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Josh Duggar Admits to Molestation Rumors- Part 3


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Has this been talked about at all- Josh Duggar might have been molested also? Someone was talking to me about that and I can't say yes or no to it.

It's been mentioned on FJ in the past day or two. It does seem to be the case that many of those who molest have been molested. Without doing the research, I'm don't know whether Josh fits the profile. Generally, pedophiles (and I'm not sure Josh is a pedophile) target a specific age group, and Josh seems to have been more opportunistic than age specific.

At the time this occurred, they were living in a 2,000 square foot house so I'm would surmise that privacy was minimal, so that all the children were exposed to more than was appropriate. And, of course, JB/M were sexually active, and from what we've seen of their behavior on television, their in-home behavior may not have been appropriate either.

Perhaps it's worth starting a thread, but I'm concerned that we'd just be riding the ISB over a cliff.

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About TLC knowing... I can't imagine any situation where the Oprah emailer didn't also try letting TLC know. Maybe they didn't take it seriously like Oprah did, but I am SURE that person tried to tell them. Why wouldn't they? But a lot of letters to shows and networks are read and answered by interns and low level people. Presumably Oprah's work environment is very educated about abuse and taking accusations seriously and how to respond to them, given her passion for helping and preventing those situations. TLC probably does get a ton of negative Duggar emails and I'm sure some nuts have accused them of lots of things that weren't actually true. I could see the one true one getting lost in the shuffle.

But I can't see them never having had an inkling.

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Where would the Duggars stand on abortion be if Joshy impregnated one of their girls?

lets buy the girls some new shirts. they can say "I survived Duggar Vs Duggar"

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It's been mentioned on FJ in the past day or two. It does seem to be the case that many of those who molest have been molested. Without doing the research, I'm don't know whether Josh fits the profile. Generally, pedophiles (and I'm not sure Josh is a pedophile) target a specific age group, and Josh seems to have been more opportunistic than age specific.

At the time this occurred, they were living in a 2,000 square foot house so I'm would surmise that privacy was minimal, so that all the children were exposed to more than was appropriate. And, of course, JB/M were sexually active, and from what we've seen of their behavior on television, their in-home behavior may not have been appropriate either.

Perhaps it's worth starting a thread, but I'm concerned that we'd just be riding the ISB over a cliff.

Their behavior always grossed me out. This all coming to light as truth just makes it all the grosser.

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I do think the environment has some blame, but I've just finished reading "The Sociopath Next Door," and a lot of it really does seem to fit Josh!

And no, it's not normal teenage behavior. Personally, when I was a teenager, I also engaged in some experimentation and, you know, sexual things, but I can't imagine doing anything with anyone so much younger who obviously doesn't want to do it! And this is coming from someone whose, er, kinks, would make all conservative Christians run away screaming for God to protect them (and I'm queer to boot). But I'M the bad person here? I'm the one destroying families?

Yup, seeking out a 4 or 5 year old and abusing them is clear evidence (to me at least) that he knew it was wrong and was going for a victim who is less likely to fight it. Same with his sleeping victims. Teens can be confused and uneducated and horny, I can even see in their environment him going after one of his sisters around his age just not knowing any better, but a 4 year old. And then after it happened the first time and he was caught and "punished" the fact that it happened again means he couldn't stop himself despite knowing it was wrong.

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About TLC knowing... I can't imagine any situation where the Oprah emailer didn't also try letting TLC know. Maybe they didn't take it seriously like Oprah did, but I am SURE that person tried to tell them. Why wouldn't they? But a lot of letters to shows and networks are read and answered by interns and low level people. Presumably Oprah's work environment is very educated about abuse and taking accusations seriously and how to respond to them, given her passion for helping and preventing those situations. TLC probably does get a ton of negative Duggar emails and I'm sure some nuts have accused them of lots of things that weren't actually true. I could see the one true one getting lost in the shuffle.

But I can't see them never having had an inkling.

They probably did try to contact. I hope no other true reports got lost in the mix, but, let's be realistic - there might have been more that did get lost.

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Where would the Duggars stand on abortion be if Joshy impregnated one of their girls?

lets buy the girls some new shirts. they can say "I survived Duggar Vs Duggar"

This is a revoltingly inappropriate joke IMO.

As for the abortion question, that is easy, "the only moral abortion is my abortion."

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I can't stand Lena Dunham - that whole situation also made me sick - however totally different situation with different circumstances (and probably was discussed to death on a different board under different usernames). We're gonna leave that there.

I am glad that TLC is pulling the episodes. Fingers crossed that this leads the kids to a happy, normal life.

Reminder to give the kids in your life a hug and tell them they matter. It doesn't solve all problems, but at least they'll know if something bad does happen, you got their back.

Montel Williams has a great statement and replies to leghumpers on his FB. Sorry if it's already been posted.

https://www.facebook.com/MontelWilliams ... 4842266873

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They probably did try to contact. I hope no other true reports got lost in the mix, but, let's be realistic - there might have been more that did get lost.

TLC could have been like us when we first heard the rumor and thought... "ehhhhh really?" Short of actually digging up the police report - which takes some effort since FJ has also been digging on this as well and coming up with nothing - there really wasn't solid evidence.

CPS is overworked and the outward signs of abuse are minimal. I can see how this got buried for years and years.

I stand by the fact that someone on the inside had to have tipped off In Touch with specifics to get them the police report.

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I'm not saying that I'm 100% sure that the Kellers and Anna knew or didnt know about this prior to Anna and Josh courting, or at all, but it makes me wonder why on Earth would Pa Keller send Suze to live with them after they first got married, if he did know?! It makes me ragey to think of how they ostracized Suze for her out of wedlock baby, but molesting your sisters, eh, they give it a pass! I'm glad that Suze is somewhat back in their lives and they recognize her kid as their granddaughter, but it's still pretty fucked up if you think about.

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I stand by the fact that someone on the inside had to have tipped off In Touch with specifics to get them the police report.

I could definitely see this hinted at by an insider enough to tip off In Touch. Probably easier to send a tabloid to get the info and break the news, than attempt to break it themselves.

Is it inevitable that we will eventually find out who brought this to light, and why? Or is it likely that the Duggars/TLC will be able to suppress that info?

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I'm not saying that I'm 100% sure that the Kellers and Anna knew or didnt know about this prior to Anna and Josh courting, or at all, but it makes me wonder why on Earth would Pa Keller send Suze to live with them after they first got married, if he did know?! It makes me ragey to think of how they ostracized Suze for her out of wedlock baby, but molesting your sisters, eh, they give it a pass! I'm glad that Suze is somewhat back in their lives and they recognize her kid as their granddaughter, but it's still pretty fucked up if you think about.

Ugh, this is so true. God, these people have terrible judgment!

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I can't stand Lena Dunham - that whole situation also made me sick - however totally different situation with different circumstances (and probably was discussed to death on a different board under different usernames). We're gonna leave that there.

I am glad that TLC is pulling the episodes. Fingers crossed that this leads the kids to a happy, normal life.

Reminder to give the kids in your life a hug and tell them they matter. It doesn't solve all problems, but at least they'll know if something bad does happen, you got their back.

Montel Williams has a great statement and replies to leghumpers on his FB. Sorry if it's already been posted.

https://www.facebook.com/MontelWilliams ... 4842266873

New respect for Montel. Who knew.

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None of the leghumpers who say they are defending the Duggars seem to care that the Duggars who need the most love and support are the ones who were victimized by Josh, not Josh himself and the parents who covered up for them. The girls matter too, even more than Josh, because nobody tried to protect them. They don't care about the girls, or the truth, all they care about is the family's reputation and how they want them to be a good, wholesome Christian family. Well they are not, its lies. How could they deny it.

They want to defend the Duggars. Defend the ones who need it most, and they aren't the ones who did something wrong. Or do they not matter. Should they have just shut up and not told anyone and pretended it never happened, because no amount of denial can change that it did happen. They just want to live in a state of blissful ignorance and silence anyone who wants to shatter their reality that the Duggars are not perfect. Even if it means that some of the children suffer for it.

I want to deny it, I wish it was just a rumour. Wish it never happened. I didn't want to believe it until I actually saw the evidence. But once you see the evidence, there is no way it couldn't have happened, and no way to make that right again.

I don't care how sorry Josh is. Im sad for him that he was so disturbed as a child that he touched other children, but nothing will ever make it not happen. Josh did it, he even admits it. Nothing can make those girls un-molested. There is nothing that can be done to make this truly right again, they will always have the memories, and they will always have the mental scars. Things will never be okay.

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I can't stand Lena Dunham - that whole situation also made me sick - however totally different situation with different circumstances (and probably was discussed to death on a different board under different usernames). We're gonna leave that there.

I am glad that TLC is pulling the episodes. Fingers crossed that this leads the kids to a happy, normal life.

Reminder to give the kids in your life a hug and tell them they matter. It doesn't solve all problems, but at least they'll know if something bad does happen, you got their back.

Montel Williams has a great statement and replies to leghumpers on his FB. Sorry if it's already been posted.

https://www.facebook.com/MontelWilliams ... 4842266873

Montel? Holy shit. I didn't even know he had uber strong opinions on the Duggars. Good for him for speaking out, and for actively posting in his comments section to defend his opinions.

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I really want to know how any one can think a 4 to 12 year old can be molested by her brother and just because time has passed, it's all over? How can anyone believe abuse like this doesn't have long lasting effects?? I don't know that the girls are tortured every day of their lives from it, maybe they are, maybe they aren't. But how can anyone assume they're good with all of it bc it is in the past???? I'm still kinda mad that some girls teased me in 4th grade and they used nothing but their words! Things from the past have lifelong effects sometimes.

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I had the same thought as an earlier poster about Josh & Anna's buying a house in Arkansas -- does make me wonder if they knew back then that this was going to come to light and would mean the end of his job or any other DC-related aspirations.

Also, without meaning to focus on the identity of which girls, I'm pondering the strong bond that there often is between twins, and wondering how JD might be feeling about all this. There would be (back when they first became aware of the situation) a normal amount of wanting to protect vulnerable siblings, but there might also have been an extra amount of energy due to the twin-connection.

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I had an episode on my DVR, the dishing with the Duggars episode where Josh sits down for an hour and flashes back to his courtship and early marriage. I made a list of the sponsors of that episode if anyone wanted to write to them. I know someone already posted some sponsors but most of these were different.

By far the 3 biggest sponsors are Kohls, Coke Cola brands and Nabsico brands. There were many commericals with Nabisco or coke products.

Honest Company diapers

Life Alert




Trip Advisor

Ashley Furniture

Lumber Liquidators

Beautyrest Mattress




Vicord cord blood banking

I actually felt a bit ill FF through this episode seeing Josh and Anna for an hour. I really hope the show stays off the air.

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Where would the Duggars stand on abortion be if Joshy impregnated one of their girls?

lets buy the girls some new shirts. they can say "I survived Duggar Vs Duggar"

I remember reading stuff on here about one of the younger kids potentially being the child of an older "sibling" but I just thought it was hyperbole for 'they pretty much act like their mother sooo'

Now that we all know about the truth behind the Sin in the Camp... Urg. I really hope there was no penetrative abuse going on.

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I don't believe tlc didn't know. They just fed us an hour of bullshit about how close they are to the camera crew. We're supposed to believe that NO ONE explained why they can't be alone, the cameras in the bedroom, the hurt feelings? Bullshit.

These girls may have been raised to be doormats but they actually have personalities and feelings.

Mr Jim, I'm talking to you! Speak up!

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I'm absolutely sick about this and I'm most worried about Josh's oldest daughter--I never spell Mackenzie right. Anna needs to leave him and never look back. Divorce is a huge sin in their religion but molestation of Josh's daughters is a BIG possibility if it hasn't happened already.

My dad worked as a rehabilitation counselor on a specialized sexual predator unit in a state hospital (lock up facility) for 16 years. In the beginning he was proud of his work and never spoke about the men that were locked up on the unit. As time went on, my father began to sink in and out of a deep depression. He looked absolutely lifeless when returning home from work. When he reached the 10 year employment mark, and continued until his retirement recently, he frequently voiced his disgust and hatred for the men he was trying to rehabilitate. He has repeated time and time again that sexual abusers cannot be fully rehabilitated and that they are the worst kind of monsters. This is so heartbreaking for Josh's family and his victims. I have not one ounce of sympathy for Josh himself. Jim Bob and Michelle are absolutely disgusting and I hope their minor children are placed with Jill and Derick.

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Montel Williams is actually a pretty bad ass dude. I don't agree with all his positions, but he calls things for what they are and is surprisingly respectful of different opinions. And he fully owns up to his actions. That's all I ask from my talking heads.

In other news, Huckabee is asking for Josh's forgiveness. Lest us not forget Huckabee covered up his own son hanging a dog.

https://www.facebook.com/HuffPostMedia/ ... _tracking={%22tn%22%3A%22O%22}

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I feel for the J'slaves. Every leghumper that posts some "We Stand With Josh" nonsense is sending them a message loud & clear: "We Don't Care What Happened To You!" That's got to be hard to deal with.

I think the "counseling" they got was being told, over and over, to forgive him or they would bear the greater sin. Then they were shipped off to get "counseling" with Gothard.

Does anyone remember a few years ago when they were talking about what they were looking for in a boy and one of them said (unconvincingly) someone like Josh?

Also "Alice" seems to have hold a big grudge against the Duggars, I think she may be the mom or grandma of the 5th girl, and the person who tipped off Oprah.

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so michelle's big theory that covering their girls head to toe to prevent males from being tempted doesn't seem to be very sound now does it? and children never being able to see the bodies of their opposite-sex diaper or swimsuit-wearing siblings wasn't the healthiest plan either. that just made josh more curious. whenever anything is made so taboo so irrationally, of course a little kid is going to try to check it out. his sisters were the only females available to him. he didn't have access to friends, radio, magazines, books, tv, internet or even cult-free adults to learn about healthy relationships. my skin is crawling.

also the duggars' completely bogus (IMO), home-churching and home-schooling protected the family from exposure to any mandated abuse reporter i.e a real teacher, school nurse or real clergyperson.

p.s... i don't think joshie has to molest any girls anymore because now he has his very own vagina required to be available to him at all times

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