocrites, but the charge does not fit them. Are all who have hidden past sins, especially sins committed as minors, supposed to take out an announcement in the newspaper about their sins when they were dealt with and forgiven long ago? We don't care to know your past sins, and we especially do not want to victimize the victims a second time like gossip magazines do all the time. There is no redeeming value to any disclosure about any teenager after the authorities have dealt with it and buried it for a reason.

From everything we know, Josh has long ago turned away from his sins and became a fine upstanding young man who married a godly woman and has his fourth child on the way. Many leaders vetted him; his personality, his work ethic and his love for the Lord. Josh Duggar is considered a pillar of the evangelical community, not because we thought he was perfect in his past, but because he grew up from past sins and made something good out of his life for his Lord Jesus. Is this not exactly what even the world wants from its worst sinners? If only a perfect man can speak truth, then no man can say anything against the most harmful of society's sins of abortion, or a about a society hell bent on rampant sex outside of marriage, or selfishness, materialism and greed.

We are all sinners in our past so no preacher, leader or politician should stand up and speak out on principle and values? Leaving spirituality aside, why can't Josh speak out on his personal or political views without having his past drudged up? Ask him. He thinks child molesters are the worst scum, and he used to be one of them, but that ended long ago in his youth.

For those who wish to throw stones, or worse yet, somehow see this as vindication for their own ongoing personal sins, I invite you to follow in Josh Duggar’s footsteps and example of wrongs made right. Your sins are not so great and so overpowering that you cannot repent, leave them behind, and follow a new path of values that have long been held throughout the centuries by Christians and non-Christians alike. Values that see marriage as between a man and a woman, not because we want to hurt our gay friends, but because that is what is best for our country and society. Let's have a legitimate dialogue about what is best for America without stone throwing on either side of the issues, just as it should be done in a democratic, values-driven country.

No one likes to be told that what they are doing is wrong, but we are called to follow a risen Lord and Savior who makes it clear that unless we proclaim and obey His Word, we can have no part with Him. God’s Word says that God loves all sinners, even those with huge sexual sins in their past and present, but he hates the sins they commit because they go contrary to His own nature of love and justice, His commands, and His design. Josh was caught in his sins, or he turned himself in. Regardless, when faced with a choice to continue sinning, or walking in righteousness, Josh chose the path less traveled to try and please His Lord and Savior, even if imperfect at times.

If you want to persecute Josh, take a second look and see if you do not have grievous sins in your life before throwing stones. The only difference is many choose to keep sinning and Josh has repented. All of us are sinners and we do not condemn you, but we do proclaim God's truth about sin. If only non-sinners can speak the truth we are left with only Jesus, and God's Word. Look how bad Josh's sins were, yet by all we know he walked away from them and into the glorious light as a son of God.

The apostle Paul says about those of us in the Christian family: “And such were many of you,†followed by a laundry list of many of the worse of the worse sins. He then proclaims our new state of being: “BUT you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.†{I Corinthians 6:9-11} This new life is available to Josh and to all who commit any form of sexual sins, and to the victims of such sins. When Jesus saves, He saves every part of us, mind, body and soul and makes us new and alive in Him. Especially victims can throw off their past and joyfully embrace their new future with Jesus.

As Christians we are not perfect, and we will never be perfect, until we see our Lord face to face. Although we should be held to a higher standard, it should not be an impossible standard. You will find Christian after Christian, many pastors and church leaders, who will cave into temptation and sin, even sexual sins. We should not be judged by one act, or series of sins we committed as a 14 year old when the totality of our new life is now 180 degrees different. Judge us on our whole life, not just a piece of it. And when we fall, judge how we get back up and walk again with our Lord Jesus into His righteous. For on our own, we can’t do it, and neither can you.

Some have the seemingly easy road where they can sin all they want, then point the finger at those of us who are trying to stand on God's morale ground, especially when we fail at times. They are just trapped in bondage to their sins. If Josh Duggar committed sexual sins 12 years ago and stopped, don't think it in any way exonerates any one's current sexual sins. The only one who can justify sins is the Lord Jesus and He demands that in order to receive His justification we must believe in Him ~

“None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God... for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus†{Romans 3:11, 23-24}.

Josh is attacked for things he wishes he could go back and undo, recognizing now not only the fuller extent of the harm that comes from grievous sexual sins, but also having a more mature desire to please the Lord in everything. But he can’t go back, all he can do is go forward into the glorious light and liberty as an adopted son of God, saved by grace.

Josh is saved, and he is one of ours in the Church. We would be happy to have him show up in our church and in our home; to be able to throw our arms around him and tell him that we are praying for him; to be able to offer comfort and encouragement that this time will pass. God has some mighty work He wants Josh to accomplish through all the pain he has caused, and all the pain he now holds within himself because of the vicious attacks on a 14 year old. Is that not His promise, "All things work together for good to those who love God?"

God offers the same invitation to all sinners, haters and victims. The doors of the Church are open to all who want to leave their old sinful past and start anew; a brand new life that is made alive in Christ Jesus. To join a church of fellow sinners who choose to try and walk in a New Life pleasing to God. There is no sin that you have committed that God cannot forgive, nor do we expect that you will never sin again. Through the ups and downs, the persecutions and triumphs, the righteous living and your sins, you will find grace and peace at the foot of the cross. We invite all who love God to join us as part of the family of God, and find the Creator where He can be found, in His Word who became flesh.

There is no distinction in Christ; no race, no color of skin, no gender, no sexual orientation, no political point of view, and no socioeconomic situation. Fornicators are like you and me who all fall short of God's glory. We are all like Josh, embarrassed about our past, and keeping it secret as imperfect people. But this we know, that we need to be washed clean by the blood of the Lamb. It is not by what we do or don’t do, but by what He has done for us that saves us; by His love, which compels us to try our best to share this good news of Christ with others.

The truth of God's Word stands on its own no matter what may be my sins, or yours. Please look at us as your fellow sinners, simply saved by God’s grace, and forgive us when we fail to show you that same grace and love we receive from Jesus day by day. There is nothing special about us and nothing earned or merited. But there is something very special about Jesus. We invite you to accept by faith this same gift of grace that extends freely to you, and all of mankind. The same grace Josh found a long time ago which propels him in a new life, not yet perfect, but abundant and free from his old sins. Follow Josh's example and turn from sin to a new life, instead of blaming him for something he has already acknowledged as wrong, and was forgiven.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 3:16

Odd how he's so defensive of a serial child molester.

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"full of a lack of facts and logic"

Okay, Ken. Because I didn't read every page of the police report, or anything.

Pretty sure that's accurate.

"Many leaders vetted him;"

Though not very well.

"Josh and the Duggar family are charged as hypocrites, but the charge does not fit them. Are all who have hidden past sins, especially sins committed as minors, supposed to take out an announcement in the newspaper about their sins when they were dealt with and forgiven long ago?"

I mean, no, but he probably should've expected this given the vitriol he spewed himself.

"We don't care to know your past sins, and we especially do not want to victimize the victims a second time like gossip magazines do all the time."

Huh. I don't get that vibe from Lori.

"He thinks child molesters are the worst scum, and he used to be one of them, but that ended long ago in his youth."

Sure, but that's not how the registry works, which he's lucky not to be on. And I wouldn't say that a case handled by an equally corrupt police officer 3 years after it occurred was actually "dealt with it and buried ... for a reason."

"For those who wish to throw stones,"

Which, frankly, I would say was Josh Duggar up until about a week ago.

"No one likes to be told that what they are doing is wrong,"

Especially Lorken.

"Although we should be held to a higher standard, it should not be an impossible standard."

I don't know about the rest of FJ, but I don't find it an impossible standard to be expected not to touch others inappropriately.

"We would be happy to have him show up in our church and in our home;"

Ohhh, there it is. The leghumping continues.

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Ken, just let it go.

Seriously though: what is his point in doing this THREE times? I get his reasoning for the first response (ETA: I get why he posted the first time, not his reasoning for defending a molester), but why is he repeating himself twice? What's the goal here?

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Ken, just let it go.

Seriously though: what is his point in doing this THREE times? I get his reasoning for the first response (ETA: I get why he posted the first time, not his reasoning for defending a molester), but why is he repeating himself twice? What's the goal here?

Yeah, I don't understand either. Maybe if he came back here he could explain it to us and we would understand better.

*hopes furiously for Ken Visit, Take Two*

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Lorken uses what is in the news as click bait. Ken Alexander is a double hitter, apparently, both a Dental Consultant AND a women's interest blogger who Stands With Josh.

Douche Canoe?

Douche Battleship?

Or just an asshole married to a monster.

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Yeah, I don't understand either. Maybe if he came back here he could explain it to us and we would understand better.

*hopes furiously for Ken Visit, Take Two*

And a cameo by CM? Yes plz.

Just not the week of June 9th. I'll be really busy that week lol.

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