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Josh Duggar Admits to Molestation Rumors- Part 3


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I personally found Lena Dunham's actions to be revolting.

But I also think that this kind of argument feels disingenuous. There are plenty of child molesters and sexual predators in the world, tragically. But this forum isn't about child molesters and sexual predators in general. It's about the Duggars. And people are entitled to be outraged and upset over this situation and have the right to discuss their feelings on the topic in a forum that has the name DUGGARS right in the title. Hell. Even my kids know that, "Well he/she did it too" isn't exactly an excuse for their own wrongdoing. I'd expect better logic out of adults. But apparently, I expect too much.

I don't know if ozarkmama was referring to the reaction of this board specifically when she brings up Lena Dunham but her comment did remind me of the lack of attention the media in general gave to Lena Dunham. Unlike what is happening with Josh now, very few media outlets spoke about her. I remember watching TMZ just waiting for their take and they never discussed it. Yes, this is a Duggar board but the media in general focuses a lot more when a man is the abuser than a woman. Lena Dunham, because of her gender, seems to have gotten a free pass. She exclaimed that she didn't understand what the big deal was and then deflected by accusing someone else of rape. Josh's actions are disgusting but there's a definite bias.

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I get it that this board is about the Duggars. But I read here daily and I remember when the Lena Dunham story broke and none of these people commenting here mentioned it at all. I just think it would be good if we were outraged about all of molestation. That is all I am trying to point out. Josh did ask for forgiveness to those he harmed. Lena Dunham never did. Yet even when brought up you are like--this isn't about anyone else. But it is! It is all wrong and it all matters. The innocent lives of children being stolen whether by a christian or not matter!

I don't even know (much less care) who this Lena chick is. And as someone said above, there's a difference about joking about molesting someone and actually molesting someone.

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Josh is about as "sorry" as a 3 year old who got in trouble for hitting a kid over a toy. He's saying sorry because he has to, not because he actually feels guilt. He won't even admit to exactly what he did, and he writes it off as "a stupid teenage thing." As if forcibly groping multiple people, most of whom are prepubescent, is on par with sneaking out of the house to attend a party with your friends.

He's not sorry. He's just sorry he was caught. There's a big difference.

I'm not a public figure on the internet but I am just as outraged and disgusted about Lena Dunham. I wasn't posting here regularly when the Dunham revelations were revealed.

I had no idea bout the Terry Bean accusations. Thank you for bringing them to my attention.

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I said it on the other thread and I'll say it again: no! Therapy sessions should ALWAYS be private. They should NEVER be exploited. They should NEVER be broadcast. The only time anyone should ever have access to them is if it's court ordered. These girls need help, Josh needs help, the other kids need help. None of that help should be publicized.

With respect to the show, the best thing IMO is for it to be gone. The kids get their private lives back, the abuse survivors can hopefully get help and support without having to put on a face for the cameras, and Josh can get help however he needs to protect his kids.

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TLC posted this on their FB:

"Effective immediately, TLC has pulled all episodes of 19 Kids and Counting currently from the air. We are deeply saddened and troubled by this heartbreaking situation, and our thoughts and prayers are with the family and victims at this difficult time."

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I said it on the other thread and I'll say it again: no! Therapy sessions should ALWAYS be private. They should NEVER be exploited. They should NEVER be broadcast. The only time anyone should ever have access to them is if it's court ordered. These girls need help, Josh needs help, the other kids need help. None of that help should be publicized.

They show the Sister Wives' therapy sessions sometimes, like when they all go in together, plus Janelle showed a solo session once. TLC had no problem cashing in on that, so I wouldn't put it past them that the thought might have occurred. However, this is a completely different ballpark. No self respecting therapist/psychiatrist/what have you would allow this kind of counseling to be displayed for the public.

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Oh, sweet Jesus, with all of those links to FJ, prepare to see a horde of white knighters flock here for membership in their defense. Mods and Admin, I don't envy you right now! Ya'll are amazing, btw!!

And now the influx of gawker readers are crashing us :)

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From TLC:

Effective immediately, TLC has pulled all episodes of 19 Kids and Counting currently from the air. We are deeply saddened and troubled by this heartbreaking situation, and our thoughts and prayers are with the family and victims at this difficult time.


  • NOOOOOO! Everybody makes mistakes. I sure wouldn't want the world to know everything I did at 15. Have a forgiving heart!

  • During this difficult time? It happened years ago and everyone has already dealt with it. Let it go.

  • Are yall ever going to bring it back? Let those without sin cast the first stone :cry:

  • I am so very sad! It's the only show I watch! The Duggar family is wonderful. The situation happened 12 years ago and was dealt with. No Reason to punish Josh or the Duggar family now. I am disappointed in this decision.

  • EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: I AM DONE WITH TLC!! What about the show Sister Wives? That is nothing but a cult itself.

Awww poor little leghumpers are sad that the best family evar 1!1!!!!!! are getting dumped by tlc.... Good grace why are people still defending the Duggars?

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So the Oprah offering the girls free educations was true. But JimChelle turned her down. And when Oprah went to ask the hard questions they refused to answer and wanted it edited out. It's it mean for me to say I wish JimChelle never had kids. These poor innocent children didn't deserve any of this.

someone wrote on that site someone posted a few pages back that the oldest wasn't touched and the second girl told. Plus everything FJ said about the Duggars being supported by the chruch and begging is true.

Where did you read this? I haven't seen in mention of free educations in the latest reports.

Do we know if the Duggars ever made it into the studio before Oprah cancelled their appearance? I know they were already in Chicago, but I'm curious if anything was ever taped.

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I have too said in an earlier thread I thought Josh was a sociopath and than someone added that he was very narcissistic. I used to work on a psych ward at a mental hospital so I'm familiar with the traits of people with these disorders. I went on disabled world.com and found some literature pertaining to the traits of a narcissistic sociopath. I believe it describes Josh, as we know him from TV, quite well.

"Some people who experience antisocial personality disorder also tend to suffer from another mental health disorder known as, 'Narcissistic Personality Disorder.' Those affected are often called, 'narcissistic sociopaths,' or, 'sociopaths with narcissistic traits,' and such a situation is highly dangerous because these people do not want to be helped. Such people often times tend to be highly manipulative and without any shred of remorse for their actions – even if their actions have harmed others who are close to them, or their own family members. There is nothing that can stop a narcissistic sociopath from achieving their goals. They make use of all of their charm, which is incredibly superficial, as well as intellect in order to attain their goals by any means possible. Such people often times believe they are above all and do not really care if anyone disagrees with them."

Sounds like DimBob to me.

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TLC posted this on their FB:

"Effective immediately, TLC has pulled all episodes of 19 Kids and Counting currently from the air. We are deeply saddened and troubled by this heartbreaking situation, and our thoughts and prayers are with the family and victims at this difficult time."

The first two comments displayed when I went to TLC's Facebook page were of two people saying that, effective immediately, they're boycotting TLC.

:angry-banghead: SERIOUSLY?!

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I just noticed Josh's facebook account has been removed. Twitter is still up, though.

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I don't even know (much less care) who this Lena chick is. And as someone said above, there's a difference about joking about molesting someone and actually molesting someone.

I thought I was the only one who didn't know who Lena or some Bean man are.

I don't care, either, LOL.

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Has this been talked about at all- Josh Duggar might have been molested also? Someone was talking to me about that and I can't say yes or no to it.

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I am most certainly not saying any of this to stand up for the Duggars involved in this mess. Not at all. I simply wanted to point out that all molestation matters and is horrible. And I hope those who do it are held accountable no matter what.

You're one of those, the "all lives matter" assholes who derail discussions and act oblivious to the very specific, and very real issue being addressed to pretend to be PC when youre really just pointing fingers and deflecting blame, Do the posters on freejinger seem so dimwitted to you to not realize that of course, all molestation matters? Are you oblivious to the fact that this is FreeJinger DUGGAR, not FreeGrace Dunham?

Alot, and I mean alot of of posters here who were aware of what Lena did to her sister were disgusted and outraged, I personally wrote HBO stating my displeasure with her, and have spoken out against her on my social media accounts. I make it a point to avoid anything showcasing her. I wish TPTB swiftly punished Lena and took her off of her screens, but that didnt happen. However, just because Lena wasnt punished doesnt mean that Josh and JB&M shouldnt be. FreeJinger shouldnt be ashamed, YOU should be ashamed of YOURSELF for trying to derail the topic to whine "she did it too, all lives matter!" while hiding your hands. :naughty:

You can see yourself out.

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So I saw the headline on FB yesterday and immediately thought "well, shit -- what we all thought to be bordering on urban legend was true". So many times the strangest theory seems to end up being true. Here's my $.02:

"Stupid teenage mistakes" -- Um, no. A stupid mistake is made once, the person realizes '"oh shit!" and it never happens again. Repeated behavior over a period of time is a habit, not a mistake.

Boob and Mullet shoulder a majority of the blame. They have demonized sex, sexual feelings and everything related to sex to a point beyond repression. That alone makes them the bad guys in my eyes. But then they allowed it to continue!! And they swept it under the rug! That ostrich like behavior -- if we don't see it, it will go away, makes me so angry!

The Loser Channel also shoulders blame -- they had to know, and they did nothing, continuing with the charade. They should lose their broadcasting license. (is that a thing? is that possible?)

Jana -- I so worry that she was victimized twice -- by Smuggar and then at JTTH. Taking her to "heal" from experience with one predator and putting her directly in front of another is hellacrazystoopid. I pray that she finds her happy ending someday.

Which girls were the victims, which weren't -- doesn't matter to me. They were ALL at risk. They were all in that toxic stew pot called a "home". I wish CPS would/could go in and bust up that family.

*sigh* I'm sure there is so much more we don't know; more that I don't want to know. I just can't believe the lid has been blown off. The effects will ripple on for a long time, of that I am sure.

Long live Free Jinger!

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You're one of those, the "all lives matter" assholes who derail discussions and act oblivious to the very specific, and very real issue being addressed to pretend to be PC when youre really just pointing fingers and deflecting blame, Do the posters on freejinger seem so dimwitted to you to not realize that of course, all molestation matters? Are you oblivious to the fact that this is FreeJinger DUGGAR, not FreeGrace Dunham?

Alot, and I mean alot of of posters here who were aware of what Lena did to her sister were disgusted and outraged, I personally wrote HBO stating my displeasure with her, and have spoken out against her on my social media accounts. I make it a point to avoid anything showcasing her. I wish TPTB swiftly punished Lena and took her off of her screens, but that didnt happen. However, just because Lena wasnt punished doesnt mean that Josh and JB&M shouldnt be. FreeJinger shouldnt be ashamed, YOU should be ashamed of YOURSELF for trying to derail the topic to whine "she did it too, all lives matter!" while hiding your hands. :naughty:

You can see yourself out.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I love you so much right now.

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  • NOOOOOO! Everybody makes mistakes. I sure wouldn't want the world to know everything I did at 15. Have a forgiving heart!

  • During this difficult time? It happened years ago and everyone has already dealt with it. Let it go.

  • Are yall ever going to bring it back? Let those without sin cast the first stone :cry:

  • I am so very sad! It's the only show I watch! The Duggar family is wonderful. The situation happened 12 years ago and was dealt with. No Reason to punish Josh or the Duggar family now. I am disappointed in this decision.

  • EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: I AM DONE WITH TLC!! What about the show Sister Wives? That is nothing but a cult itself.

Awww poor little leghumpers are sad that the best family evar 1!1!!!!!! are getting dumped by tlc.... Good grace why are people still defending the Duggars?

Pretty nasty how many people are totally willing to easily forgive a sexual abuser. And how many people have NO idea what sex abuse does to children. "Everyone has dealt with it, let it go" !?!? I bet a lot of abuse survivors would LOVE if that was possible and that easy.

Also, what the FUCK have these people who say "eh I did bad things at 15 too" done??? I think the worst thing I did back then was hate my brother. Not molest or kill or even hit him, just be super pissed at him.

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I get it that this board is about the Duggars. But I read here daily and I remember when the Lena Dunham story broke and none of these people commenting here mentioned it at all. I just think it would be good if we were outraged about all of molestation. That is all I am trying to point out. Josh did ask for forgiveness to those he harmed. Lena Dunham never did. Yet even when brought up you are like--this isn't about anyone else. But it is! It is all wrong and it all matters. The innocent lives of children being stolen whether by a christian or not matter!

Please don't feed the troll.

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I don't think there's anything I can add that hasn't already been said, probably more eloquently, by somebody else here. Josh's apology and the family statements to the press were infuriating, the continued defense of Josh and his parents by the leghumpers is infuriating, my heart breaks for those girls who were victimized even more than we already thought they were by living in a patriarchal family, and while I know the leghumpers will not be swayed of their support of this family and others like them, I hope those viewers who watched what they thought was a family friendly show and were oblivious or naive about the deeper religious beliefs of this "perfect" family will finally realize just how toxic and destructive those beliefs are to everyone who lives them, but especially to the women and children.

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I do think the environment has some blame, but I've just finished reading "The Sociopath Next Door," and a lot of it really does seem to fit Josh!

And no, it's not normal teenage behavior. Personally, when I was a teenager, I also engaged in some experimentation and, you know, sexual things, but I can't imagine doing anything with anyone so much younger who obviously doesn't want to do it! And this is coming from someone whose, er, kinks, would make all conservative Christians run away screaming for God to protect them (and I'm queer to boot). But I'M the bad person here? I'm the one destroying families?

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I thought I was the only one who didn't know who Lena or some Bean man are.

I don't care, either, LOL.

Quick rundown:

Lena Dunham is an actress and author. She published a memoir a year or two ago. In that memoir she recounted how she touched her sister's vagina when she was 7 and her sister was a toddler. From what I recount about the story, her sister had put something up there (several pebbles or something) and Lena noticed the sister acting all mischievous. She was curious and looked inside, freaked out, and told their mother. There were some other passages where she jokingly compared herself as a child to a sexual predator and tried bribing her sister for kisses.

Big differences that I see are as follows:

- Josh was 13-14 at the time of the assaults. Lena was 7. Big big difference in maturity and development at those ages. Josh was old enough to know he was doing something bad; Lena was acting more out of curiosity.

- Lena was clearly trying to joke about some of the things in the book. It was a stupid idea and clearly didn't go over well with a lot of people.

- Lena actually seemed to mean it when she apologized for how her words were taken, especially when she apologized for making light of sexual abuse. Josh, on the other hand, made it all about him and never acknowledged his victims at all.

- Finally, many medical professionals stated that her accounts seem to fall in line with natural childhood curiosity about their bodies and the bodies of others.

While I don't condone what Lena did (especially the joking around about sexual abuse), I do feel that there is a difference between the two situations.

Not sure who that Bean guy is though.

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