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Josh Duggar Admits to Molestation Rumors- Part 3


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I hope the Arkansas CPS/DCFS/et al checks into the Duggars. I'm worried about the younger children. I'm worried about Mackenzie.

If they do interfere, though, I'm sure the Fundies, leghumpers, and die-hard fans would go even more insane. I can hear it already: "Religious persecution!" "Don't interfere!" "The Duggars did nothing wrong!"

I have major doubt over the mental sanity of anyone who would say that they did nothing wrong ...

I really hope someone make sure all those kids are ok ...

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They haven't officially canceled, though. It's just been pulled from their lineup. Though getting pulled from the lineup certainly isn't a good sign of the show's future. I'd much rather watch reruns of The Little Couple anyway.

There are legal issues involved with cancelling the show, specifically around contracts and who is owed what and who isn't owed anything due to contractual violations.

Once the attorneys have sorted this out, the show will officially cease production. They just ended a season, so there might not be much footage in the pipeline, but they probably have to pay some of the family members who didn't violate any agreements for anything they haven't yet been compensated for.

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Could be wrong but it seems like Ozarkmama is trying to shame people for criticizing Josh, Michelle and Jim Bob. This is a Duggar forum, of course they are going to be discussed more than other people.

I remember a discussion about Lena Dunham where people were outraged. But this is a forum about the Duggars and fundies like them, so of course the Duggars are going to get more attention.

I remember the Lena Dunham forum as well. Many posters were outraged or, at the very least, disturbed about what Lena Dunham had said regarding her sister.

ETA: Here is a link to the Lena Dunham discussion, ozarkmama:


You're welcome. However, if you are coming here in an attempt to stand up for Josh, JB and Mullet, you can not-so-kindly fuck off.

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I can't imagine what's going on in that house today. I hope they are all okay. I include Josh in that wish because this is a great deal to shoulder and I could see him doing something stupid. And I wonder if the girls are upset about the show being pulled and, likely, cancelled. I hope it's what the girls want but it may not be. And I'm worried about how they are dealing with the general public knowing what happened to them. It must be hell over there. Everyone here is gleeful that their run may be over, and I certainly understand that. And, as it pertains to JB & M I feel the same way. I'm just not sure it's the best thing for everyone else. And, I know that this isn't how anyone wanted to see them to go down.

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That's a very clear report.

So Jill was indeed the one that came forward. And was still blamed for it by Josh years later. :pull-hair: Everything they said on the show get's such a new meaning now :(

I wonder why Jill told JB instead of Michelle. I think it's great she did feel like she could tell, but wouldn't most girls talk to their mother about something like this?

I missed where in that article it said it was Jill. I thought WTFFundieFamilies mentioned Joy. I feel weird trying to figure out which girl was abused though.

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I keep thinking about how a regular, non-fundie girl would feel if she was touched by her brother. And then I wonder if these girls would have a far different reaction. I'm guessing they would. It also makes me wonder if they, themselves, don't really think it was that big of deal. Maybe they have legitimately moved on from in the last decade.

I don't for one minute think they were able to deal with their feelings in a healthy way. But maybe, FOR THEM, they have dealt with it and feel okay now.

I know that we keep commenting on how sad and whatnot the girls look. But maybe they aren't?

I don't know. Just wishful thinking, I suppose.

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Where was all this outrage when Lena Dunham joked about molesting her sister? I don't get it. I searched to make sure I wasn't mistaken-but hardly a mention of the Lena Dunham molestation and yet post after post about Josh Duggar's molestation. At least he is sorry. She still acts like it is no big deal. And hey while we are at it. Where is the outrage about Terry Bean--the founder of the Human Rights Campaign and the reason you see all the plus sign FB profile pics? His boyfriend went to police and reported that Terry had sodomized a 15 year old boy. But it is all crickets here. If we are all grossed out and offended my a child molesting Josh Duggar but don't comment about liberals who do the same thing then what does that make us? Hypocrites. That is what. I hate that anyone does these things to the innocent. Conservative and liberal alike. Famous and non-famous. It was wrong for Josh Duggar and it was wrong for Lena Dunham and Terry Bean. Wrong is wrong. Yet all these people here up in arms about Josh Duggar and when it came out about Lena Dunham it was just crickets here. That is a shame.

I agree and I was completely disgusted by Lena Dunham and how no one even touched the subject. She is so entitled and protected that she doesn't even see how her behavior is wrong and has not faced any repercussions for her disgusting actions.

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None of those supporting Josh mention his victims, except maybe in passing. It's like they don't exist.

I just get more and more disgusting as time goes on.

I have become a crusader on the internet this morning. Every idiot who is defending them, I tell them that the victims were his sisters, and the youngest was 4 at the time. I tell them to read the police report, that this happened in 2002, and that he only had five sisters in 2002. They become delightfully quiet after being informed.

While news stories may omit that this is incest, people can't be unaware of the details forever.

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I can't imagine what's going on in that house today. I hope they are all okay. I include Josh in that wish because this is a great deal to shoulder and I could see him doing something stupid. And I wonder if the girls are upset about the show being pulled and, likely, cancelled. I hope it's what the girls want but it may not be. And I'm worried about how they are dealing with the general public knowing what happened to them. It must be hell over there. Everyone here is gleeful that their run may be over, and I certainly understand that. And, as it pertains to JB & M I feel the same way. I'm just not sure it's the best thing for everyone else. And, I know that this isn't how anyone wanted to see them to go down.

I don't think anyone here has shown any gleefulness whatsoever about what is going on.

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That's actually a really well done timeline, like someone earlier was requesting. Puts everything in much better perspective...

The timeline suggestion was my first thought as well, especially given how the article's research seems to have been done here [emoji1]

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Where was all this outrage when Lena Dunham joked about molesting her sister? I don't get it. I searched to make sure I wasn't mistaken-but hardly a mention of the Lena Dunham molestation and yet post after post about Josh Duggar's molestation. At least he is sorry. She still acts like it is no big deal. And hey while we are at it. Where is the outrage about Terry Bean--the founder of the Human Rights Campaign and the reason you see all the plus sign FB profile pics? His boyfriend went to police and reported that Terry had sodomized a 15 year old boy. But it is all crickets here. If we are all grossed out and offended my a child molesting Josh Duggar but don't comment about liberals who do the same thing then what does that make us? Hypocrites. That is what. I hate that anyone does these things to the innocent. Conservative and liberal alike. Famous and non-famous. It was wrong for Josh Duggar and it was wrong for Lena Dunham and Terry Bean. Wrong is wrong. Yet all these people here up in arms about Josh Duggar and when it came out about Lena Dunham it was just crickets here. That is a shame.
when I heard about Lena Dunham's situation I was horrified and disgusted and still am. I'm just as disappointed by the lack of outrage towards Dunham and her molestation story and lots of other problematic things she has done and said. I can't get mad at everyone for not feeling the same way though, because many people probably don't know. This is a forum thread for the Duggar family, so of course everyone hear in up in arms about what's happening with Josh. I'm willing to bet most of the people here haven't even heard about the allegations against Dunham. Even outside of this site, there wasn't much coverage about it. And that's sad. I'm sad that justice will never be served to Lena and I'm sad that her sister's own voice was stifled by her overbearing older sisters and she wasn't allowed to really speak on her feelings about the situation. There's unfortunately a double standard when it comes to female sex abusers and male sex abusers.
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Josh was pretty smug and cocky during that interview "Digging in with the Duggars" the other night.

"Hey Ben, do you know what a master-burper is?"

"I predict more courtships..Jana, Jinger?"

And ironically, to Jessa: "You can't keep a secret".

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I wonder if they would now consider making next seasons episodes centered around healing a family. Group and individual sessions with a therapist and the sisters talking about how they're effected. Individual sessions with Josh with j&M, Josh with Anna, and perhaps Josh and sisters eventually. All focused on healing this or similar kinds of family damage.

I could see this happening but then JimChelle has to admit they were wrong. They would actually have to go outside their cult and expose themselves. Since Jimbob is a pig and pimp if tlc throws enough money at him I could see this happening. I don't think the girls will speak. They're too afraid. And Josh is still their brother. JimChelle is still their parents. They'll probably be coached.

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From Amy's boyfriend's Instagram:

"I'm so thankful for this beautiful girl in my life, praying for the Duggar family in this hard time... Thank you Jesus Amy wasn't involved in this situation. Love you baby girl! Praying for your family and the love ones involved."

Adding screenshot:


Beyond bizarre to famewhore around in the middle of this nightmare.

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I don't think anyone ignored the environment, but environment or not he's still a predator. There's a difference between curiosity and abuse. There's a difference between exploring the bodies of people your age and fondling the body of a 4 year old. There's a difference between exploring someone's body and fondling your sister's body. There's a difference between getting consent and not getting consent. There's a difference between "rebelling sexually" and sexual abuse.

Yeah people REALLY need to stop acting like this is a sexually repressed teenager acting out. Sexually repressed teenagers don't act out repeatedly, against their toddler aged sisters. People aren't realizing that Josh appeared to have been escalating his abuse in terms of aggressiveness. That's not an act out. That seemed deliberate on his part.

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Where was all this outrage when Lena Dunham joked about molesting her sister? I don't get it. I searched to make sure I wasn't mistaken-but hardly a mention of the Lena Dunham molestation and yet post after post about Josh Duggar's molestation. At least he is sorry. She still acts like it is no big deal. And hey while we are at it. Where is the outrage about Terry Bean--the founder of the Human Rights Campaign and the reason you see all the plus sign FB profile pics? His boyfriend went to police and reported that Terry had sodomized a 15 year old boy. But it is all crickets here. If we are all grossed out and offended my a child molesting Josh Duggar but don't comment about liberals who do the same thing then what does that make us? Hypocrites. That is what. I hate that anyone does these things to the innocent. Conservative and liberal alike. Famous and non-famous. It was wrong for Josh Duggar and it was wrong for Lena Dunham and Terry Bean. Wrong is wrong. Yet all these people here up in arms about Josh Duggar and when it came out about Lena Dunham it was just crickets here. That is a shame.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I have no idea who this Lena Dunham is. Is she a fundy? Also thankfully unaware of who Terry Bean is. I think you get a ton of people talking about Josh Duggar here because this is a forum specifically targeted to discussing his family and their ilk. If a post came up that was titled, "Lena Dunham Molester!" I would not even click, because...never heard of her.

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I'm really upset that the girls had to identified as the victims in order to bring down the Duggar house of cards. We all were hoping that someday "Free Jinger" would be an actual reality of freedom for one or more of the girls. Now their personal hell that is the Duggar Compound has become an even larger prison to them. JB will have his kids locked down more than ever before, shoving his hypocritical, righteous messages down their throats with Michelle and Josh by his side. It makes me sick. Never before have I seen such a large glass ceiling shattered and being swept under a rug like this has. The Fundies are now circling their wagons to hide their "sin in camp" like never before. They don't want wayward adult children coming through the ranks to expose the reality of such religious cults like Gothard and ATI. The only glimmer of hope I see in this, is maybe just maybe, the world will see these religious cults for what they really are. But I doubt it. People still go to Lancaster, PA and buy Amish quilts and fresh roadside produce knowing that physical and sexual abuse of children is widespread in their communities. The other cheek was turned for so long in this case, years and years they were glanced over as internet rumors, but as JB would say "truth shall prevail" and it did, in a big way.. bigger than I've ever seen. Our lives will go on unscathed by this for the most part. Oh we feel bad that this happened to beautiful young girls... it's a shame, they didn't deserve it, JB, Michelle and Josh are scum. We'll give it some lip service and then we will move on to the next snarkable thing. But they.. the victims can't move on, they are stuck and for that I'm heartbroken and so very sorry.

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One thing that I can not get over is the fact that they kept him in the home. Couldn't he go live with Grandma and Grandpa Duggar? I know that he is their son, but I just can't stop thinking about how uncomfortable the girls were having to live and sleep in the same house as them. Those poor girls.

I also hate the excuse that he was young and has asked for forgiveness. My 15 year old sister knows what is and is not okay sexually. He may had grown up in a different environment but with the families emphasis on modesty he knew what parts of the body are okay to touch. The forgiveness thing is basically saying a Christian can do anything they want right or wrong as long as they feel bad later and ask for forgiveness. That is not okay. Certain acts have a higher degree of wrongness. It should be up to the victims on whether or nit they forgive him, not because they have to due to religion

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I bet JimBoob and J'Chelle took away all the SmartPhones, even all the boys' shitty phones. A complete media ban. Probably no one's leaving the TTH; only Jill and Jessa are allowed over.

Are Josh, Anna, and the kids in AK currently? Where would they be staying? Would JB&M let them stay there or pawn them off on Jill and Derick again? Would Derick even want him in the house?

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I missed where in that article it said it was Jill. I thought WTFFundieFamilies mentioned Joy. I feel weird trying to figure out which girl was abused though.

It's in Alice's part. She said they eldest daughter wasn't touched and the second daughter caught Josh...

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His statement reads like a psychopath. He stopped because he realized it would ruin HIS life. Their culture and lifestyle is all about sex. Everything is hypersexualized.

I really bet these people are baffled by the intensity of this backlash. Because to them, there are no shades of gray. Every sin is just as bad as one another and when you teach that it means watching porn is just as bad as molesting your sister. A teenager who out of curiosity fondles another girls boobs is just a teen being a teen right? Why is it different when its his sister? This is what happens when you place so little value on women. You have taught your children that women aren't people who are valued as much as you and deserve respect. No, they are lesser, subservient sex objects to be used for their man's desire.

I still suspect Josh was molested or that their is a much larger network of child porn/abuse going on with JB and ATI. But even if that were not the case the danger of this culture and its teaching is that men have a messed up view of women and sex. When you are taught that women are put on earth for the purpose of sexually pleasing and serving men and that men have no control over themselves and that basically every sin is just as bad as the next and that girls don't matter as much as boys its not hard to see why this happened. Josh is still a predator. If we found out about this when it first happened I'd feel more sympathy but he's an adult now and shows no remorse or that he has done anything to change his ways (aside from turning to Jesus and finding a wife to give him all the sex he wants). He should be repenting for this the rest of his life.

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Where was all this outrage when Lena Dunham joked about molesting her sister? I don't get it. I searched to make sure I wasn't mistaken-but hardly a mention of the Lena Dunham molestation and yet post after post about Josh Duggar's molestation. At least he is sorry. She still acts like it is no big deal. And hey while we are at it. Where is the outrage about Terry Bean--the founder of the Human Rights Campaign and the reason you see all the plus sign FB profile pics? His boyfriend went to police and reported that Terry had sodomized a 15 year old boy. But it is all crickets here. If we are all grossed out and offended my a child molesting Josh Duggar but don't comment about liberals who do the same thing then what does that make us? Hypocrites. That is what. I hate that anyone does these things to the innocent. Conservative and liberal alike. Famous and non-famous. It was wrong for Josh Duggar and it was wrong for Lena Dunham and Terry Bean. Wrong is wrong. Yet all these people here up in arms about Josh Duggar and when it came out about Lena Dunham it was just crickets here. That is a shame.

Because this is a board about the Duggars and other fundamentalist families and their lifestyle choices, not about Lena Dunham (I don't even know who she is) or Terry Bean (first time I have heard of him also). However, I agree that anyone who molests another person, man woman or child, is in the wrong.

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I remember the Lena Dunham forum as well. Many posters were outraged or, at the very least, disturbed about what Lena Dunham had said regarding her sister.

ETA: Here is a link to the Lena Dunham discussion, ozarkmama:


You're welcome. However, if you are coming here in an attempt to stand up for Josh, JB and Mullet, you can not-so-kindly fuck off.

I am most certainly not saying any of this to stand up for the Duggars involved in this mess. Not at all. I simply wanted to point out that all molestation matters and is horrible. And I hope those who do it are held accountable no matter what.

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All of this just makes me sick and very angry. I still can't find the words. Of course TLC knew about this. If Oprah did, they did. And to the crew that knows and stayed around all that time, WTF??? I guess if they can cover up Kate's abuse of her 8, they can sweep this under the rug too. I just don't get it. Aren't we supposed to protect kids from crap like this happening? JB and M are the worst parents ever. Can we even call them parents? They haven't done one freaking thing to be classified as a parent since they always make the older girls do everything. I really hope the show gets cancelled. I feel bad for the girls and Josh can go jump off a bridge for all I care. He's not sorry and his so called "counseling" is a joke.

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when I heard about Lena Dunham's situation I was horrified and disgusted and still am. I'm just as disappointed by the lack of outrage towards Dunham and her molestation story and lots of other problematic things she has done and said. I can't get mad at everyone for not feeling the same way though, because many people probably don't know. This is a forum thread for the Duggar family, so of course everyone hear in up in arms about what's happening with Josh. I'm willing to bet most of the people here haven't even heard about the allegations against Dunham. Even outside of this site, there wasn't much coverage about it. And that's sad. I'm sad that justice will never be served to Lena and I'm sad that her sister's own voice was stifled by her overbearing older sisters and she wasn't allowed to really speak on her feelings about the situation. There's unfortunately a double standard when it comes to female sex abusers and male sex abusers.

I personally found Lena Dunham's actions to be revolting.

But I also think that this kind of argument feels disingenuous. There are plenty of child molesters and sexual predators in the world, tragically. But this forum isn't about child molesters and sexual predators in general. It's about the Duggars. And people are entitled to be outraged and upset over this situation and have the right to discuss their feelings on the topic in a forum that has the name DUGGARS right in the title. Hell. Even my kids know that, "Well he/she did it too" isn't exactly an excuse for their own wrongdoing. I'd expect better logic out of adults. But apparently, I expect too much.

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