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Jill Duggar Dillard, Derick Dillard, & Baby Israel - Part 2

happy atheist

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This! I agree! I don't think that the girls are feeling like this is a huge deal. The way they were raised they have dealt with it in their own minds I am sure. If anything the public outcry is just a tool for Jim B and Michelle to reiterate how the outside world has no idea, and how their work and principles are the right way. Jim and Michelle would be using this as a "learning" example of how "mainstream" people are just so wrong and how the devil is at play.

But how can that be after their parents have been telling them their whole lives that showing a knee, upper arm or clavicle is immodest and will make men lust after them...and then they will no longer be pure? How can holding hands with a man/boy make you used up and seen as giving away a piece of your heart [or like a used bicycle], yet your brother touching your private area is OK as long as he is sorry?

Makes no sense.

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I'm not really wild about the suggestion that all Duggar daughters were simply interchangeable as far as Derick was concerned, and that he would have settled for any one of them so long as he could marry into the Duggar family. It is true that Derick sought out Jim Bob as a prayer partner and wanted to establish a friendship, but when I look at Jill and Derick together, they've never struck me as anything but completely enamored with one another. I think it's more likely that Derick noticed Jill somewhere along the way and fell in love with her, not the idea that any of the other young women would have filled the role just as well.

From my understanding of their courtship... JB pushed Jill to Derick by discussing her midwifery studies and interest in missionary work. Jill states on their site "As my dad got to know Derick he was really impressed with his Godly character. He started telling me about Derick and also told Derick about me! I listened in on a few phone conversations with my dad without Derick knowing I was doing so." And actually also per Jill, Derick with a caroling group visited the Duggers and neither stood out to each other.

I think if JB wanted to, he could have replaced Jill with Jana. Told Derick about her doula education yadda yadda.

Go to the Dillardfamily.com for more info and a toothache, because he is the "sweetest man in the whole world."

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From my understanding of their courtship... JB pushed Jill to Derick by discussing her midwifery studies and interest in missionary work. Jill states on their site "As my dad got to know Derick he was really impressed with his Godly character. He started telling me about Derick and also told Derick about me! I listened in on a few phone conversations with my dad without Derick knowing I was doing so." And actually also per Jill, Derick with a caroling group visited the Duggers and neither stood out to each other.

I think if JB wanted to, he could have replaced Jill with Jana. Told Derick about her doula education yadda yadda.

Go to the Dillardfamily.com for more info and a toothache, because he is the "sweetest man in the whole world."

He could've, but there's no guarantee they would have been interested in one another. To Jim Bob's credit in this situation, he seems to have pushed the point because he honestly believed they would make a good match - and he was right. They're both a bit geeky but outgoing, they're both very interested in missionary work, Derick comes across as a kind person and Jill is sensitive. They truly do have a lot in common and probably would've hit it off no matter how they met. I can't say the same about Derick and any of the other girls.

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He could've, but there's no guarantee they would have been interested in one another. To Jim Bob's credit in this situation, he seems to have pushed the point because he honestly believed they would make a good match - and he was right. They're both a bit geeky but outgoing, they're both very interested in missionary work, Derick comes across as a kind person and Jill is sensitive. They truly do have a lot in common and probably would've hit it off no matter how they met. I can't say the same about Derick and any of the other girls.

Yea can you imagine Derick and Jessa together lol. I think I could see him with Jinger tho just like Ben and Joy is feasible.

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This! I agree! I don't think that the girls are feeling like this is a huge deal. The way they were raised they have dealt with it in their own minds I am sure. If anything the public outcry is just a tool for Jim B and Michelle to reiterate how the outside world has no idea, and how their work and principles are the right way. Jim and Michelle would be using this as a "learning" example of how "mainstream" people are just so wrong and how the devil is at play.

I've thought this too. Although, I hope that even if they don't feel like it's a big deal, the fact that their show's been pulled and the scale of the public outcry might force them to question what their parents may be saying and the gravity of the whole situation. Surely some of them have got to be going, "wow, they've pulled the show. This must actually be pretty serious" or something along those lines :|

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I've thought this too. Although, I hope that even if they don't feel like it's a big deal, the fact that their show's been pulled and the scale of the public outcry might force them to question what their parents may be saying and the gravity of the whole situation. Surely some of them have got to be going, "wow, they've pulled the show. This must actually be pretty serious" or something along those lines :|

Or they could be thinking wow daddy is right, the liberal anti-Christian media is out to persecute us for our faith.

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But how can that be after their parents have been telling them their whole lives that showing a knee, upper arm or clavicle is immodest and will make men lust after them...and then they will no longer be pure? How can holding hands with a man/boy make you used up and seen as giving away a piece of your heart [or like a used bicycle], yet your brother touching your private area is OK as long as he is sorry?

Makes no sense.

We all know it makes no sense, but to these girls their religion is the only thing in their lives that make sense. They know absolutely no different. They aren't allowed to question their parents, even if what they are being told totally contradicts each other. If they don't have this religion or their father's headship then they believe they basically have nothing. It's the same with those women who follow Warren Jeffs. He is in jail for having sex with minors, but yet he still controls them all from jail. He told them to fast for three days because their hearts weren't be as pure as they say they are, and by fasting it will prove how pure they are and he will get out of jail. When that didn't work, he told them they still aren't pure and true of heart. He tells them that he is in jail because they aren't modest enough, praying enough, not sorry enough...etc. The list is endless.

These girls are conditioned in exactly the same way. This would have all been happening because the world isn't right, people are on a witch hunt, must be those democrats, must be because of all the immodesty, the gays must have an agenda...You can just imagine what shit he is spinning to these girls. "If we weren't such a good Christian family, they wouldn't be attacking us. They are only doing this because we are a threat to people's immoral ways...yada yada yada."

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Does anyone else think that Israel's face looks a bit different, like he was in the womb too long and suffers from something? I noticed this when I watched "Digging with the Duggars."


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Except that Derick has a real job.

Being on a realty tv show is a real job. :wink-kitty:

I don't know about Derick. He has a real job. I hope he doesn't get truly sucked into this cult. Right now he has one foot in and one out. in less than a year he went from being a single to having sex to being a daddy. I don't think Dan or Cathy will be a big influence on his choices. I hope for Jilly Muffins Sake hell give her a break.

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We all know it makes no sense, but to these girls their religion is the only thing in their lives that make sense. They know absolutely no different. They aren't allowed to question their parents, even if what they are being told totally contradicts each other. If they don't have this religion or their father's headship then they believe they basically have nothing. It's the same with those women who follow Warren Jeffs. He is in jail for having sex with minors, but yet he still controls them all from jail. He told them to fast for three days because their hearts weren't be as pure as they say they are, and by fasting it will prove how pure they are and he will get out of jail. When that didn't work, he told them they still aren't pure and true of heart. He tells them that he is in jail because they aren't modest enough, praying enough, not sorry enough...etc. The list is endless.

These girls are conditioned in exactly the same way. This would have all been happening because the world isn't right, people are on a witch hunt, must be those democrats, must be because of all the immodesty, the gays must have an agenda...You can just imagine what shit he is spinning to these girls. "If we weren't such a good Christian family, they wouldn't be attacking us. They are only doing this because we are a threat to people's immoral ways...yada yada yada."

I think all of us want the Duggar kids to leave. Will it happen? Who knows. The fundie lifestyle has a very low 2nd generation rate. I do know what it's like to be brought up a certain way and go against your beliefs. I grew up in a very religious home. I was taught sex was for marriage, being christian is the one true religion,abortion is wrong, homosexuality wasn't really big back then like it is now but it was still wrong. My parents wanted me to attend a christian college so I can keep my values. Thank goodness I didn't go. It wasn't until the real world bit me in my ass that I had to learn how to deal with my religious beliefs and sometimes go against them. My parents didn't teach me how to deal with the real world. I was left to defend for myself. So imagine me at my first job and finding out my coworker was an atheist :pink-shock: Trust me I learned my lesson trying to tell my coworker that they need to accept Jesus in order to get to heaven. So I understand how hard it is for these kids to leave. They have to turn against everything theyve been raised to believe in. The duggar kids are very lucky they have outsiders they can connect to. The outside world isn't some evil place. I don't see Jill or Jessa leaving anytime soon. They're too brainwashed right now. So far everything besides Jillys birth has been perfect. The scandal might make things worse for them because of their upbringing. JimChelle might tell them look, look at all these evil people attacking your sweet brother you forgave. The world is evil. I really do hope one day these girls will realize there's so much more to life than babies and marriage

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I wonder if Derick has Asbergers at times. He fit in as Pistol Pete, (in disguise) but otherwise he seems pretty clueless & awkward.

This is simply a random thought, nothing scientific!

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Does anyone else think that Israel's face looks a bit different, like he was in the womb too long and suffers from something? I noticed this when I watched "Digging with the Duggars."

He was born within 2 weeks of his estimated due date. The key word there being estimated. Lots of people assume the 12 or so days he was over is a huge amount. It's not. Doctors give you leeway of 2 under and 2 over. Lots of first timers go that over. I was 12 days and my half sister was 14. So even though it seems extreme, it's common.

My point being, no. He doesn't suffer from anything other than being an awkward looking newborn. Like they all are until around 12 weeks.

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Yes, let's now diagnose Derick Dillard with aspergers because he 'seems clueless and awkward sometimes'. While we're at it, have we decided if Josh is a pedophile, Jim Bob is a sociopath, Michelle has NPD, Jana is clinically depressed and Jinger has anorexia? Oh yeah, and Josie is developmentally delayed, and Jackson probably has ADHD. Can some of you other mental health professionals diagnose the rest? We wouldn't want to leave anyone out, now.

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Yes, let's now diagnose Derick Dillard with aspergers because he 'seems clueless and awkward sometimes'. While we're at it, have we decided if Josh is a pedophile, Jim Bob is a sociopath, Michelle has NPD, Jana is clinically depressed and Jinger has anorexia? Oh yeah, and Josie is developmentally delayed, and Jackson probably has ADHD. Can some of you other mental health professionals diagnose the rest? We wouldn't want to leave anyone out, now.

This x1000. I really don't wan't to come here and read the opinions of armchair psychologists. Yes, the Duggars are an odd bunch, with Josh being the most screwed up (obviously). The rest of them I don't think anyone can really call out on. I'm sure if there were cameras in my house for over 10 years people might think there was mental issues with my family.

I'm not saying that they don't have the issues people on here have "diagnosed" them with, but until something comes out, I think we should refrain from saying they have legitimate mental health issues. I think commenting on personality traits is fine, but not saying X, Y and Z must mean a specific disorder.

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I wonder if Derick has Asbergers at times. He fit in as Pistol Pete, (in disguise) but otherwise he seems pretty clueless & awkward.

This is simply a random thought, nothing scientific!

Firstly, its Asperger Syndrome.

Derick doesn't seem to exhibit any symptoms of Asperger('s) Syndrome. One of the characteristics of the disorder is lack of empathy in social situations, and Derick seems to be quite empathetic and in tune to Jill's feelings. He also doesn't have repetitive motor behaviours, or exhibit the one track mindedness in conversation typical of an Asperger's diagnosis.

A helpful list of symptoms in simple language is given here on Psych Central.

I know you said this is a random thought, but I think its kind of rude to those who actually have Asperger's to simply dismiss it as social awkardness or 'cluelessness' without even knowing the name of the disease, or doing a simple google search to look up its symptoms.

Disclaimer: I am in no way a qualified psychiatrist, and my knowledge of Asperger's comes from research on my own due to a personal interest. I did use the Google machine to refresh my memory right now though.

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Yes, let's now diagnose Derick Dillard with aspergers because he 'seems clueless and awkward sometimes'. While we're at it, have we decided if Josh is a pedophile, Jim Bob is a sociopath, Michelle has NPD, Jana is clinically depressed and Jinger has anorexia? Oh yeah, and Josie is developmentally delayed, and Jackson probably has ADHD. Can some of you other mental health professionals diagnose the rest? We wouldn't want to leave anyone out, now.

Well you missed Jill. She's apparently a spoilt princess who can't take care of her own baby and tried to kill him with her birth choices!!!!!!

This thread has at least moved on from that ......somewhat :lol:

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Does anyone else think that Israel's face looks a bit different, like he was in the womb too long and suffers from something? I noticed this when I watched "Digging with the Duggars."

He's a newborn, newborns in my opinion, tend to look a bit like large red potatoes for the first three months or so. So, no, I'd say he actually looks a little less potatoey than most newborns I've seen.

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In the womb too long? Due dates are an estimate and so is tHe length of pregnancy. He came when he was supposed to and is not harmed by being "overdue." He looks fine.

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I'm not really wild about the suggestion that all Duggar daughters were simply interchangeable as far as Derick was concerned, and that he would have settled for any one of them so long as he could marry into the Duggar family. It is true that Derick sought out Jim Bob as a prayer partner and wanted to establish a friendship, but when I look at Jill and Derick together, they've never struck me as anything but completely enamored with one another. I think it's more likely that Derick noticed Jill somewhere along the way and fell in love with her, not the idea that any of the other young women would have filled the role just as well.

I think Derick would have taken whatever girl Jim Bob said he could have.

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Yes, let's now diagnose Derick Dillard with aspergers because he 'seems clueless and awkward sometimes'. While we're at it, have we decided if Josh is a pedophile, Jim Bob is a sociopath, Michelle has NPD, Jana is clinically depressed and Jinger has anorexia? Oh yeah, and Josie is developmentally delayed, and Jackson probably has ADHD. Can some of you other mental health professionals diagnose the rest? We wouldn't want to leave anyone out, now.

You forgot Jill's PPD.

Though I may have naively contributed to that discussion once, pot calling the kettle black :(

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Is it just me or is Ben now not following Derick on Instagram? Can anyone else confirm this?

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You forgot Jill's PPD.

Though I may have naively contributed to that discussion once, pot calling the kettle black :(

Oh, I had totally forgotten that Jill had PPD based on the fact that she looked tired in some of the photos!


FJ itself has become a great source of snark, hasn't it? Talk about meta.

EDIT: BTW, I'm guilty of it too. I think we all are at times.

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He's a newborn, newborns in my opinion, tend to look a bit like large red potatoes for the first three months or so. So, no, I'd say he actually looks a little less potatoey than most newborns I've seen.

I'm imagining Moochelle holding a giant potato like a baby. The potato baby is swaddled in a blanket and has a pacifier.

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I am mostly a lurker and do not post much, but it seems like one day it is okay to speculate on people's lives and the next day it is unacceptable. Anyway.

About the girls - I think any sign of concern from the liberal world coming their way will be lost on them. If there is any hope of getting through to one, it will be the ones younger than Joy Anna.

If the show is cancelled, the molested girls will perceive it as the evil outer world taking their livelihood from them. It will be good that these people will not be able to use a TV show to promote their agenda anymore. But these older girls are absolutely LOST and will never, ever be 'freed'.

Michelle and Jim Bob are horrible parents.

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