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Josh Duggar Admits to Molestation Rumors- Part 3


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The women of " The Talk" are discussing Josh Duggar live at the present time. I'm not watching, just saw the station break preview.

"When they see God, they got a lot of explaining to do." Well put, Cheryl. I usually can't stand her, but she summed it up right there.

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Where was all this outrage when Lena Dunham joked about molesting her sister? I don't get it. I searched to make sure I wasn't mistaken-but hardly a mention of the Lena Dunham molestation and yet post after post about Josh Duggar's molestation. At least he is sorry. She still acts like it is no big deal. And hey while we are at it. Where is the outrage about Terry Bean--the founder of the Human Rights Campaign and the reason you see all the plus sign FB profile pics? His boyfriend went to police and reported that Terry had sodomized a 15 year old boy. But it is all crickets here. If we are all grossed out and offended my a child molesting Josh Duggar but don't comment about liberals who do the same thing then what does that make us? Hypocrites. That is what. I hate that anyone does these things to the innocent. Conservative and liberal alike. Famous and non-famous. It was wrong for Josh Duggar and it was wrong for Lena Dunham and Terry Bean. Wrong is wrong. Yet all these people here up in arms about Josh Duggar and when it came out about Lena Dunham it was just crickets here. That is a shame.

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Wow, I'm off FJ for two days, and this happens? I'm not sure how to feel. As a victim of abuse myself, I'm obviously triggered by it, and really hoping the girls are ok, and that they really did get counseling(doubtful). I know firsthand how damaging purity culture is for abuse victims,and my heart just breaks for them. However, it breaks for Josh, too. He was 14. What he did was terribly, terribly wrong, and I'm not excusing him in any way, but something inside him had to be seriously f-ed up for him to do it in the first place. Their upbringing with its extreme sexual repression, no sexual education whatsoever, no counseling, plenty of guilt, it's just awful. Purity culture is horribly damaging to boys, too. Boys are told they have no control over their sexual urges, basically that every man is a rapist if given the opportunity. Even at 14, he may have felt that what he did was wrong because it was impure, not that it was wrong because he harmed his sisters. Will he re offend? God, I hope not. I really hope someone is keeping a close eye on Mackynzie. The whole situation is so f-ed up, for everyone, including Josh. I absolutely blame the culture they were raised in. I wonder if,in a twisted way, Michelle and JB's covering it up wasn't their way of protecting the girls. Like, their purity was compromised, others might see them as damaged goods, so let's not let it get out. Seriously sick and twisted. I really hope this scandal helps other victims come forward, and forces fundies to admit how damaging purity culture can be.

The purity culture, combined with JB and Michelle's unbridled horniness played out constantly in front of their children. Even down to the little digs at courting couples, i.e., "you can't do this yet, ha ha ha." The obsession with Michelle's menstrual cycle, with the daughters apparently tracking her monthly menses to see if she was pregnant again. The overwhelming focus on sex, sex, sex!!! while at the same time requiring that girls and women dress modestly, covering themselves from their necks to their ankles. It's all effed up. Normal sexual urges are deemed shameful, not to be discussed, while the parents are making out and making suggestive remarks in front of the kids. Shouldn't be a surprise when something goes terribly wrong.

I hope Josh and all the girls involved got some kind of real counseling, but that only would have happened if the Duggar parents were told they had to do it. If there was no follow through by any agency to ensure this happened -- then it didn't happen. JimBob is a straight up liar, and clearly has no problem lying through his teeth to investigators, when he told them Josh went to a Christian-run program for young sexual abusers. I guess he didn't clear that with Michelle, or else she wasn't able to actually lie when the time came and explained that the "counseling" was being sent to build houses with a family friend, for three months.

I just don't know if he still has similar obsessive urges. I desperately hope not. What worries me was he did this repeatedly, not just once or twice. That he was caught and punished, and yet still did it again, which tells me he had a compulsion that he could not control. He may not have this compulsion now, but who is to say that it might not return at some point in time? I would hope he is seeking counseling and therapy now, although I doubt it.

TLC should cancel this show. No spin offs. No nothing. Just cancel it, and move on to making shows that do not include fundies, women who sleep with the man who molested their children, singing fundies who travel around in a smelly bus, fundies who sing at the Grand Ole Opry, or any other creepy parents who want to pimp out their children for a reality tv show.

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The web has know about Josh Duggar for years. when did TLC find out:


Oh, sweet Jesus, with all of those links to FJ, prepare to see a horde of white knighters flock here for membership in their defense. Mods and Admin, I don't envy you right now! Ya'll are amazing, btw!!

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I really wonder what will be in TLC's statement, if it ever comes. They could very well just pull the show with no explanation or statement, but then that just fuels the fire that they KNEW something all along.

I wonder if it will be along the lines of, "We were told SOMETHING *might have* happened, but we had no idea it was this bad. Sorry y'all." You know, not really lying by saying they knew nothing, but not really copping up to knowing the horrible details.

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I can't believe how much time I've spent reading about this...

I just hope Josh gets counseling.. the RIGHT kind.

I pray the girls get as much counseling and support as they need to heal. The RIGHT kind.

I pray again that the kids left in the house are not at any kind of risk for something like this to happen to them.

I wish a plague of sorrows on Jim Bob and Michelle.

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I have been so busy the last few days I didn't want to comment without reading the whole threads but now everything is just snowballing so much its impossible to keep up and go back.

I don't think they are canceled yet, just pulled from the schedule. I do think its only a matter of time though, this is bigger than TLC or the Duggars at this point.

Since I haven't read through all the threads, have these topics been discussed/questions answered

1. Is the church elder referenced Gothard? The Duggars don't really have church elders so Gothard seems to be likely. The predators leading the predators

2. Did Josh get a tip off that this was going to be made public? Is that why they bought the house in Arkansas, because he knew he'd lose his job?

3. OMG WHAT CHUTZPAH THESE PEOPLE HAVE. To have known for years and years that this happened and to continue their bullshit show. To see other families like Honey Boo Boo get brought down for sex crimes and to think they were immune. To preach against the LGBT community when they themselves were harboring a sexual predator. UGH.

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Really kind of horrified that not all the the news reports are mentioning it's his sisters that were victims. It's not like that fact is concealed in the docs. :wtf:

Like others have said, I'd happily donate to the girls to get a new life started. But I'm afraid it'd all get funneled to JimBoob. If one of them actually does break away (and here's hoping that many of the kids do!), maybe donating would be a realistic option. Until then, all we can really do is write to sponsors and keep our fingers crossed?

Is there a form letter yet? I would help write one if there isn't...

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I think a Josiah marriage announcement would be tainted now, just like if Jessa were to announce she is having a girl.

All people are going to be thinking about is the dangers of another girl being in that family, no matter how she came into it.

Short of one of the other kids having murdered someone, no announcement they make is going to over shadow this.

And the EW articles and media mentioning TLC for airing the marathon in the same sentence as Josh's molestation stuff is the stuff that will get the show canceled. TLC won't want to be constantly referred to in molestation and incest stories. The Duggars may make them a lot of money now, but if they want to make money going forward, they will need to bring on new shows and who will want to be associated with that? (fame whores obviously, maybe I give society too much credit...)

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Where was all this outrage when Lena Dunham joked about molesting her sister? I don't get it. I searched to make sure I wasn't mistaken-but hardly a mention of the Lena Dunham molestation and yet post after post about Josh Duggar's molestation. At least he is sorry. She still acts like it is no big deal. And hey while we are at it. Where is the outrage about Terry Bean--the founder of the Human Rights Campaign and the reason you see all the plus sign FB profile pics? His boyfriend went to police and reported that Terry had sodomized a 15 year old boy. But it is all crickets here. If we are all grossed out and offended my a child molesting Josh Duggar but don't comment about liberals who do the same thing then what does that make us? Hypocrites. That is what. I hate that anyone does these things to the innocent. Conservative and liberal alike. Famous and non-famous. It was wrong for Josh Duggar and it was wrong for Lena Dunham and Terry Bean. Wrong is wrong. Yet all these people here up in arms about Josh Duggar and when it came out about Lena Dunham it was just crickets here. That is a shame.

This board is about the Duggars. The others you mention don't pertain to the topic of this board.

He's only sorry that it came out. His apology was all about him and how it could ruin his life.

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My theory is they tried to contact TLC but they didn't care because they were getting good ratings. They may have tried to contact the news but way before Oprah and weren't famous enough for them to care.

The investigation started before the family was famous. That wouldn't be a reason.

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None of those supporting Josh mention his victims, except maybe in passing. It's like they don't exist.

I just get more and more disgusting as time goes on.

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Where was all this outrage when Lena Dunham joked about molesting her sister? I don't get it. I searched to make sure I wasn't mistaken-but hardly a mention of the Lena Dunham molestation and yet post after post about Josh Duggar's molestation. At least he is sorry. She still acts like it is no big deal. And hey while we are at it. Where is the outrage about Terry Bean--the founder of the Human Rights Campaign and the reason you see all the plus sign FB profile pics? His boyfriend went to police and reported that Terry had sodomized a 15 year old boy. But it is all crickets here. If we are all grossed out and offended my a child molesting Josh Duggar but don't comment about liberals who do the same thing then what does that make us? Hypocrites. That is what. I hate that anyone does these things to the innocent. Conservative and liberal alike. Famous and non-famous. It was wrong for Josh Duggar and it was wrong for Lena Dunham and Terry Bean. Wrong is wrong. Yet all these people here up in arms about Josh Duggar and when it came out about Lena Dunham it was just crickets here. That is a shame.

I was, and still am, absolutely disgusted by Lena Dunham. I actually stopped watching her show after that. I can't stand her. I also think what she did was MOLESTATION.

Never heard of the other story though.

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I hope the Arkansas CPS/DCFS/et al checks into the Duggars. I'm worried about the younger children. I'm worried about Mackenzie.

If they do interfere, though, I'm sure the Fundies, leghumpers, and die-hard fans would go even more insane. I can hear it already: "Religious persecution!" "Don't interfere!" "The Duggars did nothing wrong!"

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I wonder if they would now consider making next seasons episodes centered around healing a family. Group and individual sessions with a therapist and the sisters talking about how they're effected. Individual sessions with Josh with j&M, Josh with Anna, and perhaps Josh and sisters eventually. All focused on healing this or similar kinds of family damage.

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Gawker is heavily quoting freejinger....

http://defamer.gawker.com/the-web-has-k ... 1706258269

That's a very clear report.

So Jill was indeed the one that came forward. And was still blamed for it by Josh years later. :pull-hair: Everything they said on the show get's such a new meaning now :(

I wonder why Jill told JB instead of Michelle. I think it's great she did feel like she could tell, but wouldn't most girls talk to their mother about something like this?

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I would donate to that! Is it possible to add some sort of language or contingencies to assure that JB really does have no access to the money?

Look how brainwashed they all are! All the language in the world can't stop them from just handing over any money they get to daddy dearest.

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I was, and still am, absolutely disgusted by Lena Dunham. I actually stopped watching her show after that. I can't stand her. I also think what she did was MOLESTATION.

Never heard of the other story though.

Could be wrong but it seems like Ozarkmama is trying to shame people for criticizing Josh, Michelle and Jim Bob. This is a Duggar forum, of course they are going to be discussed more than other people.

I remember a discussion about Lena Dunham where people were outraged. But this is a forum about the Duggars and fundies like them, so of course the Duggars are going to get more attention.

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My cable guide says they are supposed to be showing 19 Kids and Counting right now but instead The Little Couple is on.

TLC has just pulled all airings of "19 Kids and Counting" from its lineup ... TMZ has learned.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ, the fate of the show is uncertain, but there's now so much heat in the wake of Josh Duggar's molestation confession ... the network had to make the decision.

We're told they absolutely have not made a long-term decision, but it's clearly a bad sign for the show.

And there's this ... a rep for General Mills tells TMZ, they have already blacklisted the show and removed it from their company's current advertising schedule.

As we reported, TLC ran a Duggar marathon Thursday, prominently featuring Josh. There was big backlash, not the least of which came from Mama June, who felt TLC was giving the Duggars a pass for far worse conduct than hers, which caused TLC to pull the plug on 'Honey Boo Boo.'

http://www.tmz.com/2015/05/22/tlc-pulls ... n-scandal/

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In regard to Huckabee's support of Josh, one must realize Mike Huckabee is an ordained Baptist Preacher. There is a website devoted to the abuses and cover ups all through the Baptist churches. Girls/women who have been molested, abused and raped are regularly told it is something they wore or did to provoke the incident. This is documented even when the victims are young girls and boys. Preacher Huckabee is most likely very well versed in saying how we are such good people who forgive with little regard to the victims. If this plays out like most incidents within the Baptist church, Josh will be quietly sent somewhere to start another ministry. I agree with the previous poster who thought he might go down to Florida and work with Anna's dad in the prison ministry. Lots of love and forgiveness down there for him to enjoy.

This is absolutely true. And not only are they told that they played a role in their victimization, but girls are often punished, older girls may be forced to give a public apology and sometimes women are church disciplined/shunned. Fact, fact, fucking fact.

Source: Grew up IFB.

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I wonder if they would now consider making next seasons episodes centered around healing a family. Group and individual sessions with a therapist and the sisters talking about how they're effected. Individual sessions with Josh with j&M, Josh with Anna, and perhaps Josh and sisters eventually. All focused on healing this or similar kinds of family damage.

I wouldn't want to see that. I am disgusted by Josh. His sisters deserve privacy during this time, not TLC continuing to exploit this terrible situation.

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Where was all this outrage when Lena Dunham joked about molesting her sister? I don't get it. I searched to make sure I wasn't mistaken-but hardly a mention of the Lena Dunham molestation and yet post after post about Josh Duggar's molestation. At least he is sorry. She still acts like it is no big deal. And hey while we are at it. Where is the outrage about Terry Bean--the founder of the Human Rights Campaign and the reason you see all the plus sign FB profile pics? His boyfriend went to police and reported that Terry had sodomized a 15 year old boy. But it is all crickets here. If we are all grossed out and offended my a child molesting Josh Duggar but don't comment about liberals who do the same thing then what does that make us? Hypocrites. That is what. I hate that anyone does these things to the innocent. Conservative and liberal alike. Famous and non-famous. It was wrong for Josh Duggar and it was wrong for Lena Dunham and Terry Bean. Wrong is wrong. Yet all these people here up in arms about Josh Duggar and when it came out about Lena Dunham it was just crickets here. That is a shame.

1. You much have missed the giant internet fervor over Lena. She had to cancel part of her book tour and hide out for a while.

2. There is a HUGE difference between joking about molestation and actually molesting someone. I think joking about rape or sexual assault is gross, but it still isn't equivalent to actually doing it. Which leads to the next point,

3. There is a huge developmental difference between at 7 year old (Lena's age when she touched her sister), and 14 (Josh's age). Beyond just being pre- and post- pubescent, there is a huge developmental difference between knowledge of personal boundaries and what is right or wrong.

4. Many experts on childhood development commented on Lena situation saying that childhood curiosity is not the same as sexual assault. Josh touched his sisters to get off, Lena was a young child who was curious. At her age, Lena should have known not to touch others without permission, any sort of touching, but that doesn't make it sexualized.

5. Lena has a good relationship with her sister, who has denied that she was molested by Lena

6. Lena revealed this information herself while trying to make herself sound more interesting and dark in her book. This information was hidden by the Duggars and they only admitted it when forced to.

These situations aren't similar. To compare them does a disservice to Josh's victims and Lena's sister.

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This board is about the Duggars. The others you mention don't pertain to the topic of this board.

He's only sorry that it came out. His apology was all about him and how it could ruin his life.

I get it that this board is about the Duggars. But I read here daily and I remember when the Lena Dunham story broke and none of these people commenting here mentioned it at all. I just think it would be good if we were outraged about all of molestation. That is all I am trying to point out. Josh did ask for forgiveness to those he harmed. Lena Dunham never did. Yet even when brought up you are like--this isn't about anyone else. But it is! It is all wrong and it all matters. The innocent lives of children being stolen whether by a christian or not matter!

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