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Jill Duggar Dillard, Derick Dillard, & Baby Israel - Part 2

happy atheist

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I have 2 sons with Aspergers, I didn't pull my thoughts out of my ass.

Most people here try to avoid diagnosing people because we see only a tiny fraction of their lives. There has been more comments than usual where posters have been speculating about people having medical conditions - especially when it concerns the Dillard's. I think a lot of posters are just sick of people trying to claim that someone absolutely has a certain condition. While you may not have intended to sound like you were diagnosing anything (and it was good to mention you were just thinking out loud), other people clearly took it that way - tone can be really tough to read online and it happens to everyone at some point.

Things will calm down soon hopefully. And I hope your sons are doing well! :)

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But I thought they were alien robots?

If they aren't alien robots, they are for sure robots with no life in their eyes and no personalities.

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It's usually best to assume that the simplest explanation is the accurate one. (How does it go? Something about if you hear galloping you should assume is horses, not zebras.) No disrespect to those with those diagnoses, but Derick doesn't have Marfan's or Asperger's, he's just unattractive and socially stupid.

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I have 2 sons with Aspergers, I didn't pull my thoughts out of my ass.


I'm sure you would have been thrilled if they had been diagnosed after being observed by complete strangers as seeming......I dunno ..a bit gullible.

Also he's now unattractive and stupid because Occam's razor? :lol: :lol: Such a pleasant little observation.

Poor Bubba :cry:

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No, he's unattractive because I, personally, find him unattractive and while that's definitely a YMMV thing enough people notice his weird features to try to diagnose him with something. And he's stupid because he became so much more religious than his upbringing that he contacted Jim Bob Duggar to be a prayer partner, fell for a Duggar so hard that he willingly followed the courtship rules and did it on tv, and is so socially unaware in spite of the fact that spent a lot of time in college athletics that "bulge in my pants" and "man shower" didn't ping any bells for him.

You really need to get over your defensive of Jill and Derrick.

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No, he's unattractive because I, personally, find him unattractive and while that's definitely a YMMV thing enough people notice his weird features to try to diagnose him with something. And he's stupid because he became so much more religious than his upbringing that he contacted Jim Bob Duggar to be a prayer partner, fell for a Duggar so hard that he willingly followed the courtship rules and did it on tv, and is so socially unaware in spite of the fact that spent a lot of time in college athletics that "bulge in my pants" and "man shower" didn't ping any bells for him.

You really need to get over your defensive of Jill and Derrick.

I'm not defending them. I don't know them. I've watched them on a TV show which hardly informs a close and accurate dissection of their personalities. It would be interesting to see how much actual footage time of Derrick exists......hour or two tops, if spliced and run continuously.

I dislike their belief system and many other aspects of their presentation on screen. I just don't feel the urge to use my disdain of their beliefs to rip apart their looks, mannerisms, diagnose them with social disorders, or attribute their every word and move as some catch all reason to needlessly indulge in petty ignorance.


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I'm not defending them. I don't know them. I've watched them on a TV show which hardly informs a close and accurate dissection of their personalities. It would be interesting to see how much actual footage time of Derrick exists......hour or two tops, if spliced and run continuously.

I dislike their belief system and many other aspects of their presentation on screen. I just don't feel the urge to use my disdain of their beliefs to rip apart their looks, mannerisms, diagnose them with social disorders, or attribute their every word and move as some catch all reason to needlessly indulge in petty ignorance.


I don't know about you, but plenty of people are fully capable of separating those things. Derrick could be an intelligent, well-spoken secularist and I'd still find him unattractive. He could be hot as fuck and I'd still think his religious beliefs means he's stupid. It's really not that deep.

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I don't know about you, but plenty of people are fully capable of separating those things. Derrick could be an intelligent, well-spoken secularist and I'd still find him unattractive. He could be hot as fuck and I'd still think his religious beliefs means he's stupid. It's really not that deep.

Umm... I think that would be the point :roll: If you think his religious beliefs make him stupid

( odd way to phrase it, but whatever ) - why stoop to the " he's ugly" level?

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Umm... I think that would be the point :roll: If you think his religious beliefs make him stupid

( odd way to phrase it, but whatever ) - why stoop to the " he's ugly" level?

Because...he's someone on tv...and I have functional eyes....and my brain processes all sorts of visual information...and forms an opinion on someone's physical attractiveness. There's no "stooping," I'm not saying there's any value attached to his looks, that his unattractiveness and his stupidity and his disgusting beliefs are related. I think Jessa's a raging asshole who I wouldn't spit on if she were on fire but I think she's hot. Sorry, I'm not going to pretend to be some "I only notice inner beauty" twit because you can't handle seeing your faves criticized. Christ, this is like the hysterics over people criticizing Jill's clothes.

And yes, someone who becomes more religious as he get older and sees Jim Bob Duggar as someone he'd like to contact for spiritual guidance is a stupid person.

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Because...he's someone on tv...and I have functional eyes....and my brain processes all sorts of visual information...and forms an opinion on someone's physical attractiveness. There's no "stooping," I'm not saying there's any value attached to his looks, that his unattractiveness and his stupidity and his disgusting beliefs are related. I think Jessa's a raging asshole who I wouldn't spit on if she were on fire but I think she's hot. Sorry, I'm not going to pretend to be some "I only notice inner beauty" twit because you can't handle seeing your faves criticized. Christ, this is like the hysterics over people criticizing Jill's clothes.

And yes, someone who becomes more religious as he get older and sees Jim Bob Duggar as someone he'd like to contact for spiritual guidance is a stupid person.

Oh alrighty then :lol:

Faves eh? I don't have any strong feelings either way. If it makes it easier for you to defend your bizarre bitchin' in that way....batter on :lol:

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Oh alrighty then :lol:

Faves eh? I don't have any strong feelings either way. If it makes it easier for you to defend your bizarre bitchin' in that way....batter on :lol:

You have this bizarre habit of bitching about people's criticisms of the family and generalizing posters' motivations, and when called out on it point-by-point with how your assessments are wrong, instead of actually responding to what is said you pretend like it's no big deal to you and laugh it off. It's....interesting.

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You have this bizarre habit of bitching about people's criticisms of the family and generalizing posters' motivations, and when called out on it point-by-point with how your assessments are wrong, instead of actually responding to what is said you pretend like it's no big deal to you and laugh it off. It's....interesting.

Yes, so last week it was a snark board...this is exactly what I was talking about. Snarking on members, cool and toughen up. Certain types of Snarking on the Duggars, hitting below the belt.

How is bitching about comments that people make- better than bitching about the Duggars on a snark board about the Duggars?

I'd rather see the snark stay centered on the subject (s) of the snark board.

It is interesting and I could see how newer posters would find the parameters confusing, despite the red box O'instructions.

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Yes, so last week it was a snark board...this is exactly what I was talking about. Snarking on members, cool and toughen up. Certain types of Snarking on the Duggars, hitting below the belt.

How is bitching about comments that people make- better than bitching about the Duggars on a snark board about the Duggars?

I'd rather see the snark stay centered on the subject (s) of the snark board.

It is interesting and I could see how newer posters would find the parameters confusing, despite the red box O'instructions.

It's a board that is (mostly) full of feminists. Some of us here call out sexism even if it's directed towards the ebil Duggars.

(NOTE: This particular incident wasn't one of sexism... I'm making a more general comment.)

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You have this bizarre habit of bitching about people's criticisms of the family and generalizing posters' motivations, and when called out on it point-by-point with how your assessments are wrong, instead of actually responding to what is said you pretend like it's no big deal to you and laugh it off. It's....interesting.

Eh? Colour me confused. Point by point of what? I don't recall any intelligent debate on this. I merely point out that statements like somebody is 'ugly' or has 'weird features' is 'clueless' has some social 'disorder' is just pathetic low intelligent bitching.

I feel no urge to answer that on a point to point basis. Even if I had been asked.

There is quite a lot of discussion about this type of posting going on in other parts of the board. Part of the debate is that it is assumed certain posters don't leave the Duggar sub-forums to see the general feel or mod posts about this. :think:

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It's a board that is (mostly) full of feminists. Some of us here call out sexism even if it's directed towards the ebil Duggars.

(NOTE: This particular incident wasn't one of sexism... I'm making a more general comment.)

Thank you ! I think that is a really great observation.

I can't speak for anyone else, but this is what I find so aggravating about some of these threads :

People on this forum have a wide range of particular issues and concerns and disagreements and interests and opinions regarding the broad category of religious fundamentalism . I don't think there is any one particular issue that would get 100% agreement from everyone ---

but , ( except for an occasional visitor ) - the community believes that the far- right fundamentalists have a negative impact on society as a whole, and women and girls in particular.

Some people are very focused on just the big meta issues like misogyny , or LGBT rights or the country turning into a religious theocracy - they don't really care about any of these particular families life stories. Some posters are really only interested in a particular family or even just individuals in that family. Some bounce back and forth and read up on both.

In addition to snark , There is often debate - very heated debate - about whether a particular practice or belief is good , bad or indifferent -- There is also gossip and banter and speculation and snark based on less serious topics - like if a cake and punch reception is tacky or perfectly acceptable. Or what Jinger really meant by a " big city" . Or if , based on what we see on the show - are the J girls currently overworked slaves- or are they laughing all the way to the bank while being a rural version of Kim K.

The problem - in my opinion - is when the snark / discussion / opinion crosses over from being about any sort of actual issue and becomes either an obsession with insisting that every. single. thing these people do, say, feel or think is wrong and evil - and will go to absolutely ludicrous lengths to " prove" it

OR - at the other extreme - there seems to be a contingent of posters who are determined that one or more of their favorites absolutely HAVE to be rescued - they are saints - and it is tearing the poster apart that they can't just go scoop them up and put them in their house. Which, when taken too seriously can be .....creepy.


when it becomes just a Jr. High Locker room mean girl session where their clothing, make- up, weight, appearance and personality are picked apart , put under a microscope and a million nasty little assumptions and insults and bizzaree speculations are thrown out to the world. And often it's done under the guise of " Oh, I'm not so shallow and petty and unenlightened to think x ....but you know those awful fundies are judging them on it! :roll: "

And those observations and insults tend to come across as incredibly sexist, elitist, shallow - and often just plain idiotic. And really feeds into every negative stereotype about women and the big bad world.

Seriously - for some posters I think the Duggar's are the equivilant of the far - right and Obama --. :lol:

As far as in- fighting-- my God, it is sooooooo incredibly mild here compared to a few years ago!

This most recent influx just seems to be really, really tied into all the current reddit / tumbler type oversensitivity to everything. Just my opinion.

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I'm sure you would have been thrilled if they had been diagnosed after being observed by complete strangers as seeming......I dunno ..a bit gullible.

Also he's now unattractive and stupid because Occam's razor? :lol: :lol: Such a pleasant little observation.

Poor Bubba :cry:

I never called him unattractive or stupid. Also, I never put my kids on TV to be judged.

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Because...he's someone on tv...and I have functional eyes....and my brain processes all sorts of visual information...and forms an opinion on someone's physical attractiveness. There's no "stooping," I'm not saying there's any value attached to his looks, that his unattractiveness and his stupidity and his disgusting beliefs are related. I think Jessa's a raging asshole who I wouldn't spit on if she were on fire but I think she's hot. Sorry, I'm not going to pretend to be some "I only notice inner beauty" twit because you can't handle seeing your faves criticized. Christ, this is like the hysterics over people criticizing Jill's clothes.

And yes, someone who becomes more religious as he get older and sees Jim Bob Duggar as someone he'd like to contact for spiritual guidance is a stupid person.

Maybe Derick was savvier than we thought for contacting Jim Bob for spiritual guidance. It could have been all a part of greater "business plan" or Derick's part. Maybe he's was secretly waiting it out for Jim Bob and Michelle to pass on and then he would have them embalmed, so that he could create the Duggar Mausoleum and rake in the big bucks from gullible fundies. (kind of like that Susan Atkins lookalike who was engaged to Charles Manson last year planned to do with Manson after died "Charlie Land" or Lenin's Tomb).

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Umm, am I the only one who's ALSO here to talk about a tv show? Because discussions of fundamentalism and feminism and LGBTQ issues are certainly interesting, but frankly, there are other places on the internet I go to for those discussions rather than a board who traces it's genesis to a reality tv show. And the two types of discussions aren't mutually exclusive, anyway. Y'all know that, right? It's absurd to get angry that people can talk about the problematic elements of fundamentalism in one thread and snark on a goofy-looking guy's looks in the another. If you're incapable of that, that's your issue to deal with. No one has to stop talking about the silly stuff because you can't leap from one topic to another.

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Umm, am I the only one who's ALSO here to talk about a tv show? Because discussions of fundamentalism and feminism and LGBTQ issues are certainly interesting, but frankly, there are other places on the internet I go to for those discussions rather than a board who traces it's genesis to a reality tv show. And the two types of discussions aren't mutually exclusive, anyway. Y'all know that, right? It's absurd to get angry that people can talk about the problematic elements of fundamentalism in one thread and snark on a goofy-looking guy's looks in the another. If you're incapable of that, that's your issue to deal with. No one has to stop talking about the silly stuff because you can't leap from one topic to another.

Just because you feel it's okay to snark on their looks, doesn't mean the rest of the board does. Read the post Curious made on the 'One Weird Trick...' thread.

Also, I think you missed the gigantic red memo at the top of the Duggar forum.

FJ isn't for you to gossip about the TV show. It exists to discuss the damage caused by fundamentalists

I think it's cute that you:

a) Expect the topic to stay on track

b) Think that you can comment about someone's unattractiveness and people will bow down to you as Queen of Snark

c) This line:

Because discussions of fundamentalism and feminism and LGBTQ issues are certainly interesting, but frankly, there are other places on the internet I go to for those discussions rather than a board who traces it's genesis to a reality tv show.

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Absolutely we can snark on goofiness along with theology, patriarchy and misogyny. gawdamighty, have you forgotten so soon the wide stance and anaconda memes of Doug is a Tool? The unfortunate Bradrick!? Good times, good times.

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One person can snark on someone's looks, then another can come and say, "It's stupid to snark on that", then the first person can come back and say, "No, you're stupid, you gross leghumper", and then someone else can come in and complain about how immature the whole debate is, and then someone ELSE can pop up and tell that person to stop hand-slapping, AND THEN - :wink-kitty:

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Just because you feel it's okay to snark on their looks, doesn't mean the rest of the board does. Read the post Curious made on the 'One Weird Trick...' thread.

Also, I think you missed the gigantic red memo at the top of the Duggar forum.

FJ isn't for you to gossip about the TV show. It exists to discuss the damage caused by fundamentalists

I think it's cute that you:

a) Expect the topic to stay on track

b) Think that you can comment about someone's unattractiveness and people will bow down to you as Queen of Snark

c) This line:

Yeah, then maybe FJ needs to stop with the recaps and show discussions if gossip about the show is verboten.

1)Never said I expect the topic to "stay on track" so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

2)I don't think people should "bow down" to me when I snark on looks. I do think that people should calm the fuck down about how unethical or whatever it is to comment on how (un)attractive people find these fools who make a living on tv. Say you disagree, argue that you find Derrick hot or whatever. That's fine. But don't get pissy when people tell you to shut the fuck up after you tell to stop talking about shit you don't like.

3) "This line" what? It's a big internet out there. FJ isn't one stop shopping for me.

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Well I think that about exactly sums up the Jill hate.

If she talks at all about her own marriage / pregnancy / labor / childbirth / motherhood experience she's a smug know it all who actually knows nothing and is horribly irresponsible / lazy/ inexperienced/ stupid / reckless / attention whore.

But, of course any portion of her marriage / pregnancy/ labor / childbirth / motherhood experience that she doesn' t discuss in minute detail, with 100% recall of every moment is part of some huge cover- up / conspiracy / snow job / lie.

I can just imagine if some of the posters here had the same attitude in conversation with a new mom' they know in real life :lol:

Ms. Snoop : " Oh hey there Jill, so glad I ran in to you here at the supermarket, I haven't seen you since you had the baby! By the way are you aware you are an irresponsible idiot who is trying to kill that baby right now ? Look how you're wearing that sling - stupid girl. Here let me fix it for you. How could you be so dumb?

And my, let me get a look at that baby you almost just smothered --- Oh, dear, well , maybe he won't stay ugly. You might want to stop doing whatever stupid thing you're doing that's giving him baby acne though...it's super gross. "

Jill : " Oh, um, ok. Thanks for the tip on the baby sling Mrs. Snoop. there certainly is a lot to learn, I sure do love this little guy though!"

Mrs. Snoop : " Do you Jill? Do you? Because I was talking to your Aunt's cousins neighbor Wanda down at the Piggly Wiggly..she's an experienced health professional you know. Your Mama told her all about your labor and birth. It really sounds like you screwed that one up in every single possible way"

Jill: " Well it definitely was a very hard experience, and not at all what we expected. But ...gee..what did you hear? Mama can be kind of dramatic at times....."

Mrs. Snoop: "Well, first of all, you went in secret to see some weird secret practitioner chiro..chiro..chiropractor? Is that what it's called -- it's so " alternative" and out there that I'm sure I don't know what kind of witchcraft herby type nonsense he tried....probably just lucky it wasn't fatal - I hear those chi- ro- practitioners - grind up dead moms bones to make bread.

Of course, it's possible you just went there as a cover- up to see your disgraced midwife, who put oils up your hoo ha to get the baby to turn, since you knew it would be hard to have it in the stone circle in the woods by yourself if it was sidewise, inside out and upside down."

Jill : " oh, um, wow,.....a stone circle really wasn't part of my 1,000 page birth plan. Honest. "

Mrs. Snoop: " Honest? Oh honey, you don't know the meaning of the word! How is it honest to say you were in hard labor for 70 hours with 1 minute apart contractions the entire time, And that the baby turned at the last minute? That NEVER happens. I know because Wanda told me so. "

Jill: " oh, um, well, I never said the contractions were 1 minute apart the entire time. Goodness. And it was after I was at the hospital for awhile that the Dr. did an ultrasound and said he turned...so, I don't know what to say to that..."

Mrs. Snoop: " How could the Dr. figure that out when you refused to let him examine you? Huh? Got a smart mouth answer for that little missy? "

Jill : " But, but, that's just not true! Look I have a video right here on my phone....here' s me talking to the Dr...."

Mrs. Snoop: " Hmmmphh ...Clearly edited. Where are your videos of your internal exams? Where's the photo of this so called " faint" meconium staining? Proof or it's a lie! "

Jill: " okay, well, I kind of have to go now Mrs. Snoop. Izzy is getting kind of hungry, it's time to go nurse him"

Mrs. Snoop: " I see that you don't want to continue this discussion because you are caught in your web of deceit and your smug, Stonehenge style au natural birth turned out to be a massive and bitter disappointment -- just looking at you it's clear you are on the verge of a breakdown, you're such a mess. Poor thing. Nice chatting with you dear. You and that ugly baby run along now. Oh, and breastfeeding, I'm sure you're doing that wrong too. Bless your heart."

Jill: " Bless your heart too Mrs. Snoop"

I have always watched the Duggar's out of painful curiosity, and a friend told me about FreeJinger

First time on this website. First Discussion. First Forum.


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I swear, that was even better the second time going down. :laughing-rolling:

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If they aren't alien robots, they are for sure robots with no life in their eyes and no personalities.

I knew it! :o

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