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When fundies self diagnose / Narcissism thy name is Lori

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Sadly, I'm not entirely sure it IS a poe. This is a sentiment I've heard on more than one occasion from both fundamentalist Christians AND from manurespherians.

Didn't L. Ron Cupboard harp on that from time to time. And I fear it could be real because a Reconstructionist Theonomist woman told me that

I do not believe that modern law using consent as an element of sex crimes to be appropriate. It isn't an issue of property or not property, that is you imposing your narrow-minded definitions onto principles that have existed since the beginning of time. Women are not property, like tractors, but neither should they be exercising independent control over their sexuality. God has established whether a sexual act is sinful or not. The woman's consent to it does not determine whether or not it is sinful. And whether or not is has a punishment associated with it is determined by the Law of God, not by man. "

I hope her daughters can escape this sort of horrific religious viewpoint unscathed.

Joyce Meyer (insert spitting to ward off evil here) has a diatribe (or many) against emotions so it is Pop Religion at its best.

Feelings will come and go. We can't escape them, but we can choose to live by God's Word and not our feelings. Even when it doesn't feel right, we can live with an incredible peace and joy. I encourage you to go through the questions again and search God's Word in every circumstance you face. He will help you live beyond your feelings!


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whats a millenial again? I am not up to date with all the gen Y gen x millenials. I am born 1985 what does that make me? :?

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whats a millenial again? I am not up to date with all the gen Y gen x millenials. I am born 1985 what does that make me? :?

You are a millennial!

I bet you didn't know you were an entitled, lazy human being who is sponging off society or parents because you don't care enough about anyone else to take care of yourself, did you?

Welcome to the club! :D

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whats a millenial again? I am not up to date with all the gen Y gen x millenials. I am born 1985 what does that make me? :?

Per the Atlantic, you are a Millennial

our official demarcation of generational boundaries

We identified six different generations, and labeled their eras.

Greatest Generation. These are the people that fought and died in World War II for our freedom, which we appreciate. But it's a little over-the-top as far as names go, isn't it? Tom Brokaw made the name up and of course everyone loved it. What, you're going to argue with your grandfather that he isn't in the greatest generation? The generation ended when the war ended.

Baby Boomers. This is the agreed-upon generation that falls within DiPrete's punctuated timeframe. It began when the Greatest Generation got home and started having sex with everyone; it ended when having sex with everyone was made easier with The Pill.

Generation X. George Masnick, of the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies puts this generation in the timeframe of 1965 to 1984, in part because it's a neat 20-year period. He also calls it the "baby bust," mocking "[p]undits on Madison Avenue and in the media" that call it Generation X. Ha ha, tough luck.

Generation Y. Masnick addresses this group, too, putting it "anywhere from the mid-1970s when the oldest were born to the mid-2000s when the youngest were." But mostly Generation Y is a made-up generation when it became obvious that young kids didn't really fit with the cool Generation X aesthetic but not enough of them had been born to make a new generation designation. NOTE: Generation Y is a fake, made-up thing. Do not worry about it.

Millennials. In October 2004, researchers Neil Howe and William Strauss called Millennials "the next great generation," which is funny. They define the group as "as those born in 1982 and approximately the 20 years thereafter." In 2012, they affixed the end point as 2004.

TBD. But that means that kids born in the last 10 years lack a designation. They are not Millennials. Earlier this month, Pew Research asked people what the group should be called and offered some terrible ideas. In other words, this is the new Generation Y. We'll figure out what they're called in the future.


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Per the Atlantic, you are a Millennial


Interesting. I'm a gen Xer (already knew that) but didn't realize I could also be classified as a Yer. And I have two millenial kids right on the very tail end and a ? generation kid, lol -- all born within a three-year period.

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When it comes to Lori, though, it's almost always someone fucking with her :P

You're probably right -- and when I looked at the actual comment, it definitely pinged as poe if only because the name reminded me of Mrs. Betty Bowers.

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Did anyone see, in a reply to one of the comments to her 3-31 post, that Lori said she had never been blessed with high energy? I nearly spit out my drink at that. Lori's lazy, cuz it's God's fault.

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She sounds more like a child every day :?

She's had a very childlike quality for the past year or so. Short, only semi-related sentences that sound like something coming out of my 4 year old niece's mouth instead of a grown ass woman's mouth.

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Did anyone see, in a reply to one of the comments to her 3-31 post, that Lori said she had never been blessed with high energy? I nearly spit out my drink at that. Lori's lazy, cuz it's God's fault.

How interesting because she linked to an old post yesterday on FB and in the comments section she said this:

Wow, you are truly a superwoman! I have never had a ton of energy. Some women are definitely blessed with it like you.
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Looks like I missed being an "x"er by half a year. Here i have also heard of a generation Golf,(as in VW golf "_ xD

of course i am an entitled spoiled postwar 80s xyz millenial kid xD

no high energy ? Maybe she should consume some "monster" but shed give in to satan though seeing the claws are an arabic 666 apparently?

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Oh no.

Lori's question in Sooper Sekrit Chat Groop:

Do you think sex manuals are really necessary???

Her contribution?

I think younger women need to be taught that it takes time to figure out what you both enjoy. Movies make you think that sex is hot, passionate and fantastic the first time you have it and every time after! NO! You learn and grow together even in sex. Any time we tried what a sex book suggested, we didn't like it! We learned together, alone, just the two of us. It's not that hard but it does take time. Sometimes it's just to please your spouse, even when you're not in the mood.

Sex isn't supposed to be good-- ten minutes and some lube to please your husband!

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I always forget that I'm not supposed to have passionate fun sex. My gallon of coconut oil should suffice.
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More lies from lori. On fb she says john MacArthur says women should not watch soap operas because they're ungodly and immoral. But this was his quote on the blog yesterday

I'm not saying that because you don't want to lock her up with soap operas either, but what it does mean is that is the sphere of her life; that is her domain

Lori will never get off her throne of lies. Truth is not her favorite. Even that's a lie.

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And simultaneously takes a swipe at Emily:

Emily, my daughter-in-law, told me she gets annoyed when people tell them the honeymoon phase won't last to which she responds, "Well, the honeymoon won't end if I have anything to say about it!"

What makes it easy to stay in the "honeymoon phase" and stay there until "death do you part?" Doing marriage God's way. Husbands loving and providing for their wives. Wives submitting and obeying their husbands, plus pleasing, serving, loving, respecting, and forgiving their husbands. Building up their home instead of tearing it down with their own hands. Continuing to be a cheerful and thankful wife. {Yes, I made the longer list for the wives since they are who I teach! Plus, the less expectations we have on our husbands, the better.}

In other words:

If you want to keep my son happy, you need to give up your dream of becoming a lawyer. Think of all the laundry you could do and all of the big salads you could make! Plus, you'd always be "available". :roll:

After all, I am commanded by God to teach young women to LOVE their husbands.
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Is Lori using her blog to publically imply that Emily doesn't love her husband?

That is an epically shitty thing to do. MYOB, Lori.

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Honestly, I hope eventually someone in that family (aside from Aunt Genny) will have the guts to put Lori in her place. I would not put up with her shit for any length of time, and I don't care who she thinks commanded her to do what. :evil:

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I'm wondering when Emily is going to do her "important post" on IG. She said "later this week" on Monday.

Report here when she does!

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And simultaneously takes a swipe at Emily:

In other words:

If you want to keep my son happy, you need to give up your dream of becoming a lawyer. Think of all the laundry you could do and all of the big salads you could make! Plus, you'd always be "available". :roll:

She's the very definition of a meddling mother-in-law.

ETA: She's announced the start of her own business.

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Yup, starting her own calligraphy business.

I find it super weird she announced it as "this has nothing to do with pregnancy..."

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So no word of law school instead moving on to crafting?

My husband would have seen thay as bait and switch...

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So no word of law school instead moving on to crafting?

My husband would have seen thay as bait and switch...

It was never confirmed that she continued with law school after the move to NY. I think she's been housewifing since then.

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