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According to Jessa Duggar, atheists don't exist


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Indeed she is. She also is reddish and has red eyes that glow (albino corn snake, made up the eye glowing. Kind of).

We also have an apple tree.

That issss so awesome.

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Cats aren't atheist. They just think they are Gods.

Very true. If I weren't atheist, I'd worship them. I do serve them.

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Dear mainstream media, please pick this up. I love Duggar related stupidity.

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Very true. If I weren't atheist, I'd worship them. I do serve them.


cats doing non-existent atheist things :lol:

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Hi, Jessa and Ben and Dr Lisle. :character-koolaid:

I'm an atheist, my husband is an atheist and my son is an atheist. We have 3 atheist cats and one atheist snake. We are all here!!

Come on and visit us some time. We are all quite nice.

I was with you until snake. Snakes are CLEARLY evidence of a devil. :shock:

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cats doing non-existent atheist things :lol:

Off Topic? Ok, so I was discussing this with my headship and I think it is very interesting. There are some dog avatars here on FJ, but there seem to be way more cat avatars. Now, we love dogs AND cats but I'm wondering if there is some weird kind of connection between FJers and cats. Cats need to be understood and appreciated for what they are. Yes, everyone loves dogs but lots of dog lovers hate cats. So, why do we have so many cat lovers on FJ? Is this of interest to anyone? Cats totally rock, but you have to understand them. (Ok, now I'm repeating myself!). Our most recent feline headship used to pose defraudingly in front of the fire. Sorry to completely hijack this thread and please ignore if it is inappropriate but I'd love everyone's take on this. (My take is that we have some brilliant minds on FJ, ergo, cat worship!!!!!).

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Off Topic? Ok, so I was discussing this with my headship and I think it is very interesting. There are some dog avatars here on FJ, but there seem to be way more cat avatars. Now, we love dogs AND cats but I'm wondering if there is some weird kind of connection between FJers and cats. Cats need to be understood and appreciated for what they are. Yes, everyone loves dogs but lots of dog lovers hate cats. So, why do we have so many cat lovers on FJ? Is this of interest to anyone? Cats totally rock, but you have to understand them. (Ok, now I'm repeating myself!). Our most recent feline headship used to pose defraudingly in front of the fire. Sorry to completely hijack this thread and please ignore if it is inappropriate but I'd love everyone's take on this. (My take is that we have some brilliant minds on FJ, ergo, cat worship!!!!!).

Cat worship on the athiests don't exist thread is totally on topic! I personally just love cat avies because i'm a Directioner. :cracking-up:

We don't have a kitty headship right now since we live close to the highway, but we'll be moving to a ranch again soon and i can't wait to get some sweet snugglemonster kitties again.

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Cats aren't atheist. They just think they are Gods.

Cats ARE deities.

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Off Topic? Ok, so I was discussing this with my headship and I think it is very interesting. There are some dog avatars here on FJ, but there seem to be way more cat avatars. Now, we love dogs AND cats but I'm wondering if there is some weird kind of connection between FJers and cats. Cats need to be understood and appreciated for what they are. Yes, everyone loves dogs but lots of dog lovers hate cats. So, why do we have so many cat lovers on FJ? Is this of interest to anyone? Cats totally rock, but you have to understand them. (Ok, now I'm repeating myself!). Our most recent feline headship used to pose defraudingly in front of the fire. Sorry to completely hijack this thread and please ignore if it is inappropriate but I'd love everyone's take on this. (My take is that we have some brilliant minds on FJ, ergo, cat worship!!!!!).

I grew up with an extremely aggressive dog (even after extensive training, he would still try and attack any other dogs he could find...although the training did stop the attacks on humans) and two cats. I've always understood cats, and they've never attacked/bitten me or tried to attack any visitors that came to my house. Obviously, I didn't have a "typical" experience with dogs, but, from my perspective, I just prefer cats.

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Since a dugger never really talked to atheists I can see how she thinks there is no such thing. I doubt she thinks there is sushi or many other things.

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It's more common than you might think. One of the professors I worked with in grad school was hardcore evangelical, although he kept that part *very* quiet unless you knew him well. One of his advisors, a very big name in the field (quantum chemistry) is a young earth creationist. I still cannot fathom how bifurcated his mind must be to be able to do theoretical work on the nature of matter and then turn around and believe in a six day creation.

Then again, they're both theorists in a field where they construct imperfect models of reality, so perhaps that carries over. (Didn't work with me though- theorist and atheist) I wouldn't be surprised if cosmologists tend that way too- you're trying to understand how the universe began.

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It's more common than you might think. One of the professors I worked with in grad school was hardcore evangelical, although he kept that part *very* quiet unless you knew him well. One of his advisors, a very big name in the field (quantum chemistry) is a young earth creationist. I still cannot fathom how bifurcated his mind must be to be able to do theoretical work on the nature of matter and then turn around and believe in a six day creation.

Then again, they're both theorists in a field where they construct imperfect models of reality, so perhaps that carries over. (Didn't work with me though- theorist and atheist) I wouldn't be surprised if cosmologists tend that way too- you're trying to understand how the universe began.

It boggles the mind. And saddens me a little too.

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I love the diversity and discussion all of us groovy FJ'ers have to offer...I'll even take the cat lovers ;)

But is it just a tad bit possible to not immediately assume that any person who chooses to believe in a particular religion is an idiot? Backwards? Uneducated? Undeserving of academic credentials? We're not all making ill-informed videos, pushing personal ideals and tenets on other people. I have several friends who are atheist, and when we do breach the inevitable religion discussions, I hear the same incredulous statement, "But, you're smart. I didn't think Christians could be smart." Do I say thanks? Or just become shamed for my personal choices and beliefs?

I realize we're hating on narrow-minded haters in this topic, but this attitude is pervasive everywhere. Just have to give a shout-out to the science-loving, free-thinking AND yes, religious persons out there. Mr. Practice is conducting his thesis project on stem cells...but we also waited to have sex until marriage! Who the hell are we???

Anyway, love to all. Just want to encourage everybody here to keep the ire focused on the REAL problem: believing one's own opinion is unequivocally right and superior above all....

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The Duggars just don't realize that the world is made up of many different types of people and that it is ok to be different.

In Duggarhell it's their way or the highway!

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I love both cats and dogs, with a heavy preference for docs. However, at this time in my life a cat is more feasible because my work schedule is such that I wouldn't be able to take a doc out as much as it needed. A cat can use a litter box and be happy running around a small apartment. A dog probably could not. Dogs are pack animals and a dog might feel lonely, whereas cats, from what I've read, are more likely to be happy being the one and only.

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I love the diversity and discussion all of us groovy FJ'ers have to offer...I'll even take the cat lovers ;)

But is it just a tad bit possible to not immediately assume that any person who chooses to believe in a particular religion is an idiot? Backwards? Uneducated? Undeserving of academic credentials? We're not all making ill-informed videos, pushing personal ideals and tenets on other people. I have several friends who are atheist, and when we do breach the inevitable religion discussions, I hear the same incredulous statement, "But, you're smart. I didn't think Christians could be smart." Do I say thanks? Or just become shamed for my personal choices and beliefs?

I'm not sure the discussion so far has really been "How can Christians be smart?" as much as it is "How can a practicing scientist believe in anti-science?" I've known plenty of intelligent religious scientists- the guy I mentioned was brilliant and his advisor is sometimes mentioned in the same sentence as "Nobel Prize". (He won't win- Pople and Kohn already snagged them for quantum chemistry)

But somehow these folks completely shut down that portion of their identity when Jesus gets mentioned. It's like going to a pastor who believes totally in Christianity and preaches it everyday, but can show you his scientific proof that Jesus wasn't the son of God, wasn't crucified and was never resurrected. If you think Jesus was a random guy, how can you be a Christian? If you believe that God steps in to fill in the blanks in scientific theories via miracles, how can you be a scientist?

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I think the discussion was less about how stupid Christians are, but more about how scary it is that they can accomplished and well known in scientific fields (which requires a certain level of intelligence) and still believe that evolutionary science is wrong.

Personally, I think these people have been raised with a fear of God, and cannot let go of their beliefs due to the crippling fear of going to Hell or whatever. Thus, they will continue to study science, but will not treat it as the series of logical explanations that it is, but as God's mechanism to create the world.

When it comes down to it, the main difference between a fundie and an agnostic is their belief in different levels of involvement from a spiritual entity. One believes in compete monitoring of everything, whereas the other believes in a behind the scenes entity.

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200-300 pages is pretty average for the people I was in grad school with. I think my dissertation is 297? I'm in molecular biology.

There is also a difference in how papers are printed in journals versus how we think of written papers. The paper I'll be submitting soon is about 15 pages, but it will be less than 6 once it is printed (if it is accepted). So the 210 published pages if it is in a peer-review journal could be 500+ word processing pages.

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cats doing non-existent atheist things :lol:

THANK YOU. It made my afternoon! :twisted:

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Saw this, thought it was kind of apropos...

http://cheezburger.com/492037/atheist-a ... ularfooter

I LOVE it. (Lots of avatar potential there, too!) I think it demonstrates very well how the atheist mind works. It's not complicated. No god. No heaven. No hell. No problem.

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I love both cats and dogs, with a heavy preference for docs. However, at this time in my life a cat is more feasible because my work schedule is such that I wouldn't be able to take a doc out as much as it needed. A cat can use a litter box and be happy running around a small apartment. A dog probably could not. Dogs are pack animals and a dog might feel lonely, whereas cats, from what I've read, are more likely to be happy being the one and only.

I'm owned by a cat and love dogs. Once my Tessie is my proper Headship (currently she is second-in-command to my roommate's cat), we will adopt a dog (and possibly another cat). Our Headship *hates* dogs. Any dog. Every dog. Even dogs that are good with cats. Tessie will probably adapt, especially if the dog is properly deferential.

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That's what I believe. Science is God's way of explaining how the earth and people were made by Him. So Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Ken Nye are actually explaining God's teachings whether they believe or not.

Which means it's totally valid not to come to the "God did it" conclusion if one is a person of science.

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Well when you parents tell you to forgive and wipe clean the slate for your brother when he abused you, like what happened to you didn't exist...you might also believe them when they tell you Atheists don't exist.

Sad but probably true.

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