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Josh Duggar Admits to Molestation Rumors- Part 3


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I am sure JB & M are worried now about what else might get out. This can't be the only skeleton in their family closet. Will this give others the courage to come out and tell about other things that the Duggars have done or allowed to go on? I also believe that there is no way that those 5 girls in the reports are the only victims. More girls may not come forward publicly, but I hope this might spur them to get help if there were other victims.

The fact that the abuse happened is terrible and then the Duggar parents dealt with it the worst possible ways. And shame on them for constantly touting Josh as a leader and such a wonderful big brother. I also feel awful for the other Duggar boys, this has to be very confusing for them.

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^^^^^^^There you go.

I was just going to post that on my TV guide the 19K&C was suppose to be on right now but when I was flipping through channels The Little Couple was on instead.

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The web has know about Josh Duggar for years. when did TLC find out:


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As per TMZ, TLC has pulled 19K&C from their broadcast line-up indefinitely.

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The Legghumpers are like Warren Jeff followers. I swear they say he is still a awesome loving Father etc. They even have a hashtag #westandforjosh.

This makes me so sick.

I don't do Twitter, but maybe someone who does can start a hashtag trend of #wesupportthevictimsofjosh or something?

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I need some help with my English. The newspaper in my country picked up the news, but they say something like: Josh did admit misbehaving in his teens in the statement, but did not confes molestation. Is that true?

Then a local fundy responded on Facebook that she read the police report and that it gets blown up (procecution!) She said 1 victim only felt her blanket being removed, 1 victim had her back scratched, 1 victim couldn't remember if it happened to her or somebody else, 1 victim had her dress touched and 1 victim had her breast touched with clothes in between.

I thought I read he touched the privates of the girls, even in public while reading a book, right? I had the feeling the victims were holding back in their story's?

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From Huckabee's Facebook:

Mike Huckabee

3 hrs ·

Janet and I want to affirm our support for the Duggar family. Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, 'inexcusable,' but that doesn’t mean 'unforgivable.' He and his family dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities. No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story. Good people make mistakes and do regrettable and even disgusting things. The reason that the law protects disclosure of many actions on the part of a minor is that the society has traditionally understood something that today’s blood-thirsty media does not understand—that being a minor means that one's judgement is not mature. No one needs to defend Josh’s actions as a teenager, but the fact that he confessed his sins to those he harmed, sought help, and has gone forward to live a responsible and circumspect life as an adult is testament to his family’s authenticity and humility. Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive bloodthirst, for there was no consideration of the fact that the victims wanted this to be left in the past and ultimately a judge had the information on file destroyed—not to protect Josh, but the innocent victims. Janet and I love Jim Bob and Michelle and their entire family. They are no more perfect a family than any family, but their Christian witness is not marred in our eyes because following Christ is not a declaration of our perfection, but of HIS perfection. It is precisely because we are all sinners that we need His grace and His forgiveness. We have been blessed to receive God’s love and we would do no less than to extend our love and support for our friends. In fact, it is such times as this, when real friends show up and stand up. Today, Janet and I want to show up and stand up for our friends. Let others run from them. We will run to them with our support.

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In regard to Huckabee's support of Josh, one must realize Mike Huckabee is an ordained Baptist Preacher. There is a website devoted to the abuses and cover ups all through the Baptist churches. Girls/women who have been molested, abused and raped are regularly told it is something they wore or did to provoke the incident. This is documented even when the victims are young girls and boys. Preacher Huckabee is most likely very well versed in saying how we are such good people who forgive with little regard to the victims. If this plays out like most incidents within the Baptist church, Josh will be quietly sent somewhere to start another ministry. I agree with the previous poster who thought he might go down to Florida and work with Anna's dad in the prison ministry. Lots of love and forgiveness down there for him to enjoy.

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The most amazing thing is that if they hadn't covered it up this wouldn't have happened.

Juvenile records are sealed. He likely would have received some time in custody and counseling (as would the girls). No court records would be available and the police report would have been sealed.

Because the Duggars decided to do it "their way" and skirt the law it bit them in the ass.

Good riddance, asshats!

They thought God would protect them. They truly don't understand the whole "You'll be judge for your actions." Some think Karma and I tend to think this is God's comeuppance. Come on He had to be tired of what they are dragging his name through. :D

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Sure, Oprah's a fine choice, if you're not holding onto information for years while the Duggars get more notoriety. My disgust is that someone likely had this information for a long time and only decided to reveal it when the Duggars were set to be interviewed. If I had such a letter, I'd be telling the police (or some other media or hotline) immediately.

I can't remember all the different things I've read, but the letter Harpo got was addressed to them from someone alleging that Josh molested his sister, correct? It wasn't that original letter stuck in a book? So, what information was Oprah holding on to? She had her people immediately contact authorities for them to investigate the situation. She had no way of knowing if the accusations were legitimate or how the authorities handled the situation. Announcing that she had received a letter from a random person, with accusation she had no way of corroborating, would have been irresponsible of her, especially considering that both the victims and the abuser were minors at the time.

Oprah is a victim of sexual abuse herself, I believe from a family member. I wouldn't be surprised if the victims were another consideration for her...she wouldn't want to out them to the press.

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These comments, man. They're starting to drive me crazy. Now I'm on Mike Huckabee's facebook page under his "I Support Josh Duggar" statement and underneath one comment that says "You've lost my support Huckabee! there a reply to the comment by a leghumper that says "So if your son fondled your daughter you'd kick him out of the house???" LIKE THAT IS SUCH AN OUTRAGEOUS THING TO THINK OF. Goddamn these people are so stupid. I CAN'T TAKE THE STUPID.

You'd think Huckabee would want to distance himself from the Duggars. If I was a presidential candidate, I'd be doing just that.

I'm so done with the comments of people who are standing by Josh.

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So... finally caught up, and thought I would chime in.

In regards to the speculation of the leak - I think other were right when they said an In Touch journalist just got lucky. We all know that the rumours have been around for years. In fact, five+ years ago I googled "Josh Dug.." and the second suggestion from google was "Josh Duggar Molestation rumours" (or something to that effect). That is actually how I first came across FJ!

There was talk, any it is very easy to get more info. In fact, in January a new poster here happened to mention it again, and BAM! Within a half dozen posts FJers had provided most of the details, and even links to the original Alice/Oprah claims:


So, I think that a journo popped in, got some leads and did some more digging. They probably reached out to some Law Enforcement contacts (?) in ARK and then put a request in for any Duggar related documents. Lo and behold, there was something there.

This story would have taken a while to get together. I would put money on the possiblity that the Duggars/TLC were asked for comment weeks ago. They would have been told that a story WILL be published soon, and did they want to comment? They have been plotting responses/courses of action since then. It explains why the minor was so quick to get the records expunged (what, 24 hours after the story broke?). They had guidance. No minor, especially in a sheltered household would know that they could do that, let alone know how to do that.

** Not saying that the post linked above was started by In Touch, just an example of how easily it could happen **

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I'm glad they've cancelled. I couldn't watch the show anymore, not even to snark. I would constantly be making connections between the girls' behavior and what happened to them, and it's just wrong. I feel so horrible. All this time we've been watching them, and none of us really knew. It makes me sick.

These girls have been through so much, and all in the public eye, just so their parents can make a buck on their behalf. :ew:

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Sure, Oprah's a fine choice, if you're not holding onto information for years while the Duggars get more notoriety. My disgust is that someone likely had this information for a long time and only decided to reveal it when the Duggars were set to be interviewed. If I had such a letter, I'd be telling the police (or some other media or hotline) immediately.

Considering the corruption in their local police department Oprah seemed like a very good option. And not everyone is aware or has access to the internet to know about the proper resources available so reaching out to Oprah could be construed as vindictive it could just as likely be someone genuinely concerned and unsure how to make the issue known.

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Sure, Oprah's a fine choice, if you're not holding onto information for years while the Duggars get more notoriety. My disgust is that someone likely had this information for a long time and only decided to reveal it when the Duggars were set to be interviewed. If I had such a letter, I'd be telling the police (or some other media or hotline) immediately.

Oprah and the Harpo staff faxed the email they received to the proper authorities.

That's all I can say with any certainty, because the " hidden letter in a book" thing doesn't have any weight to it.

That kind of " mystical" vibe... I can't go there.

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I'm glad they've cancelled. I couldn't watch the show anymore, not even to snark. I would constantly be making connections between the girls' behavior and what happened to them, and it's just wrong. I feel so horrible. All this time we've been watching them, and none of us really knew. It makes me sick.

These girls have been through so much, and all in the public eye, just so their parents can make a buck on their behalf. :ew:

They haven't officially canceled, though. It's just been pulled from their lineup. Though getting pulled from the lineup certainly isn't a good sign of the show's future. I'd much rather watch reruns of The Little Couple anyway.

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I wonder what rewatching the specials and TV episodes would do. Shed more light or make people want to beat Josh and those involved in covering it up?

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When things like this happen, other victims come forward. I was just thinking this morning about how I don't believe for a second that he compulsively abused 5 girls and then just stopped. maybe he stopped at home, but I wouldn't be surprised if it continued elsewhere and other people start to come forward in the upcoming weeks.

With their culture, I'd be surprised if anyone else came forward. Have to maintain the illusion of purity.

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I think the family is financially set for good, long while.

I'm not concerned with what will happen to them without the show. The cameras are only a deterrent while they're there, and it doesn't seem like they're present all that often. And when they do show up, it's all scheduled in advance except for the last minute things that the family calls them for.

Between JimBoob and Ja'Grandma their personal and property taxes annually is at least 38,000

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If and when the show is cancelled, Boob needs to give the of-age kids the money THEY earned from appearing on the show so they can start life as they see fit... it would be nice if someone would step up to help Jana and Jinger find their feet in real life outside the TTH.

I do think that when Josh courted Anna that it may have been played to her that the "misconduct" (boy, what an understatement) was some inappropriate contact, implied to be kissing or holding hands, between Josh and the girl he was courting before. She was eighteen and as a previous poster mentioned it seems like the Kellers purposely dumb down the girls and women in the family so it doesn't seem likely that Anna would go digging on her own. I do feel sorry for her.

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I am so glad they pulled it for the moment. I hope they cancel. The Duggars don't deserve a dime.

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The women of " The Talk" are discussing Josh Duggar live at the present time. I'm not watching, just saw the station break preview.

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I'm glad they've cancelled. I couldn't watch the show anymore, not even to snark. I would constantly be making connections between the girls' behavior and what happened to them, and it's just wrong. I feel so horrible. All this time we've been watching them, and none of us really knew. It makes me sick.

These girls have been through so much, and all in the public eye, just so their parents can make a buck on their behalf. :ew:

I don't think they've been canceled yet. Emphasis on yet.

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