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According to Jessa Duggar, atheists don't exist


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With the knowledge of what happened in that house...I want to get Jessa into college classes. Especially rhetoric/debate. With an actual education she could be a force.

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I'm really curious what the Fraq are they Researching at The Creationism Research Institute? I mean really? ! .. And how much do those "Scientists" get Paid?

Honestly I think those Scientists couldn't find work and since In the CRI they dont prove jack shit they tho they could make a butt load of $ and do no work.

Even though the fact that they work there Im skeptical of their Credentials, so How would I go about checking if someone PHD or BS is real?

Also after Adam & Eve had kids, who did thise Kids get married to? Didn't they have two boys? Did Adam share his Wife? Was Eve the Smurfette of Garden of Eden?


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Actually, I got an explanation of the Cane,Able wife conundrum once, from someone who hung out with the CRI crowd. It seem, that Adam and Eve had daughters.That said daughters weren't important enough to mention in the bible. Cane and Able married their sisters. That incest wasn't a problem back then because the human genome was 'perfect' at that point.

Nope, I'm not making this up.

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Actually, I got an explanation of the Cane,Able wife conundrum once, from someone who hung out with the CRI crowd. It seem, that Adam and Eve had daughters.That said daughters weren't important enough to mention in the bible. Cane and Able married their sisters. That incest wasn't a problem back then because the human genome was 'perfect' at that point.

Nope, I'm not making this up.

Ok, great. Makes sense. I'm buying that explanation. Just one little question. Why didn't god just create a few more unrelated people after Adam and Eve? Or, come to think of it, why not thousands more?

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I keep thinking of that time in Scotland (Ireland? Sorry Scottish and Irish people) when Jim Bob met an atheist (possibly agnostic but agnostics are a type of atheist). JB lectured him on theological basics--that a god has to exist because our position in the solar system is so perfectly situated and that kind of order doesn't come out of nothing, etc.

I thought at the time that JB understood that the guy was legitimately atheist. Jessa's comments would suggest that they all believe atheists are bratty teenagers who reject god in order to be spiteful and attempt to get away with sin.

As a nontheistic person, I am not arrogant enough to believe that "deep down, x-religious-people 'know it is all bullshit.'" How self-righteous of fundies to believe the same for atheists.

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Ok, I am totally confused. This guy's credentials! WTF? Is he brilliant? Is it bullshit? I am beside myself here. He sounds like he should be sharing a podium with Richard Dawkins, not Bin Seewald!!!! What the fuck? Someone explain this to me, please!!!!

General information on him here: rationalwiki.org/wiki/Jason_Lisle (Apparently, his dissertation had nothing to do with YEC at all.)

Unsurprisingly, Dr. Lisle shelters his work from the secular peer-reviewed community: patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2010/07/28/he-submitted-his-paper-to-a-journal-are-you-happy/

From further googling his work, it seems that Dr. Lisle is not particular esteemed within the field of astrophysics itself (obviously barring the religious communities who hold his work in very high esteem). This is a major distinction that I believe suggests that he is alienated from the secular community of astrophysicists* -- The man denies carbon dating as a reliable dating technique.

I think Dr. Lisle is an astrophysicist in the same way actress Mayim Bialik is a neuroscientist. You can have the education, accreditation, certification and/or multiple graduate degrees, but that does not necessitate that you are (1) an esteemed or regular contributor to your field, or that (2) you are a reliable authority on every topic within your profession.

For example, it appears that Dr. Lisle's primary area of research is solar astrophysics. Unfortunately, there is little wiggle room in that field for him to assert that he is also an expert on cosmological origins. I would see his research as more credible if he were an theoretical physicist primarily studying quantum theory. IMO the difference between a solar astrophysicist and a quantum theorist is like the difference between a geographer and a geologist.

I conclude that the guy is a quack, but YMMV.

*Note: The work of privately religious astrophysicists can be and often is secular; secularism and personal religion are not mutually exclusive, because personal beliefs and academic research need not overlap.

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Ok, great. Makes sense. I'm buying that explanation. Just one little question. Why didn't god just create a few more unrelated people after Adam and Eve? Or, come to think of it, why not thousands more?

Genesis 6:2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose.

I was taught this meant Angels procreated with Humans to help explain Adam and Eve and who their children mated with.

This also is used to explain different races and even giants like Goliath. They claim while humans were the same (image of god) angels tended to have varied characteristics and produced varied human hybrids.

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I keep thinking of that time in Scotland (Ireland? Sorry Scottish and Irish people) when Jim Bob met an atheist (possibly agnostic but agnostics are a type of atheist). JB lectured him on theological basics--that a god has to exist because our position in the solar system is so perfectly situated and that kind of order doesn't come out of nothing, etc.

I thought at the time that JB understood that the guy was legitimately atheist. Jessa's comments would suggest that they all believe atheists are bratty teenagers who reject god in order to be spiteful and attempt to get away with sin.

As a nontheistic person, I am not arrogant enough to believe that "deep down, x-religious-people 'know it is all bullshit.'" How self-righteous of fundies to believe the same for atheists.

I get so frustrated when apologists think atheism means you believe anything other than you don't believe in their god.

Why can't they comprehend it only means THAT ONE THING. I usually start drawing venn diagrams and truth tables and then end up explaining how those work. :angry-banghead:

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