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Jill Duggar Dillard, Derick Dillard, & Baby Israel - Part 2

happy atheist

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I got the feeling that at least one of the older girls didn't like the Letter theme. It was in the episdoe where they were voting for Jordyn's name. Josh and Anna are there, and Anna says "we haven't picked out letter yet."

And a Jslave just throws her this... This look like... Like "really Anna? Don't. Just... Don't."

I don't remember who it was, but I get the feeling that at least one duggar child isn't a fan.

I remember seeing this in one of the clip shows (I think) recently. I'm pretty sure it was Jinger.

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I'm not sure what you mean by did they "spell it out," but Jill said in one of the recent Very Special Episodes With Lots Of Repeat Footage that they picked out Israel for a boy and Selah for a girl. Because both are biblical and stuff.

Actually, found it...it was in the episode titled, "Jill's Having A..." in which the sex of the baby is revealed. The episode was re-played right after Israel's birth but was taped when she was 17 weeks along.

I meant have they ever actually written down "Selah" anywhere. Some people said that the captions in the episode you mentioned said "Isela" not "Selah." Of course, even if the captions did say that they didn't necessarily get it right either.

Personally I think they did choose "Selah" as a potential name, but I've seen others dispute that so I was just curious.

I wonder if they'll use Selah for the first girl they have.

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After watching the teaser in Tuesday's episode, does anyone have a guess as to what Jill and Derick's big news might be? There were sure a lot of glum, sad faces when they announced it. They had Izzy with them so it must have been filmed near or before the filming of the Tues. Digging episode. Wonder if they're moving away or pursuing the missions thing.

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I remember seeing this in one of the clip shows (I think) recently. I'm pretty sure it was Jinger.

Yes, it was Jinger, and she gave Anna one of the most beautiful "you fucking moron" looks I've ever had the honor of witnessing.

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Obviously the forum is blowing up with all of the Josh stuff. But I wanted to comment on something Derick posted on Instagram today....

He put up a picture of JB holding Israel and commented that it was his first time holding him. He's a month old! WTF?

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Semi off-topic, but it still is about baby Israel. It's a bit of a stretch, but the Duggars have a J-theme for baby names, then Josh and Anna used M-names, and now Jill and Derick are using I's. Do you think they chose the I to spell out a tribute to their father Jim?

They are not using I's, they have repeatedly said they will not do a letter theme with their kids. They just chose a name they liked

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Obviously the forum is blowing up with all of the Josh stuff. But I wanted to comment on something Derick posted on Instagram today....

He put up a picture of JB holding Israel and commented that it was his first time holding him. He's a month old! WTF?

Is it possible that Derick just put the picture up yesterday saying this was the first time JB held him, but, that it wasn't necessarily taken yesterday? Sometimes I put up photos on FB a few weeks after they are taken.....

I don't know, just throwing that out there

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Not sure when it was taken. But Izzy definitely doesn't have that "fresh" newborn look in it. I know he's been big since birth but he definitely looks larger in the photo. I know that after about a month, my son no longer had that fresh/red/wrinkled look anymore.

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Obviously the forum is blowing up with all of the Josh stuff. But I wanted to comment on something Derick posted on Instagram today....

He put up a picture of JB holding Israel and commented that it was his first time holding him. He's a month old! WTF?

I found that very odd too.

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with so many people in the family... JB finally got his turn with the baby! Either that or since Izzy looks so much like JB, they couldn't tell the two apart.

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Maybe he hasn't had a chance?

Lots of aunts and uncles who would run in and take the baby. I know it took ages to get a 'turn' to hold a new baby when we were all around.

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After watching the teaser in Tuesday's episode, does anyone have a guess as to what Jill and Derick's big news might be? There were sure a lot of glum, sad faces when they announced it. They had Izzy with them so it must have been filmed near or before the filming of the Tues. Digging episode. Wonder if they're moving away or pursuing the missions thing.

To me it sounded like a possible move? One could hope maybe Walmart transferred him? My first thought was crap she is pregnant again even thought your suppose to wait 8 weeks. But then noticed everyone wasn't happy after it so going with a move

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Maybe it's just something like him telling them about his dental surgery. Wouldn't surprise me at all if it was something so basic. These people make announcements for everything.

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Also, it is eleventy billion posts back, but Dan's job with the boy scouts is a "district executive"-- which means he is the lowest level full time employee, overseeing and helping manage a small geographic area's boy scout units and the volunteers. On average, they make about $35-40,000/year. He is not an executive with Boy Scouts of America at the national level.

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It does seem strange that JB JUST held Izzy for the first time. When all the M'kids were born, JB was the first one rushing in to hold the new baby!!

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It does seem strange that JB JUST held Izzy for the first time. When all the M'kids were born, JB was the first one rushing in to hold the new baby!!

How old is this picture?

And I hope that means that Derick and Jill aren't spending a lot of time near the TTH and J'Chelle & Boob. :pray:

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I know this is super cray (but I was up super late!) and I looked through the wedding photos of Derick and Jill at his college roommate's wedding on the best man's facebook. I scrolled down and he had tons of awesome posts, like about how Christians need to not take advantage of vulnerable women at abortion clinics and instead help them before and after conception and birth. Also, he wrote a lot about the politicization of Christianity and why he's against it. I know I shouldn't have hope that the Jill and Derick may change, but it seems like in light of all of this new information about the sick household the Duggars ran, there might be some hope that Derick (or even Jill) may snap out of it. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like there is probably something really jarring about meeting people who were allowed to go to college, wear regular clothes, make friends, dance, and date who have gone on to have safe, happy lives as Christians. I would obviously never wish what happened to Jill happened to anyone ever, and I wish that everyone in the world didn't know about her abuse without her consent, but I hope that she realizes that what happened to her isn't normal and isn't a consequence of anything she did.

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The name Selah is quite close to 'salah' which is Arabic for prayer.

I always thought that was such a weird name, considering it is a musical footnote in the Tanakh (or for them, the psalms, I guess).

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I know this is super cray (but I was up super late!) and I looked through the wedding photos of Derick and Jill at his college roommate's wedding on the best man's facebook. I scrolled down and he had tons of awesome posts, like about how Christians need to not take advantage of vulnerable women at abortion clinics and instead help them before and after conception and birth. Also, he wrote a lot about the politicization of Christianity and why he's against it. I know I shouldn't have hope that the Jill and Derick may change, but it seems like in light of all of this new information about the sick household the Duggars ran, there might be some hope that Derick (or even Jill) may snap out of it. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like there is probably something really jarring about meeting people who were allowed to go to college, wear regular clothes, make friends, dance, and date who have gone on to have safe, happy lives as Christians. I would obviously never wish what happened to Jill happened to anyone ever, and I wish that everyone in the world didn't know about her abuse without her consent, but I hope that she realizes that what happened to her isn't normal and isn't a consequence of anything she did.

One would hope that these events would make Derrick take a step back and realize that the Dugger lifestyle isn't just a kooky version of fundie-lite, but is a very different animal all together and not one he wants his family to be wholly enmeshed in. The only reason JB and M got away with covering up their son molestng four of their daughters and an unknown fifth person is because they actively isolate themselves and their kids, leaving them with no one to tell that isn't as brainwashed as they are. Unlike a lot of the others, Derrick doesn't have the luxury of surrounding himself with a fundie bubble and riding this out. He has to work and interact with the real world, and presumably he knows that those people - even the most conservative non-fundie ones - know how effed up this situation is and are horrified. Someone in that group needs that perspective.

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The name Selah is quite close to 'salah' which is Arabic for prayer.

I know that the terms are unrelated, both in meaning and etymology, but there is a chance that Jill and Derick, unlike many of their fellow fundies, understand that there are quite a lot of Arabic-speaking Christians who, since they speak Arabic, use Arabic terms for stuff (many Christians in the Arab world refer to God as "Allah", since Allah simply means God).

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I hope that the Dillys are hanging out with his parents and staying away from the TTH.

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I'm new, so I'm going to put my 2 cents in on this topic. When I heard that Jill was in labor for 70 HOURS, that's 3 days in normal, human, that's too damn long to be in this amount of f#ing pain long, I totally went into WTF mode. She should have been in that hospital at the 8 hour mark after her water breaking. My OB told me when my water broke with my 1st son that I had 8 hours to deliver him even though my dilation was not progressing. The reason he told me is that infection can set in after that mark. Her labor and delivery (22 years later after delivering my son) proved my OB was not full of BS. I read that she ended up with a Strep B infection and had to have an IV antibiotic. Her midwife should have her license revoked #1- for not guessing that a baby as large as this one-and I'm assuming they were keeping track of the baby's size in utero, was not going to pass through in the normal way and #2-for allowing her to labor this long after her water broke. And Jill, being a student mid-wife should have known better as well. My son was eventually delivered by C-section because I continued not to progress. The doctor at that hospital she deliver at should have ordered a C-section the minute she walked into the hospital. 3 days after her water breaking and no progress should have equaled an immediate trip to the operating room. Okay. I said it- everyone in charge of that birth was a dumb ass and they are all lucky that baby and Jill came out well in the end.

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I know this is super cray (but I was up super late!) and I looked through the wedding photos of Derick and Jill at his college roommate's wedding on the best man's facebook. I scrolled down and he had tons of awesome posts, like about how Christians need to not take advantage of vulnerable women at abortion clinics and instead help them before and after conception and birth. Also, he wrote a lot about the politicization of Christianity and why he's against it. I know I shouldn't have hope that the Jill and Derick may change, but it seems like in light of all of this new information about the sick household the Duggars ran, there might be some hope that Derick (or even Jill) may snap out of it. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like there is probably something really jarring about meeting people who were allowed to go to college, wear regular clothes, make friends, dance, and date who have gone on to have safe, happy lives as Christians. I would obviously never wish what happened to Jill happened to anyone ever, and I wish that everyone in the world didn't know about her abuse without her consent, but I hope that she realizes that what happened to her isn't normal and isn't a consequence of anything she did.

I find this very interesting. Thanks for posting it

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