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Bengi graduated from collage. Jessa tweeted.


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My reaction to this has been :wtf:

Seriously, i didn't hold any hope for him. I thought JB had absorved his personality. Good for my favourite fundie stoner!!

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Congratulations on the certification!

I can actually see Ben pursing a paralegal career. I just checked the AR requirements, and they don't require a degree or certification. I can totally see a conservative Christian lawyer or firm hiring Ben, and possibly even paying for him to get a certificate.

Would he then be considered a Degreed Law Professional??

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Congratulations on the certification!

I can actually see Ben pursing a paralegal career. I just checked the AR requirements, and they don't require a degree or certification. I can totally see a conservative Christian lawyer or firm hiring Ben, and possibly even paying for him to get a certificate.

I'm sure JB has his own personal team of lawyers, It wouldn't surprise me to see Ben start working for some local lawyers in the local Arkansas area as a paralegal that JB uses for some of his legal needs. Let's remember JB networks and he uses his connections to further his family and his wealth, so I'm almost sure that JB would not hesitate to pull some strings for BenBob to get his career rolling. Also, JB knows that Ben needs to find a way to support Jessa and the upcoming babies..

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A lot of bachelor's degrees are just about as minimally useful. Currently going back to school to rectify a liberal arts degree. Of course, it helps a ton if you have connections (I have none). As unimpressive as Ben's "fame" may be to us, I'd bet there are several employers who would hire him just to say they hired Jessa Duggar's husband.

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A lot of bachelor's degrees are just about as minimally useful. Currently going back to school to rectify a liberal arts degree. Of course, it helps a ton if you have connections (I have none). As unimpressive as Ben's "fame" may be to us, I'd bet there are several employers who would hire him just to say they hired Jessa Duggar's husband.

Yes, it does.

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Ooh maybe Ben will you use his degree to get into politics. He'll start out at as a clerk at the local courthouse or city hall and move up to be some sort of campaign advisor. Maybe he'd like to be Governor himself. I could see Jessa loving that spotlight. Maybe the government will fund his completion of a BS

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Ooh maybe Ben will you use his degree to get into politics. He'll start out at as a clerk at the local courthouse or city hall and move up to be some sort of campaign advisor. Maybe he'd like to be Governor himself. I could see Jessa loving that spotlight. Maybe the government will fund his completion of a BS

My theory is he chose Poli Sci so he can be employed as Smuggar's Bitch when he flops out of DC and comes back to AR to run for office.

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It's better than nothing I guess, he has something to put on to his CV instead of only home school and several smaller jobs. It will be useful to attract more msinstream evangelicals as well as feed the family - it is some education at least. (Still amazed by American graduation festivities...)

I just feel incredibly sad for Jessa - two years... she could have done that by now, too. Beauty, maybe hairdressing or a second language (Spanish? Portoguese?) could come in handy even as a life skill to help Ben with his ministry (if you keep thinking in submissive wife terms). It's just two years, Jessa, you can do it - maybe even part time when the baby's here.

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My theory is he chose Poli Sci so he can be employed as Smuggar's Bitch when he flops out of DC and comes back to AR to run for office.

Ben now has more education than Josh.

I do think Josh regrets his lack of education, especially after spending time in the DC metro area, where 49% of adults have at least a bachelors, compared with 41% in NW AR. Maybe Ben's success at community college will inspire Josh to start taking classes.

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Just wanted to add that associates can be useful. In my area many entry level jobs ask for associates or the equivalent of a Bachelors by have an AS/AA and two years experience. Also you can be employed as a Dental Hygienist with an AS. Something I am hoping to pursue after being employed as a Dental Assistant

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I do think Josh regrets his lack of education, especially after spending time in the DC metro area, where 49% of adults have at least a bachelors, compared with 41% in NW AR. Maybe Ben's success at community college will inspire Josh to start taking classes.

I think Josh would benefit from some college education. Surely he must notice how under educated he is compared to his DC colleagues.

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Well done to Ben. He went to an actual college and graduated. Lets hope he wants his kids to do the same.

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Community college classes are much cheaper than university credits and if the right courses are taken, they can be transferred to university later if desired. I did my AD in nursing at CC and finished my Bachelors in nursing online.

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Usefulness of a degree largely depends on where you are and what the cultural norm is. Many of the jobs that were available in CA when I lived there require a 4 year degree and 5 years experience or a graduate degree. However, many of the jobs I've found in eastern and central CT are high school diplomas or higher.

That said, I find it rather rude to undermine someone's success by saying that their degree is useless, especially when you don't know what their plans are.

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Congrats to Ben! Big accomplishment. Re: his job.....I thought he was an agent for State Farm????

Ooooh, the plot thickens....

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Congratulations Ben! I wonder if he is the first in his family to have gone to college and gotten a degree of any kind. You can't go even community college and not be exposed to people different from yourself. He has stepped outside of the homeschooling box. I hope he is an inspiration to the Dugger kids, maybe even Jessa, I would hope that Jill could see her way to an associates in nursing but not holding out hope for her.

My son is an Army vet and that plus an AA has opened many doors. He has a job much better than many of his peers who have BS or BA degrees.

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Congrats to Ben! Big accomplishment. Re: his job.....I thought he was an agent for State Farm????

That was early on and didn't last long.

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I think it's pretty great that he graduated. Community College is nothing knock, it's still an accomplishment. Maybe this will help change JB's view ? I can only hope...

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That was early on and didn't last long.

Oh, ok....still I'm glad for him that he has another type of experience under his belt.

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When I saw Jessa and Ben at the women's show a few months ago, the interviewer asked what he "does," and he mumbled some crap about working for Jim Bob and touring with Jessa. Wonder why he didn't say he went to college (or had recently finished) instead of making himself sound like such a loser.

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well this is the highest education any lid related or married to a dagger will ever get again. it will be blown on wacky preaching.

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I have an associates degree, it's worth nothing. Unless you have one in computer science you've wasted your time.

Or nursing, dental hygiene or engineering science..

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