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Jill Duggar Dillard, Derick Dillard, & Baby Israel - Part 2

happy atheist

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Me too!

I couldn't believe when he said that! If my boyfriend had said that during either of my labours, I would have knocked him out cold on the floor! I'm sure Derick was helping her along the way, and was very much a part of the proceedings, but HE was not the one labouring. HE was never pregnant, and HIS water did not break.

It's dumb he said "our water broke" but there are lot of husbands who are intensely and physically involved with all labor. I would have zero problem with my husband saying "we're in labor" (though he's a very sensible person and would probably NEVER say that). He needed a nap after the birth of each of our children every bit as much as I did. Especially since when I went into labor two out of three times, he was the one rushing around cleaning our house, getting the other kids settled, calling people, packing for the hospital while I was in early labor. And then during labor he never left my side, except that one time to park the car because city parking SUCKS. He physically held me up for 2 3/4 of the 3 hours I was in labor with our third.

So...every husband is different, and yeah, maybe napping Josh Duggar isn't entitled to say "we're in labor" but I dislike it when people discount the level of physical and mental involvement some men dedicate to helping their wives in labor and delivery.

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I have act.ually found this one cute. Hope this is the last one

OMG OMG I totally had a moment of panic thinking this was already her second pregnancy countdown. Then I realized that the timing was impossible and Israel wasn't a prop, he's the whole point. Thank goodness.

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A note on the ear piercing. This is only one opinion, but when I was a kid my pediatricians office (and all the pediatricians in the practice) *strongly* advised my mom against getting our ears pierced before we were 10, and when we were 10 we got them pierced at the doctor's office. I'm guessing this was because by age 10 kids can take care of the piercings themselves and also express a real desire to have them done, whereas much younger kids really can't. I haven't done much research on the subject, but this is what I'm planning to do with my own kids.

I got my ears pierced as a baby. Pretty much every woman and girl i know had them as babies. It's a standard practice in spain.

Do what you think as the best fotfor you and your kids, but don't be afraid of baby ear piercing, it's not that bad :lol:

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So is Dilly # 2 underway by now?

No there's like 3 days left until they can get their groove back.

As far as the we thing I know a woman who was that way. They hadn't announced yet and I offered her hubby a beer, she was never a drinker, and she responded with "No he can't have one WE are pregnant."

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You can firmly place me in the mean girls category. I will never play nice with fundies and people who defend them (aka leghumpers). They don't deserve it. They are actively trying to turn the U.S. into a theocracy and don't care who they hurt along the way. Karma's a bitch and the this negative publicity they are are getting is a taste of it, and have more coming their way.

If my snark sounds vicious, again, I don't give a shit. Perhaps people need to remember how dangerous their beliefs are, what their agenda really is, and the harm they have done. I'm not strictly speaking of the Duggars here. Remember DPIATR and Gothard's fall from grace and the stories from their victims? Hell, there are people on FJ who have been hurt by these cults.

As for the negative tabloid articles, guess what? Fundies love to cry persecution to gain even more sympathy. They aren't butthurt in the least. So, fuck every single one of them.

I pretty much agree with this. I'll have sympathy and pity for the Duggar kids until they start bringing innocent lives into the world. Once they do that, they are responsible for that child and that should supersede any brainwashing/upbringing stuff. That new kid is MORE IMPORTANT than being in Jim Bob's good graces. If they do wrong by those sweet new babies, they get NO forgiveness or understanding from me.

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I pretty much agree with this. I'll have sympathy and pity for the Duggar kids until they start bringing innocent lives into the world. Once they do that, they are responsible for that child and that should supersede any brainwashing/upbringing stuff. That new kid is MORE IMPORTANT than being in Jim Bob's good graces. If they do wrong by those sweet new babies, they get NO forgiveness or understanding from me.

Yep, because if the 2nd generation needs to be given special consideration the third generation certainly deserves the same consideration and more so, because they are all minors.

Old enough to procreate, you have to be mature enough to put those kids first, despite your upbringing. Plus, all the married kids no longer really need to answer to JB. Of course, that comes with responsibilities too.

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They need to stop the constant swaddling and take off those mittens so he can move freely and start to manipulate his hands and fingers.

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Jill posted a video of Izzy on IG today! He's got the hiccups. It is adorable! Although, I don't think he is too happy about being swaddled.


Okay, I have to admit, that was pretty cute. :lol:

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They need to stop the constant swaddling and take off those mittens so he can move freely and start to manipulate his hands and fingers.

I wonder if they have a pediatrician, one who actually went to medical school?

Not to be snarky, maybe they'll use lay folks for their kids too?

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Okay, I have to admit, that was pretty cute. :lol:

Poor Jill STILL sounds congested.

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I don't mind Derick using "we" instead of "she". They are a bit crunchy so I'll grant them the "WE are pregnant"-experience. :roll:

I guess Derick didn't take a nap though, so that makes him all the more likeable.

At least he feels like they are in it together. It's his baby, too, and he obviously wants to be part of the whole shebang. Nothing wrong with that.

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No there's like 3 days left until they can get their groove back.

As far as the we thing I know a woman who was that way. They hadn't announced yet and I offered her hubby a beer, she was never a drinker, and she responded with "No he can't have one WE are pregnant."

It's kind of creepy how obsessed you are with Jill's cycle. Are you starting spreadsheet now to figure out her ovulation? I am not being mean or anything. I just think it is weird to see two comments in one thread about that topic.

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Looks like he's trying to get out of that ridiculous swaddle. My kids liked it for a week or two, tops.

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I'm not a big fan of the "we" when a couple is having a baby.

When 'we" went to a party people would ask if he wanted a cocktail, his reply was; " Of course, I'm drinking for 2 now!

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It's kind of creepy how obsessed you are with Jill's cycle. Are you starting spreadsheet now to figure out her ovulation? I am not being mean or anything. I just think it is weird to see two comments in one thread about that topic.

Calm yourself, padawan, by OT standards, J+D have to wait 40 days post birth (for a son, more for a daughter) to have relations again. I presume that's what above user is talking about.

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I wonder if they have a pediatrician, one who actually went to medical school?

Not to be snarky, maybe they'll use lay folks for their kids too?

I hope they don't use a lay person.

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I got my ears pierced as a baby. Pretty much every woman and girl i know had them as babies. It's a standard practice in spain.

Do what you think as the best fotfor you and your kids, but don't be afraid of baby ear piercing, it's not that bad :lol:

My cousins "A" and "E" and I got to choose none of us have them pierced, nor are we really into jewelry beyond a watch and or necklace.

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They need to stop the constant swaddling and take off those mittens so he can move freely and start to manipulate his hands and fingers.

Mittens are the boys version, of the headband.

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I was so mad that Derick said we have been laboring for days now. No Derick just Jill. I'm sure shes been squeezing your hands to death tho. I think he also said our water broke :shifty-kitty:

Honestly, this only bothers me if it bothers the mom. But Jill uses the same pronouns, so it's a non-issue in my eyes.

Personally, I'd prefer if my future husband revered to the pregnancy as "ours" because it shows ownership of his role as a father. I might be the one carrying the baby, but he's going to be helping to raise it and he sure as shit better be helping make the pregnancy less uncomfortable for me (as much as he can, at least). If he's going to say things like "we are in labor," that's fine by me. I'll probably be yelling enough obscenities at him to make him feel just as much pain as I am anyways.

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They need to stop the constant swaddling and take off those mittens so he can move freely and start to manipulate his hands and fingers.

They only take pictures of him when he's looking drowsy. We have no idea what they do with him when he's alert.

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They only take pictures of him when he's looking drowsy. We have no idea what they do with him when he's alert.

In jill's latest video he is trying to move, but can't do it much because of the blanket.

We have tpto remember jill's children were given tl her at 6 months. This is her firtfirst time with a newborn

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They only take pictures of him when he's looking drowsy. We have no idea what they do with him when he's alert.

I have a granddaughter born last fall. When she is going to sleep or waking up she rubs her hands along the sides of her face. When she was itty bitty she would at times claw her face. She scratches her face with her nails, no matter how short her mother try's to clip them. She probably could clip them shorter but as a first time mom she is cautious.

She wore mittens for her first couple of months because her mom was trying to protect her face. I encouraged her mom to take them off when she could so she could explore with her hands but ever time she scratched herself the mittens went back on. She is six months old now and has finally stopped clawing at her face but she did it for months.

I don't know what is going on with Izzy and of course Jill is not inexperienced with babies, but sometimes mittens can be helpful. We only see short clips and a few pics of Izzy, he may spend plenty of his time unmittened.

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In jill's latest video he is trying to move, but can't do it much because of the blanket.

We have tpto remember jill's children were given tl her at 6 months. This is her firtfirst time with a newborn

She could have just finished feeding him. Many babies are swaddled when feeding, and he has that milk drunk look about him.

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