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Bengi graduated from collage. Jessa tweeted.


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First of all, my comment was not a "rant"! Secondly, the topic is Jessa's tweet that her man graduated from college. I would never insult anyone who has earned an associates degree; I'm very much pro higher education! However, when it comes to the Duggars, we all know how they are not supporters of college educations! And, when it comes to Bin, this degree could be questionable.

What is questionable about a degree from an accredited two year secular college?

I am not a Duggar humper but I have no problem defending Ben on this one.

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Woah. Hey. Stop. Your rant has NOTHING to do with his education, and an associates degree should never be used as part of an insult.

pega127 might benefit from freshman composition at a community college, given the grammatical errors in her/his post.

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Do not ever shit on someone's completion of education. I laugh about my own "Medical Office Assistant Certificate" from a crappy "private college", but it opened many doors of opportunity for me. I wouldn't have the current jobs that I have now without it, or been given the further educational opportunities that I've been given. Even though the place was suuuper shady and questionable, I still learned things there.

Ben, now that he has attended college, has gained some knowledge. Whatever his degree/diploma was in, he has one. He went to school, and he learned things. His doors of opportunity are opened now. Give the guy some credit. The only thing I would shit on him for are his grades. But even so, he passed. Whatever. He has a legitimate credential. Good for him.

Can someone change the title of this thread? I know I sound like a dick but every time I see "collage" instead of college it just makes me rather peeved (spelling nazi)

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Do not ever shit on someone's completion of education. I laugh about my own "Medical Office Assistant Certificate" from a crappy "private college", but it opened many doors of opportunity for me. I wouldn't have the current jobs that I have now without it, or been given the further educational opportunities that I've been given. Even though the place was suuuper shady and questionable, I still learned things there.

Ben, now that he has attended college, has gained some knowledge. Whatever his degree/diploma was in, he has one. He went to school, and he learned things. His doors of opportunity are opened now. Give the guy some credit. The only thing I would shit on him for are his grades. But even so, he passed. Whatever. He has a legitimate credential. Good for him.

Can someone change the title of this thread? I know I sound like a dick but every time I see "collage" instead of college it just makes me rather peeved (spelling nazi)

I wouldn't Shit on his grades. He made at least a 3.6 gpa most semesters. And I think someone else pointed out he wore a gold tassel indicating he graduated with honors?

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I wouldn't Shit on his grades. He made at least a 3.6 gpa most semesters. And I think someone else pointed out he wore a gold tassel indicating he graduated with honors?

Good for Ben :)

Can I give him a hug ! :D

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This has been a very interesting thread... we don't have "associates" in Canada (maybe it's a US thing).

Either way, I don't know why a couple of people have knocked Bin for his degree. It's pretty unexpected to see the Duggars changing their tune on higher education, especially a properly accredited school that accepts a diverse group of students...

Now do I think he could've chosen a degree with better job prospects? Maybe, but as a person with an undergrad science degree in Anthropology, I can't knock him. The anthropology factories weren't exactly a-knockin at my door... :p and besides, he's got a secure job as a Duggar hanger-on.

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First of all, my comment was not a "rant"! Secondly, the topic is Jessa's tweet that her man graduated from college. I would never insult anyone who has earned an associates degree; I'm very much pro higher education! However, when it comes to the Duggars, we all know how they are not supporters of college educations! And, when it comes to Bin, this degree could be questionable.

Your rant, and yes that word is correct in this situation, was about how he enjoys traveling. Then you went on to insult him, using his education as part of the insult and following it by calling him a nitwit.

Second, he graduated from a REAL school. He made the deans list and graduated with honors. This has been discussed MULTIPLE times on this thread. So, yes, you are insulting someone who has earned a higher education degree.

And Ben may have married a Duggar but he is a Seewald. His views on education come from his parents, not hers. And, even if they did come from her family, it doesn't change the fact that he graduated with honors from a legitimate institution.

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I wouldn't Shit on his grades. He made at least a 3.6 gpa most semesters. And I think someone else pointed out he wore a gold tassel indicating he graduated with honors?

Here's what he wore, which is consitent with Beta Gamma Sigma (Business Honors Society) https://www.betagammasigma.org/:


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Here's what he wore, which is consitent with Beta Gamma Sigma (Business Honors Society) https://www.betagammasigma.org/:


Also lines up with him being a Business Major too.

So he graduated with honors and now holds an AA in Business Management.

Totally not going to snark on that. Nothing there to snark on.

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That's the theory, and immersion is helpful, but most of those students wind up with a double assignment: learn English AND learn whatever information is being presented. A lot of students slip through cracks with English-only. We could definitely support them more, but we don't.

I have a friend who's a teacher in Canada. He speaks English, Spanish, and Korean. He (and the Canadian government) supports home languages and cultures. He is able to talk to the kids in different languages and ensure everyone is learning. The policies are very foreigner-friendly.

Here in the US, we could help support students with developing English skills by having aides who know their home language in the classroom to help review/augment lessons, but we don't want to spend our money that way. Some states have outlawed languages other than English in the classroom, which is absurd. I really think schools should strive to meet students at their current level and move onward and upward from there, but we'll need significantly more funding before that day arrives.

Just to add to that, studies have found that students learn English best when they have a strong foundation in their native language. Not allowing them to use their native language to develop that foundation actually hinders their learning of English.

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I wouldn't Shit on his grades. He made at least a 3.6 gpa most semesters. And I think someone else pointed out he wore a gold tassel indicating he graduated with honors?

Sorry I didn't word that well. I think it's wrong to make fun of anyone's education, but I don't think it's wrong to hold someone's grades against them. People who are perfectly smart but lazy and barely pass things bother me. His grades were perfectly okay. I didn't mean him personally.

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Maybe there is a tiny glimmer of hope for BinJammin after all.

Now, if we can just educate him on how to not sound like an asshat on social media, he won't be SO bad. With age will come wisdom?

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I seem to be more or less alone on this, but I really don't think Ben is that stupid. He makes idiotic remarks people his age tend to make and isn't very articulate, but neither equates to being dumb in my book. I think the brain cells are there. He just has a lot of growing up to do.

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I seem to be more or less alone on this, but I really don't think Ben is that stupid. He makes idiotic remarks people his age tend to make and isn't very articulate, but neither equates to being dumb in my book. I think the brain cells are there. He just has a lot of growing up to do.

I agree. I think, all things considered, he's fairing a lot better than most of the guys I knew at that age. Yes, he thinks he's knows everything, but most people do at that age. His brain is still maturing and will be maturing until sometime around 25-30.

What puts Ben at a disadvantage is that he's going through the "having an answer to everything" stage while people are actively watching him to criticize him. Most of us are lucky that we lacked a real public platform to stand on while we went through this stage.

I think Ben is intelligent, especially if he pulled a 3.6 cumulative GPA, he's just not wise yet. And that's okay. He's not at an age where he should be wise yet.

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Your rant, and yes that word is correct in this situation, was about how he enjoys traveling. Then you went on to insult him, using his education as part of the insult and following it by calling him a nitwit.

Second, he graduated from a REAL school. He made the deans list and graduated with honors. This has been discussed MULTIPLE times on this thread. So, yes, you are insulting someone who has earned a higher education degree.

And Ben may have married a Duggar but he is a Seewald. His views on education come from his parents, not hers. And, even if they did come from her family, it doesn't change the fact that he graduated with honors from a legitimate institutio


By definition, a "rant" is to speak or shout in a wild impassioned way. I made one comment. It was directed at Ben's travel comment; not his education-I embellished my comment to emphasize he has nothing better to do than be available for the many trips his in-laws schedule. His leg-humpers here corrected my snark.

I hope you are right, that his education views come from his family and will not be influenced by the Duggars.

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By definition, a "rant" is to speak or shout in a wild impassioned way. I made one comment. It was directed at Ben's travel comment; not his education-I embellished my comment to emphasize he has nothing better to do than be available for the many trips his in-laws schedule. His leg-humpers here corrected my snark.

I hope you are right, that his education views come from his family and will not be influenced by the Duggars.

You said "Well, gee whiz, you associate degreed dim whit, who wouldn't?" There is NO WAY you can spin that to say you weren't using the degree as a way of proving he's an idiot. And you didn't make just one comment. You made a few.

Not that it matters. At the end of the day, you're just going to take anyone else down instead of taking responsibility for the words you said.

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Just to add to that, studies have found that students learn English best when they have a strong foundation in their native language. Not allowing them to use their native language to develop that foundation actually hinders their learning of English.

I actually know the research but most schools I have taught at encouraged that policy to the parents. Parents speak native language, kid gets English at school. Honestly, to be fluent in a language you need to live in that country. I'm just saying that resources in the United States are stretched to thin and we provide a lot of services to English learners. Also when you are talking about living in a area that schools have 90 plus languages being spoken at home, it is hard to have an aide that can speak every language. That's the reality of the situation. It will take a long time to change it to anything else.

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So I made an account a short while ago and finally came out of lurking to add my 2 cents in..

I got my AS degree in 2007, and was told then it was useless. But using that as my head start to finish my last 2 years at a university was enormously helpful. In my home state, my CC has agreements with some of the major universities that if you get your Associate's from them, you get guaranteed acceptance into those 4 year schools to finish your Bachelor's. not too shabby! It'd be nice to see ben do something like that, we can dream I suppose!

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I have to agree with lizbeth....IMHO he's a fairly typical 20 y/o young man. He's got a little maturing to do, but he seems to be taking the steps to get there. Maybe I cut him/them too much slack...but they've only got a few more months to be young and beautiful before hardcore reality sets in. Poor Jill is seeing that herself right now. It's a beautiful romantic notion to have the fairy-tale wedding and then make the perfect baby...but once the colic starts and the daily grind take over...all that innocence gets trampled under utility bills, work schedules, and lack of sleep.

I commend his achievement, it's taken me 15 years to go back and finish what I started at his age. I think his business degree will be a help if his true goal is to become a preacher of some sort. It'll at least get him in the door to some decent paying jobs until he's able to tackle that task.

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This has been a very interesting thread... we don't have "associates" in Canada (maybe it's a US thing).

Either way, I don't know why a couple of people have knocked Bin for his degree. It's pretty unexpected to see the Duggars changing their tune on higher education, especially a properly accredited school that accepts a diverse group of students...

Now do I think he could've chosen a degree with better job prospects? Maybe, but as a person with an undergrad science degree in Anthropology, I can't knock him. The anthropology factories weren't exactly a-knockin at my door... :p and besides, he's got a secure job as a Duggar hanger-on.

Where in Canada do you live?

We kind of have them in BC. They're not a "thing" in Canada, but they do exist. In BC, two year programs are often called diplomas (like LPN), but if they're university transferable we call them associates. Associates are recognized as being totally useless here though. The only reason they exist is so that they can say you graduated with something. Like where I live, you can go to the college for two years and get an associates, and the finish your bachelor's at the university. Some colleges that do the associates thing are College of the Rockies, Selkirk, Camosun, VCC, and I think Caledonia. The only point is to do your first two years of your bachelor's for cheaper. It's not a "degree" that you could go get a job with; it's recognized by employers as an incomplete bachelor's.

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I am not a leghumper.

Normally I would stay out of this conversation, but since this is my school, I have felt the need to make sure the information in this thread is accurate.

By questioning the validity of Ben's degree, you are questioning the validity of the education he received, there by questioning my school.

I only wanted to make sure you had the facts.

Ben attended the school and was on the deans list before the courtship started. Most people in Hot Springs could care less about the Duggar family. I can assure you Ben did not get good grades based on his wife's fame. He earned those grades fair and square.

His family has been in that school too. I know his Aunt Rebecca attended, I'm certain Jes is going to attend.

I am defending Ben in this case because I know what the facts are here. He did an excellent job. He graduated with honors. I'm defending him because my school wouldn't have bestowed honors and a 3.6 GPA upon him just because he married a semi famous person.

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I actually know the research but most schools I have taught at encouraged that policy to the parents. Parents speak native language, kid gets English at school. Honestly, to be fluent in a language you need to live in that country. I'm just saying that resources in the United States are stretched to thin and we provide a lot of services to English learners. Also when you are talking about living in a area that schools have 90 plus languages being spoken at home, it is hard to have an aide that can speak every language. That's the reality of the situation. It will take a long time to change it to anything else.

Just because it's US policy doesn't mean it's made in the best interest of the students -- just that the politicians have agreed to fund things a certain way.

That's how we wind up with so many kids labeled Generation 1.5. They know some stuff in one language, and some in another, but not enough to be truly prepared for college in either language. Weird cracks emerge, too. I'm in English, so I see a lot of the interesting effects this has on written language.

Where are you that you'd have 90+ students with different home languages? I taught in LA and can't think of a school with more than 20. I haven't been everywhere, but a lot of communities have some ethnic groupings. So you'd get a lot of Spanish speakers, maybe some who speak indigenous languages, and a variety of Southeast Asian students, but still it'd be far fewer than 90, or even 50.

Ultimately, the reality of the situation is we DO have the resources to change this, but we don't. Many of the resources aren't especially effective (I say this having been sent to LOTS of schools while training for my TESL certificate. There are well-funded elementary, junior, and high schools in my area, and we SUCK at integrating kids and getting them caught up in English). There's a lot we could do, but we don't. We spend our American fortune on our military, instead.

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I agree. I think, all things considered, he's fairing a lot better than most of the guys I knew at that age. Yes, he thinks he's knows everything, but most people do at that age. His brain is still maturing and will be maturing until sometime around 25-30.

What puts Ben at a disadvantage is that he's going through the "having an answer to everything" stage while people are actively watching him to criticize him. Most of us are lucky that we lacked a real public platform to stand on while we went through this stage.

I think Ben is intelligent, especially if he pulled a 3.6 cumulative GPA, he's just not wise yet. And that's okay. He's not at an age where he should be wise yet.

I think intelligent but not wise is the perfect way to describe him. :) Honestly, all of the talk about how Ben is a few steps shy of braindead drives me nuts because I see some of my younger self in Ben. I thought I had all of the answers to the way the world works back then, and so do many other people his age who weren't exposed to much of "real life" as children/teenagers and are in the process of discovering it all now. I'm not the most articulate person, and if you put me on TV, people would probably think I'm a bumbling idiot too. I also hold a 3.96 college GPA after completing over 50 courses. There are a lot of things you could call me, but completely lacking in intelligence isn't one of them. I don't think it's a fair descriptor of Ben either.

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Interesting... I'm in southern ON. All the non-bachelors here are diplomas or certificates...

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Well done Ben, now you have qualifications, use them. Stop being Jimbob's slave, get a good job somewhere far away from Jessa's parents, and protect her.

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