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Josh Duggar Admits to Molestation Rumors- Part 3


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According to the TLC website/schedule of shows, 19KAC has an episode scheduled for 5/27 at 7AM called "Duggars: All You Wanted To Know."

No thanks, TLC. I now know waaaaaay more than I ever wanted to know. K-bye.

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Two points I haven't seen addressed. #1 - Rape and by extension molestation are not crimes caused by sexual frustration, they are violence using sex as the tool. #2 - In the Duggar universe sex in marriage is the only acceptable outlet so if someone shows signs of any sort of deviation from the ONLY acceptable path they are pushed into an early or quick marriage as the cure. I am not saying even that these people are even capable of understanding all the variations that exist, just that they see marriage as the cure even if it destroys lives down the road as it most assuredly will. Another thought but this may be too deep them, maybe they see no marriage ever and living in a celibate state as a desperate last ditch option. Not really workable either as they forget that the persons involved could just ditch the whole program, move away, and proceed with their lives.

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So...at the end of the 'getting to know the 19 kids crew' special that aired recently, they recounted the story of the two (married) crew members whose daughter was born early, while on a Duggar trip to China. After going on and on about how close the family and crew are, etc., I was blown away by the fact that, 2.5 years later, the couple 'suddenly realized' that none of the Duggars had seen the little girl since her birth. But they're supposedly 'like family'...?

Suddenly, I'm not so surprised. They knew, the same way TLC knew what a house of horrors the Gosselin home was/is, and yet continues to film those children.

Oh, and btw, to the father, who laughed about any potential future embarrassment to Josie over showing her crap her pants to the entire viewing audience...who asked, "Well, why wouldn't we show it...?" *You* are part of the problem. I hope you show more respect for your own daughter's privacy, but somehow I doubt it.

What really bothers me is that the crew knew (you cannot convince me they didn't) and, yet, the sound guy's daughters have been to the house. If I was him, my daughters would never even know the Duggars.

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^^^^^^^There you go.

Quoting the short statement:

" TLC has just pulled all airings of "19 Kids and Counting" from its lineup ... TMZ has learned.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ, the fate of the show is uncertain, but there's now so much heat in the wake of Josh Duggar's molestation confession ... the network had to make the decision.

We're told they absolutely have not made a long-term decision, but it's clearly a bad sign for the show.

As we reported, TLC ran a Duggar marathon Thursday, prominently featuring Josh. There was big backlash, not the least of which came from Mama June, who felt TLC was giving the Duggars a pass for far worse conduct than hers, which caused TLC to pull the plug on 'Honey Boo Boo."

Thank goodness!1

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Is it too much for me to hope she posts something?

Well we know the Duggars won't be featured in one of her special interviews on OWN.

Whether she does a different sort of special, who knows...

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I apologize if this has been mentioned before (there's a lot to go through), but I wonder if Amy is so close to Joy because she appointed herself to be Joy's protector.

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It looks to me like they're smirking because Jessa's already pregnant but hasn't publicly announced.

I think a lot of people are over analyzing a lot of looks and comments on the show.

This episode was filmed only a couple days ago. Josh has pictures on his Twitter of them on set. Jessa had already announced her pregnancy, they even mention it in the episode a few times.

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^^^^^^^There you go.

They only removed it from the line up and they have not officially cancelled the show. :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:

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And there's this ... a rep for General Mills tells TMZ, they have already blacklisted the show and removed it from their company's current advertising schedule.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz3atD9fIJ9

I liked General Mills because they have gluten free products I like them more now.

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General Mills has blacklisted them (per the tmz article). It's over.

How long till famy changes her name back to Jordan?

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Not that I want the show to continue, but without the show if the family falls out of the public eye I wonder what will happen to the girls. Others have spoken of them breaking free or getting to go to college, but I speculate they are too brain-washed for that. The family may have money now but it could be tied up in investments (real estate and otherwise). I hate the idea of the family returning to rice three ways and the girls continuing to be subjected to this purity nonsense without any exposure to the secular world few years down the road.

I have no doubt josh will find a job. There are so many apologists and a certain segment of Christians who believe he has been redeemed.

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Is it possible that someone was just blackmailing them for money? Wasn't someone doing this to Amy related to a supposed sex scandal. Could this have been them just trying to save face? I do get the feeling that they knew this was coming. Perhaps someone has been blackmailing them for a long time in regards to the documents, someone from their hometown or in the police department who had access to the records?

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Fundie households are a hotbed of lewd sexual games because of repressed desires and feelings. The Josh story went public, but god knows what happens in other families. I fear the worst!

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The most amazing thing is that if they hadn't covered it up this wouldn't have happened.

Juvenile records are sealed. He likely would have received some time in custody and counseling (as would the girls). No court records would be available and the police report would have been sealed.

Because the Duggars decided to do it "their way" and skirt the law it bit them in the ass.

Good riddance, asshats!

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I agree with all of this!! As heinous as the situation already is, what purpose does it serve to put it all into a spotlight now? He can't be punished (legally)...so what's the hitch? To show that they are bad people? We already knew that. To scare the spouses? They are already too deep in. To ruin a would be political career? Possibly. None of this became an issue when he married, it wasn't an issue when he had his own business in Arkansas....this has only become an issue since he's been in Washington pushing the family's agenda and making a political name for himself. All this has succeeded in doing is bring up some painful memories for the girls and promote the twisted beliefs of their parents. Sadly, I can't say that any family's from my own youth wouldn't have acted in a similar fashion under the same circumstances.

There is a lot of reasons why it came out now. The Duggars seems to be the perfect family that seemed to have no problems ever. It just did not seem realistic and people began to dig. They came across this persistent rumor and the rhetoric of " sin in the camp" that sparked a lot of curiosity. I think people were curious about the validity because they did not want to speculate on him having done something awful without proof. The more popular the show became the more people began to learn about the "rumor" and it increased the amount of snoopers. On the other hand there are people who are offended by the Duggars and most likely hate them all indiscriminately. They are offended because they make hateful comments that would get any other public figure shunned but they have it all swept under the rug with sappy stories. I mean think of every group out there that has been offended by a Duggar comment, you all have there are long posts to prove it. It is in bad taste to compare abortion to the Holocaust or assume that all homosexuals are child predators. I do not know what if their intent was hurt the girls but we do know people who do hurt the girls. We know that their parents hurt them by shaming them into forgiveness and a narrow emotional range. We know that Jim Bob makes inappropriate comments and performs inappropriate displays of affection around someone that he knew was molested. We know that he expects the girls to go from 0-100 on their wedding nights because of their cultural standards. In my opinion the only reporters who are truly hurting the girls are the one who are agreeing Josh's apology and who do not call their parents out on their fuckery. Josh is only saying this because he was caught. But hey I know I am not always right.

I get all that. Especially about them publicly saying and doing things that would get anyone else proverbially hung. My only issue with it hitting the fan so hard is that even though Josh and the parents are the target...it's going to affect far more than just them. It's going to have a much bigger effect on the victims and the younger children who may not understand what's going on right now...but will as they age and interact with even the local public. Sure, blow the lid off the culture, expose the ugly side of it. But don't be surprised when hundreds or thousands of people even mildly defend it. My family and neighborhood weren't necessarily "purity culture", but for the most part it was old deep South Bible Belt. Things like this happened more often than I care to admit. Very often, nothing legal was ever done and any counselling was done through a church or ministry. Every victim has a different coping method, these girls have one as well...I don't believe they deserve this.

edited to try & fix the quotes

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Two points I haven't seen addressed. #1 - Rape and by extension molestation are not crimes caused by sexual frustration, they are violence using sex as the tool. #2 - In the Duggar universe sex in marriage is the only acceptable outlet so if someone shows signs of any sort of deviation from the ONLY acceptable path they are pushed into an early or quick marriage as the cure. I am not saying even that these people are even capable of understanding all the variations that exist, just that they see marriage as the cure even if it destroys lives down the road as it most assuredly will. Another thought but this may be too deep them, maybe they see no marriage ever and living in a celibate state as a desperate last ditch option. Not really workable either as they forget that the persons involved could just ditch the whole program, move away, and proceed with their lives.

Exactly. This is so important.

This was a power trip for Josh. He felt entitled to his sister's body because of the disgusting way he'd been raised by his parents.

Josh was 16/17 in the interview. He clearly states that you're not supposed to touch women neck down.

Several of the Duggar girls interviewed were between 8-13 years. They too knew those parts are not meant to be touched. Josh would have known this at age 13/14 when the incidents occurred.

If someone really accepts that Josh's first reaction to hormone surges would be forcibly fondling 4-8 year olds and not masturbation, they need to read up on sex crimes.

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Not that I want the show to continue, but without the show if the family falls out of the public eye I wonder what will happen to the girls. Others have spoken of them breaking free or getting to go to college, but I speculate they are too brain-washed for that. The family may have money now but it could be tied up in investments (real estate and otherwise). I hate the idea of the family returning to rice three ways and the girls continuing to be subjected to this purity nonsense without any exposure to the secular world few years down the road.

I have no doubt josh will find a job. There are so many apologists and a certain segment of Christians who believe he has been redeemed.

2 of the girls who may have been victims are now married and safely out of the house. I expect the others will be more empowered now, not less empowered, and will either leave home with their TLC earnings to get a higher education or learn a skill, or will choose to get married.

They can choose their own husbands. If I were them, I certainly wouldn't trust JB's decision- making skills on their " courtships", knowing what I now know about him.

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I love the support for the victims on this forum. One thing is really bothering me though. Why do we keep speculating who the 5th victim is? It should be up to her as to when and if her identity is revealed. I think it is horrible that the parents of the other four victims were not concealed.

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Josh may be fine now, but he became a dad only 5 years after touching a FOUR YEAR OLD.

Maybe he's never don't it again. No way we could know. But shame on his and Anna's parents for encouraging him to take on a wife and children with this unresolved baggage that he received NO real counseling for.

Hang on. Hang on. Josh became a Dad in 2009. Five years prior would've been 2004. The only kid who would've been four years old back then is Jason. Four of the five victims we know of are his sisters. Joy-Anna would've been six-seven in 2004. We know that something happened in 2002 (not sure because there's so much info at the moment I'm finding it hard to keep up). Seeing as Joy was four for the majority of 2002, that would fit.

But I agree with the second part of your post. If I were a normal person in Anna's position, I would've run screaming. Anna knew about what happened, and still went ahead and had kids with him? That is all kinds of messed up.

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Not that I want the show to continue, but without the show if the family falls out of the public eye I wonder what will happen to the girls. Others have spoken of them breaking free or getting to go to college, but I speculate they are too brain-washed for that. The family may have money now but it could be tied up in investments (real estate and otherwise). I hate the idea of the family returning to rice three ways and the girls continuing to be subjected to this purity nonsense without any exposure to the secular world few years down the road.

I have no doubt josh will find a job. There are so many apologists and a certain segment of Christians who believe he has been redeemed.

I think the family is financially set for good, long while.

I'm not concerned with what will happen to them without the show. The cameras are only a deterrent while they're there, and it doesn't seem like they're present all that often. And when they do show up, it's all scheduled in advance except for the last minute things that the family calls them for.

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Because Oprah Winfrey is an outspoken advocate for women and abuse survivors.

She is a survivor of both incest and rape..

That's why Oprah was an excellent person to send the truth to.

I have a brand new admiration and respect for Oprah that I had lost after her syndicated talk show moved to OWN network. Now, I will try to watch OWN at times and I will support Oprah because she helped the Duggar girls.

Sure, Oprah's a fine choice, if you're not holding onto information for years while the Duggars get more notoriety. My disgust is that someone likely had this information for a long time and only decided to reveal it when the Duggars were set to be interviewed. If I had such a letter, I'd be telling the police (or some other media or hotline) immediately.

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These comments, man. They're starting to drive me crazy. Now I'm on Mike Huckabee's facebook page under his "I Support Josh Duggar" statement and underneath one comment that says "You've lost my support Huckabee! there a reply to the comment by a leghumper that says "So if your son fondled your daughter you'd kick him out of the house???" LIKE THAT IS SUCH AN OUTRAGEOUS THING TO THINK OF. Goddamn these people are so stupid. I CAN'T TAKE THE STUPID.

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OMG... I just read this comment on Amy's boyfriends instagram. The Fundie thought process is clearly delusional and reeks of brain-washing. Here is the comment:


So what Josh did was wrong but he's a knowledged that apologised, changed his ways and been punished. He is now still being punished because he has to live with the guilt of his actions he was a curious teen and young, foolish and naive. I'm sure we've all done stuff we are not proud of like when I pushed my sister in a pond. I was very sorry after"

Does SunnySammy think it was okay for Josh to molest his sisters because he felt sorry about it later and then to compare it to the time she pushed her sister into a pond. What part of he tortured and victimized his own siblings for his own instant and sick gratification don't these people understand?

If you want to down the ugly defending Chester the Molester Josh check out the defending post and subsequent comments over at their main fan blog. One commenter compared it to their own underage drinking and shoplifting. Morons. Who would want to compare themselves w molesters?? If anything you'd say hey maybe I knocked over a liquor store in Albilene but at least I wasn't molesting kids!

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