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Josh Harris And His Enemies


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I read an article on Josh Harris' site in which he sort of apologizes for calling his detrators Assyrians. It doesn't sound like he is really apologetic just that he got called out on his language. What surprises me is that he would have said it about fellow Chrisitans who only disagree with his church and his book, I Kissed Dating Goodbye.

At one point I compared people criticizing our church to the Assyrians who attacked the people of Israel. I wanted to make the point that even people who seem like enemies (and who use methods we don't appreciate) can be used by God in his loving discipline. Afterwards two fellow pastors pointed out that it wasn't fair to compare fellow-Christians who disagree with our church to a pagan invading enemy army. I realize now that they're right and I should have more carefully qualified (or just left out) the statement.

So, to my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who disagree with my books on dating, or who have disagreements or concerns for my church or for Sovereign Grace Ministries, I want to clearly state that I don't view you as enemies. And I'm grateful that many of you have expressed the same sentiment to me. I pray that in the days to come we will all grow in civility, in listening, in gentleness and in honoring the Lord with speech that builds up (even when we disagree.)

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