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Jill Duggar Dillard, Derick Dillard, & Baby Israel - Part 2

happy atheist

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I see a bit of the stroller in that pic where you can see Jill, so they brought the baby. Which makes sense because he's still very young. Hopefully the guests are vaccinated!

Yes, there is a car seat on the ground next to Derick.

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In the pic labeled "Phillip's speech" above where someone posted they saw jill. She's on the right and the stroller is poking out a bit in front of her

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So, Derrick didn't even participate in the hoisting of the groom up on a chair (tactfully labeled "wannabe Jewish") which all the other groomsman did. There's music and I think it's a form of dancing. There's a video of it on that page.

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I still can't see the stroller in that photo. I must be blind.

I wonder if the ladies in the newer photo with Jill and Derick are fans of the show. The caption is just a smiley face.

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I had a June baby and we kept the air conditioning on all summer to keep the temp constant and so we could have the windows closed to not have any loud unexpected noises from outside to that would wake us and rob us if what little sleep we were getting.

This could be the case with them too, you never know. The guidelines say to keep baby's room between 68-72, so if they have it at 68 or so I'm sure him being bundled like that for sleep is just fine.

The picture in question was him being held outside by an uncle, who had a t-shirt and baseball cap. The baby had a hat, and a blanket wrapped around his body and head. Like it was January.

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I still can't see the stroller in that photo. I must be blind.

I wonder if the ladies in the newer photo with Jill and Derick are fans of the show. The caption is just a smiley face.

https://d1t5wsktj9xb9u.cloudfront.net/9 ... Y3NTYw.jpg

On the bottom right near Derick (he's sitting across from Jill), you can see a hint of bright green which looks like the baby stroller they've been using. I haven't seen any signs of Izzy other than that one possible pic. I do find it weird that they didn't move the stroller closer to Jill or at least propped it up on a chair between them, IF that's Izzy in there.

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Little odd she's sitting at the table that seems to be reserved for the wedding party but I guess they were cool with it. I wonder if Izzy went with thwm or stayed back with the grands

Wait, why is that odd? Derick was in the wedding party. Jill is his date. At every wedding I've attended with a sit down dinner and assigned tables, members of the wedding party and their dates are seated together. What's the point of bringing you SO to a wedding if you don't even get to sit with them at the reception?

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And yes I realize my response was unladylike, but I can't edit it, so evidence of my being a meaniebutt stays. :lol: sorry if it was out of line, but the for list has now been updated so it won't happen again either way.

Seriously though? The information in question is in the old testament, it's not hard to find. :evil-eye:

Edited because I suck at smiley coding

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I know it's totally wrong to think this way because those 2nd generation Duggars had no ability to research, experience or explore the world when their minds were developing (and are still developing for some), but no matter the similarities, there are some differences between a historically established religion and a cult like Gothard. In many religions, the power is in the Savior/Creator...how could anyone accept Gothardism and give Gothard that power...especially knowing his current history? What does a single man know about marriage? When did Gothard become an adult and headship via his own philosophy? Also, Gothard attended college- so was his philosophy to keep the masses stupid????

How could someone like Derick or even Ben willingly step into that world? Fame and lust really do overtake any common sense or logic.

The Duggars did it without a huge extended family in fundism the way the way the Duggar SILs have. The Bates, Paines and Websters, all educated and successful in pre-Gothard careers, stepped into it. Having rules and all the answers is just easier for people who deep down are really afraid of life and choice. Sometimes the complexities of life just overwhelms people. I don't think IBLP is as huge a jump for Binbob and Double D as people assume it is. They were fundie to begin with and Duggarville and the legalisms of IBLP is just a step away, not a leap.

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Wait, why is that odd? Derick was in the wedding party. Jill is his date. At every wedding I've attended with a sit down dinner and assigned tables, members of the wedding party and their dates are seated together. What's the point of bringing you SO to a wedding if you don't even get to sit with them at the reception?

It's apparently more normal than not to only have the wedding party itself at the head table. I didn't go to many weddings growing up and thought it was the strangest thing when I found out about it but that's just how it is. I made sure not to do it at my wedding though.

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It's apparently more normal than not to only have the wedding party itself at the head table. I didn't go to many weddings growing up and thought it was the strangest thing when I found out about it but that's just how it is. I made sure not to do it at my wedding though.

Maybe that's one of those regional differences in wedding culture? I've attended a lot of weddings in the past 18 months, and none had a separate table for the whole wedding party. I grew up in a community where punch and cake weddings are/were the norm, but my friends who grew up with the same traditions are opting for somewhat larger receptions, though still very casual (usually buffets and open seating). Friends from other parts of the country have opted for smaller and less formal weddings than are traditional in their home communities, with the wedding party seated throughout the hall.

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Maybe that's one of those regional differences in wedding culture? I've attended a lot of weddings in the past 18 months, and none had a separate table for the whole wedding party. I grew up in a community where punch and cake weddings are/were the norm, but my friends who grew up with the same traditions are opting for somewhat larger receptions, though still very casual (usually buffets and open seating). Friends from other parts of the country have opted for smaller and less formal weddings than are traditional in their home communities, with the wedding party seated throughout the hall.

It could be. I've only been to weddings in the midwest, never a cake and punch type though. The ones where I've seen the wedding party separated from SOs were people who did the kind of cookie-cutter, traditional/more formal setup and the ones that weren't like that were the people who did their own, more casual and less traditional thing (myself included), often in both the ceremony and reception.

I haven't been to that many though so I'm pretty much talking out of my ass :lol:

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Wait, why is that odd? Derick was in the wedding party. Jill is his date. At every wedding I've attended with a sit down dinner and assigned tables, members of the wedding party and their dates are seated together. What's the point of bringing you SO to a wedding if you don't even get to sit with them at the reception?

Weddings I've been to, only the wedding party sat at the head table. If your SO came with you, you go sat with them if you wanted to

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We had a table for the wedding party and us but also put spouses/SOs at that table. I had no idea that was weird. :lol: Midwest here too. But I guess our wedding wasn't exactly traditional.

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The picture in question was him being held outside by an uncle, who had a t-shirt and baseball cap. The baby had a hat, and a blanket wrapped around his body and head. Like it was January.

Like January? Really? The swaddling didn't look that warm to me; more like a thick sheet than a fleecy blanket. Then again, I'm Canadian, so to me appropriate January attire for babies is puffy onesie snowsuits AND a fleecy blanket.

ETA: I totally agree it's excessive for an Arkansas summer, particularly in comparison to what Joe(?) is wearing (unless Joe was just mowing the lawn or something and Izzy had just come out from A/C'ed indoors? Just speculating here); I just don't think it looks super-warm.

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I've been to weddings where the spouses sat at the head table and other times not. I don't think there's a hard an fast rule or anything. At our wedding we didn't even have a head table. We only had a couple tables 'reserved' for our immediate family members and that was it.

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Like January? Really? The swaddling didn't look that warm to me; more like a thick sheet than a fleecy blanket. Then again, I'm Canadian, so to me appropriate January attire for babies is puffy onesie snowsuits AND a fleecy blanket.

ETA: I totally agree it's excessive for an Arkansas summer, particularly in comparison to what Joe(?) is wearing (unless Joe was just mowing the lawn or something and Izzy had just come out from A/C'ed indoors? Just speculating here); I just don't think it looks super-warm.

I live in Oklahoma, roughly the same southness as Arkansas. It isn't summer here yet, it's late spring. We have had a wet spring and it has been cool by our standards. Some days have had highs in the 60s and if it was breezy I would put a wrap on a baby. We have had other days witht highs in the 80s and a baby wouldn't need a warp. I'm guessing the pic was taken in a cool day.

Summer in OK means highs in the 90s to low 100s. Summer in AR will have highs in the 90s and lots o humidity. We aren't there yet and I suspect they aren't either.

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I live 2 hours east of the Duggars and the weather has been rainy but fairly warm. Upper 70's to low 80's on a regular basis. If the timelines aren't fudged (and we know with the Duggars its possible) then some of Jills pics were posted on warm days and he's still wrapped up or in longer rompers. But dressing a baby too warmly is a common new parent mistake. Its like with the first you boil everything, read every book, etc....but as you learn that changes. I rag on Jill's birth because as a student midwife she should have known a hell of a lot better then to take some of the risks she did, but I cut her some slack on being a new mom. There's no level of preparation when you're on your own and its your kid. Lets just hope she and Derick learn some stuff as they go along.

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Hi all, first time poster, long time lurker here :)

Does anyone know who the blonde woman is who gets into the family photo with baby Izzy? She is on the far right in the picture I will attempt to include.

Thanks for the snark!


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I went to watch the clip from the show. Looks like Amy Duggar's mom.

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