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Jill Duggar Dillard, Derick Dillard, & Baby Israel - Part 2

happy atheist

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I hope, and it seems, so ... thankfully.

That said, I can't help but get a little queasy when I remember that 'courtship' is basically a commitment to marry and whatever they were told originally was told to them by JB & J'chelle as marital 'counselors'. By that time it's a little late to back out.

I also suspect that Jill/Jessa are in denial about aspects of what happened and that matches what Ben/Derrick were told and what JB/J'chelle believe or "made up" about what happened. So, let's hope no one comes out of denial any time soon and the whole forgiveness thing works for them.

How PO'd would you be as a 26 yo man, to learn that your FIL, who wouldn't even let you have a private conversation while courting, buried this information and skirted getting your wife help?

I remember Cathy's words about Derick finally getting to have some private conversations with Jill or something to that effect. She knew the Duggars' rules were beyond quirky.

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If Derick really wants to help in Nepal, he should go alone. Jill will be of no help since she'll be looking after Izzy, and you know she's a stage 5 clinger who won't let him 5 feet from her sight, so she'll just be in the way. It's probably just pretend drama for TV.

It's too bad Derick is such a koolaid drinker and can't have a real talk with Jill about everything happening at the moment. Then maybe she wouldn't be crying about "they (the media) can't do this to us!" and should be 2nd guessing her parents/Josh's abuse.

I really hope that the clip shown last night was an outlier. If the entire interview with the girls comes off as them against the evil public- they are D-O-N-E- done.

Look to your parents. They are the people who mishandled the situation, had too many kids to properly care for, joined the cult, sold away your privacy, private moments (good and bad) and anonymity. THEY are the responsible parties. Daddy had your heart and made all the decisions for you, remember? Also remember Jesus, Jill. You missed him in that clip last night.

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http://www.inquisitr.com/2143212/jill-d ... -counting/

Well, if this is true it appears they are dumber than I ever imagined. They are planning on relocating to Kathmandu AND BRINGING IZZY to serve on a mission.

No one needs their help, this is ridiculous. Let the actually trained people go over there and HELP people, not give them bibles. And NO ONE needs a one month old in a disaster zone. :angry-banghead:

Luckily, Jill Duggar may soon escape the intense media spotlight that has been shone on her family in the wake of the scandal, and her fans won’t have to watch 19 Kids and Counting to find out what the couple’s big announcement is — the Daily Mail has discovered that Jill and Derick are going on a mission trip to Kathmandu, Nepal.

A source told the Mail that Jill Duggar and her husband decided to visit the region after it was devastated by a magnitude-7.9 earthquake. As the Inquisitr previously reported, thousands were killed and injured during the April 25 earthquake, and a lack of aid left many survivors fighting over food and supplies.

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard plan on taking their baby, Israel David Dillard, on the trip with them during their extended stay in the country. The Mail‘s source revealed that Jim Bob Duggar doesn’t think that the couple is making a wise decision by flying off to Nepal for their first family trip overseas.

“Jim Bob goes sheet white,†the source said of his reaction to Jill’s big news. “It’s obvious he wasn’t big on this idea and it was meant to be a dramatic moment for the show.â€

Jill and Derick have a very special connection to Nepal — according to Us Weekly, it’s where Derick asked Jill to officially begin their courtship. He was in the country doing humanitarian work, and Jill and her father flew out to meet him. According to Starcasm, Derick’s missionary work at the time included “building churches Nepal with International Mission Board,†but there’s no word what he and Jill will be doing to help the earthquake survivors during their visit.

Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/2143212/jill-d ... hXUFSHY.99

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In terms of Nepal...

Does Dillard still work for WM?

If so, how does a mission trip work?

Was TLC planning on filming the trip?

If so, will it still happen?

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I wonder what they mean by "extended." A month? A year? Indefinitely? If it's true that Jim Bob was taken by surprise at the announcement, then I think they'll be gone a month, maybe two, and that TLC had planned to film them there. That would explain that surprise announcement to the family, when it's pretty obvious that most of their announcements within the family happened off camera and are recreated for the show...Jill and Derrick made their deal with TLC to tape their "service" work in Nepal, and TLC wanted the genuinely shocked faces on camera.

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I feel bad for the people of Nepal. They have enough going on without having to deal with the Duggars trying to convert them instead of rebuilding their homes and hospitals. I think it's nuts to bring Izzy there, but if Jill and Derrick had useful skills and were actually planning on putting the Bible thumping on the back burner and REALLY helping people, then I'd say more power to them and Izzy will most likely be fine. But I'm sure if they go, it's mainly to convert people with a nice cover of actual help to make it more palatable for people to watch.

I don't know what the state of medical care is there right now (or before the earthquake to be honest), but I hope they bring some antibiotics for Izzy just in case. Can't imagine an infant with an ear infection and no way to treat it...

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I read (on one of these posts) that Jill lied about Israel's birth. Can someone fill me in? I've tried going through a few threads, but got lost...lol.

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This couple has no business taking baby Izzy to Nepal right now. Come on, how much help are Derrick and Jill really going to be right now? Derrick can help with the heavy lifting etc. but Jill and Izzy are just going to be in the way. With their track record thus far I hope they don't go although it is funny to think of how mad Jim Bob must have been at the news. It would be good in the long run if Jim Bob gets so mad he takes away their free housing, maybe then Derrick will start living in the real world again and realize he should have taken his job more seriously. It's going to be pretty hard supporting a family as a missionary.

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I read (on one of these posts) that Jill lied about Israel's birth. Can someone fill me in? I've tried going through a few threads, but got lost...lol.

There were a couple of contradictory accounts given re Izzy's birth. You can use the search function/box at the top right to pull up threads/comments on the birth.

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Whew, talk about boundless egos and zero common sense. Jill really does have the maturity of a 12-year old, doesn't she. Remind me why I am interested in these people again?

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Wow. If that news is true she is even stupider then I thought. My daughter is a year old and I'm only now getting into the "throw her to the wolves" mentality when it comes to germs... After she's had a good many vaccines.

There is no way in hell anyone who has half a brain would take an infant to a devastated country that will certainly lack basic hygiene And most likely has diseases occurring like crazy.

What fucking morons. I really had hoped more from Derrick.

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What the hell is Jill going to do in Nepal?

Throw bibles at people, spew crap and sight see.

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Whew, talk about boundless egos and zero common sense. Jill really does have the maturity of a 12-year old, doesn't she. Remind me why I am interested in these people again?

I agree about the maturity level. I've worked with high school age girls that showed more maturity.

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I think it's a bit stupid to take an unvaccinated baby to a disaster zone, but if they get him his immunisations and get help to take care of him there, it should be fine. The earthquake was in an area with proper hospitals and healthcare infrastructure, a lot of the basic healthcare has been reinstated. The Indian capital Delhi is a 45 minute flight away in the case of emergencies.

And just FYI, the use of the term ‘third world country ’ has been discontinued. Nepal is a developing country.

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Just what Nepal needs, an accountant, a Fundie princess and a newborn, trailed by a film crew (anyone who doesn't think this junket is funded by TKC is delusional). They will have some staged "helping" events, lots of "purposing to serve the poor people of Nepal" and wide eyed TH of Jilly breathlessly sharing her ignorant opinions of food, customs and beliefs.

They have no skills that will help. At least the Batesssess can wield chain saws and have climbing skills.

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And just FYI, the use of the term ‘third world country ’ has been discontinued. Nepal is a developing country.

I had no idea! Thank you.

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Just what Nepal needs, an accountant, a Fundie princess and a newborn, trailed by a film crew (anyone who doesn't think this junket is funded by TKC is delusional). They will have some staged "helping" events, lots of "purposing to serve the poor people of Nepal" and wide eyed TH of Jilly breathlessly sharing her ignorant opinions of food, customs and beliefs.

They have no skills that will help. At least the Batesssess can wield chain saws and have climbing skills.

Where will they live? Shouldnt the housing that is still in good shape go to, you know, actual displaced people? And who is paying for this ridiculousness?

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What the hell is Jill going to do in Nepal?

Cling to Derick. Act superior to the locals. Purpose to convert people to Christianity instead of helping them rebuild houses, give them resources, etc. Get pregnant again.

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From the DM article linked above:

I CALLED IT YESTERDAY. JB is piiiiiiissed! That's why he's been all passive aggressive and distant from the Dillards. No wonder why Jill seems so sad and uncomfortable around her family lately. Her parents are punishing her and Derick for wanting to be independent and make their own decisions about their own lives. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:Poor Izzy. :(

Maybe this is the only way they could think to get away. It's hard for Jim Bob and Michelle to argue with missionary work even if they don't like it. It would be very hard to just move away without a good reason, so maybe they talked about it and felt like this would be a good way to break out from under JB's thumb. I really hope she uses birth control while they are gone. I do feel bad for Cathy though. After all she has gone through she will barely get to see her grandson if they go.

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I'm not sure why some think they're doing this to "move away" from the Duggars. Derick has drank just as much Koolaid as Jill has now. This whole mission thing is probably just drama for the show. I doubt they were ever going to go through with it, and if they did, probably only for a few days to be of no help whatsoever.

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Derrick is going to have to move away from the koolaid because the show is likely done and it will be all on him to financially support a growing family. Jill and Jessa may be able to make a few thousand here and there promoting a book on how their parents and faith helped them heal but that's about it. It's also unlikely to make them much money. Derrick thought he was marrying into a reality tv family with all the perks of trips and extra money. Now he just gets to be like everyone else. I do wonder how they will fair out of the spotlight. Two people who didn't know each other before marriage and now have lost all the extra fun stuff that came with them getting together. Without the show, let's see how having a large family, homeschooling and living the Gothard lifestyle works out. Their reality may just be beginning.

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They were going to Nepal for the photo op and the money derived from such.

No TLC= no Nepal and no money.

I have a feeling that Derick is no longer employed at WM.

If he is still employed by WM, how was he going to swing the extended mission trip?

Maybe he took a LOA- at the request of WM???

Oh and if Jilly was a clingon before, what do you think she is now???

I hope Ben and Derick knew of the abuse before hand. All the secrets, in hindsight I can almost understand why there were NO private conversations, texts, emails UNTIL the couples were engaged. Holy crap, JB and M are evil.

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